- Nov 2024
radanskoric.com radanskoric.com
On most real life projects, the speed of development is easily worth an occasional corner case bug with an unexpected nil value … except when it isn’t.
speed of development vs. safety
- Mar 2024
archive.org archive.org
"RUN – Unabhängiges Commodore Computermagazin", Ausgabe 10/Oktober 1986, which has a hexdump code listing of a C64 Zettelkasten
ᔥ[Michael Gisiger[]] in mastodon: (@gisiger@nerdculture.de)
Lust auf #Retrocomputing und #PKM mit einem #Zettelkasten? Bitte schön, in der Oktober-Ausgabe 1986 des #Commodore Magazins RUN findet sich ein Listing für den #C64 dazu. Viel Spass beim Abtippen 😅
See additional conversation at: https://www.reddit.com/r/c64/comments/1bg0ja1/does_anyone_have_the_zettelkasten_program_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Try the TOSEC archive for C64. You will also find that in the archive. I think they have a lot of those type-ins as .prg files so you can mount them in VICE and run them.
- Sep 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
An object in object-oriented language is essentially a record that contains procedures specialized to handle that record; and object types are an elaboration of record types. Indeed, in most object-oriented languages, records are just special cases of objects, and are known as plain old data structures (PODSs), to contrast with objects that use OO features.
- May 2023
blog.janestreet.com blog.janestreet.com
Emphasizing lifetime-polymorphism can also make type inference untenable, a design choice that wouldn’t fit OCaml.
References or sources? Why? Presumably there's some research into this?
- Aug 2021
zio.github.io zio.github.io
We can also define these properties for data types that we do not control, for example providing a custom way of hashing a data type implemented by someone else
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The distinction in computer programming between classes and objects is related, though in this context, "class" sometimes refers to a set of objects (with class-level attribute or operations) rather than a description of an object in the set, as "type" would.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
a class is an implementation—a concrete data structure and collection of subroutines—while a type is an interface
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
“There is very little incentive for Microsoft to make a significant change to features that are used extremely widely by the rest of the massive community of Excel users.”
Microsoft did the right thing here. Most users are not geneticists and they rely on automatic date conversion.
- Feb 2021
sobolevn.me sobolevn.me
Now you can easily spot them! The rule is: if you see a Result it means that this function can throw an exception. And you even know its type in advance.
github.com github.com
Make your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To emphasize how Just acts on the underlying value by wrapping it, it can be redefined as a function too, called eta for now
- Oct 2020
Informative data about objects that are considered prototypes for the role. Base concept is similar to type, but without inheritance of limitations and properties. Base concepts are designed as a substitute for inheritance for external concepts. A base concept is like a related concept except that the base concept is almost identical to the role definition.
- Dec 2015
math.mit.edu math.mit.eduCT4S.pdf1
In 1980 Joachim Lambek showed that the types and programs used in computerscience form a specific kind of category. This provided a new semantics for talking aboutprograms, allowing people to investigate how programs combine and compose to createother programs, without caring about the specifics of implementation. Eugenio Moggibrought the category theoretic notion of monads into computer science to encapsulateideas that up to that point were considered outside the realm of such theory.