602 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. apposite

      apt in the circumstances or in relation to something

    2. heartening

      increasing cheerfulness or confidence; encouraging

    3. slog

      a spell of difficult, tiring work or travelling



  2. Jun 2022
  3. Mar 2022
    1. To signify that an angle is acute, Jeffreys taught them, “make Pac-Man withyour arms.” To signify that it is obtuse, “spread out your arms like you’re goingto hug someone.” And to signify a right angle, “flex an arm like you’re showingoff your muscle.” For addition, bring two hands together; for division, make akarate chop; to find the area of a shape, “motion as if you’re using your hand asa knife to butter bread.”

      Math teacher Brendan Jeffreys from the Auburn school district in Auburn, WA created simple hand gestures to accompany or replace mathematical terms. Examples included making a Pac-Man shape with one's arms to describe an acute angle, spreading one's arms wide as if to hug someone to indicate an obtuse angle, or flexing your arm to show your muscles to indicate a right triangle. Other examples included a karate chop to indicate division or a motion imitating using a knife to butter bread to indicate finding the area of a shape.

    2. Washington State mathteacher Brendan Jeffreys turned to gesture as a way of easing the mental loadcarried by his students, many of whom come from low-income households,speak English as a second language, or both. “Academic language—vocabularyterms like ‘congruent’ and ‘equivalent’ and ‘quotient’—is not something mystudents hear in their homes, by and large,” says Jeffreys, who works for theAuburn School District in Auburn, a small city south of Seattle. “I could see thatmy kids were stumbling over those words even as they were trying to keep trackof the numbers and perform the mathematical operations.” So Jeffreys devised aset of simple hand gestures to accompany, or even temporarily replace, theunfamiliar terms that taxed his students’ ability to carry out mental math.

      Mathematics can often be more difficult compared to other subjects as students learning new concepts are forced not only to understand entirely new concepts, but simultaneously are required to know new vocabulary to describe those concepts. Utilizing gestures to help lighten the cognitive load of the new vocabulary to allow students to focus on the concepts and operations can be invaluable.

  4. Oct 2021
    1. This is hardly the first time that Minneapolis has erupted into protests about police brutality and the killings of black people.

      This is hardly the first time that Minneapolis has rocked into demonstrations about police violence and the deaths of black people.

    2. Many protesters, including journalists, have captured police on tape pointing guns, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at them.

      Many demonstrators, including reporters, have recorded police on tape recordings aiming guns, firing rubber bullets and tear gas at them.

    1. Racism has evolved over the past 50 years, and our collective understanding of what constitutes justice, how discrimination functions and how to best address it needs updating.

      Racism has developed over the past 50 years, and our shared understanding of what it means to be just, how discrimination works and how to best discuss it needs updating.

    2. to achieve racial equity, we need to be able to do three things

      To accomplish racial justice, we need to be able to do three things

    1. While some hotels have adopted the formal environmental management system (EMS) or the internationally recognised ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard for the sake of the environment—or other claimed benefits—many hotels are still standing at the crossroads in adopting EMS. This exploratory study was conducted with the aim of investigating the barriers to EMS in the hotel industry in Hong Kong SAR


  5. Sep 2021
  6. Jul 2021
  7. Mar 2021
    1. laved

      This chapter is dense with rich vocabulary, particularly noticeable while reading the following chapter. I would suggest this could be one of Dickens' tools to capture the mood of the story, in this case, there is a serious feeling of graveness and mystery. I recognized the term "laved" was similar to the Spanish "lavar" and searched for it with quickfind. This is the only occurrence of the word and its conjugations in the series while those for "wash" occur 30 times. To me this indicates to the reader that this action is very important. I also happened to notice that every time the word indolent is used, it follows some mention of Mortimer Lightfoot. It is often in connection to his buddy Eugene Wrayburn, but is used ironically by Riderhood in this chapter after a smug Wrayburn got the final word in a conversation.

