- Jan 2021
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
yer it ..
- Apr 2019
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Digital Alchemist
As digital alchemist we really expose ourselves to so a large variety of anything related to the internet. I guess that's where the 'digital' aspect of it comes in, as being part on the internet (not necessarily a physical thing, but rather digital). It is fascinating to be able to learn so much about the internet from this perspective of an Alchemist.
communicating online
Online communication these days can have a dark and light side to it. This is mostly because of all the scams that can happen to almost anyone online, especially in online spaces where you expose yourself to other profiles, which might turn out to be fake. This is the dark side of it, but where is the light side? Well, the light side with online communication is how fast and reliable it can be used in the proper settings (work, online voice or video chat, or communicating with people or networks you trust online). In this sense, there is a beneficial to it of course. No longer do you have to travel far away to meet someone know lives across the world. If you want to physical be around them is a different thing, but communicating with them is now easier thanks to online communication.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Super powers don't have to just be 'super strength, speed, super hearing, or flying', it could also be simpler and more realistic things like being super smart or super cute (in the case of my alchemist). I'll brag about her because I created her, so she deserves it.
your alchemist
Creating our alchemist has an enjoyable experience. One of the things that I kept in mind when creating my own alchemist was creating one who has a deep understanding of what the topics I want to study. For this reason, I created my alchemist to be someone who is an expert in topics I will work for future projects.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
I personally feel this from of expression is more efficient than MEMEs. This is because it add another layer of communication to it (a short motion picture). This alone can give the audience a better understanding of your idea, point, comment, or even argument.
Creativity is so important for the creation of GIFs and MEMEs. Depending how you go about creating and formatting these images, is how much you will be ale to express on it. Also, it will help the viewer to get a better understanding of your idea.
- Mar 2019
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
The invention of computers has been one of the greatest, for mankind. Yes, there are some consequences to it, but there are plenty of good benefits from using them. You know the saying: there is always something good for something bad, and something bad for something good. This is almost a natural force that applies to everything in our daily lives, since it is hard to perfection.
Somewhat of a dying art now, especially after invention of digital cameras and devices that capture images instantly. This goes even further with the latest technology of 3D-Printing. It seems as if sculptures are becoming more and more now of a classic unpopular art. But even so, it is one that won't be completely dying any time soon, since it is human tendency to appreciate classical things.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Memes that go viral become a thing to talk about all over social media. Sometimes you get tired of seeing them because there are times where people simply wear them out and its like ok next!!!
My mom uses memes and have no clue what they mean. she sends them at the wrong time. Now that my dad is a fb junkie he reads memes all day and laugh like its the funniest thing ever. I must admit many memes are funny.
I usually com across memes on social media. I even started using them in my messages because it spices up the conversation without actually using words.
How can you communicate that to others? Why not meme it?
We should definitely use more memes online (positive memes, though). They never get old. And they clearly tell a message or story. And on top of that, they are humorous enough to brighten up your day.
The funniest on-point/vivid images you can find online these days. They make our day if we're feeling a bit sad. Just give a try when you're feeling down. It's works! Better than 'laughter' medicine.
Twitter. All the good memes I get come from the comments on Twitter. Though lately the memes I save on my phone are more like reaction images rather than the traditional "meme."
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Each participant is allowed to establish the tentative official ruling regarding matters which are vital to him bat not immediately important to others, e.g., the rationalizations and justifications by which he accounts for his past activity; in exchange for this courtesy he remains silent or non-committal on matters important to others but not immediately important to him.
Isn't this just what we deem common courtesy? Rules of engagement we are taught at a young age? Socialization of young children requires them to understand that they can't always just have what they want and this stretches out to adulthood.
The maintenance of this surface of agreement, this veneer of consensus, is facilitated by each participant concealing his own wants behind statements which assert values to which everyone present is likely to give lip-service.
I like this "veneer of consensus". As a manager, I often get the veneer from employees.
Thus, when an individual appears in the presence of others, there will usually be some reason for him to mobilize his activity so that it will convey an impression to others which it is in his interests to convey.I h a v e s a i d t h a t w h e n a n i n d i v i d u a l a p p e a r s b e f o r e o t h e r s his actions will influence the definition of the situation which they come to have. Sometimes the individual will act in a thoroughly calculating manner, expressing him self in a given way solely in order to give the kind of im pression to oth ers that is likely to evoke from them a specific response he is concern ed to obtain.
So when I want someone to do something I frame it in a certain way in order to make them do it.
hey must accept the individual on faith,
Don't we all do that? Give people that we just meet the benefit of the doubt? How can we "know" anyone then? We all live with inference!
