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  1. Jul 2022
  2. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Twinned Spell

      Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell on a spell duplicated by the casting of a wish spell? And if so, how many sorcery points does it cost? Yes, you can. It costs the number of sorcery points appropriate for the level of the spell you’re duplicating.

      Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell to affect a particular spell? You can use Twinned Spell on a spell that … * targets only one creature * doesn’t have a range of self * is incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level

       If you know this rule yet are still unsure whether a particular spell qualifies for Twinned Spell, consult with your DM, who has the final say. If the two of you are curious about our design intent, here is the list of things that disqualify a spell for us: * The spell has a range of self. * The spell can target an object. * The spell allows you to choose more than one creature to be affected by it, particularly at the level you’re casting the spell. Some spells increase their number of potential targets when you cast them at a higher level.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Quickened Spell

      Does Quickened Spell allow a sorcerer to cast two spells a round of 1st level or higher? No, the sorcerer must follow the rule for casting a spell as a bonus action and casting another spell on the same turn; the other spell must be a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    3. Empowered Spell

      Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching ray spell, or just one? A sorcerer’s Empowered Spell could affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the feature’s die limit. For instance, if you create three rays with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for another one.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    4. Elemental Affinity

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Metamagic

      Metamagic rules state you can’t use multiple Metamagic options on a single spell. Can you use one option multiple times? A sorcerer can use one Metamagic option once in the casting of a spell, not the same option more than once. For instance, a sorcerer can’t quadruple the duration of a spell by spending 2 sorcery points on Extended Spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    6. Subtle Spell

      If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use counterspell against it? If a spell that’s altered by Subtle Spell has no material component, then it’s impossible for anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you can’t see the casting, counterspell is of no use.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    7. Use Magic Device

      Does the Thief’s Use Magic Device feature allow them to use spell scrolls? Yes. The intent is that a Thief can use spell scrolls with Use Magic Device.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    8. Fast Hands

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Can a Thief use Fast Hands to use or apply poisons? Yes. Administering poison uses the Use an Object action.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    9. Jack of All Trades

      Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    10. Remarkable Athlete

      Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    11. Reliable Talent

      Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    12. Evasion.

      Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule states that if you are surprised, you can’t move or take an action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that feature doesn’t require the rogue to take an action or move.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    13. Evasion

      Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule states that if you are surprised, you can’t move or take an action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that feature doesn’t require the rogue to take an action or move.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    14. Uncanny Dodge.

      Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw rather than after an attack roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    15. Uncanny Dodge

      Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw rather than after an attack roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    16. Sneak Attack

      Can a rogue use Sneak Attack more than once per round? The Sneak Attack description specifies that you can use the feature once per turn, but it’s not limited to your turn. The feature also doesn’t limit the number of times you can use it in a round. You sometimes get a chance to use Sneak Attack on someone else’s turn. The most common way for this to happen is when a foe provokes an opportunity attack from you. If the requirements for Sneak Attack are met, your opportunity attack can benefit from that feature. Similarly, a fighter could use Commander’s Strike to grant you an attack on the fighter’s turn, and if the attack qualifies, it can use Sneak Attack. Both of those options rely on the use of your reaction, so you could do only one of them in a round. Because you get only one reaction per round, you’re unlikely to use Sneak Attack more than twice in a round: once with your action and once with your reaction.

      For Sneak Attack, what if another enemy of your target was 10 feet away with a polearm (which has a reach of 10 feet), instead of 5 feet away? Would you still be able to use Sneak Attack? The 5-foot limitation in Sneak Attack is unaffected by the reach of a weapon. That other enemy of the target is creating a close-up distraction, regardless of the weapon in hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    17. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    18. Archery

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    19. Whirlwind Attack.

