64 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2019
  2. internal-developer.veevavault.com internal-developer.veevavault.com
    1. This option

      Should move the "If omitted" as the last sentence. Otherwise, are we talking about the "set to true" option here? Or the option to omit?

    2. not specified

      Should be "If omitted" to be consistent

    3. /api/{version}/query

      I believe this looks "darkened" because you have both the code class endpt AND also backticks. It should only be the code class endpt


      should be lowercase

    2. LIKE

      This is the section where we should move the wildcard paragraph to, from the "LongText Field Type" section

    3. In addition, VQL does not support LIKE that starts with a wildcard (%). For example, name__v LIKE '%_DOC' will not work. If the wildcard is in the middle or the end of the LIKE, it works as expected. For example, name__v LIKE 'DOC%'. All other clauses besides LIKE work as expected with leading wildcards.

      OMG there is a perfect place to put this now! We should move this paragraph to the LIKE section, under the WHERE clause of Syntax & Structure

    4. ’%’

      code styling typo

    5. OR

      code taga

    6. OR

      code taga

    7. OR

      code tags?

    8. Note that VQL does not support using the OR operator between different query objects in a WHERE clause.

      Maybe an example of something that would not work? Because it kind of looks like there is an OR in a where clause below

    9. Equal to (=)

      I think only the "=" should be in code tags? Because "=" is the operator, "Equal to" is just a description.

      I actually don't think we need this description at all, because we have a description column. We can neaten this column up to just have the operator

    10. Learn more about operators below.

      I would link this or remove it

    11. Field

      Is there a reason "Field" is capitalized here? In the SELECT example it is not capitalized


      code styling? (omitting commas)

    13. LIKE

      code styling?

    14. LIKE

      code styling?

    15. LIKE

      code styling?

    16. LongText

      code styling?

    17. LongText

      code styling?

    18. SELECT

      code styling

    19. 17.1


    20. not queryable

      remove italics

    21. VERSION

      this should be lowercase, but again this is a nice to have

    22. GET

      we could use the "success" styling here instead to make this green... nice to have, not urgent

    23. V

      lowercase v

    24. In Vault, “objects” are divided into three main categories:

      Maybe we should just say "Vault Objects are divided into the following categories:"

      Because it says "three" here and clearly there are more than three. Also I think putting objects in quotes like this may be confusing?

    25. API Transaction Limits

      Maybe add a bullet here to learn more about API rate limits?

      We have a nice detsiled section about it in the API reference: https://internal-developer.veevavault.com/docs/#api-rate-limits

    26. limit

      we should mention this is called "Daily Limit".

    27. limit

      we should mention this is called "Burst Limit".

    28. ORDER BY rank

      code styling instead of bold?

    29. FIND

      code styling instead of bold?

    30. ORDER BY

      code styling instead of bold?

    31. OFFSET

      code styling instead of bold?

    32. "

      There is an open quote here, so I think this needs an end quote?

    33. Using the filter

      Maybe we should indent this bullet? Because it's kind of like a sub-bullet to the first one? An example

    34. Field Values

      Good examples here! Very easy to understand

    35. lower-case

      I've written this word a few times and I am not hyphenating it. I think we should standardize to use no hyphen (unless you want to fight - I mean discuss this with me :P)

    36. for

      I think we should remove this word?

    37. “Dosage

      needs closing quotes

    38. Ns

      is there a space between these words?

    39. all

      maybe no italics here?


      code tag here

    41. (even if it’s not the absolute latest version)

      I don't know what latest version vs absolute latest version means

    42. ('properties’), or both ('all’)

      Code highlighting error

    43. 'content’

      Code highlighting error

    44. ‘SCOPE’

      Code highlighting error

    45. WonderDrug Information

      Maybe the table or lead-in sentence to the table above should mention this document name?

    46. Notes

      Should this be "Version Description" instead of Notes? When a user creates a new version, there is a description just for this version called Version Description

    47. By default, queries only include the latest version.

      does this mean they use LATESTVERSION by default?

    48. },

      Similar comment here that this isn't ended properly, it looks cut off

    49. Name

      I'm not sure why this isn't "label__v"

    50. These should be "straight quotes" rather than curly quotes

    51. Below

      Should this have a comma after it? Kind of like starting a sentence with "After" or "Next", I think they're always supposed to have a comma. But I agree with the comma it still looks weird.

      Maybe we can re-write this to say "For example, perhaps you want to create a query on the id field. To check if this field is queryable, we need to call the metadata API as shown in the example below. The response shows..."

    52. Query API

      Oddly, this is the first time the reader encounters this term. I think this is synonymous with "VQL"?

      In the first overview paragraph we should mention this term to make sure readers know what this is

    53. see

      this link does not work (looks like wrong ID)

    54. },

      a comma indiates there is more to come (a comma like this at the end would cause a syntax error). We should also end the quare bracket we opened previously

      I believe this should be:

      "file 2"}]

    55. {

      If we are including the opening bracket here, we should have a closing bracket at the end as well

    56. Name

      should this be label__v?

    57. Additional syntax can control how your results display:

      The example below this does not display additional syntax. Maybe we want to end this sentence, and have a new sentence which says "The following is a skeleton for a VQL query:" or similar?

    58. ,

      I think this comma should be removed? Something about this sentence is not making sense

    59. (VQL)

      The parens seem out of place here. Maybe we can just omit them?

    60. /

      Needs ending curly brace ( } )