Interesting that he uses this quote to begin his monograph as physical masks have been linked to hooliganism. Young boys and men are more likely to wear a mask at Halloween than girls and most of their costumes are designed that way. I think this article that looks at the power of masks, both with in a theatre context and online context is useful. The idea that a mask can transform the wearer into something else, potentially violent, also happens online is frightening. https://aeon.co/essays/how-masks-explain-the-psychology-behind-online-harassment
The perspective employed in this report is that of the theat rical performance ; the principles derived are dramaturgical ones. I shall consider the way in which the individual in ordin ary work situations presents himself and his activity to others, the ways in which he guides and controls the impression they form of him, and the kinds of th in g s he may and may not do while sustaining his performance before them. In using this model I will attempt not to make light of its obvious inadequa cies. The stage presents things that are make-believe ; presum ably life presents things that are real and sometimes not well rehearsed. More important, perhaps, on the stage one player »resents himself in the guise of a cha^.cter to characters pro jected by other players; the audience constitutes a third party to the interaction—one that is essen tial and yet, if the stage performance were real, one that would not be there. In real life, the three parties are compressed into two; the part one indi vidual plays is tailored to the parts played by the others pre sent, and yet these others also constitute the audience. Still other inadequacies in this model will be considered later.
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages." As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII Very Shakespearean approach to this question. I am not sure if I like it. So every one is playing a part? What, then, is real? This does tie into the fakery of the internet though but without the physical presence.
thar is organised within the physical confines of a building or plant.
Interesting that he chose a physically restrained place with fixed roles (foreman, labourer, worker, janitor, assembly worker, mechanic, electrician) where people have assumed a work role with a fixed identity. Easier to judge and find a pattern?
When a n i n d i v i d u a l e n t e r s t h e p r e s e n c e o f o t h e r s , t h e y commonly seek to acquire information about him or to bring into play information about him already possessed.
First impressions, physical dress, uniform, already existing class assumptions. This is within a fixed setting.
They can also assume from past experience that only individuals of a partic ular kind are likely to be found in a given social setting.
Preconceived class consciousness.
his conception of self,
Are people really that interested? Or are they interested within a fixed hierarchical setting? Is it so they know where to position themselves? We are talking about research done in the British Isles a thoroughly stratified class society.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Selfies are such a prominent part of todays society because you can be whoever you want to be at that point. Filters can be added or you can angle the picture in certain ways to make you feel better about yourself. Taking selfies can give people an outer body experience because selfies tend to boost confidence. You can take a million just to get that one perfect shot to post for likes and to be accepted by the world.
This is probably the main reason to why we take selfies today. This is because one of the reasons we take such images, is mostly when were are feeling good about ourselves and are appreciative of what we see on the captured picture (selfie).
As much as it appears that selfies are the new cool thing now online, it probably existed in different forms centuries ago. A good example of this is the 'self-portrait' (picture or painting).
- Feb 2019
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
"pass the f-cking butter” .
How do we know this does not mean "How was your day?" on the ship he worked at? Perhaps, that's the way they greeted each other: "Pass the F-ing butter, Jack! This is a great day!"
You c a n ' t e v e r ler them g et th e u p p e r hand on you o r y o u 'r e through.So I start out tough.
What a patriarchal approach
Defining social role as the enactment of rights and duties attached to a given status, 'We can say that a social role will involve one or more parts and that each of these different parts may be presented by the performer on a series of occasions to the same kinds of audience or to an audience of the same persons
So there is not one performance of self; there are many performances of self, playing out in tandem with others.
I shall be concerned only with the participant’s dramaturgical problems of presenting the activity before others.
Only concerned with the presentation of self and not with self itself as we may define it internally. Goffman's definition of self relies upon the reception of another interactant.
e may also note that an intense interest in these disruptions comes to play a signifi cant role in the social life of the group
Are we then more defined by what bends or breaks our barriers than the barriers themselves?
'ta c t’.
Also known as "saving someone else's face" (cause you're not an assh*le).
ociety is organized on the principle that any individual who possesses certain social characteristics has a moral right to expect that others will value and treat him in a correspondingly appropriate way
That's the longest-winded way to say, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" I've ever read~
The individual’s initial projection commits him to what he is proposing to be and requires him to drop all p re te n c e s of being other things
You must follow-through, it seems or else the whole charade falls through.
In Ichheiser’s term s1, the indi vidual will have to act so that he intentionally or unintention ally expresses himself, and the others will in turn have to be impressed in some way by him
Self, then, lies not only in one individual; an interaction seems to be required an and impression made in order for a conception of self to exist. At least, according to Goffman.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
We share everything online and sometimes we share more than we should. We might even do this is realistic or fake ways because we feel more confident and freedom for expression 'online'.
created an environment where it makes more sense to be fake online
It is obviously easier for people to feel that they can have a fake identity online, since the person on the other side will not even know the truth. This will benefit the 'fake person' with their manipulative means or any other.
bots masquerading as people
Nowadays, this is even more possible due to the intelligence of our technology. The program is so advanced that they can function on their own without the need of human's supervision.
Nowadays, this is even more possible due to the intelligence of our technology. The program is so advanced that they can function on their own without the need of human's supervision.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
This really never ends, and it's part of being a human. The problem is that, many of us take certain matters more personal others. We humans discriminate all the time (as a habit or human instinct) the things we don't like because they don't normally relate to us. That's really way to put it, if we think about it. The problem is much complex than just RACE, SKIN COLOR, OR GENDER. But often times it is mostly focused on these. Tell me of one time, when you went shopping and you bought the shoes that you liked for a good price? Why didn't you buy the pair that you didn't like? Ohh, wait! That's a waste of money, right? Funny.... It is more like 'I was discriminating against the other type of shoes'. Yup, hit the nail right on head!
