5,099 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. natural selection

      The evolutionary process in which organisms acquire adaptations to allow survival in an environment.

    2. linkage disequilibrium

      The phenomenon is which two or more alleles are associated more frequently than expected.

    3. partial selective sweeps

      Beneficial mutations that increase an organism's survival and reproductive rate are favored by natural selection. That is, alleles that increase an individual’s fitness are increased in frequency. Eventually most beneficial mutations become fixed : their frequency will reach 1. However, mutations increase in frequency but don’t get fixed. Beneficial mutations that are nearly fixed result in partial selective sweep.

    4. point of fixation

      A change in the gene pool where one allele becomes the dominant allele.

    5. frequency

      The ratio of one allele to other alleles in a particular population.

    6. haplotype

      A set of genes inherited by a single parent.

    7. single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

      A DNA sequence variation that occurs in a single nucleotide base.

    8. alleles

      One or two alternate forms of a gene that have arisen via mutation, that are found at the same location on the same chromosome.

    9. resting ventilation

      resting breathing rate

    10. homeostasis

      The tendency of a body toward balanced physiological conditions in reaction to specific stimulus. For example, maintaining a body temp of 98.6 F regardless of the environmental temperature.

    11. transcriptional regulator

      A protein or molecule that regulates the transcription of DNA to RNA.

    12. positive selection

      When a specific trait is made more prevalent overtime in a population (the Tibetan highlands people in this case), because this trait increases the survival and reproduction of the person who expresses it.

    13. ventilation

      The exchange of air between the lungs and atmospheric air.

    14. vasodilation

      The widening of blood vessels, which decreased blood pressure.

    15. NO

      Nitric oxide

    16. oxygen-transport system

      The oxygen transport system consists of the lungs and blood vessels. Oxygen is transported from the lungs through blood vessels.

    17. aerobic metabolism

      Cellular process where energy generated by the cell (in the form of ATP) is made through oxidative phosphorylation (the electron transport chain) where oxygen is the final electron acceptor.

    18. hypoxic

      low oxygen concentration

    19. compensate

      To make up for

    20. hemoglobin

      A molecule found on red blood cells that is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the body of vertebrates.

    21. physiologic traits

      A characteristic associated with the normal function of the body.

    22. late Pleistocene

      A time period between 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago.

    1. cytopathicity

      the change that occurs in a cell due to disease or infection

    2. neonatal

      newborn children, specifically up to 4 weeks old

    3. flavivirus

      single stranded RNA viruses that are transmitted by insects, such as mosquitos

    4. knockouts (KOs)

      a genetic technique that genetically modifies genome sequences to have a specific missing or inactivate gene that is “knocked-out” of the organism

    5. premature chromosome condensation (PCC)

      when mitotic cells fuse with interphase cells, causing premature mitosis

    6. wild-type (WT)

      a gene or characteristic that prevails among individuals in natural conditions

    7. cytomegalovirus

      a virus belonging to the herpesvirus family causing a variety of symptoms in those with a weakened immune system or pregnant

    8. recapitulated

      summarize or state the main point again

    9. cyclin-dependent kinase

      family of kinases that regulate the cell cycle through the transfer of phosphate groups

    10. neuroblastoma

      tumors that arise from early forms of nerve cells in an embryo/fetus

    11. glioblastoma

      tumors that arise from cells that make up supportive tissue in the brain

    12. neural progenitors

      a stem cell that has limited cellular divisions and can differentiate into a neuron or glial cell

    13. pleiotropic

      two or more phenotypic traits are influenced by one gene

    14. in vivo

      in a living organism

    15. in vitro

      happens outside of the normal environment, such as in a test tube or petri dish

    16. transfected

      inserting RNA or DNA into a cell through a plasmid

    17. intracranial calcifications

      abnormal calcium deposits in certain parts of the brain

    18. cortical malformations

      abnormal development of the outer layer of the cerebrum of the brain

    19. microcephaly

      underdevelopment of the brain causing a child’s head to be smaller than normal

    1. p38 kinases

      Kinases are proteins that help move phosphate groups from one protein to another. p38 kinase phosphorylates tau and each form phosphorylates at a different site.

