7 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. docs-staging.docs.admlabs.aws.swinfra.net docs-staging.docs.admlabs.aws.swinfra.net
    1. Automatic scrolling in Verify and IF steps is not affected by script settings. By default, Verify and IF steps do not

      Should we use "If" instead of "IF"?

    1. Note: Scrolling is not performed for Verify steps.

      I think scrolling is not performed by default. But user can still enable the scrolling for verify steps.

  3. docs-staging.docs.admlabs.aws.swinfra.net docs-staging.docs.admlabs.aws.swinfra.net
    1. Sometimes, multiple text strings are identified near the object. You can select the one to use for object identification from a drop-down list within the Text box.

      I believe that when editing the steps, we are unable to select the alternative texts. So I think this sentence is not relevant for editing step section.

    2. For example, you can select Click, Type, Verify, Wait, or Navigate steps.

      It seems that we missed the "Enter" step

    1. Sometimes, multiple text strings are identified near the object. You can select the one to use for object identification from a drop-down list within the Text box.

      I believe that "Text" has already been updated to "Identification Text".

    1. You can update the application name only after you changed the application URL.

      I don't think it's correct. User can update the application name anytime.

    2. To release your application, click the ellipsis button and select Release.

      I believe that the design has already changed. Release function no longer exists.