Such a huge subject to even think of. After a few college classes in college, you (unless you have had special training on it, or a PHD) still only understand it as "PERSUSION or FORM OF PERSUASION". But deep inside our minds, we also leave those classes with another knowledge of it and that is also much more: a form of communication, expression, thinking, and the list goes on.
This is one is now used in the internet to take advantage (especially by collecting our data unnoticed and using it for their own profit) of us, the unaware users of programs, websites, softwares, and applications. It's hard not to be a victim of it when using these tools, when many of use (especially newer generations of people) we have become so used to the digital world. This is mainly because for most of us, it is all we've known from a very young age. It's like being given regular cow milk from the age of 2, then being told to stop (replaced with healthier alternatives) at the age of 20. AHA, good luck!
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
grapes into wine
Thank goodness for low-level alchemy!
- Jan 2019
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
machine intelligence
Interestingly enough, we saw it coming. All the advances in technology that lead to this much efficiency in technology, were not to be taken lightly. A few decades ago (about 35 years, since the invention of the internet and online networks in 1983) people probably saw the internet as a gift from heavens - one with little or any downsides to it. But now, as it has advanced to such an extreme. with advanced machines engineering, we have learned otherwise. The hacking of sites and networks, viruses and malware, user data surveillance and monitoring, are only a few of the downsides to such heavenly creation. And now, we face the truth: machine intelligence is not to be underestimated! Or the impact on our lives could be negative in years to come. This is because it will only get more intense with the years, as technology further develops.
Surveillance capitalism
Incredibly scary to me as an individual. More than once I have contemplated leaving Facebook forever, or gasp!, cut down the amount I use Google, because I know I am being surveyed. The only reason I haven't is my friends and family use it. My 80+ year old parents use Facebook to stay in touch so I can't turn that off. And Google? Someone show me an alternative in order to continue to appease my endless curiosity.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
You might not consider Alexander Graham Bell an alchemist
Alchemist without question.
What does it look like in 2019?
I almost want to liken the concepts of "alternative facts" and "post-truth" to a kind of modern day alchemical process--in this case, the transmutation of words and semantics but also of reality and fact itself.
High-level alchemy could probably be summarized as superseding the art of man and achieving the divine: immortality, infinite wealth, infinite knowledge, etc
Ah. I'm sure the Church loved this ^.^
Anyway, this definitely seems to indicate that we have always desired to transcend beyond ourselves.This kind of "escapism" is not new. Now, we may use digital means to attempt transcendence but is that really any different than alchemical intervention? Both are intended to be these conduits through which we become something more.
This is a fave text the show "Ancient Aliens" likes to reference as evidence that ancient alien travelers visited earth long ago.... Regardless of the validity of those statements >.> it sounds like an epic tale. Would love to know more about its content and significance.
Righ there is a great thread on "What is Alchemy" https://www.reddit.com/r/alchemy/comments/akxaa7/what_is_alchemy/
One thing that can be good to know is that there are a few ways to divide the Art.
First is internal vs laboratory alchemy. Internal is where all the operations is inside of you, laboratory is where you do the operation in a laboratory with different materials that you mix etc. Practicioners will say that one or the other is the RIGHT way and the other is fake, misguided and so on. A few (like me) say that both paths are correct.
This is an interesting distinction!
I dunno about actual practices but I know that there are references to alchemy all over the place in modern entertainment and media. I went into some of the references I was familiar with in my first post from the first time I took NetNarr. Take a peek if you like: https://owlsarepeopletoo.wordpress.com/2017/01/25/that-stalker-alchemy/
Ancient Greece and European history is fascinating but I have a hard time accepting some facts.
Watching this reminded me of a horror game I used to watch playthroughs of back in the day. Aqua Regia was used as a component to create acid at one point in the game. Thinking about it now, there were a lot of alchemy elements to that game... Go google Amnesia: The Dark Descent for a good time (and jumpscares lol)
Plain and simple...alchemists were historians and scientists!
The Star of Antimony...interesting!
Does this give you some ideas or questions about what alchemists did or thought about?
This was vey informative. I had never known what Alchemists did or what they were interested in. I only knew the word from my high school drama club called, "The Alchemists". I never knew there was a whole language behind science that included mystery and even art (as in drawings).
I love Latin fables, proverbs, riddles, mottoes, emblems, and symbols,
I love this Laura! I'm excited to see and hear some Latin in class.
My speciality
That is an awesome specialty!
Where in the World and When did Alchemy start
This was my question that I had last week! I'm glad it's being answered.
Well that is certainly an interesting way of spelling that word. I'm intrigued.
alchemy itself
I've just finished watching the Red Devils try to turn trash into gold. Very exciting stuff. Can't wait to chat.