    1. accession Nos

      An accession number in BLAST is the specific identification number of a sequence. AT

    2. homology

      Homology in protein sequences means that the sequences are similar enough that we can assume they developed from the same ancestral gene. AT

    3. marine biotoxin okadaic acid

      This marine biotoxin is incredibly common in aquatic environments because of pollution and other factors. Thus it was important to investigate how it affects the DNA/chromatin of mussels. Researchers mapped out the specific effects of the biotoxin and compiled it in a database.

    4. models

      A model organism is a species with a fast regeneration time and a relatively simple genome. We try to find similarities between model organisms and complex ones in order to make a clinical use of the research. AT

    5. sessile

      fixed in one place; immobile. EM

    6. alternative splicing

      A regulated process during gene expression that results in a single gene coding for multiple proteins. EM

    7. nonallelic

      Alleles are different possible expressions of a single gene. When one is expressed the other is silenced. For nonallelic genes, both can be expressed at the same time. AT

    8. canonical

      A core protein as opposed to a variant. AT

    9. upregulation

      Upregulation stimulates transcription and makes it go faster. Downregulation would make transcription go slower. AT

    10. gonadal

      pertaining to the sex or reproductive glands of an organism that produces gametes (sex cells) and sex hormones.

    11. promoter

      The promoter is a region in DNA that tells the RNA polymerase protein where to begin transcription. AT

    12. sequence divergence

      The H2A.Z.1 and H2A.Z.2 came from a common ancestor and developed mutations in their amino acid sequences that eventually gave them their own separate functions. AT

    13. chromatin

      A complex of nucleic acids and proteins, which condense to form chromosomes during cell division, is highly consisted of DNA, RNA and proteins.

    14. H2A.Z.2

      Similar to H2A.Z.1 in structure. Mediates cell proliferation, which is defined by the balance between cell divisions and cell loss through cell death or differentiation. EM

    15. H2A.Z.1

      H2A.Z.1 differs from H2A.Z.2 by three amino acids. Functions range from transcriptional regulation, chromosome transmission and DNA damage repair. EM

    16. H2A.Z

      H2A.Z is another variant in the H2A family. It replaces the core H2A protein and is involved in gene silencing. It wraps the DNA tighter than a normal H2A protein would. It is also involved in sensing heat which can damage the DNA or proteins. AT

    17. H2A.B

      H2A.B histone is present in actively transcribing DNA and helps during the elongation stage of transcription. AT

    18. macroH2A

      macroH2A is a variant that represses transcription (the transfer of genetic information from DNA to messenger RNA). It also works to inactivate the expression of alleles on one of the X chromosomes. AT

    19. variants

      A variant histone is a substitute protein that acts in place of a real histone protein. They have mutations that result in a functional group. A functional group is an additional group on a protein that carries out a particular job (ie. signal, attachment point, etc). AT

    20. Histones

      A protein structure that DNA winds around to compact the DNA into tight structures instead of being loose in the nucleus. The protein amino acid sequence has two tail ends, the N-terminal at the beginning and C-terminal at the end. For histones these ends act as receptors to a signal that tells them to either open up to allow transcription or close to inhibit transcription. AT

    21. chromosomes

      A threadlike structure of nucleic acids tightly wounded by histone proteins that carry complex genetic information in the form of genes.


    22. H2A

      There are five main families of histone proteins in eukaryotic cells. The family consists of several closely related histones. AT

    1. imidacloprid

      Currently the most widely used pesticide in the world. It is used to control pests in agricultural crops and forests. It is also sold for home use, such as for gardening, killing household pests, and treating fleas in pets.

    2. ecosystem services

      Resources and benefits that humans receive from properly functioning environments (e.g., clean water, pollination, flood protection, waste decomposition, and recreational enjoyment).

    3. bioactive range

      The concentration of a chemical at which effects on the body can be observed.

    4. limits of quantification (LOQ)

      Different terms are used to standardize the question, "How much of chemical X does this sample contain?" The smallest concentration at which a chemical can be feasibly measured is known as the limit of detection, or LOD. The limit of quantification (LOQ) is the LOD plus any adjustment for known measurement bias or imprecision. LOQ can be thought of as the lowest LOD that can be made confidently.

      Because of different instruments and protocols, LOQs vary across studies, which may make comparison difficult. (See definition for "quantification thresholds" above.)