      Can a ranger move between the attack rolls of the Whirlwind Attack feature? No. Whirlwind Attack is unusual, in that it’s a single attack with multiple attack rolls. In most other instances, an attack has one attack roll. The rule on moving between attacks (PH, 190) lets you move between weapon attacks, not between the attack rolls of an exceptional feature like Whirlwind Attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    20. Equipment

      There is no component pouch option in the ranger’s starting equipment. Does the class not need one, nor a focus for spells? Like other spellcasters, the ranger follows the rule on components in chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook. A ranger typically uses a component pouch for the material components of spells, but doesn’t start with one because rangers don’t have spells at 1st level.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    21. Divine Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Can a paladin use Divine Smite when they hit using an unarmed strike? No. Divine Smite isn’t intended to work with unarmed strikes. Divine Smite does work with a melee weapon attack, and an unarmed strike can be used to make such an attack. But the text of Divine Smite also refers to the “weapon’s damage,” and an unarmed strike isn’t a weapon. If a DM decides to override this rule, no imbalance is created. Tying Divine Smite to weapons was a thematic choice on our part—paladins being traditionally associated with weapons. It was not a game balance choice.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    22. Great Weapon Fighting

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    23. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    24. Divine Sense

      Would a Paladin’s Divine Sense register a tiefling due to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense. The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend, or undead creature type.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    25. Open Hand Technique

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    26. Purity of Body

      Does a monk’s Purity of Body feature grant immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? That feature grants immunity to both. As a result, a monk with Purity of Body can, for example, inhale a green dragon’s poison breath unharmed. Similarly, the monk is unaffected by ray of sickness, which both deals poison damage and imposes the poisoned condition.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    27. Empty Body

      When a monk uses Empty Body, does the invisibility remain in effect after the monk attacks? Yes. The invisibility of the monk’s Empty Body isn’t ended by the monk attacking.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    28. Stunning Strike

      Can a monk use Stunning Strike with an unarmed strike, even though unarmed strikes aren’t weapons? Yes. Stunning Strike works with melee weapon attacks, and an unarmed strike is a special type of melee weapon attack. The game often makes exceptions to general rules, and this is an important exception: that unarmed strikes count as melee weapon attacks despite not being weapons.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    29. Deflect Missiles

      When a monk using Deflect Missiles catches and throws a projectile, what is the damage of the attack? A missile counts as a monk weapon if it is thrown using Deflect Missiles; it deals its damage or Martial Arts damage (the monk’s choice).

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    30. Martial Arts

      If a monk uses a staff or another versatile weapon twohanded, does it still count as a monk weapon? Yes. A monk weapon must lack the two-handed property, but nothing prevents a monk from wielding such a weapon with two hands. Fundamentally, a monk weapon counts as such no matter how a monk uses it.

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Does the Martial Arts feature turn monk weapons and unarmed strikes into finesse weapons? No. The feature grants a benefit that is similar to the finesse property, but the feature doesn’t confer that property.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    31. 10 darts

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    32. Great Weapon Fighting

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    33. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    34. Archery

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    35. Fighting Style

      Can a fighter have two fighting styles active at once? Dueling and Defense, for example. You can benefit from more than one Fighting Style option at a time, as long as they don’t have conflicting requirements, as Dueling and Great Weapon Fighting do.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    36. Action Surge

      Does the fighter’s Action Surge feature let you take an extra bonus action, in addition to an extra action? Action Surge gives you an extra action, not an extra bonus action. (Recent printings of the Player’s Handbook no longer include the wording that provoked this question.)

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Twinned Spell

      Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell on a spell duplicated by the casting of a wish spell? And if so, how many sorcery points does it cost? Yes, you can. It costs the number of sorcery points appropriate for the level of the spell you’re duplicating.

      Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell to affect a particular spell? You can use Twinned Spell on a spell that … * targets only one creature * doesn’t have a range of self * is incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level

       If you know this rule yet are still unsure whether a particular spell qualifies for Twinned Spell, consult with your DM, who has the final say. If the two of you are curious about our design intent, here is the list of things that disqualify a spell for us: * The spell has a range of self. * The spell can target an object. * The spell allows you to choose more than one creature to be affected by it, particularly at the level you’re casting the spell. Some spells increase their number of potential targets when you cast them at a higher level.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Wild Magic Surge

      Does a sorcerer’s Wild Magic Surge effect replace the effect of the spell that triggered it, or do both effects happen? The spell and the Wild Magic Surge effect both happen. As clarified in the errata for the Player’s Handbook, a surge effect that normally requires concentration does not require concentration in this case.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Quickened Spell

      Does Quickened Spell allow a sorcerer to cast two spells a round of 1st level or higher? No, the sorcerer must follow the rule for casting a spell as a bonus action and casting another spell on the same turn; the other spell must be a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    4. Empowered Spell

      Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching ray spell, or just one? A sorcerer’s Empowered Spell could affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the feature’s die limit. For instance, if you create three rays with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for another one.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    5. Elemental Affinity

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Metamagic

      Metamagic rules state you can’t use multiple Metamagic options on a single spell. Can you use one option multiple times? A sorcerer can use one Metamagic option once in the casting of a spell, not the same option more than once. For instance, a sorcerer can’t quadruple the duration of a spell by spending 2 sorcery points on Extended Spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    7. Subtle Spell

      If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use counterspell against it? If a spell that’s altered by Subtle Spell has no material component, then it’s impossible for anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you can’t see the casting, counterspell is of no use.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    1. Twinned Spell

      Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell on a spell duplicated by the casting of a wish spell? And if so, how many sorcery points does it cost? Yes, you can. It costs the number of sorcery points appropriate for the level of the spell you’re duplicating.

      Can my sorcerer use Twinned Spell to affect a particular spell? You can use Twinned Spell on a spell that … * targets only one creature * doesn’t have a range of self * is incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level

       If you know this rule yet are still unsure whether a particular spell qualifies for Twinned Spell, consult with your DM, who has the final say. If the two of you are curious about our design intent, here is the list of things that disqualify a spell for us: * The spell has a range of self. * The spell can target an object. * The spell allows you to choose more than one creature to be affected by it, particularly at the level you’re casting the spell. Some spells increase their number of potential targets when you cast them at a higher level.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Wild Magic Surge

      Does a sorcerer’s Wild Magic Surge effect replace the effect of the spell that triggered it, or do both effects happen? The spell and the Wild Magic Surge effect both happen. As clarified in the errata for the Player’s Handbook, a surge effect that normally requires concentration does not require concentration in this case.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Quickened Spell

      Does Quickened Spell allow a sorcerer to cast two spells a round of 1st level or higher? No, the sorcerer must follow the rule for casting a spell as a bonus action and casting another spell on the same turn; the other spell must be a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    4. Empowered Spell

      Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching ray spell, or just one? A sorcerer’s Empowered Spell could affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the feature’s die limit. For instance, if you create three rays with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for another one.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    5. Elemental Affinity

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Metamagic

      Metamagic rules state you can’t use multiple Metamagic options on a single spell. Can you use one option multiple times? A sorcerer can use one Metamagic option once in the casting of a spell, not the same option more than once. For instance, a sorcerer can’t quadruple the duration of a spell by spending 2 sorcery points on Extended Spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    7. Subtle Spell

      If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use counterspell against it? If a spell that’s altered by Subtle Spell has no material component, then it’s impossible for anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you can’t see the casting, counterspell is of no use.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    1. You can't cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Does Quickened Spell allow a sorcerer to cast two spells a round of 1st level or higher? No, the sorcerer must follow the rule for casting a spell as a bonus action and casting another spell on the same turn; the other spell must be a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Taking damage.

      Does a Monster Slayer ranger’s Supernatural Defense feature apply if a creature damages the ranger, thus causing the ranger to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell? Yes.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Does Quickened Spell allow a sorcerer to cast two spells a round of 1st level or higher? No, the sorcerer must follow the rule for casting a spell as a bonus action and casting another spell on the same turn; the other spell must be a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Taking damage.

