11 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. his is a really important achievement, he notes, in an area struggling with obesity and all its related health problems, including diabetes.

      In response to my last annotation, this is good to see. Actual result that made a good impact on a family, especially for the better with their health.

    2. just aren't used to buying or preparing healthy meals

      I think this makes sense, sure you can put a healthier market in the community. But I feel like the residents would be so accustomed to unhealthy food, it wouldn't make as much of a change.

    1. It would never satisfy a hard-core meat eater, which, after all, was the point. So what was all this effort for

      My point! I feel like these fake meats will really only be popular to people who already don't eat meat. I understand the impact their trying to make, but I feel like its a waste of money.

    2. a few animal cells, nurtured with the right nutrients and hormones, finished with sophisticated processing techniques, and voilà: juicy burgers and seared tuna and marinated lamb chops without the side of existential worry.

      this does NOT sound appetizing. I can see where this article is going...

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Sarahspilled pine nuts all over the bulk aisle tothe horror of a grumpy employee; sheordered the wrong meat and felt toosheepish to rectify it; her credit carddidn’t work at checkout, and a managerhad to get involved so she could write acheck for her bounty.

      Out of all the sadness I've read in this article, this story hits me the most. I know the feeling when it seems at everything is working against you. Especially after something like a heartbreak.

    2. Living alone in New York provides a nonstop emotional dance between the splendorof solitude and the affliction of loneliness,

      I can't imagine living in New York alone, especially without my family. I know New York is the city of dreams, but I don't think I could do it alone.

    1. “the essay wrestles with how education can separate a child from his immigrant parents, and all the food in the world can’t fill the hunger of that lost family bond”.

      I find it amazing how this sentence was created from the main three words. When I was trying to piece together a sentence I couldn't create anything close to this.

    2. I have my students sketch an outline of their personal essay much later in the writing process,

      I can't remember the last time that I made an outline to write an essay Its a bad habit of mine not to, This article is making me want to start.

    3. To read a text “closely”—to linger on it, notice its language, question it, make connections—is an active, affectionate process. To look deeply at anything is a loving act.

      I love this sentence. Reading definitely can be an affectionate process. There is an art in reading itself

    1. Though I’ve lived abroad most of my life, Gaza is where I call home. It's where my parents were born and raised and where I spent summers as a child.

      This reminds me of how my mom feels about Guyana. She has lived in America for most of her life.But her roots, culture, and all her best memories growing up are from Guyana.

    2. Reading the transcript, I was immediately transported back to her kitchen table in Gaza.

      I love how reading over something can bring you back to a prim memory. I recently had this happen to me. I was looking back over an old journal I wrote in from 2022. While skimming through, so many memories were brought back.