Latin cars!
ha ha, I think Alan means my Latin cats: Latin Cats at the Proverb Laboratory Here's a saying that uses some of the imagery that you will also find in alchemical writings: Lux umbra dei est. Light is God's shadow.
done some participating in NetNarr
I left some unfinished NetNarr projects... but that's what is so great about these online events: you leave a trail that others might follow or that you might pick up again later. Wouldn't the alchemists of old be thrilled to see us looking at their work and being inspired in new ways... and using new technology to do so! :-)
Bestiaria Latina
Okay, people, you have provoked me in a good way; I had not picked a new theme to think about at the Bestiaria for 2019... but now I will make sure to do something alchemical! I'll come back here and add something to this document when there is an alchemical event at the Bestiaria next! :-)
I am especially excited about the notion of breathing life into something inanimate. Making something "come alive". Vitality is certainly a mystery. The homoculus stuff kind of freaks me out tbh. But imagine if we could give the breathe of human life into something that is not alive?
philosopher’s stone
ahhhh...It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving immortality;
Who are we?
I'm Paul Bond, a librarian in the frozen wastelands of central New York. I'm here because I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know what this is about, but it looks interesting.
Alchemy to me is the attempt to transform matter, to turn lead into gold. It's wishful thinking, perhaps a failure from the start, but in trying things we can learn things.
What then would be digital alchemy? A lot of gold, literal and figurative, has been spun out of the web. Some of the more profitable experiments may not be the best. But we can learn from that.
web annotation tool hypothesis
Now for something really alchemy like- use the CROWDLAAERS link to see a visual summary of all annotation activity from this page.
I love Latin fables, proverbs, riddles, mottoes, emblems, and symbols,
Laura - I love how you bring to our attention the fundamental role that language and riddles & stories and symbols play in the pursuit of alchemical tranformations!!
My speciality
That is such an amazing specialization John. I think there is something fundamentally "romanitic" or "dreamy" about alchemy, ...just because at its core, it seems to be about our human limits and it brings us into the realm of spirituality via the pathways of science.
Who are we?
What a question....so many things. But together we are both a network and a community. As a network we share resources and connect others and grow our references and associations. As a community we think through ideas and share our undertsanding of things, and offer glimpses of our creativity in hopes of collaborative inspiration. There is power in networks. But there is magic in community.
Literally "The Chemistry." Alchemy has, from the coining of the term, been either chemistry or an extension of chemistry.
being conducted live during our NetNarr class on January 29
Can you give us a time when this will occur? I am in Latvia so I just need to know how late I have to stay up so I can attend. Thanks!
Okay, that is cool! I was always fascinated with the epidemiology of Ancient Greece and European history and the development of vaccines.
What's your take on his work?
How has the word and term "Alchemy" been misused over the years? Anything come to mind?
can art supersede the craftwork of God?
Whoah. Whatever your spiritual leanings (if any), this is an interesting query, right? I imagine the debates sparked by this must have been fierce.
Newton’s alchemical manuscripts include a rich and diverse set of document types, including laboratory notebooks,
Interesting spelling and word ...
a lot of people just watching and trying to figure out what’s going on.
I wonder if this is due to the need to belief in the unknown -- which is always something that has stirred the creative spirit in a lot of people.
I taught the History of Science
Hi John I am curious about how one leaps from history of science into digital learning -- I can see a path but wonder about you found it (or maybe, how you created that path).
Digital alchemy seems to be the profound mixing of elements until something extraordinary is produced that could not be produced in the non-digital world. That is some of my experience in Network Narratives.
Foxes, foxes and more foxes. I have been following your posts on Google plus (wave goodbye to that) for years and it's always foxes.
What discipline is it closest to?
I said this last time, but as someone who has been late in life learning to cook and bake, I consider the kitchen a place of performing alchemy!
the creation of an elixir of immortality
Ah, the pursuit of eternal youth, that one keeps coming up again and again. I expect some kind of Twilight Zone twist where immortality turns out to be a real burden or tragedy.
I love Latin fables, proverbs, riddles, mottoes, emblems, and symbols, hence my interest in alchemy
I look forward to you bringing some Latin to the discussion here (Laura has been helpful in creating some of the names of places here in NetNarr, like Labyrinthus and the new Somni Porta
My speciality is the history of chemistry from ancient Greek alchemy to the birth of organic chemistry in the 19th century.
So John, how did this interest in chemistry develop?
Who are we?
I'm here first since I'm just making the page- hello from one of the NetNarr co-instructors, annotating from Mortlach, Saskatchewan, hoping alchemy can keep me warm while the winter winds howl.
I have a sense of the idea of alchemy. since it was an idea I suggested, but really am lacking a lot of the deep history and references our guests (and you) can offer.
So let's make this a lively discussion space.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
but for the very curious you can follow step two
Where do I find step two?
- Feb 2018
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
This crow called to me; I had to zoom in too much, but I loved the lines and spaces within the rule of thirds. https://flic.kr/p/245A9sn
that works
I loved the light dancing on the water, a balance of the sky in the distance. I had to do some cloud waiting and several attempts before I caught the light close to me and some farther down river. https://flic.kr/p/FWy669
play with
I tried to get close to the orange leaf barely hanging on to the branch, dangling in the twigs and sky. https://flic.kr/p/FWy3gb
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
ephemeral nature
It almost seems counter-intuitive to think of digital art as temporary. Once something's on the internet, it lives forever, right? I was tripped up by this idea but then I remembered what I heart a tattoo artist say (on one of the many tattoo art shows out there--can't remember which) in response to someone who rejected tattoos on the basis that they're permanent: "Tattoos are the least permanent kind of art. We're all going to die." I got so caught up in thinking of the art itself that I forgot about its canvas--human skin. A material that will not stand the test of time. I think this is applicable to the idea that digital art is temporary. At least, as temporary as a tattoo. It will leave its mark in a moment but that moment will not last. It almost makes me appreciate the medium more, if that makes sense?