      Does a Monster Slayer ranger’s Supernatural Defense feature apply if a creature damages the ranger, thus causing the ranger to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell? Yes.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Scorching Ray

      Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching ray spell, or just one? A sorcerer’s Empowered Spell could affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the feature’s die limit. For instance, if you create three rays with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for another one.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Scorching Ray

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Searing Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Staggering Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Silence

      For a Way of Shadow monk, can their silence be dispelled? A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the normal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  3. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Scorching Ray

      Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching ray spell, or just one? A sorcerer’s Empowered Spell could affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the feature’s die limit. For instance, if you create three rays with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for another one.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Eldritch Blast

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Scorching Ray

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Counterspell

      If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use counterspell against it? If a spell that’s altered by Subtle Spell has no material component, then it’s impossible for anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you can’t see the casting, counterspell is of no use.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    5. Branding Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Silence

      For a Way of Shadow monk, can their silence be dispelled? A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the normal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Minor Illusion

      Does a monk need to spend any ki points to cast the minor illusion cantrip granted by the Shadow Arts feature? No. The ki point cost in the feature applies only to the other spells in it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    8. True Strike

      If my Eldritch Knight casts true strike and has the War Magic feature, is the attack granted by War Magic made with advantage because of true strike? No. The attack from War Magic is made normally, and you get the benefit of true strike on your next turn if the spell hasn’t ended.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    9. Detect Magic

      If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that spell as a ritual? A druid’s Ritual Casting requires a ritual to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but not prepared.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Can Empowered Spell affect all the rays of a scorching ray spell, or just one? A sorcerer’s Empowered Spell could affect more than one ray of a scorching ray, abiding by the feature’s die limit. For instance, if you create three rays with the spell and you have a +3 Charisma modifier, you could reroll one of the damage dice for each ray, or two of the damage dice for one ray and one of the damage dice for another one.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    2. Scorching Ray

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Eldritch Blast

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Detect Magic

      If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that spell as a ritual? A druid’s Ritual Casting requires a ritual to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but not prepared.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Eldritch Blast

      Elemental Affinity improves one damage roll of a spell, not multiple rolls? So with scorching ray, I don’t add my Charisma modifier to each ray that hits? That’s correct. Elemental Affinity benefits one damage roll per casting of a spell, even if the spell allows more than one roll. So, for example, the feature improves one of the rays of a scorching ray spell or one of the beams of an eldritch blast spell.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Counterspell

      If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use counterspell against it? If a spell that’s altered by Subtle Spell has no material component, then it’s impossible for anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you can’t see the casting, counterspell is of no use.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    1. Counterspell

      If a sorcerer casts a spell with only verbal or somatic components using Subtle Spell, can an opponent use counterspell against it? If a spell that’s altered by Subtle Spell has no material component, then it’s impossible for anyone to perceive the spell being cast. So, since you can’t see the casting, counterspell is of no use.

      Sage Advice Compendium v2.7 r2021

    1. Spell Scroll

      Which spell scrolls can bards understand—spells from the bard list only, or spells from the bard list plus spells from Magical Secrets? A bard can use any spell scroll that has a bard spell on it—including spells gained from the Magical Secrets feature, which are treated as bard spells for that character.

      Does the Thief’s Use Magic Device feature allow them to use spell scrolls? Yes. The intent is that a Thief can use spell scrolls with Use Magic Device.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Spell Scroll

      Which spell scrolls can bards understand—spells from the bard list only, or spells from the bard list plus spells from Magical Secrets? A bard can use any spell scroll that has a bard spell on it—including spells gained from the Magical Secrets feature, which are treated as bard spells for that character.

      Does the Thief’s Use Magic Device feature allow them to use spell scrolls? Yes. The intent is that a Thief can use spell scrolls with Use Magic Device.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Spell Scroll

      Which spell scrolls can bards understand—spells from the bard list only, or spells from the bard list plus spells from Magical Secrets? A bard can use any spell scroll that has a bard spell on it—including spells gained from the Magical Secrets feature, which are treated as bard spells for that character.