    5. Maximum residue levels (MRLs)

      A term used in food safety by the European Commission, a legal body of the European Union: "The traces pesticides leave in treated products are called 'residues.' A maximum residue level (MRL) is the highest level of a pesticide residue that is legally tolerated in or on food or feed when pesticides are applied correctly."

    6. quantification thresholds

      Sensitivity in detecting a chemical of interest. Varying quantification thresholds make comparisons across studies difficult, because there is no standardized baseline measurement. For example, if Lab A uses an instrument that is much more sensitive than Lab B's, then Lab A may report measurements that were too low for Lab B to detect. As a result, Lab B will appear to report higher results than Lab A. (See definition for "limit of quantification (LOQ)" below.)

    1. distribution

      A set of numbers arranged based on frequency.

    2. descriptive statistics

      Describe the features of a set of numbers, for example the average, median, mode.

    3. inverse correlate

      An increase of one value is associated with a decrease in another value.

    4. monosaccharide

      A one-ring sugar, cannot be metabolized to a simpler sugar form, unlike disaccharides (two-ring sugars), which can be metabolized to monosaccharides.

    5. oogenesis

      Production of egg cells.

    6. vertical transmission

      Passage of a disease-causing agent from parent to offspring.

    7. Metazoan

      A subdivision of the animal kingdom that includes all multicellular animal organisms having cells that are differentiated and form tissues and organs.

    8. endosymbiont

      Any organism that lives within the body or cells of another, offering some benefit and receiving some benefit in return.

    1. claspers

      These are two symmetrical extremities underneath the middle of a male ray or shark - Alejandro

    2. ArcGIS software.

      It is a software that is engineered to accurately create maps that match with physical geographical sites on the planet - Alejandro

    3. Carcharhinid sharks

      There are 50 species of carcharhinid sharks that can be grouped into 12 different genera. If the shark follows a migration path, stays in generally warm waters, and contains the stereotypical shark look, it can be considered a carcharhinid shark. - Alejandro

    4. acoustic monitoring

      Radiation in the form of sound waves. -Mohammad

    5. log distance

      Log distance predicts the path loss a signal encounters inside a building or densely populated areas over distance. -Sindy

    6. spurious detections

      Detection's that appeared valid but in fact were not. -Sindy

    7. V16 transmitters

      The previously mentioned transmitters all starting with the letter V are versions of acoustic telemetry monitors. -Sindy

    8. endemic

      An endemic species is a species that tends to stick in one area or habitat for its whole life. Examples of an endemic species include the vasayan spotted deer, and the lemurs in madagascar.

    9. spatial abundance pattern

      Spatial and temporal abundance patterns relate to the study. Temporal abundance pattern has to do with quantity over a period of time and spatial abundance patterns have to do with quantity over a particular area of space. -Sindy

    10. focal species

      Focal species are species that are extremely sensitive to the changes in an environment. -Sindy

    11. temporal monitoring studies

      Temporal monitoring is monitoring that is conducted over time. -Sindy

    12. Marine reserves

      A marine reserve is an area of the ocean that is protected and allows for the recovery of marine life and the expansion of it as well. -Sindy

    13. site-fidelity

      Side-fidelity, also known as philanthropy, is the likelihood of a particular organism to stay in a set habitat, or to return to it. There are many reasons to this, such as breeding and food abundance. -Sindy

    1. ecotypes

      The word ecotypes refers to different species of a plant or animal living in a specific habitat.

      • Carolina Jimenez-Pinilla
    2. Parapatric

      This term is used to describe speciation that happens when populations are separated by an acute difference in habitat opposed to a separation by a physical barrier.

      • Carolina Jimenez-Pinilla
    3. hemipterans

      Hemipterans are an order of insects that share the common characteristic of a sucking mouthpart. Beatles are different because they have chewing mouthparts.

      • Carolina Jimenez-Pinilla
    4. chromatography

      a process of separation where components are distributed; in this case the chemical components of the gas

      • Carolina Jimenez-Pinilla
    5. parapatric distribution

      Parapatric distribution refers to a distributional pattern where pairs of taxa are partially overlapping or have separate but adjacent distributions, typically along common boundaries.

      -Angela Mujica

    6. Protium subserratum Engl.

      The Protium subserratum Engl. is the name of a species that has distinct defense mechanisms and is in the genus Protium, which are flowering plants in the family Burseraceae.