- Jan 2018
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
original material
Reusing materials is better than a single use (throwaway) but creating your own images gives you a way to express uniquely personal ideas and feelings.
fundamental unit
Each unit is useful but each unit is different. Each unit has the same function but each unit effects the viewer in a different way.
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
use of dark backgrounds
I was taught this by a pro photographer when shooting a subject, even when the background is not focussed, it helps to consider framing it so there is a dark, non distracting background. It takes some practice to think of both the subject and how what behind them will affect an image.
In this one, I wanted the dying sunflower frames against the lighter blue sky, it would have been lost, or even created a sense of distraction, with the darker trees behind it.
Instead of using your camera like a rapid fire machine gun, spend more time pre-composing in your mind.
Even when I take more than one photo, I typically end up choosing the first one in a series. Am I lucky? I prefer not having a bullion photos to sort through. Trust your instincts, but it is always worth it to try 2-3 slight variations
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
I recently went back and set all of my location data to while using the app. After a while it becomes too much. I was already leery of Alexa and Google Home. I don't know if I want them tracking me in my home. But knowing that it could solve a murder makes me pause and wonder if that sacrifice is worth it.
Consent is also a very big thing in regards to data gathering for me. In the latest iOS 11 update, you can now choose when an app is able to obtain location data from you. I set all my apps to "while using the app" only and not only is my battery saved, but I also feel a certain peace of mind that an app is telling me exactly when it's tracking my location, hopefully for app-related purposes that I'm aware of.
Brett mentioning Alexa helping solve a murder reminds me of my own Google Home Mini and the conflicts of privacy that some other people that I knew had with it. There's always that sense of things listening in on things that you rather not hear, and I covered that a bit more extensively within my own blog post this week.
While I'm disappointed that I was not able to be here for this studio visit as I had hoped, this recording made me feel like I was right there with everyone else. Interesting conversations all around and I hope to be there for the next one. Brett had quite a few things of note during this session, and my next two notes will bring up them briefly.
We will be watching and discussing episodes of Do Not Track and students are expected to have watched episode 1 before we talk to Brett.
While watching episode 1 I was just in awe how it knew my location and how this documentary isn't just a video but he asks us to participate to have a better knowledge in what Brett is trying to teach the online community. Off to see episode 2 and 3!
watching and discussing episodes
I so enjoyed this. It fits right in with my (perhaps morbid) interest in the dystopian world. Regardless, if I'm being stalked by our overlord Google, I prefer to know it.
Mozilla Foundation’s Advocacy Media
An interesting crossover-- I believe that Dr. Zamora assigned us to work with Mozilla's open source tools, way back in New Media Studies in Spring 2016. I really like the Firefox browser and I was interested to learn that there is so much more to the Mozilla company.
help our understanding of our own digital lives.
The digital world is vastly large and it is a lot to take on so Brett was able to easily break it down for us on his documentary. Things are constantly happening and changing so it's good to keep up and know the pro's and con's.
making time to talk
I enjoyed listening in on Brett's "behind the scenes" making and experience of his documentary!
Right on!
Brett’s web site
I'm really interested in checking out some of the other projects Brett has on his website, especially Popcorn Maker and his Update or Die talk.
Hmm . . .i'm now interested in viewing Bretts Update or Die Conference on youtube . It seems like it would be pretty interesting.
Thanks Brett
Thank you Brett for your time from the students at Kean University..
What can you learn about him?
Brett is obviously someone who is extremely active on the web and because of this he was/is able to learn how we are tracked as well as how we are all connected in the digital world!
His 2008 feature documentary Rip! A Remix Manifesto is an official honoree of the Webby Awards, was the recipient of Audience Choice prizes at festivals from Amsterdam to South Africa, was broadcast in 20 countries, and seen by millions of people worldwide..
Woah that's awesome, makes me want to see it too!
Just wanted to say thank you Norway for joining us, we definetly appreciate you guys for staying up so late to join us with Brett. Have a wonderful semester
Ok Google
I must admit that this kind of freaked me out. Like I kind of knew that we were being stalked but I wasn't exactly sure.
watch the first episode on Morning Rituals.
I really enjoyed the first episode and its commentary on our daily routines. I used to find myself waking up, too, and immediately going online & on social media - recently, I've been trying to break the habit, and not make it the first thing I do. But I guess the real question, and also sad part, is that so much of our life is connected to our digital personas, so how far can we really remove ourselves from it? If we don't check our email or Twitter first thing in the morning, what important information (either related to our work or our school) are we missing?
