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    1. poor thing poor thing poor thing

      emphasis or repetition brings the reader to understand the authours feelings and remorse for the dead animal also talks about the death of animals and the nature of the life

    1. Our ivory needles, otter pelts, mat creasers, our dances. What else do you remember dreaming of?

      harsh tone of the reality and the mystery of what people think indigenous culture and life is about. also create imagery or religious practices.

    2. woolly dog

      piece of cultural teaching and practices that is extinct now due to the genocide of the indigenous culture and spirituality

    1. He’d have God for his father, and never want joy.

      makes a point of religion as he is against it

    2. The

      ABAB rhyme scheme head said bare hair the poem also talks about the lost of innocence

    3. Weep! weep! weep! weep!’

      emphasis on the nature of the poem where children's innocence is being stepped from them. also give physical dialogue that the children are crying

    1. The Little Boy Lost

      AABB rhyme scheme going, fast boy lost.

    2. mire

      refers to a child trapped in a dangerous situation symbolically used for emotional despair.

    3. Father, father, where are you going

      repittion and opening of the line creates a sense of urgency for the father to respond to his little boy

    1. Sea, and hill, and wood,

      put emphasis in the poem by breaking conventional rhythms. the poem also describes the nature around them.

    1. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

      alliteration of "m" and "s"

    1. coffee sickness,

      emotion way to describe the feeling of being tired in life. the reflection of adulthood life

    2. affair after


    3. diseases, doldrums,


    1. Holy Sonnets: Batter my heart, three-person'd God

      The theme of the poem is a juxtaposition of freedom and submission. it is a submission to god for freedom.

    2. usurp'd town

      Middle English means to have a town defeated by an enemy.

    3. Divorce me, untie or break that knot again,

      this line written by the author creates emphasis it create a vivid imagine in the audiences mind while also entices the reader for more.

    4. Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.

      broken Iambic pentameter as break blow burn are stressed

    5. Batter my heart, three-person'd God, for you

      Iambic pentameter

    6. break, blow, burn

      Alliteration with the "B" sounds

    1. Delight in Disorder

      the poem is 8syallables with 14 structured like a sonnet. the poem also has a playful tone.

    2. disorder in the dress

      Alliteration on the d in disorder and dress.

    3. Ribands

      Middle English language used for ribbon.

    4. wantonness;

      Middle English word it means to have lack of care of bad behavior

    1. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time

      8 syllables with 4 feet.

    2. Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,

      abab thyme scheme thw word rose bud is a reference to a young woman

    3. the worse, and worst

      it put emphasis that life and time is ongoing things can move from bad to worse

    4. You may forever tarry.

      Seize the day theme to the poem as it urges the reader to size on the opportunity that is presented and to also act quickly "you may forever tarry" ending line means that time fades and you will not always be in the best shape in life.

    5. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun

      Iambic Tetrameter the line has eight syllables

    1. architect,

      common theme of appraisal that makes the poem persuasive, an architect, and a creator is used to describe god and how the world is made.

    2. eternal lord,

      persuasive as there are many adj to refer to god as such. it is also the first old English that is highly connected and representative to religious Christianity beliefs system. the eternal lord someone who is always going to be there I higher being.

    3. the

      repetition of "the" or "we" sound is used in the poem rhythmically to create an effect of personal possession of things a person belief.

    4. we

      repititon of "the" "we" sound

    1. We Have Trees Now

      the poem is free verse and does not stick to a certain stanza there is not fixed meter in the poem as well, simillarly to the themes of the poem the way the poem is structure is a reflection of the theme of the poem freedom.

    2. Because we can, we keep saying, because we can.

      The repetition of the word because we can creates the understanding to the reader that sometimes we reflect back on our previous experiences and convince ourselves that we are right. it is persuasive to the reader as it brings a common relatable understanding to context while playing with human emotions.

    3. Cavernous and cloudless,

      alliteration of the letter C sound it also juxtapostion as cloudless would refer to free open skies while cavernous creates the idea of something being big and dark.

    4. We

      the repetition of we is used to create an emphasis that the author of the poem is relatable to the reader and the average person. it also creates a rhythm in the poem