  8. Feb 2021
    1. a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment

      awesome term

  9. Dec 2020
  10. Nov 2020
  11. icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
    1. garrulous

      It is very interesting that a small boy's vocabulary include words such as garrulous and other relatively unusual words/phases throughout the article. I feel like most of the adults wouldn't have that kind of vocabulary. It would be interesting to see what the TTR is for this story in particular compared to the other ones in the book.

    1. “ ‘Herrenvolk’ was a word coined by a sociologist in 1967 that basically means social democracy for the favored race as a way not of expanding liberty to the entire citizenry but drawing a line between the accepted in-group and the hated out-group,” Perlstein told an interviewer for Slate earlier this year.
    1. attorney

      An attorney is a lawyer. Attorneys sue people, defend people, and serve as experts on the law.

    2. rogue

      When going rogue was first used it had a fairly specific meaning of 'behaving in an erratic or dangerous fashion. ' The expression today is more likely to be used to indicate that someone is displaying some degree of independence or failing to follow an expected script.

    3. thwarted

      Thwarted describes something that didn't work out, like your thwarted plan to relax at home — a friend just called to ask you to help find her runaway dog

    4. gerrymandered

      Some politicians change the boundaries of their voting districts in order to benefit themselves or their political party. To manipulate the boundaries like this — often viewed as unfair — is to gerrymander.

    5. prerogative

      A prerogative is someone's special right or privilege. As Bobby Brown once sang, "I don't need permission / Make my own decisions / That's my prerogative."

  12. Sep 2020
    1. , it also requires creativ­ity in ide ntifying and solving instructional proble ms. I SD includes several phases, including analysis, design, developme nt, imple mentation, and evaluation, and is characte rized by the overarching concept of design

      It is a way to solve problems

    2. a variety of forms, ranging fro m narrowly focused technical training courses to loosely structure d student-focused learning enviro nments, and exist in virtually any institution with the express purpose ofdeveloping human capacities. These include public schools, universities, miJitary organizations, business and industry, public service, and no n­profit organizations.

      There can be a "natural" vs. artificial system. To take control of the process, you would start with an analysis of the whole.

    3. An i11Stmctional system may be defined as an arrangement of r esources and p roce­dures used to facilitate learning.

      An arrangement, an organized approach, a set of resources and procedures.

  13. Jul 2020
  14. Apr 2020
    1. Just as with wine-tasting, having a bigger vocabulary for colours allows specific colours to be perceived more readily and remembered more easily, even if not done consciously.
  15. Mar 2020
  16. Nov 2019
    1. "one country, two systems"

      One country, two systems? what does this mean?

    2. extradition

      extradition: sending a person to another country because it is believed they have committed a crime.

  17. Oct 2019
    1. anarcho-communist

      is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour and private property (while retaining respect for personal property, along with collectively-owned items, goods and services) in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct democracy, and a horizontal network of workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".[

    2. naïf

      naive or ingenious

    3. concede

      Admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it

  18. Sep 2019
    1. The process is based on a Native American tracking technique called cutting for sign, used to reveal footprints and other evidence of passage.

      Nice phrase for vocabulary & modern take on indigenous concepts.

  19. Apr 2019
    1. equipage

      "A carriage and horses, with the attendant servants; in later use sometimes applied to a carriage alone" www.oed.com

    2. Timbuctoo

      As commonly used today, Timbuctoo is used to refer to "the most distant place imaginable." http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/202099?redirectedFrom=timbuctoo#eid

  20. Mar 2019
    1. She felt out of place.

      Ей было не по себе.

    2. for starters orders

      сигналов стартеров

    3. Of course, we've had our ups and downs

      Конечно, у нас бывало то лучше, то хуже

    4. processed kind


    5. Jean put the ruler down on the conveyor belt.

      Джин положила линейку на конвейер. (Прим.: В западных супермаркетах для экономии времени несколько покупателей выгружают продук­ты на конвейер одновременно. Для того, чтобы кассир видела, где граница, покупатели кладут пластиковую линейку яркого цвета между своими и чужими покупками.)

