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  1. Oct 2020
    1. it was based on the geographical projection of weather observations from west to east and it was based on the simple fact that the telegraph traveled faster than the storms

      I am very surprised that the weather forecasts were not originally based on scientific findings and the study of the atmosphere. I always assumed that it was discovered through scientific analysis and technological readings. It is also very interesting that the telegraph played such a big role in weather forecasting, since it was able to transmit messages east to west. When thinking about nature and weather the telegraph was never on my radar of things that impacted the knowledge and growth of such a scientific field. Now watching it though it makes sense that this type of technology was able to have a large impact on information regarding weather. Half of discovery and science is based on proper communication of accurate information or any information at all that can aid in the topic being researched. The telegraph was able to provide this type of communication to allow the field of weather forecasting to expand. This is an example of when technology was actually able to increase our knowledge about nature.

    1. US government and in the media that worked hard to create a sense of panic and hysteria over the

      Rebecca Solnit relates Ghost dancing to technology because of its systematic style. She refers to technology as 'supernatural' and even saying it is indistinguishable from that of Magic. Anything that is new and uncomfortable or in this case supernatural is going to strike fear in to certain people. These people are not able or willing to understand the true intentions of the dance. Warren states that many could see this was not a war dance but this related to those that actually had an open mind and took the time to understand the 'supernatural' new dance. The US governments reaction to the ghost dances with panic and hysteria directly relates to how humans perceive new technologies. It also has to part to do with perspective, some found new technology to be exciting just like the Indians found the ghost dances to be a new form of hope. However, in general, new things are uncomfortable and scary to many which is why the US and media reacted in the way that they did.

    1. the us government and so these are public lands often land where indigenous peoples had lived long before the founding of the united states public lands that the federal government gave to railroads as right of way or to sell the land to get

      This piece of information really stood out to me as I listened to this module. I understand that these were technically public lands but it shocks me that there was a total disregard for a whole group of people. The only thing that was important was the capital and success that the railroad would have for the economy. There was no second thought that the government was destroying land that was the home of many. It all happened so fast too, the railroad expansion and land grants grew massively over such a short amount of time. Putting people at such a disservice that once lived on or near that land. Technically this land was public so legally there was no legal issue but it will always shock how little morals are involved when it comes to a lot of historical decisions.