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  1. Last 7 days
    1. truly fair

      ** Note to text: a connection between the text and something else you have learned (in this or another course)**

      This paragraph mirrors the Universal Model/Design that we learned in class because it discusses the importance of making sure services and environments are accessible and usable by everyone regardless of age, sex, or disability.

    2. Sesha and Jamie

      **What is fair treatment? **

      This paragraph underscores that fair treatment of individuals with impairments involves recognizing unique needs and tailoring support to them in order for them to "live fully integrated and productive lives." To achieve "fair treatment," we need to advocate for inclusivity and diversity, and ensure access to care, education, and various other opportunities.

    3. citizens

      What does it mean to say that someone is (or is not) a citizen?

      This paragraph highlights that the concept of citizenship goes hand-in-hand to full participation in society, as they are "full cooperating members." This implies that citizenship does not just give them a legal status, but also involves meeting certain societal expectations.

    4. if only society adjusts its back-ground conditions to include them.

      **Note to self: a connection between the text and your life or experiences. **

      This resonates after completing the Accessibility Project because I have become more aware when it comes to accessibility for individuals with disabilities. I've seen firsthand how small adjustments like elevator widths, ramps, or automatic doors can make a huge difference in order for people to participate in society regardless of their physical abilities.