    6. Think of all the oriental foods you can get into

      Как по­думаешь, каких только ни бывает восточных продуктов

    7. her individual yoghurt seemed to say it all

      казалось, что её единственная упаковка йогурта говорит сама за себя.

    8. a gross offish fingers

      оптовая закупка рыбных па­лочек

    9. You can always tell a person by their shopping

      Всегда можно определить, что за человек перед тобой, по его покупкам

    10. when I turned up?

      когда я бы вдруг пришла?

    11. a see-through tray of tomatoes which fell casualty to the rest.

      прозрачный лоток с помидорами, придавленный другими покупками.

    12. the quick till


    13. Jean felt her patience beginning to itch.

      Джин чувствовала, что её терпение заканчивается.

    14. giving an accompaniment of nods and headshaking at the appropriate parts.

      в такт словам то кивала, то качала го­ловой.

    15. why I should have to put up with her at family occasions.

      с какой стати я должна мириться с её присутствием на се­мейных праздниках.

  21. Feb 2019
  22. Dec 2018
    1. equipage

      An equipage is an archaic term for a horse drawn carriage and its attendants. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/equipage

      Here is an article about regency transportation (including video links): https://janeaustensworld.wordpress.com/tag/regency-transportation/

    2. literary alembic;

      alembic: alchemical still consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, used for distilling chemicals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alembic

      A literary alembic would be someone who combines novels to produce the purest literary experience.

    3. coadjutor

      Definition of coadjutor 1 : one who works together with another https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/coadjutor

  23. Nov 2018
    1. inevitably

      certain to happen.

    2. caricature

      a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

    3. hewing

      chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an axe, pick, or other tool.

    4. protocols

      the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions.

    5. reciprocity

      the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another.

    6. hydroponic

      Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent.

    7. bourgeois

      belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.

    8. maneuver

      a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.

    9. cohort

      a group of people with a shared characteristic.

    10. intellectual

      An intellectual is someone who makes a living out of the production and distribution of ideas.

    1. Я с удивлением смотрел, как

      I was amazed how

    2. Одно из самых сильных впечатлений

      one of the strongest impressions

    3. разбирается в причинах

      is figuring out the reasons

    4. Обидно, что людей, наделенных подобным умением, встретишь у нас не часто.

      It's too bad that there are not so many people good at that.

    5. Быть интровертом отнюдь не стыдно

      There is no shame in being an introvert

    6. ничего страшного

      it's not a problem/it's ok

    7. Открытость и приветливость заразительны.

      openness and friendliness are contagious

    8. преодолеть собственный скепсис

      resist your own skepticism

    9. разговаривать с посторонними на непринужденные темы

      to make small talk with strangers

    10. Соберись

      Man up!/Pull yourself together!

    11. признак слабости.

      a sign of weakness

    12. возможность вывернуть душу наизнанку

      an opportunity to turn their souls inside out

    13. делятся такими подробностями, что страшно слушать

      share terrifying details

    14. высказывают друг другу все накопленное в душе

      pour out their souls to each other

    15. разговор легко перерастает в дебаты, жаркий спор

      the conversation is going to turn into a debate, a heated argument

    16. Но у россиян нет маленьких тем

      Russians don't have small/insignificant topics

    17. незначительные темы

      insignificant topics

    18. есть возможность заработать хорошие деньги

      there is an opportunity to make good money

    19. Нам трудно представить

      we find it difficult to imagine

    20. чья зарплата в три раза меньше твоей

      whose salary is a third as much as yours

    21. Если не считать людей равными себе

      if you don't consider people equal to you

    22. Угостить сотрудницу почты конфетой

      give a candy to a post-office employee

    23. относятся к обслуживающему персоналу с презрением

      treat customer service staff with contempt

    24. К сожалению


    25. Вместо этого


    26. вызвать такси

      call a taxi

    27. где дешевле

      where it is cheaper

    28. Никто никому ничего не должен.

