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  1. Last 7 days
    1. With increasing depth below the ocean surface, thefrictional force declines in importance relative to thehorizontal pressure gradient force and the flow pro-gressively becomes more geostrophic

      Where is PGF coming from in the sub-surface flow? Is it a "pile" of water at the surface being pushed by the wind?

    2. x axis corresponds to the axis of dilatation

      Is it called this because the velocity is being positively "stretched" as X increases? du/dx > 0? Same for y-axis, but opposite sign; since dv/dy < 0 always, is that why we call it the "axis of contraction"?

    3. u

      should this be du/dy + dv/dx?

    4. v

      Note - this is not correct, du/dx and dv/dy should have the same sign