6 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. "You know very well, Maria, how I feel toward you. I said nothing before as my farm was not so forward that we could live there comfortably, and moreover I guessed that you liked François Paradis better than me. But as François is no longer here, and this young fellow from the States is courting you, I said to myself that I, too, might try my fortune ..."

      How romantic! The way people would speak back in day is so different on how we proclaim love to one in another today.

    2. Every morning the men scanned the heavens and took counsel together.

      Interesting way to say that they prayed.

    3. Meantime the women in their turn had begun to leave the church. Young or old, pretty or ugly,

      That's interesting to read. Why did it matter if they were ugly, young, or pretty?

    4. speaker ended by adding his own laugh.

      That is interesting to read. I have never heard of the term, " speaker ended by adding his own laugh". Maybe he was trying to ease the speech.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. tears of those who are turned away, and refused permission to come to our assistance

      What a strong sentence. How he writes about how they turned away people and they left in tears. What am I also understanding here is that they refused help. The statement after this sentence states that they then found many people who wanted to work. Can someone explain a little more?