It sucks that so much of our life is so attached to social media, in that we have to give ourselves (our privacy, our information, our careers) to digital space; consequently, as Brett discusses, that same necessary input of our own personal information is then used to the benefit of companies who want to buy access to our lives to sell us shit.
different from watching on a movie or TV screen.
What was most startling to me upon watching the first episode is that the site knew exactly what town I was in and what time of day it was. I was not expecting that. And, then, it was interactive in that we could input info if we wanted to. That is vastly different from the current movie experience. It individualized the experience of the work but, in this context, I'm not sure if I wanted it to be individualized!
its both scary and fascinating that we don't realize our diminishing privacy. We're so caught up in competing with each other that we sometimes ignore permissions or allow them without completely reading a lot of terms of agreement or policies.
I love that Bret is shedding light on these issues that we almost ALWAYS overlook.
a digital activist
He is doing a great job in teaching people out in the world the dangers of internet with tracking especially by making those cool videos.
If you really want to go deep into the culture of remix and how the internet disrupted the music industry, how it and creators responded, featuring footage from remix artist Girl Talk and interviews with the founder of Creative Commons, then watch the epic Rip! Remix Manifesto.
Technology has changed the way music is received now by the audience, so this is something I will be looking into. Digital streaming is very popular now because it is easy, sufficient, and cost less. It also allows those who enjoy music to have it whenever they like wherever they like, which is a major plus!
watching Do Not Track,
Watching the first 2 episodes was very interesting but it's a little scary everything we do is monitored or saved by 3rd parties to help us remember what we do or share ads for us to look at based on what we have search up on the internet.
interactive producer
How much computer programming knowledge is needed to add interactive elements to a documentary?
During tonight's studio visit with Brett, I found the idea of privacy and the digital landscape to be vastly intriguing. What I wonder about specifically is if this constant "watching" or surveilling/tracking has made us as a whole more performative--because we believe that we're always being watched. As evidence of this I would present the uptick I'm sure we've all noticed in "inappropriate content" being posted to these public, digital platforms (i.e. the Logan Paul & Suicide Forest video on Youtube (since removed), or the Facebook live vid of these 2 girls in Australia brutally beating up a mentally disabled girl, or the instagram live vid of a girl posted after a car accident which killed her sister). I wonder if the acknowledgment that we're being consistently watched or monitored has negatively informed our behavior in some big ways--that we feel posting this kind of content is okay and acceptable now. I guess I'm more interested in the social ramifications here of the tracking.
What do you see weaving into it?
I was unaware as Brett mentioned in the hangout that the greetings for the time of day were programmed into the experience, that the web site knew what time of day it was and where i was. This is very basic, but the fact that I did not consider it anything other than a friendly greeting directly to me.
Sorry Norway, this is a bit late
To our Norwegian friends and co-learners: thank you for staying up late to participate with us! =)
music industry
When I think of the internet and music I automatically think of Napster. Sheesh I feel old!
I really loved what Brett said about his documentarian identity: that it's a way of life steeped in observation and the joy and craft of creative nonfiction. It makes me feel like it wouldn't be too hard to awaken my own inner documentarian.
Remix Manifesto
Hey Alan, I keep seeing this and thinking it says Rebeg Maestro #throwback
my documentary practice
I really would like to learn more about his practice.
live tweeting
I hope to watch this studio visit, live. It will be a pleasant 7:30am on Wednesday morning in Central Australia and I'll be chomping breakfast (that's the plan of this documentary). I'm thinking about SlowTV (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/norways-slow-tv-fascinating-viewers-for-hours-or-days-at-a-time/) as made for these days of assumed-fast internet streaming capability.
making documentaries made for the web
What do you think of in terms of documentaries? Like films about history or animals in Africa?
There is an entire genre of web-based documentaries, or i-docs -- these are ones that take advantage of the networked and non-linear capability of the web as a medium
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Peering into the flask
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rtists have alwaysexperimented with emerging media, reflecting on and complicating the relationships between culture andtechnology, and will certainly continue to do so.
I think the answer is, the movement is still in its infancy stage, right?
The inherently ephemeral nature of much New Media art, as well as its often unfamiliar aesthetics and technologies,posed a challenge to gallerists and collectors
And to us, those who make digital art. How do we curate it? Save it? Make sure the platforms we build with don't disappear and take our art with it? Still figuring this out ... or trying to.
Douglas Davis' World's First CoaborativeSentence1994, a Web site where visitors could add to an endless string of words
This sentence still exists! Cool. And you can add to it, still. Coolx2.
Overview: https://whitney.org/Exhibitions/Artport/DouglasDavis
The Sentence: http://artport.whitney.org/collection/DouglasDavis/live/Sentence/sentence1.html
How to add to it: Description
"The Sentence has no end. Sometimes I think it had no beginning. Now I salute its authors, which means all of us. You have made a wild, precious, awful, delicious, lovable, tragic, vulgar, fearsome, divine thing." —Douglas Davis, 2000
Amazon.com, a startup bookseller
ha! start-up. Ha.
Cory Arcangel'sSuper Mario Clouds,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCmAD0TwGcQ Wow. Just the clouds. This reminds me a bit of the Garfield comic remix, where the text is taken out and the images tell a different story ....
