32 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
  2. blackboard.njcu.edu blackboard.njcu.edu
    1. irrevocably

      in a way that cannot be changed

    2. unheralded

      not previously announced

    3. efficacy

      intended result

    4. rebarbative


    5. detritus

      Waste or debris of any kind

    6. disjunctive

      Lacking connection

    7. neologism

      A newly coined word or expression

    8. apotheosis

      the highest point in the development of something

    9. reinvigorate

      giving new energy or strength

    10. compendium

      a collection of concise but detailed information

    11. onceptual Writing “employs intentionally self and ego effacing tactics using uncreativity, unoriginality, illegibility, appropriation, plagiarism, fraud, theft, and falsification as its precepts; information management, word process-ing, databasing, and extreme process as its methodologies; and boredom, valuelessness, and nutritionlessness as its ethos”

      Woah, that was a lot but what does it mean ?

    12. More specifically, these tactics have given poets license to incorporate subjective experience and emotional material without fetishizing the lyric ego, the personal “I” – in effect, they permit poets to write about personal experience while sidestepping the problems of sentimentality, narcissism, and autobiographical excess that many poets still find dogging much contemporary lyric poetry (see Ashton 2008/2009).

      I dont know what this means.

    13. quotidian

      of or occurring everyday

    14. mundane

      Lacking interest or excitement

    15. As I have mentioned, it can be seen as a response to the crisis of originality and authorship brought on by the evolution of new media.

      I believe this is true because media puts that pressure on you

    16. Acker felt that plundering and subverting other, usually male-authored, texts was an essential tool in a radical feminist attack on contemporary capitalist, patriarchal culture

      she used this method to attack patriarchal culture

    17. piracy

      the practice of robbing and attacking ships at sea.

    18. oeuvre

      The works of a painter, composer, or author

    19. proliferate

      increased rapidly in numbers

    20. polyglot

      Knowing or using several languages

    21. pastiche

      An artistic work that imitates that of another work

    22. aphorisms

      a pity observations that contains general truth

    23. plunder

      steal goods from a place or person

    24. vantage

      A place or position affording a good view of something

    25. Should the fruits of culture be consid-ered “free,” a kind of “cultural commons,” an “open source” archive accessible to all, or should they be carefully guarded by legal boundaries of ownership and intellectual property?

      I feel as though it should be accessible to all because then everyone will be able to understand the culture.

    26. paradigm

      a typical example or pattern

    27. tumultuous

      Making a loud confused noise

    28. consensus

      general agreement

    29. In the twentieth century, many writers and artists went another step: they forcefully rejected the Romantic concept of “genius” and musty, outdated notions of originality, inspiration, and heroic creativity, and invented radical new ways of appropriating and recycling pre-existing forms of expression.

      Is he saying the new generation stole many forms of expression?

    1. The shopper looks at the cashier.He surrenders to him.They wait in silence.The shopper looks at the cashier. She surrenders to him.They feel better after a good cry.

      Sometimes I feel as though the story's flow well into each other but the ending threw me off when it said they feel better after a good cry. I questioned why the cashier would be crying. Maybe the shopper stole something and the cashier knew the shopper personally so it hurt the cashier to see the shopper stealing.

    2. It uses the same lines many times. It alternates between saying she or he smacks someone else. Reading this it sounds as if someone is getting abused. Because they use words like berate,smack, and cry.

  3. Jun 2018