18 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Local trajectory stabilization for nonlinear systems

      Is this not a repetition of the previous section 8.1.1 ? Or is there a difference when you talk about it from a perspective of trajectory?

  2. Mar 2024
    1. But in practice we do not use it, because we cannot convert between joint impedance control and Cartesian impedance control without shutting down the robot

      Why would you want to convert between Joint Impedance and Carteisan Impedance at runtime. What benefit does that have?

    2. InverseDynamicsController

      How do you command eef forces in this paradigm? I see that you can set a reference acceleration, does it boil down to converting the desired eef force to an accleration? I which case, would this fall within the spectrum of direct force controllers?

  3. Jan 2024
    1. but in the differential kinematics setting we were only seeking to find a small change Δq around the nominal configuration, so it was quite reasonable to make linear/convex approximations of these nonlinear/nonconvex constraints.

      Was this demonstrated somehwere else in the notes? (maybe chapter 3)?

  4. May 2023
    1. Then we have

      Hi, does $$u_{k}$$ here represents the generic decision variable here (for both direct transcription and direct shooting)? I was initially confused thinking that the derivative being estimated here was only w.r.t the control input, in which case the second term inside the sigma does not make sense no?

    1. dynamics

      Should the $$C_{E}$$ term be multiplied by $$\dot{p^{E}}$$

    2. inverse dynamics controllers

      What happends to the $$\ddot{q_{d}}$$ term in the eqation below?

      Shouldn't this be $$ \ddot{q} - \ddot{q_{d}} + K_{p}(\cdot) + K_{d}(\cdot) = M^{-1}(\cdot)\tau_{ext} $$

    3. There is a nice philosophical

      For purposes of clarity, It would be nice to see what exactly the control law is for all the different types of controllers discussed in this chapter, at the outset of each section. For position and direct force control this is mentioned explicitly. However, in the case of indirect force control the fact that:

      $$u = -mg + k_{p}(\cdot) + k_{d}(\cdot)$$

      needs to be inferred from the other equations. This is not really a problem, but can defintely improve readability.

      Thanks for your work Prof. Tedrake.

  5. Apr 2023
    1. system

      I'm having trouble understanding how this is a controller. Shouldn't there be u term somewhere in this equation?

    2. pointing straight up in positive world

      The rotation described in the equation below is between frames B and C. It is unclear what the B frame here is. Can you elaborate?

  6. Sep 2022
    1. In this section we restrict ourselves

      Is this graph supposed to be between the generalized vectors $$x = [\theta, \dot{\theta}]^{T}, \dot{x} = [\dot{\theta}, \ddot{\theta}]$$

      I ask because, the notation seems to be a little confusing. if $$u, b = 0$$, isn't the graph that you are constructing here between $$\theta, \ddot{\theta}$$

  7. Jul 2022
    1. columns / number of degrees of freedom

      With respect to your main thesis in your underactuated course, is it fair to say that the loss of rank in a singular configuration equates to the system becoming underactuated? Or am I mixing two different ideas here?

    2. We can

      If I were to have a cable rack around a position controlled manipulation arm (no joint torque sensing), would it be fair to say that the cable rack imposes further position-velocity constraints on the C-Space (joint configuration) of the robot? If so, how would one go about writing these constraints in the language of this section? I can imagine the v_range and q_range can be extracted from an assumed model of the cable rack (maybe a rope model).

    3. When the column rank of JG exceeds the row rank

      What does this mean, in an mxn matrix, where m<n, is there such a thing as a column rank exceeding the row rank? In the row reduced form are there not only a certain set of pivots and the column rank is equal to the row rank. It may not be full row rank/ full column rank, what am I missing here?

    1. ize δ which guarantees that if the system is started inside the δ ball then it will remain inside

      Is there a relation between $$\delta$$ and $$\epsilon$$ ? Or are they just indications of the initial set of states and the final set of states of the system?

    1. It is important to understand that this is a local solution to a non-convex optimization problem

      Could you explain what this means? The formulation is least squares, and my naive understanding is that objective functions that are formulated as least squares cost is always parabolic and hence qualifies as convex optimization.

    2. Let us assume, for now, that we also know

      First Assumption. Just for my clarity. No doubt here.

  8. May 2022
    1. high-gain feedback

      What does high-gain feedback mean in this context? I am new to control so the only formulation I have of this is designing a PID controller without taking into account the dynamics of the robot. In which case, does it mean the estimated proportional/derivative/integral constants that you arrive at after testing the system out?