      -Angela Mujica

    1. phenology

      the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life.

    2. niche

      conditions under which an animal lives -RKL

    3. ILD

      Isothermal Layer Depth YS & WT

    4. SST

      Sea Surface Temperature YS & WT

    5. metabolic scope

      Difference between active metabolic rate (AMR) and standard metabolic rate (SMR)

    6. spatiotemporal information

      Information relative to the space and time of the tagged fish. --MSars

    7. hitherto

      Until now or until the point in time under discussion -M.A.S.

    8. viscerally implanted

      Visceral= in the organs. -M.A.S

    9. heterogeneity

      The quality or state of being diverse in character or content RS

    10. peritoneal

      Peritoneal- The area that contains the abdominal organs. The sentence references the peritoneal temperature, so that is the temperature in the abdominal region.

      • D.N.B.
    11. a proxy for feeding

      authorization for feeding -M.A.S

    1. BEM

      Stands for "boundary element model", which is used to model electric field structure based on the electric organ and to deduce electric field source poles from an electric field.

    2. electroreception

      " the ability to detect weak naturally occurring electrostatic fields in the environment. Electroreception is found in a number of vertebrate species, including the members of... of teleosts (a group of ray-finned fishes) and...Electroreception facilitates the detection of prey or other food sources and objects and is used by some species as a means of social communication." (Hopkins,2017)

      -This excerpt provides a brief synopsis of what electroreception is and explains its relevance to the experiment discussed in this article.


    3. teleost fish

      An extremely large and diverse group of fish that are mainly identified by the presence of a homocercal tail;in which the upper and lower parts of the tail are equal in size. An example of a teleost fish would be a tuna or hailbut.

      -Kierra Hobdy


    4. ampullary electroreceptive predator

      A predator that is able to use to receptors in their electric organs to sense the environment around them . The electrorecptors in the organism are located in a dilated part of a canal or duct . -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    5. EO propagation

      The spread of the signals that are emitted by the electric organs within the organism -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    6. ventral

      The anatomical position that relates to the underside or the abdominal part of an organism -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    7. biphasic

      A cycle, object or process that has two phases -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    8. rostral

      The anatomical term that refers to the area of the body that located near the oral and nasal region . -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    9. phylogenetic relationships.

      Relationships between the evolutionary history of a group of organisms . "poly" - many "genetic"- origin -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    10. ampullary

      Resembling an ampulla , An ampulla is a dilated piece of a canal or duct. -Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    11. noninnervated anterior face

      This phrase means that the front-facing side of the organism does not have a supply of nerve. "non" - not , "innervated"- to supply with nerves

      Michelle Oriana Gomez-Guevara

    1. diapause

      The pause that occurs in an insect during development. - Nicole Jones

    2. metamorphosis

      Transformation from juvenile to adult where the adult will have similar hormone levels before and after metamorphosis. - Nicole Jones

    3. versatile

      able to adapt or be adapted to different functions. In this case, the juvenile hormone is a molecule that adjust to different environments. - Nicole Jones

    4. fluorescent

      means to show radiation from somewhere else by allowing the wavelength to become shorter with a x-rays or ultraviolet ways. - Nicole Jones

    5. derivatization

      this a technique used in chemistry. It is important because it allows for a chemical compound to become a similar product of a desired chemical structure. - NAJ

    1. ong-term potentiation deficits

      memory formation deficits or ability to retain memories deficit

    1. inland waters

      These are permanent bodies of waters found interior to the coastal waters. These bodies include rivers, lakes and resevoirs.

    2. pretreatment year

      Temperature, volumetric flow and discharge were observed and recorded for a year prior to the experiment.

    3. human-disturbed landscapes

      Environments and ecosystems perturbed due to human interference.

    4. biological processing of C

      The biological system includes bacteria, fungi and invertebrates. Fungi colonizes the leaves once they fall in the stream and break down the carbon.

    5. dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)

      Dissolved inorganic nitrogen is the combination of nitrogen forms nitrate, nitrite and ammonium. This is the most available form of nitrogen used by algae.

    6. soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP)

      SRP is a measure of the filterable portion of phosphate known as orthophosphate.

