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    1. The Net is positive space for constructing and maintaining social net-works, identity and belonging. There is real communicative action atwork in the formation of what is clearly communicative leisure. But theNet’s instrumental nature makes it fail as a truly communicative space.People can find communities of interest and like-minded people to sharepolitics with, but the Net is actually weak as a form of public sphere.

      The Internet serves as a positive space for building and sustaining social networks, facilitating identity formation and a sense of belonging. It enables genuine communicative interactions, highlighting the role of what can be termed 'communicative leisure.' However, the instrumental nature of the Net ultimately undermines its potential as a fully communicative space. This is compounded by the presence of fake users and phishing schemes, which exploit these networks and can lead to distrust among users. The proliferation of inauthentic accounts not only dilutes the quality of interactions but also raises concerns about security and privacy, challenging the integrity of online relationships and the sense of belonging they are meant to foster.

    2. This is a form of boasting and bending the truthof our messy lives into picture-perfect moments of social confidenceand success. At best this competitive performativity turns Facebookinto a parade of narcissism; at worst, it actually threatens people withpsychological trauma (Rosen, Whaling, Rab, Carrier and Cheever, 2013).

      In China, TikTok is populated by a wide array of influencers and users who skillfully construct curated personas to present idealized versions of themselves. This phenomenon serves multiple purposes: it allows individuals to boast about their lifestyles and achievements, often exaggerating their experiences to attract followers and engagement. Such performances can sometimes border on deception, as users may manipulate their images and narratives to appeal to audiences for financial gain.

    3. Every individual using the Net has certain rituals and behaviours.The Net has key uses for each of us. We use the Net as a space forentertainment – we seek pleasure and satisfaction through watching orreading or listening to or interacting with something. We use the Net forgathering information – news, weather forecasts, the times of flights andtrains. We use the Net to buy things. And we use the Net to form socialnetworks through communities of interest.

      I frequently use an app called TIDE (https://tide.fm/en_US/) for meditation: true me that it is the best mediation APP I have ever used for my entire life! It offers a wide variety of soundscapes designed to help with focus, relaxation, or mindfulness while engaging in activities like reading or working. These soundscapes create an immersive environment that aids concentration and helps reduce distractions. The app demonstrates how digital tools can go beyond traditional entertainment or social networking uses, allowing us to enhance mental clarity and well-being. The integration of TIDE into my daily routine aligns with the broader idea that we use the internet and apps not only for functional purposes but also to support self-care and build habits that promote focus and mindfulness.