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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Instead, let’s start by asking those who insist a 400-year problem is no longer a problem whether they reject Newton’s First Law of Motion.

      This may be a bit off topic but i recently watched this street interview of people coming back from a trump rally and being asked about how "libs" think and conduct interviews. They used the word trick a lot, about how liberals will talk about one think and try to trick you into admitting another thing based on that thing. I can't help but laugh to myself because i think their definition of "trick" is what we call critical thinking. I think this phrase is what they would call a trick.

    2. Thus my thought experiment above: first, because it seems apparent that laws alone do not prevent harmful behaviors; and second, because the cumulative weight of history would produce inertia that perpetuates inequity at a structural level in the present, even if there were no more direct discrimination happening at all.

      This is genuinely such a compelling way to explain the prevalence of racism despite its illegality. Its the perfect gateway into the other ways races are still discriminated against systemically and one that I can now quote in future conversations.