8 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Auedutoo ay) qiIM saafesuloty Aynuapt 0} ssaquious yduroid 03 pue sdurjaay Mrunurwio0s, ajye19ua3 0} padoy ase 1043980} Wap jo {TB Inq Suojiad 01 saakojdula sray pasu fayp ajor pazyeisads auo ap pue uoneziue3io ayn Jo yse} Wordxo om 0} parejas AypeowBoy St SadtAsas BNXa dsay} JO JUON

      Related to the person, not the task. I like the idea of using people as the unit of measure rather than tasks or roles.

    2. } Aouapuay yuasayur ue Aedsip sxomouresy JOpOU! 9} ‘gsodind JO paau aATsayoo auO padres W jf Se, UONIE 94) Sunuasaides Ag

      Our minds are very powerful confabulators, able to come up with clear explanations for why we do what we do whether that's really what's going on 'under the hood' or not.

    3. AduaTsyje Jeuoneztuesio ueyy Juejodunt 310W UdA2 JO pIeA Ayjenba aq 03 aaatjaq Asyp asned Jato sUIOS Jo areyjam oyqnd saduepua Aeui ssouadns fq wou 03 ynd AdaI908 jo yuourounbar ay yey) dAal[aq keur sxaquiaut 191Q ‘sapdioutd jesour 0} AyeAoy pue sduaIpaqo Jeuoneztuedio usamjaq

      Revealing organizational information for the public benefit is largely punished by the individuals it affects on a personal level without consideration as to the wider benefits of society

    4. “Apsoo yseay ay puke aaNnoayo soul ay) AjsnoouryNuNIs st yoy Aem oup ‘st yey ‘AeM euONEI ® ul spud ansind 03 pompau sadoid ysouwr ayp ‘Jory ut ‘st 31 ‘uOnOE Jeuones jo suswasmnbar ay) 0} uoneidepe suroidns ayy st (,29yJo ay jo ana au, — Adesonvaing,

      I would challenge that a bureaucracy is the most effective and least costly to pursue ends. Communities that have strongly held shared values and promote bottom-up action related to those values can pursue aims without (as much) need for a large bureaucratic structure. However, this may not be as coldly rational as a bureaucracy.

    5. wLIojsad 03 Sa2I03 Urol Aayp yseq ayy 0} agnqunuOD pue AAR IvpNogied stp UT ayedionied [ yory ur aor aup yim Ayyny jjasku Aynuapr 0} oul sJUBM Yo ‘sajOt JOYIO YONS Ul paysosazur St 2uOU ‘sasEd IsOUL UT

      If the members of the other groups the author is involved in were wise they would at least want to be aware of the other group affiliations the author has in case one of them becomes useful for the purposes of the group at some time.

    6. *‘pacid poreys sy WLM ‘sppo ye 3q 01 20S aq Jo ‘ysej> 03 awd Ast plnoYys QuoJayzipul poseposp Ajsnowoid SIINCUE Ul IDUIIIJIIIUI 0} Pea] ABU UNTETD & YONs ‘AT]eNUDIOg

      Who the person or people that establish, maintain, and 'protect' this shared creed is highly important. How are they chosen? Who are they responsible to?

    7. Aroisty Aq wow 10 apeu Apeolye uoIsisop ay asuayeyd 01 ysnous jueZoue ‘sjooy 10 ‘sopedausr ose Aap ojo ‘BZuNyed say ‘srojsaoue oy jo Azowaur ‘omnjeu uMO sap Aenaq ye UE YONs JUUIOD OYA asoy],

      Insisting that people are stuck in a natural community due to the decisions of those that came before is very difficult to overcome, but not impossible. From my limited view it's happening more and more lately in various ways.

    8. ‘Inoge uayods st Wt yUusWIOW sup ‘WIOJ pozieapt Are -uLseu! S}I UI JOU ‘310 Aue ISIx9 JOU Saop AJUTEII99 AUNUTWOS sed dp Ul palsixd JdA9 WJ UaAT

      It seems rather dark to me to suggest that community certainly does not exist anymore. It feels like the author i undermining a powerful uniting force without weighing considering fully the pros and cons of how it works in practice. I get that he's purposefully staking the contrarian position, but I'm hoping that he mentions that community plays as much a role in creating new consciousness as in justifying what's established.