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  1. Last 7 days
    1. ‘Jonpuos IYI sy Jo suiayed s,dnoi3 ‘ Ul SHI JO SUOQIe ay) Jo adeull [ewUaU paivys B 03 SurUTOJUOD “s1dquIOW Sit J t ouay st aunnos ay) BururequreW jo Jey YIM Jeonusp! uogsanb & s0uay ST Aynua younsip & se dnoiZ e jo Gmunuos pue uoneAssaid-jjas IU,

      And such a given is inevitable to have effective collective action, especially one not rooted in affect and can last long-term.

    2. “Warp Aq punog sie OY asoyy pue Sa]NI 2yp 13S OY ISOY} UZI3MI9q APIAIP 1OLNS Jy}

      In the army case, however, the ones setting the rules and enforcing them have gone through the same paths as young soldiers, though a clear-cut divide of rank is introduced to offset that.

    3. andyno, sy) pue ‘ur pay st wuojsod 0} pajsadxa st uoneztuerdso ay) yseq ou yoy YZnomp ‘indur,

      Makes me think of big consultancies and their approach to work culture.

    4. sajoe

      but sometimes role becomes the person becomes the role?..

    5. pouojiad aq 0} yse3 & Jo 10 ‘asodimd

      It would be interesting to think about where the military institutions fit into this, they share so many aspects of all.

    6. VaIyp [EWOUI & aIOJaIIy} SaynINsUOD WHOSsIp [Ty

      Mutual love that forces conformity. But how is it love if people are not loved for who they truly are and what they truly think? Something that could lead to toxic positivity--ignoring the full spectrum of human inclinations and emotions for the sake of seeming peace.

    7. ‘syoeUOD ‘pastarodnsun ‘sayVO |]! WoL SIaquIsUT sy) 9}¥]0SI

      Also what sociopaths do in order to maintain control of their objects of interest. Such behaviors in sects are more complex forms of simple psychological control.

    8. vpuvsvdosd 0) SdAjaSWI9yY WUT] JOUURD YI} JO sagruNnUIWIO™)

      There are often many aspect of taking care of each other, too, emulating a family-like atmosphere... Be it emotional, financial, psychological or other kinds of aid. In communities however that are established with the intent of financial gain or that of control/manipulation, the caring aspect is not an end for itself but rather a tool. Something that is absent in healthy family dynamics.

    9. ype; padviquia A[mou dy) 0} JUDIPIQgO UTeUIdI 0} SJJ9AUOD dy] UO payaxd 3q [IM UO MOU WO) YIYM sinssaid

      Amazing point. A bait of freedom to simply have it surrendered...

    10. ysnaj

      I have found similar dynamic to be the case in non-religious psychological forums, such as Landmark or Leo Institute, claiming one's discovery of psychological truths but being rather religious in nature. And of course, tied to hefty fees.

    11. Ayeioynie Aun Zuneaid

      I always did find "community building" initiatives strange and never quite able to understand how that would be possible in a controlled and highly-facilitated manner.

    12. i OpuN 07 Sutyou op UD

      Cults amplify this part. Though they be the chosen community, it's the "unbreakable" spiritual bonds that supposedly tie people together. So though getting in is easy, getting out is painted as almost impossible.

    13. prnoys pue ued

      Hmmm I'm not sold on the should part because certain, more fluid and less authoritarian communities allow for diversion of thought, especially if one is still acting in the conscious interest of the group. I am talking more about a community that exceeds that of thought and runs deeper, I guess.

    14. AUN ponjuids

      Interesting phrasing and something I have always thought to be the case. So difficult to explain that SENSE of community in dissectible terms which often fail to really capture the basis of belonging. Community seems to me as something experienced on almost visceral level and does not follow external logic.

    15. aseod ou) ‘paapur'* yey soosd ou Ajddns pue yas Jo 31 Inoge anZie 0} ou! JO} (aduaIpHt Aur 03 ‘payuei3 105 248) 10 adoy | Os ‘pue) our 0} JeINIeU, OOF

      This works better with audiences that are not directly opposed to the speaker but rather share certain sympathies which the phrasing then solidifies as a given sense of togetherness. We as social animals have a need to belong, after all.

    16. “ou syq] UND. oy ajdoad

      Or use the phrase to generate agreement in a group that might be somewhat leaning to the speaker's ideas. So that they're not sure they agree yet but once its specified strongly the audience assumes the agreement and a sense of group-belonging is created.