      Does the Thief’s Use Magic Device feature allow them to use spell scrolls? Yes. The intent is that a Thief can use spell scrolls with Use Magic Device.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  4. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Use Magic Device

      Does the Thief’s Use Magic Device feature allow them to use spell scrolls? Yes. The intent is that a Thief can use spell scrolls with Use Magic Device.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Assassinate

      For triggering the rogue’s Assassinate ability, when does a creature stop being surprised? After their turn in the round, or at the end of the round? A surprised creature stops being surprised at the end of its first turn in combat.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Fast Hands

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Can a Thief use Fast Hands to use or apply poisons? Yes. Administering poison uses the Use an Object action.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Evasion

      Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule states that if you are surprised, you can’t move or take an action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that feature doesn’t require the rogue to take an action or move.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Uncanny Dodge

      Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw rather than after an attack roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Sneak Attack

      Can a rogue use Sneak Attack more than once per round? The Sneak Attack description specifies that you can use the feature once per turn, but it’s not limited to your turn. The feature also doesn’t limit the number of times you can use it in a round. You sometimes get a chance to use Sneak Attack on someone else’s turn. The most common way for this to happen is when a foe provokes an opportunity attack from you. If the requirements for Sneak Attack are met, your opportunity attack can benefit from that feature. Similarly, a fighter could use Commander’s Strike to grant you an attack on the fighter’s turn, and if the attack qualifies, it can use Sneak Attack. Both of those options rely on the use of your reaction, so you could do only one of them in a round. Because you get only one reaction per round, you’re unlikely to use Sneak Attack more than twice in a round: once with your action and once with your reaction.

      For Sneak Attack, what if another enemy of your target was 10 feet away with a polearm (which has a reach of 10 feet), instead of 5 feet away? Would you still be able to use Sneak Attack? The 5-foot limitation in Sneak Attack is unaffected by the reach of a weapon. That other enemy of the target is creating a close-up distraction, regardless of the weapon in hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  5. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Use Magic Device

      Does the Thief’s Use Magic Device feature allow them to use spell scrolls? Yes. The intent is that a Thief can use spell scrolls with Use Magic Device.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Assassinate

      For triggering the rogue’s Assassinate ability, when does a creature stop being surprised? After their turn in the round, or at the end of the round? A surprised creature stops being surprised at the end of its first turn in combat.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Fast Hands

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Can a Thief use Fast Hands to use or apply poisons? Yes. Administering poison uses the Use an Object action.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Reliable Talent

      Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Evasion

      Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule states that if you are surprised, you can’t move or take an action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that feature doesn’t require the rogue to take an action or move.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Uncanny Dodge

      Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw rather than after an attack roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Sneak Attack

      Can a rogue use Sneak Attack more than once per round? The Sneak Attack description specifies that you can use the feature once per turn, but it’s not limited to your turn. The feature also doesn’t limit the number of times you can use it in a round. You sometimes get a chance to use Sneak Attack on someone else’s turn. The most common way for this to happen is when a foe provokes an opportunity attack from you. If the requirements for Sneak Attack are met, your opportunity attack can benefit from that feature. Similarly, a fighter could use Commander’s Strike to grant you an attack on the fighter’s turn, and if the attack qualifies, it can use Sneak Attack. Both of those options rely on the use of your reaction, so you could do only one of them in a round. Because you get only one reaction per round, you’re unlikely to use Sneak Attack more than twice in a round: once with your action and once with your reaction.