    7. terrestrial organic C

      This is a carbon source found on land commonly in biotic organisms.

    8. particulate organic C (POC)

      Particulate organic carbon is a source of carbon to the ocean obtained from living organisms and detritus ; it is larger compared to dissolved organic carbon.

    9. Editor's Introduction

      Within an ecosystem, there are external factors which may threaten the balance. Effects on stream ecosystems are heavily influenced by nutrients. Phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon balance is essential to keep the ecosystem consistent. When carbon is released from the streams, it does not easily re-enter and goes into different forms. An excess of nutrients and the lack of standards for these ecosystems may be detrimental. Why is it important to conduct such research? Why is it important to care for and monitor other ecosystems?

    10. Experimental nutrient additions accelerate terrestrial carbon loss from stream ecosystems

      Effects of Nutrients on Stream Ecosystems

    1. homoplasy

      A characteristic that is shared within species but not present within their ancestors.


    2. hermaphroditic flowers

      A flower that contains sex organs of both the male and female. These organs are known as the carpellate (produces ovules) for females and staminate (produces pollen) for males.


    3. herbarium specimens

      A collection of preserved plant specimen used for specific scientific study.


    4. hastula

      The junction between the leaf and the stem blade.


    5. taxon

      Is a unit of biological classifications of an organism. This can be a group of rank such as, species, family or class.


    6. anthropogenic

      The influence of humans in the modification of nature.


    7. habitat fragmentation

      The division of large habitats into smaller patches, resulting in discontinuities within the organisms preferred habitat.

      This phenomena results in the degradation of an ecosystem.


    8. genetic variation

      Genetic variation is the differences in the genetic makeup within populations over time.


    9. fructifications

      In angiosperms, when a plant bares fruit.


    10. inflorescences

      In a flowering plant, it is a cluster of flowers either on a main branch or system of branches.


    11. ethnobotanical

      The study of how humans within a cultures use plants as folk remedy.


    1. invasive

      can spread something harmful (NAJ)

    2. blastula

      early stage of development (NAJ)

    3. terrestrial

      anything having to involve only earth's resources. (NJ)

    4. nematodes

      relating to a round-worm or thread-like worm. (NJ)

    5. inaugural

      Initiation of a group. (NJ)

    6. biomimetic

      A copy of a natural system. (NJ)

    7. vectors

      An organism that spreads diseases. (NJ)

    8. synthetic

      A design of a biological system. (NJ)

    9. parasites

      An organism that benefits from living from a host which is another organism. (NJ)

    10. paraphyletic

      Having a common ancestor. (NJ)

    11. glycoproteins

      proteins that have carbohydrate groups. (NJ)

    12. asexually

      Reproduction without a male and female. (NJ)

    13. heterotrophic

      An organism that can make food. (NJ)

    14. sequencing

      An order. In this case, RNA and DNA are aligned to facilitate gene expression. (NJ)

    15. conservation

      Preserved. (NJ)

    16. transcriptomes

      All the genes expressed by mRNA. (NJ)

    17. phyletic

      Has evolved in some way. (NJ)

    18. genomes

      a complete set of genes that carry information in an organism. (NJ)

    19. invertebrates

      an animal that does not have a backbone. (NJ)

    20. metazoan

      means a living organism that is multicellular. (NJ)

    1. phylogenetic

      Phylogeny refers to the study of evolutionary history among groups of organisms or individuals. The phylogenetic tree is a diagram that illustrates the relationships among species; this diagram is based on similarities and differences in the physical or genetic characteristics of different organisms. This diagram shows that all organisms originate from a single ancestor but have diverged due to speciation over a long period of time. (JP)

    2. speciation

      Speciation is an evolutionary process where populations become distinct from each other over a long period of time and develop into a new species. (JP)

    3. taxa

      Taxonomy deals with naming and classifying organisms. A taxonomic group of any rank, such as a species, family, or class is a taxa. ~S.Z.

    4. molecular divergence

      The mutation rate of biomolecules is calculated and used narrow down the time in prehistory when two or more organisms diverged. (SZ)

    5. sister taxa

      Taxa refers to taxonomical groups like species, family, or class. Taxa are used in classifying organisms based on relatedness of characteristics.

