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  1. Last 7 days
    1. By focusing on a student’s learning style we reinforce a simplistic view of learning. Learning styles suggest that individuals have one way to learn best. Unfortunately, learning is complex, and not easy. This is hard and takes time! It has very little to do with the way information is handed to a learner, but rather, how the learner processes that knowledge once they have it. It is important to remember – learning is within the control of the learner.

      In this section, the author states that using one specific learning style can simplify the concept of learning. tHe author states that learning is meant to be a challenge, and by catering to a learning style or preference, the challenge is not there, essentially. The author believes that the way knowledge is given isn't important, but it is how the learner receives this knowledge, and what they do with it that is important.

    2. Roundup on Research: The myth of “learning styles”

      This article discusses the topic of learning styles, but the fact that the concept of learning styles is actually very flawed. The author explains that it is very difficult to find a way of teaching that caters to all learners. They also explain that the effectiveness of learning styles is difficult to truly measure. The author states that when you take note of which ways that you learn best, it is not a learning style, but a preference. It is also explained that no study displays that catering to a specific learning style brings in positive results of better retention. In addition, the author explains the dangers of learning styles.