5 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. IF we must have virtues, have those only which have come to agreement with our most secret and heartfelt inclinations

      Our virtues should reflect what our beliefs are and the way that we think and feel.

    2. preserved too much THAT WHICH SHOULD HAVE PERISHED

      There are many ideas that are evolving, but the appreciation for the evolution is not as great as the want for ideas to perish/fade away.

    3. the certain is worth more than the uncertain, that illusion is less valuable than "truth"

      To be certain about the things that you know rather than to be weary of the things you might know is more important. It is more believable if you know what you are talking about than to think you know what you are saying.

  2. Oct 2017
    1. effect on the composition of the work force of the most highly developed countries and constitutes the major bottleneck for the developing countries

      Knowledge is something that is affecting our every day life. Knowledge has impacted the jobs that are today and the people that are able to work at those jobs. More developed countries have more information than less developed countries.

    1. In functional higher learning, students join either 1) professional intelligentsia or 2) technical intelligentsia.

      Companies are always looking for a way for their product to appeal to a certain group of people. Different groups are targeted by the amount of money they have to get their product out their at a fast pace.