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  1. Last 7 days
    1. By focusing on a student’s learning style we reinforce a simplistic view of learning. Learning styles suggest that individuals have one way to learn best. Unfortunately, learning is complex, and not easy. This is hard and takes time! It has very little to do with the way information is handed to a learner, but rather, how the learner processes that knowledge once they have it. It is important to remember – learning is within the control of the learner.

      This stands out to me because it honestly seems very truthful. If we focus on something like a learning style a child may never fully find out what they are capable of if they try to learn and take on other styles as well.

    2. The

      Summary of the article: This article talks about the many different learning styles and explains in depth about each learning style. This article plays devil's advocate as well asking if learning styles are a real thing and some alternate explanations of the styles. The basic gist is how learning styles are both a good and bad thing.