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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Organization of°stand-point standpoint and belief among liberals can be achieved only in and by unity of endeavor.

      This concept is still seen in the party system today. In terms of both liberalism, and between both parties, unification is only achievable if each group is willing to work towards it. If each group honestly attempts to understand and rally behind one another, under a common good, a true organization could be formed.

    2. n times of imminent change, our verbal and sentimental worship of the Constitution, with its guarantees of civil liberties of expression, publication and assemblage,°read-ily readily goes overboard.

      I feel as though this concept is very true to this day. As elections approach, tragedies occur, and major social actions are performed, the Constitution is almost always discussed. People preach how freedom of speech exists or you can not dare to take away their guns, but as these events pass and people move on, their alleged unwavering love and support for the Constitution diminishes.

    3. In any case, civilization is faced with the°prob-lem problem of uniting the changes that are going on into a coherent°pat-tern pattern of social organization.

      This portion of text reminded me of how as a society it is very difficult for us to solve a problem without first naming it. We may know that there are certain issue happening in certain places, but until we create a name for the specific problem, not much is done to solve it.