8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Oznacza to, iż wyborcy od tego momentu będą mogli zgłaszać się do ujęcia w spisie wyborców.

      Juz 8 wrzesnia a dalej nie wiadomo czy bedzie trzeba sie samemu rejestrowac czy konsul/ambasador wlacza na liste wyborcow automatycznie na podstawie zamieszkania.

  2. Aug 2021
    1. That means patriotism will slowly die.

      What about blind believe in the economy and the power of corporations?

    2. Blockchain.

      or rather by P2P networks. There is no need for blockchain's proof of work, a P2P torrent protocol with public-private key infrastructure is sufficient.

    3. nation-states.

      and corporations.

    4. Taxes.

      And subscription fees.

  3. Dec 2020
    1. One can go wild with complexity, sometimes to the point of having to resort to computer simulations or numerical techniques to solve the model, but I prefer to go in the opposite direction and keep stripping the model of features until any further simplification would not let me tell the story I wish to tell.

      Is it too far-fetched to wish for models that allow us to tell stories that we couldn't have concived?

    2. But its usefulness to us went from ludicrously irrelevant to potentially quite important merely because we attached different labels to a variable.

      As in supervised machine learning, it's the labeling of data points that determines the quality of model's learning. It all depends on what WE want to learn! Reality is under no obligation to make sense to us (either physical or mathematical reality), but we nonetheless attempt to derive our own abstract interpretation.

    1. Should you withdraw your consent, we will not share your Muse Data in any new third-party research studies.

      How can I be sure that third-party research studies that already have my data will also stop using it and remove it?