In New Media art, appropriation has become so common that it is almost taken for granted. New mediatechnologies such as the Web and filesharing networks gave artists easy access to found images, sounds, texts, andother media. This hyperabundance of source material, combined with the ubiquitous "copy" and "paste" features ofcomputer software, further eroded the notion that creating something from scratch is better than borrowing it.
Great quote and still true today? I think so. Maybe. Remix culture ...
Velvet Strike by AnneMarie Schleiner
Natalie Bookchin's The Intruder
Check out the media piece, via Vimeo
All an artist needed to make Net art, besides ideasand technical skills, was a computer even an old one would do, a modem, and an Internet connection
But New Media art is not defined by the technologies discussed here; on thecontrary, by deploying these technologies for critical or experimental purposes, New Media artists redefine them asart media.
So, it's the art created, not the tool that creates the art. This seems important to me, even today.
we use the term New Media art to describeprojects that make use of emerging media technologies and are concerned with the cultural, political, and aestheticpossibilities of these tools.
Good way to define the possibilities ...
Huh. U2 won Grammy for Alt Music in 1994 for Zooropa, which we (my friends, and I) all thought was an odd album because it sought to be inspired by technology and the emerging digital world.
t could also be an art medium
I often wonder, what is the tipping point in new technology, the point where someone says, hey -- this can become art if only we do ... this. It's probably something we only realize later.
a Websiteasartwork whosescrambled green text and flashing images seem to deconstruct the visual language of the Web
How about that, this web site is still alive http://jodi.org
New Media Art - Introduction
This is from the 2006 book https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/art/all/41923/facts.new_media_art.htm
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t’s not all evil; the internet would be a much less convenient experience without some bits of shared data. But this convenience bears a cost.
I agree, internet is not all that evil, but of course if you let it become something greater that you can not control, than it will be considered evil.
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Chasing dog with leash... ok. back. I'm not an expert here, but I have annotated with Diigo, which is not a dog.
This guy hardly annotates, he needs to step up his game!
You are experienced as a web annotator, eh?
Greetings wise, experience annotator, sort of like a wizard, eh? How experienced would you say you are in using this tool? What advice would you/will you give to others?
(one might me to add the
tag below, right?)
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Just curious if anyone actually sees this.
"Hello, random person."
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Enter the world of digital annotation
Well, you are here. You are in the world. You can annotate any thing you select on this web page, or you can reply to someone else's.
Always try to remember to add the
tag below so we can group all annotations across all the digital alchemists.Is this not like magic? Speaking of which, you can add web links and images, even animated gifs
- May 2017
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Thinking about the word summary....why not synthesis
- Apr 2017
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i i i i i o i i i i i
This is an old joke from my birthplace. And a palindrome too.
This video may be my favorite one so far.
- Feb 2017
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I'm oddly obsessed with this site! Life on earth. Here it is. Beautiful!
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Finally made it for (part) of one. Thanks for keepin on keepin on.
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Is it hard to imagine what can you create by removing words?
This reminds me of the premise of a beautiful play called "Where Words Once Were," which is the story of a dystopian world where citizens are limited to 1000 words, no more. When we remove words and simplify, we often find even deeper meanings in what isn't said.
From The Free Woman blog How to Create Blackout Poetry
such a beautiful example! I really enjoy blackout poetry.
building blocks of radio stories
This is great advice for my students. It pertains to any story, not just radio stories. Good description of suspense, too!
Radio-it’s kinda like an audiobook, but different. Def more like a book than a movie, as we are co-authors. Podcasts have sort of replaced radio, no?. Intimacy. Empathy. Love this video!
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Watch author Kurt Vonnegut describe the
OK, so did you see our Storytelling 1 workshop on YWP Academy on youngwritersproject.org? Alan, Mia... you can log in and check out the responses... kids made drawings of their story arcs.
A Man with Chalk and a Blackboard Explains the Shape of Story
I thoroughly enjoyed Vonnegut's explanation of story arcs, hilarious!
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Also a blog post The Kangaroo - Scene I that explains this a bit more. I really enjoyed the Hangout and the NetProv examples given. I'd love to go to those classes!
A think tank where you can publish fake studies to support your fake news posts.
sounds like something that I'd be interested in.
“Netprov = internet improv… or you you could say Netprov is networked, improvised storytelling in available media.”
ah, now I understand where the word came from. fabulous
“I think it’s more giving someone the freedom by encouraging you to misbehave in a controlled setting. it’s like having people play acting games”
Which adults rarely do when they grow up
“Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together But when I look ahead up the white road There is always another one walking beside you Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded I do not know whether a man or a woman -But who is that on the other side of you?” — TS Eliot
Kind of off topic but who is the third person? Is it God or death?
This is Mark’s son again This is soooo boring when are you guyz gonna netprov netprooovv Does anyone have any good Pokemon cards? My dad taught me a word for this teeeeeeeedious Did I use that wright? My Dad never lets me make clever puns thats why i stuck that last one in there
So, I still don't know whether that was Mark and Mark's son? LOL, So realistic tho 😅😭😭
Out of the Margin Marginalia Some things that went back in forth in the hangout chat (which you cannot see in the stream) plus flot/jet sam from twitter.
