7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. He argued that the criminalization of marijuana use taught people disrespect for the law and the courts.
    2. Many committed residents of districts like Haight-Ashbury, Chicago's Old Town, and Manhattan's Lower East Side helped keep the experiment up and running by selling illegal drugs, which gave them the economic means to pursue their new way of life.
    3. he Diggers, a group of "Life-Actors," used LSD as a tool to "deschool" themselves and challenge traditional norms. They organized events like free food giveaways and used spectacle and pageantry to create a sense of community and possibility.
    4. Stephen Gaskin, LSD was a way to experience a lived sense of collective harmony, where individuals could transcend their individuality and become one with the universe. Others, like Allen Cohen, saw LSD as a "rocket engine" that could speed up social and creative change by opening up new pathways to mystical and creative insights.
    5. hey believed that LSD could be a tool for creating a communal youth consciousness and achieving a group identity. For some, dropping acid pointed them toward political struggle and social change.
    6. The use of LSD, in particular, was a "resource" that enabled people to reinterpret and mobilize cultural schemata in new ways.