      No one owes anything to anyone.

    29. похвалить


    30. человек завел беседу

      a person started a conversation

    31. усиливается от ощущения долга

      grows/increases/intensifies because of the sense of obligation

    32. страх обмана

      the fear of deception

    33. почувствовал облегчение

      felt relief

    34. примеряла платье

      was trying on a dress

    35. я зашел в берлинский магазин

      popped in a Berlin store

    36. облапошат

      (you'll be) ripped off/tricked/scammed

    37. привыкаешь, что

      you're used to

    38. почему такие разговоры столь тяжело даются россиянам

      why small talk is so difficult for Russians

    39. затеряться среди стеллажей

      get lost among the shelves

  24. Oct 2018
    1. pun or verbal motif

      a joke or a certain topic that is used throughout the whole play

  25. May 2018
    1. Teachersreadbookstochildrenandreinforcedthevocabularyinthebooksbypresentingconcreteobjectsthatrepresentedthewordsandbyprovidingchildrenwithmultipleopportunitiestousethebook-relatedwords

      Save for vocabulary module

  26. Apr 2018
    1. Since September 27, 2004, the jinmeiyō kanji (人名用漢字, kanji for use in personal names) consist of 3,119 characters, containing the jōyō kanji plus an additional 983 kanji found in people's names.

      人名用漢字(じんめいよう・かんじ)literally means "person's-name-use kanji" or "kanji for use in peoples' names."

      Kanji have been added and (re)moved from the list several times throughout its history. See the page Wikipedia: Jinmeiyoo Kanji

  27. Mar 2018
  28. Jan 2018
    1. sebum

      n. "a small gland in the skin which secretes a lubricating oily matter (sebum) into the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair." - Google

  29. Dec 2017
  30. Nov 2017
  31. Oct 2017
  32. Apr 2017
    1. concomitant

      adj. "naturally accompanying or associated." n. "a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something."

      This instance is an adjective.

  33. Feb 2017
    1. Polemics

      n. A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation. - wordnik

    1. mental and psychological health.

      His vocabulary is severely impoverished. With constant repetition of simple meaningless words, e.g., very, very, very, great, great, great. Much of what he said at the presser with PM Abe was senseless blather. He's covering up for a serious cognitive deficit.

  34. Jan 2017
    1. hyperbolic,

      "of, relating to, or marked by language that exaggerates or overstates the truth : of, relating to, or marked by hyperbole <hyperbolic claims="">". Merriam-Webster' Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbolic

  35. Dec 2016
  36. Oct 2016
  37. Sep 2016
    1. studies indicate that a text needs to be about 98% comprehensible in order for it to help the reader acquire new vocabulary

      Source: Hu and Nation - seems to contradict "context clue" argument for uncovering new vocab. This may work if 98% is already there. May still be dark for jargon and technical terms.

  38. Jul 2016
    1. much

      Momentous; a big deal

    2. had

      Would have

    3. Breast Work

      A makeshift fortification or defense.

    4. for Carriage

      To be carried (elsewhere)

    5. Fusees

      Light muskets or firelocks

    6. Tours


    7. Original


    8. had

      Would have

    9. Algerine

      People from Algeria

    10. Bays

      Baize, a coarse woolen cloth now commonly used on billiard tables.

    11. Spirits

      Galenic theories of medicine proposed that illness was caused by a disproportionate quantity of bad humors in the body, which could be drained by bloodletting.

    12. had

      Would have

    13. had

      Would have

    14. straiten

      Make his financial situation tight

    15. Barco-Longo

      Spanish fishing boat

    16. Yard-Arm

      Outer extremity of a yard or shipyard

    17. Round-House

      The uppermost cabin in the stern of the ship

    18. Hands


    19. upon their Behaviour

      Well behaved

    20. Brow


    21. had

      Would have

    22. set them over

      Transport them inland, closer to the voices

    23. it was all one

      It was no use

    24. hollowing

      Halloaing, calling