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- Oct 2024
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When an Article or Book has been written, it must betype-written before it is sent to the Editor or Publisher,that is to say, unless it has been ordered beforehand orunless you are well known. The reason is not simplythat Type-writing looks better than ordinary writing,and that it is easier to read, but it actually is a fact thatfew Editors or Publishers will read anything that is notType- written.
Even as early as 1905 (or 1899 if we go by the dating of the introduction), typewritten manuscripts were de rigueur for submission to editors and publishers.
Type-writing (see p. 369) is becoming more and morecommonly used, and for certain purposes it is indispen-s
Note that he's writing in 1899 (via the introduction), and certainly not later than 1905 (publication date).