      For Sneak Attack, what if another enemy of your target was 10 feet away with a polearm (which has a reach of 10 feet), instead of 5 feet away? Would you still be able to use Sneak Attack? The 5-foot limitation in Sneak Attack is unaffected by the reach of a weapon. That other enemy of the target is creating a close-up distraction, regardless of the weapon in hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  6. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Surprise

      For triggering the rogue’s Assassinate ability, when does a creature stop being surprised? After their turn in the round, or at the end of the round? A surprised creature stops being surprised at the end of its first turn in combat.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Shoving a Creature

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Opportunity Attacks

      If my Battle Master fighter provokes an opportunity attack and it misses, can I use Riposte? Yes, you can use the Riposte maneuver in response to an opportunity attack that misses you, assuming your reaction is available.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  7. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Surprise

      For triggering the rogue’s Assassinate ability, when does a creature stop being surprised? After their turn in the round, or at the end of the round? A surprised creature stops being surprised at the end of its first turn in combat.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Surprise

      For triggering the rogue’s Assassinate ability, when does a creature stop being surprised? After their turn in the round, or at the end of the round? A surprised creature stops being surprised at the end of its first turn in combat.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Shoving a Creature

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Opportunity Attacks

      If my Battle Master fighter provokes an opportunity attack and it misses, can I use Riposte? Yes, you can use the Riposte maneuver in response to an opportunity attack that misses you, assuming your reaction is available.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Poison, basic (vial)

      Can a Thief use Fast Hands to use or apply poisons? Yes. Administering poison uses the Use an Object action.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Healer's kit

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Finesse.

      Does the Martial Arts feature turn monk weapons and unarmed strikes into finesse weapons? No. The feature grants a benefit that is similar to the finesse property, but the feature doesn’t confer that property.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Starting Equipment

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Dart

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Versatile.

      If a monk uses a staff or another versatile weapon twohanded, does it still count as a monk weapon? Yes. A monk weapon must lack the two-handed property, but nothing prevents a monk from wielding such a weapon with two hands. Fundamentally, a monk weapon counts as such no matter how a monk uses it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Healer’s kit

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Poison, basic (vial)

      Can a Thief use Fast Hands to use or apply poisons? Yes. Administering poison uses the Use an Object action.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Finesse.

      Does the Martial Arts feature turn monk weapons and unarmed strikes into finesse weapons? No. The feature grants a benefit that is similar to the finesse property, but the feature doesn’t confer that property.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Dart

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Starting Equipment

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Versatile.

      If a monk uses a staff or another versatile weapon twohanded, does it still count as a monk weapon? Yes. A monk weapon must lack the two-handed property, but nothing prevents a monk from wielding such a weapon with two hands. Fundamentally, a monk weapon counts as such no matter how a monk uses it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Healer's Kit

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Poison, Basic (vial)

      Can a thief use the Fast Hands feature to activate a magic item? No. One of the benefits of Fast Hands is being able to take the Use an Object action as a bonus action, but using a magic item doesn’t fall under Use an Object, as explained in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 141). In contrast, using a nonmagical item, such as a healer’s kit, is in the domain of Use an Object.

      Can a Thief use Fast Hands to use or apply poisons? Yes. Administering poison uses the Use an Object action.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  8. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Jack of All Trades

      Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  9. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Remarkable Athlete

      Can the rogue’s Reliable Talent feature be used in conjunction with Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades? No. Each of these features has a precondition for its use; Reliable Talent activates when you make an ability check that uses your proficiency bonus, whereas the other two features activate when you make an ability check that doesn’t use your proficiency bonus. In other words, a check that qualifies for Reliable Talent doesn’t qualify for Remarkable Athlete or Jack of All Trades. And Remarkable Athlete and Jack of All Trades don’t work with each other, since you can add your proficiency bonus, or any portion thereof, only once to a roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Disarming Attack.

      Can the Disarming Attack maneuver disarm a creature of a shield it has donned? No. Disarming Attack forces a creature to drop an object it is holding. Donned shields aren’t merely held.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. War Magic

      Does the “when” in the Eldritch Knight’s War Magic feature mean the bonus attack comes after you cast the cantrip, or can it come before? The bonus action comes after the cantrip, since using your action to cast a cantrip is what gives you the ability to make the weapon attack as a bonus action. That said, a DM would break nothing in the system by allowing an Eldritch Knight to reverse the order of the cantrip and the weapon attack.

