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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Charles Hughes describe explicit instructionTeaching children in a systematic and sequential manner. as “systematic, direct, engaging, and success oriented.”

      I like the concept of the Delivery of Instruction with the 3 attributes: Interactive, Feedback, and a Perky Pace. In my opinion, that is an success way to help kindergarten-age children learn

    1. But how do we know if a study that we’ve found can be trusted or is high quality? Here are some tips when thinking about reading research.

      I have had promblems finding evidence-based researchj activities. I know that iReady has some, but other than that, going ourside of the CCS Curriculum, it is difficult for me to get iideas that are approved by CCS.

    1. Universal screeningAn informal inventory that provides the teacher a beginning indication of the student’s preparation for grade level reading instruction. to identify students who need help

      We use KRA in Kindergarten. It really does not have much feedback. We are also using the iReady Reading Assessment (BOY), and our own beginning reading assessment. We got that from TeacherPayTeachers.com. We have a lot of testubg to complete in the beginning of the school year. It is a big job.