13 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. euitxoidd

      also U.S. slavery and to some extent, migrant labor today

    2. ‘UOHepOWUIOIIE Zutay ward ‘saotases Suiddoys ‘sonipioey juaWUTeoIUS pur UCHLI -oa1 ‘ajdurexa soy ‘sayjo Aayy

      i.e. the Pentagon... there's an entire MALL inside of it

    3. ‘ported paisenoid e 103 sa0I0j urol Ady woym ym ajdoad wim syur] feuossod Zutdoysaap proae Aypaey ued sIaquioW! ay) UOnEZIUeSIO A249 UI ‘purYy Jomo ay) UG ‘ssou

      Guilty... I get SO emotionally attached to an organization because of the people I meet and the mission we serve together.

    4. uOneZIUESIO ayy jo Zuipuris ayy asewep 0} soUaNyUt yZnous pata Yorya sapos9 au ur Apepnogued ‘sa8ue pue Wiadu09 oyq

      consumers, unions, shareholders, investors

    5. 1J9] JOUTS aAKY SUIN sup JB WoT opew YIM sqetoyjo ou) jt uoAa — oueU sy ul ised otf UT ape suOIsfo9p — apacoid atp fq punog aq 01 148no0 pueY JaIPO ap uO ‘uonezTuRd10 ay

      I disagree-- there are so many things "our" "Founding Fathers" decided upon that are still in place and 'binding' this country but are really problematic and must be reformed, as the context in which the principles of this 'nation' operate has changed dramatically.

    6. “IsN. pue Aq20OUTIs ‘AoeuIQuI jengnu uo AJI]Os paseq sie sUONFIaI

      i.e. utopian societies... do they actually work though?

    7. yty Apruey

      you sure about that, Bauman ??

    8. puey oy) YIM yUT] Ssojoun e

      I mean, territorialism has been a feature of human /animal nature for thousands of years, especially when under threat for survival. How do we devolve into nomadicism again? Feel like we need to do this given that exclusive, arbitrary borders are causing most of the world's conflicts... the digital age/globalization is helping (sort of)

    9. ‘uoNMZIpIGoU

      def makes me think of this year's election...

    10. ‘ayty jo sap.Qs qussayjip sonovid oym sdnoid s9ypO Jo s1aquiow Aq pausia aie 10u ssoejd sayjo OUT sINjQUdA JaypIIU OYyM ‘AuRduIOS JWIES JU) Ul ‘IEP 0} YIQ WoO ‘ssauIsNg-ajy Aap [je ONpuos oy ajdoad paiejosi Suowre ysayny sy 1e@ 9q ppnom Zureys yons

      def relevant to my wicked problem : racism & xenophobia in Poland (esp people in isolated villages)

    11. QuUOYINe jenguIds paseys B® 0} Walqns

      definitely true for religious/spiritual groups, but not sure this is the case for all 'communities.' I think many communities ground themselves on shared tangible interests and necessities of human nature.

    12. Suspunis -49pUun JONINUL

      forced groupthink?

    13. 9928e sn jo [Je Sy,

      Gives echochamber vibes - i.e. in academic conferences, homogenous gatherings, or politics (confirmation bias)