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    1. 35Following Colonel Henry's suicide, a fund was started to help hiswidow with legal costs. The entries below accompanied the manydonations that poured in (in book form, the entries fill 700 pages).

      anitsemitic document of different professions each saying harmful things about Jewish people

    2. 33Maurice Barrès was a novelist, journalist, and leader of Action française; hewas formerly a member of the political left who shifted to hardlinenationalism during the Dreyfus Affair. Below is a campaign speech from hisrun for deputy.

      anti-jew "danger to allow Jews the privilege of appealing to the principles of civil liberty" "money that corrupts" allowed them to be in powerful positions

    3. 3231Charles Maurras was a founder of the anti-democratic, nationalist, andmonarchist group Action française (created in response to the DreyfusAffair). The piece below is an excerpt of an article he published in LaGazette de France following the death of Colonel Henry. Henry hadproduced a forged document to ‘prove’ Dreyfus’ guilt in the context of theinvestigation of Esterhazy, and he was called in for questioning in 1898as part of a review of documents. He confessed, and was imprisonedawaiting trial; he committed suicide the next day

      praising colonel henry for his actions, want to honor his death,

    4. 28At least two pro-Dreyfus newspapers issued calls to women for theircomments on the affair; this is a selection of responses to Le Siècle.

      sympathetic to Madame Dreyfus, "ask judges to allow poor martyr to join her husband.."

    5. 25 26Gyp (a pen name) was a novelist, journalist, and a salon hostessfor right-wing public figures. She covered Zola’s trial for La LibreParole. In this piece she coins the term “Izolâtres” to describeZola’s allies (a play on idolâtre, which means idolatrous).

      critiquing Jewish people's appearances "sink, fat, ugly" "those men are not and can never be French"

      Colonel Picquart- pretty Jew, not actually Jewish, stylish, snake charmer, will become soul of Izolatres society

      Zola- man of the syndicate, commited vile and wicked act

    6. 15

      This document written by Lazare questions the legitimacy of the military's conviction and declares that his conviction is not based on guilt but based on the fact that he is Jewish

    7. 12Theodor Herzl was a Jewish Austro-Hungarian journalist whobecame one of the leading figures of modern Zionism. This is hisaccount of the Dreyfus degradation for the Viennese newspaper theNeue Freie Presse (New Free Press).Léon Daudet was a journalist and writer who cofounded thenationalist, royalist, and antidemocratic newspaper Actionfrançaise. This is his account of Dreyfus’ military degradation,part of his punishment following his conviction for treason.

      another account of degradation, make alfred sound less confident, "dumb puppet" more descriptive account

    8. 11 12Theodor Herzl was a Jewish Austro-Hungarian journalist whobecame one of the leading figures of modern Zionism. This is hisaccount of the Dreyfus degradation for the Viennese newspaper theNeue Freie Presse (New Free Press).Léon Daudet was a journalist and writer who cofounded thenationalist, royalist, and antidemocratic newspaper Actionfrançaise. This is his account of Dreyfus’ military degradation,part of his punishment following his conviction for treason.

      description of alfred dreyfus degradation, maintained his innocence, ceremony left impression on eyewitnesses.

    9. 7 8

      Info from L'Eclair spread that false information about Alfred Dreyfus, that he confessed everything and that they have absolute proof that he sold secrets to Germany. Public unsure of situation until information was spread through the press that turned them against Dreyfus. People trusted military and believed everything they read. "not a true frenchman"

    10. 3 4

      interrogation- alfred dreyfus denies, has no knowledge of much of information contained in the document, had affair, devote his whole fortune to figuring out who really did it, still has pride "worthy of leading my soldiers"

    11. 3

      descriptions about Alfred Dreyfus over the years, very positive except his voice


    1. engaging (in theprocess) with the latest technologies, and the particular gratification

      providing data visualizations that are engaging and gratifying are key to user enjoyment

    2. experience of control throughmonitoring

      Checking the weather, even though it may be wrong, makes us feel in control. It provides a sense of comfort to monitor things that effect our day to day

    3. rom relying onthe service

      people still rely on weather data visualizations and information despite disliking or having a lack of trust in them

    4. profound scepticism towards the information theplatform provides

      people do not have a deep trust in the information provided from weather platforms

    5. A select few also expressed a preference forsimplicity in visual design, objecting to the Buienradar (desktop) site’soverly cluttered interface or overload of information

      many enjoy easy to read, uncomplicated visualizations that do not require much thought

    6. Many understood them in terms of rain intensity(‘how heavily it will rain’), an interpretation that ties in quite closely withtheir actual coding in terms of precipitation volumes. Others, however, didnot take the colours to carry any meaning at all. And some respondents,including some true Buienradar aficionados, associated them with rathermore complex or encompassing atmospheric conditions (for instance, ‘red’ astaken to denote ‘thunder’ or ‘stormy weather’). These last examples suggestthat our users, even if they built in their interp

      aspects of data visualizations can be interpreted in many different ways

    7. lve zooming in on the map, and specific ways of togglingbetween the one- and three-hour views (on the website) or moving one’scursor between different projection times (all media).

      dynamic visualization

    8. A majority prefer the geographical representa-tion, focusing in their readings on the relation between current location(sometimes set to default, so that the map shows only a select part of thecountry; see Figure 5.4) and the timing of a given stage in the animationof rainclouds moving over it. Others, however, radically prefer the linegraph, often with the argument that it is ‘clearer’ or that it provides ‘morespecific’ or ‘more detailed’ information (either in terms of location, or inthe sense that rainfall is more precisely quantified)

      different data visualizations on the platform appeal to different people, as we learned in class there is no perfect data visualization

    9. weather data, the service wouldenable the user to take a meteorologist’s place, seeing ‘at a glance’ what wasto happen at specific points in time (e.g. Ermstrang, 2011).

      data replacing human jobs

    10. suggest that peoplethese days would rather believe what their weather apps tell them than totrust their own senses

      people believe and rely on technology and data visualizations more than their own observations