I was actually worried that outside viewers would miss our little side chat but here it is.
Exploring #Netprov– “networked improvisation narrative” — an online art form occupying the densely populated cultural space of social media.
Had an awesome time tonight. I was kind of nervous but it was definitely a fun experience. I look forward to diving into this area more over the next few weeks.
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Writing blog posts is an important part of this experience
I agree! I enjoy writing blog posts!
What’s yours?
I am having issues with finding mine. I put my name where your name is but it is saying page not found.
It’s because we can see everyone’s Four Elements
Clearly, I didn't tag my post correctly because I can't see it here. I typed 4elements into the labels sections on Blogger. I will try again tomorrow in class.
On your weekly post, reflect on what you learned by visiting other blogs and sharing what kind of feedback you got on your own blog.
As I alluded to last week in class this may, depending on when our weekly reflection is posted, have to be done retroactively.
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Blogging has made its mark.
I love that blogging has become such a huge part of the learning process. We can learn so much from reading about people's experiences-- reading blogs on various topics has helped me on many occasions. Of course, fact checking is always going to be crucial (trust, but verify), but I a few years back, bloggers weren't given the level of trust that we give them nowadays. It's a big transition, and it's made the cold Internet world seem more personal and connected. There are bloggers whose recommendation or criticism is of paramount importance.
“Regrets to Egrets” by Tobi Hahn – https://twitter.com/regrettoegret
Every time a tweet pops up from this account, I laugh like a maniac. So simple, yet so hilarious!
Video games
Video games are incredible and they don't get the credit they're due. The amount of work that goes into a single moment in a game blows my mind, and I wish the creators received more praise. The combination of coding and artistic endeavor puts video games on par with some of the most lauded works of art, in my opinion. Even games that are technologically lower quality can still have amazing stories that stick with the players. For example, one of my favorite games as a kid was Kingdom Hearts, and when I go back to play it now the memories come flooding back.
One of my favorite lines:
Twitter bots are like hanging art in your twitter stream
viewing the source of the web page
You might soon want to start peeking at the source code around here. There are sounds of tinkering happening...
Redo the Tour (archived video)
Virtual Reality
A neat example is "War of Words" developed for most VR platforms: http://www.bdh.net/work/war-of-words-vr/
Video games
Here are some works of e-literature that engage video game genre: http://iloveepoetry.com/?p=10359.
Children’s books are becoming digital
Part of what's so good about children's books is that they are multimodal and interactive by design-- they pop up when you open the pages, or have tabs you can pull, or textured materials to touch, plus images-- all of which get abandoned for unimodal text based writing. Portable touchscreen devices (tablets, and such) allow for some interactivity and multimodal composition, so they've become an rich space for this kind of publication. Here are a few children's e-lit works I've curated: http://iloveepoetry.com/?p=11228.
What about bookstores?
Hipsters! ;-) Seriously though, I love and miss bookstores, and cherish every opportunity to visit one.
On authorship, generative literature, bots?
This really makes you realize/see how things are changing. I wonder how schools will handle this shift. Will it be okay in only some classes and not others?
What about bookstores?
The act of someone actually walking into a bookstore and sitting down to read, or even spending hours there has definitely died down a little in my opinion. However, bookstores are not gone! It is such a beautiful experience to me, and I don't think I can ever let bookstores go. I am probably most alive whenever I am surrounded by books! So much is accessible in a digital context, but there are still people out there with old souls that long for that sort of tangible experience
Fanfiction is coming into its own.
This, at first, sounds odd but it's true! Fanfiction is an important way of people entering into creative writing, and exploring with characters and themes that bend the established storylines.
What about bookstores?
Authors are still authoring and booksellers are still bookselling. The surviving bookstores are better for the competition. Just like the remaining 'record' stores. IMHO
Electronic Literature Collection,
my sixth graders are obsessed with these collections!!..we checked them out today.
Twitter bots, recombinatory poetry, generative fiction is infinitely fascinating because it can be so random and unexpected. It's like experimenting with how we ascribe meaning, try to find purpose in the otherwise incomprehensible.
transmedia storytelling
Here's a recent paper that unravels all the threads of 'transmedia.' Digital storytelling: New opportunities for humanities scholarship and pedagogy John F. Barber | Ray Siemens (Reviewing Editor) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311983.2016.1181037
Wander to computer. Turn on, jack in, fall out of chair an hour later with flowers exploding out the top of my curly brown head
Love this small portion, because it made me giggle.
twitter bots
No E-grets!
Electronic Literature Collection
This collection is gold! I am so happy to know about it and be able to experience and navigate through all of the works of art. The community around Electronic Literature is growing, and I feel I am a part of it, which is really cool!
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality sets like the PS4 VR and The Oculus Rift are great examples of Gaming Virtual Reality headsets. The Google Cardboard is a cheap VR headset that requires a iPhone or Android to operate. The Google Cardboard displays Stationary scenes, such as a Rollercoaster ride.
Electronic Literature Collection
This is a fantastic resource for people now getting into the digital literary network.
Children’s books are becoming digital.
Kids will love this!