      Sister taxa refers to two groups in which the organisms derived from a common ancestral organism, therefore these two groups are very closely related. (DV)

    6. molecular divergence

      Divergence is the differentiation of something (like an organism's genetic information) from its common state.

      Molecular divergence is the differentiation between the nucleotide sequence in DNA or amino acid sequences in proteins of organisms. (DV)

    7. transisthmian

      Transisthmian refers to the opposite sides of an isthmus. The authors utilize this term to portray that the shrimps that were measured were from opposite sides (Pacific side and Caribbean side) of the Isthmus of Panama. ~J.D.A. (DV)

    8. sporadic

      Sporadic production is referring to production that occurs in an irregular manner. the fertile clutches will occur in at an inconsistent interval. ~S.Z.

    9. unambiguously

      straightforward, clear. (SZ)

    10. divergence

      A process by which a species evolves into two or more descendant or different forms (SZ)

    11. Fossil foraminiferal assemblages

      Foraminifera are single-celled planktonic animals. They have an external shell and a granular ectoplasm for catching their food. When they die their shell becomes part of seafloor matter. ~J.D.A.

    12. cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene

      A gene coding for the cytochrome oxidase enzyme. This enzyme is found in the mitochondrial membrane. It is responsible for catalyzing transfer of electrons to the oxygen atom. This is for the electron transport chain to make ATP as a product. ~J.D.A.

    13. allozymes

      Allozyme is an enzyme. They are coded by differ alleles found at the same locus of the gene. They were studied in this experiment via taxonomic branching to map out closely related pairs. ~J.D.A.

    14. gene flow

      This explains the process of gene transfer. Usually this is observed from shifts in genes between different populations. So lets say a blue bird from one population migrates out of its territory and mates with a brown bird from the new population, the allele frequency shifts. ~J.D.A.

    15. molecular divergence

      Annotation needed

    1. acceleration specialist

      A fish that swims with moderate drag and maximized thrust. These fishes are evasive and have prey locally available near them, unlike cruising specialists. Some acceleration specialists are barracudas, flounders, and pike.

    2. stride length

      The length a fish swims with one tail beat (one stride). In humans, this would be the amount of distance a person walks with one step they make. Larger fish have larger stride lengths.

    1. hypermorphic


      Hypermorphic refers to mutations in the gene that result in an increase of gene expression. Therefore, hypermorphic alleles result in hyper-pigmentation as described in the paper.


    2. prostaglandin


      Prostaglandin are a group of fatty acids that act as hormones in the body. For example, during pregnancy the contractions are stimulated by a prostaglandin.


    3. hypoxic


      Hypoxia refers to the condition in the body where there is a deprivation of oxygen to the tissues.


    4. heterotypic


      Heterotypic refers things that are different in form or type. So, heterotypic cell to cell adhesion is adhesion between two different types of cells.


    5. catenin


      Catenin is a type of protein in the human body that is in charge of regulation and coordination of cell to cell adhesion.


    6. synergistic effects

      Synergistic effects

      Synergistic effects refers to an effect where the combination of both is greater than the sum of the individual parts. So the whole is greater than its individual parts.


    7. irradiation


      Irradiation refers to treating something with radiation, in this case UV light.


    8. aberrant


      Aberrant refers to something that differs from the accepted standard, so it could be something that is abnormal. For example aberrant Edn3 expression is that expression which differs from the norm.


    9. melanomagenesis


      Melanomagenesis efers to the development of melanoma through the multi step process of genetic mutations.


    10. epigenetic


      Epigenetics relates to non genetic influences on gene expression, so the way our genes are expressed can be affected by factors not encoded in the gene. For example DNA methylation is an epigenetic change that affects gene expression.


    11. co-cultured


      Co-cultured refers in this case to culturing two different types of cells together. For example, the null NC cells were cultured together with the wild typeneural tube explants. This would be co-culturing.


    12. non-cutaneous


      Cutaneous refers to something in the body relating to the skin. Therefore, non-cutaneous refers to something that does not have something to do with the skin. For example non-cutaneous melanocytes would be those that grow in areas not relating the the skin.


    13. melanoblasts


      Melanoblasts are precursors to melanocytes. So, they are the cells that come before the melanocytes.


    14. induces


      Induce refers to the production or promoting of something. So if the Edn3 induces proliferation, it brings about proliferation.
