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  1. Dec 2019
  2. moone206517134.wordpress.com moone206517134.wordpress.com
    1. Recently, however, I have come to appreciate riding backcountry for reasons beyond access to untouched snow.  This change occurred when my family went to Park City, a massive mountain resort in Utah which has recently become very popular and extremely developed. 

      This piece was originally a response to Rebecca Solnit’s Essay “Open Door” in which I discussed how my experience snowboarding in the woods related to her description of nineteenth-century American explorers. However, I decided that it would be better to write a stand alone piece in order that I could explain how a specific moment changed my thinking about riding backcountry. I believe that this allowed me to better describe my thoughts about this subject, for I could spend less time connecting my ideas to Solnit’s work.

    2. Because of this, I would think of the backcountry differently;  instead of viewing the dense trees as an obstacle, I saw them as a beautiful feature which is absent in many modern trials due to development. I began to appreciate the silence and the feeling of remoteness that most on the mountain no longer experience to do the massive crowds. And I valued the soft snow not only for the riding experience, but also as a reminder of what nature used to be before humans tamed it and conformed it to their needs.

      I included this inorder to explain why my conversation with Dick Bench was important and meaningful for me. I believe that this shows how I used the information he told me in order to develop new ideas about backcountry. I think that this makes my essay more interesting because I go beyond what I saw or heard and instead gave my reader insight on my thoughts and on how I perceive the world.

    1. Because they are willing to collaborate with others’ perspectives, RAs can give constructive suggestions that agree with their resident’s personality and mindset, for they are able to create solutions that are unique for their resident’s situation.

      I added this to the end of the paragraph in order to explain why I thought RA’s willingness to cooperate was important. I decided that it would be interesting if I connected what I discussed in this paragraph to another idea that I had talked about earlier, namely to the topic of RAs having mentorship roles. I felt it was important to explain why their ability to value others opinions and cooperate would be valuable for their conversations with their residents. I think that this made the paragraph interesting because I used what I had learned from my research in order to develop a new idea about the RAs.

    2. For instance, some of the RAs had problems with the group interview portion of the process because they thought it unfairly disadvantaged introverted candidates, but others found it valuable because they thought it it shows whether or not the candidates can work well with others.  They concluded that it would be best to keep the group interview in the process only if the interviewers explained that they are not looking for the most outspoken candidates but rather for those who are best at teamwork.

      In my first draft, I did not include an in depth description of the Residence Life meeting; rather, I only generally stated that I found the RAs were willing to work together in order to come to a solution. I believe that this example was helpful for my essay because it showed a specific instance where the RAs cooperated. This was helpful for my essay because I could explain my thought process by describing how and why I felt this instance made me conclude that RAs are willing to cooperate, thus making my essay more personal and unique to me.

    3. This need for conversation shows how RAs must cooperate with each other, for their need to work together as a team requires them to collaborate and work through their differences. Oliver understands that his colleague’s approach to a problem is just as valid as his own, even if it is different; this requires him to compromise and work towards an approach they can both agree on.  This willingness to work with others shows how RAs value the ability to learn from their colleagues’ different perspectives. 

      Originally, this paragraph only included examples of how RAs work together, I revised it to only include one example and include an explanation of why I think this makes them cooperative people who value the opinions of their peers. I included this explanation to show why I found the examples important. I felt that this revision made the paragraph more meaningful, for it allowed me to describe a quality that I believe RAs to have instead of just naming something that they commonly do.

    4. Sarina is conscious that many of her residents may not have someone with whom they are comfortable enough to reach out to when they need help, so she feels that it is her responsibility to speak with her residents and make them aware that she is both a friend and a resource. She tries to develop a “relaxed” relationship with her residents so that they view her as someone with whom they can speak freely.  It is through this relationship that she is able to hear their problems and offer help.

      I added this analysis after my first draft because I wanted to go beyond just writing what I observed and instead explain what my observations lead me to think. I believe that this made my essay interesting, for it described something about the RAs that a casual observer would have not been able to pick up on. I was critical and thoughtful with what I observed, which allowed me to develop meaningful conclusions about Serina’s motivation for being an RA.

    5. arina mentioned that she became an RA because she had a hard time freshmen year, for she “didn’t know that [she] was having the same problems as other people” and felt like she had no one to talk to. Because of this, she wants to “have a conversation about universal issues with the girls in [her] hall,” for “she thinks it is helpful to have someone who has gone through the same problems to talk to.”

      Here, I decided to only focus on this one quote from Sarina, rather than include another quote from Oliver and an observation from their meeting. I decided to do this so that I could explain what specific things sparked ideas in my head. This allowed me to explain not only what caused me to develop new ideas, but why they did so, and how they influenced my thinking.

    6. Whenever he would talk to the hall, he read off a list given to him by the RD, which made me think that he viewed interacting with us as a task which was mandated by his job. Additionally, I rarely saw him around, so I never had a chance to talk with him outside of a formal setting.  The lack of personal connection gave me the impression that he had assumed the role for the benefits, namely a free single dorm.

      In my first draft, I did not give reasons why I felt that my RA took the position for only the benefits. Instead, I only stated that I rarely talked to him and that he gave me the impression that he did not care about his residents. I decided to include a specific example of his impersonal approach to our group meetings in order to explain how I drew conclusions about him.