10 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. One of the fundamental differences between naturaland classificatory languages

      i believe that natural language grows naturally over time, it is not created by anyone but are developed within a culture or society while classificatory languages are created for a specific purpose, logic classification by profesionnals.

    2. At the same time, however, the classification text is itself a naturally-occurringactual language system written in a natural language.

      Is it related to natural language processing ?

    3. lassification text focuses on serving as an organising principleand expressive tool for encapsulating the aboutnesses of other primarydocuments, including other classification texts

      In my opinion, IA will significantly increase the accuracy of text classification.

    4. Intertextuality

      Here is a link for a more thorough definition of intertextuality with examples https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313405629_Intertextuality

    5. ke the distinction bet-ween aboutness and meaning, then, the distinction between virtual and actuallanguage systems is based on intuitively attractive but unproven assumptionsabout an individual's relationships both to linguistic behaviour in general and toits manifestations in particular documents.

      the virtual language system is about abstract knowledge and cognitive reprepresentation of language, while the actual language system is about the tangible use of language in real-world settings

    6. a strong relationship between a document's aboutness and its potentialmeanings for individuals

      interpretation of a document content is highly personal, it depends on the reader's personal context which can include background, values, cultural settings. for me personally, aboutness is the primary topic of a document, its starting point but individuals engage with document content on amuch more deeper level. (Tatiana)

  2. Sep 2024
    1. just as the “relevance” of a document or afact is situational depending on the inquiry and on the expertise of the inquirer

      The relevance of an information or a document can depend on the context in which it is used

    2. Information-as-process is situational.

      for me,socio cultural factors also shape how people understand, interpret and apply information,the interpretation of an information depends on each and everyone background. .

    3. to includenatural objects, artefacts, objects bearing traces of human activities

      can these objects also be referred to as collection ?

    4. the action of telling or fact of being told ofsomething

      information comme processus désigne l'action d'informer, de communiquer un fait, une information à une personne.
