11 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
  2. Nov 2022
  3. Dec 2021
  4. update.lib.berkeley.edu update.lib.berkeley.edu
    1. Do you … ? … save random URLs in a Word or Google Doc? … save article PDFs on your desktop and as email attachments? … have a pile of article printouts sitting on your desk? … write down citations on sticky notes and post them to your monitor? … stay up late the night before a paper is due reconstructing your citations? If you answered yes to any of the above … the answer is YES,  you need Zotero


  5. Apr 2020
    1. ing was that the teacher-education students in our study did not see their set online tasks as being valuable to their

      FOllow up later

  6. Feb 2020
    1. uld argue the text is most guilty of exoticism as it reflects a sense of wonder about different groups of people without any reference to respective racial superiority or inferi

      guilty of exoticism - wonder, "otherness"

    2. “the Anglo-Saxon readers and viewers of these texts probably considered them true”

      early english readers probably considered the wonders real

  7. Apr 2019
  8. Jul 2017
    1. Microlectures are just what they sound like

      Actually, microlectures are NOT just what they sound like. This implies an abbreviated lecture (ie., Ted talk or Khan Academy). Instead these are strategically designed 60 second presentations incorporating metaphors and keywords, designed to arouse curiosity. Learning takes place when the learner actively participates in knowledge acquisition and synergy.

  9. Aug 2016
    1. California Crisis

      Geographical limiters and case studies.

    2. Quoted in “A Gathering Storm — ViolentCrime in America,” Police Executive ResearchForum, October 2006, p. 9, www.policefo-rum.org/upload/Gathering-Storm-PRINT-Final_110473745_1027200610304.pdf.

      Track down citations that look interesting to you.

    3. Should nonviolent drug offendersbe sent to prison?

      Sub-question and division in the topic. Also specifies a particular population in the issue. Maybe you wish to focus only on nonviolent drug offenses.