      If my Eldritch Knight casts true strike and has the War Magic feature, is the attack granted by War Magic made with advantage because of true strike? No. The attack from War Magic is made normally, and you get the benefit of true strike on your next turn if the spell hasn’t ended.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Riposte.

      If my Battle Master fighter provokes an opportunity attack and it misses, can I use Riposte? Yes, you can use the Riposte maneuver in response to an opportunity attack that misses you, assuming your reaction is available.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Great Weapon Fighting

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Archery

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Fighting Style

      Can a fighter have two fighting styles active at once? Dueling and Defense, for example. You can benefit from more than one Fighting Style option at a time, as long as they don’t have conflicting requirements, as Dueling and Great Weapon Fighting do.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    8. Action Surge

      Does the fighter’s Action Surge feature let you take an extra bonus action, in addition to an extra action? Action Surge gives you an extra action, not an extra bonus action. (Recent printings of the Player’s Handbook no longer include the wording that provoked this question.)

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  10. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Evasion

      Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule states that if you are surprised, you can’t move or take an action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that feature doesn’t require the rogue to take an action or move.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Uncanny Dodge

      Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw rather than after an attack roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Archery

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Supernatural Defense

      Does a Monster Slayer ranger’s Supernatural Defense feature apply if a creature damages the ranger, thus causing the ranger to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell? Yes.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Whirlwind Attack

      Can a ranger move between the attack rolls of the Whirlwind Attack feature? No. Whirlwind Attack is unusual, in that it’s a single attack with multiple attack rolls. In most other instances, an attack has one attack roll. The rule on moving between attacks (PH, 190) lets you move between weapon attacks, not between the attack rolls of an exceptional feature like Whirlwind Attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Equipment

      There is no component pouch option in the ranger’s starting equipment. Does the class not need one, nor a focus for spells? Like other spellcasters, the ranger follows the rule on components in chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook. A ranger typically uses a component pouch for the material components of spells, but doesn’t start with one because rangers don’t have spells at 1st level.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  11. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Evasion.

      Can a rogue use Evasion if they are surprised? The rule states that if you are surprised, you can’t move or take an action. A surprised rogue can use Evasion, since that feature doesn’t require the rogue to take an action or move.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Uncanny Dodge.

      Does Uncanny Dodge work automatically against every attack a rogue or ranger gets hit by? Spell attacks too? A use of Uncanny Dodge works against only one attack, since it expends your reaction, and only if you can see the attacker. It works against attacks of all sorts, including spell attacks, but it is no help against a spell or other effect, such as fireball, that delivers its damage after a saving throw rather than after an attack roll.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Archery

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Whirlwind Attack.

      Can a ranger move between the attack rolls of the Whirlwind Attack feature? No. Whirlwind Attack is unusual, in that it’s a single attack with multiple attack rolls. In most other instances, an attack has one attack roll. The rule on moving between attacks (PH, 190) lets you move between weapon attacks, not between the attack rolls of an exceptional feature like Whirlwind Attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Equipment

      There is no component pouch option in the ranger’s starting equipment. Does the class not need one, nor a focus for spells? Like other spellcasters, the ranger follows the rule on components in chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook. A ranger typically uses a component pouch for the material components of spells, but doesn’t start with one because rangers don’t have spells at 1st level.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Supernatural Defense

      Does a Monster Slayer ranger’s Supernatural Defense feature apply if a creature damages the ranger, thus causing the ranger to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell? Yes.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  12. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Great Weapon Fighting

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Divine Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Can a paladin use Divine Smite when they hit using an unarmed strike? No. Divine Smite isn’t intended to work with unarmed strikes. Divine Smite does work with a melee weapon attack, and an unarmed strike can be used to make such an attack. But the text of Divine Smite also refers to the “weapon’s damage,” and an unarmed strike isn’t a weapon. If a DM decides to override this rule, no imbalance is created. Tying Divine Smite to weapons was a thematic choice on our part—paladins being traditionally associated with weapons. It was not a game balance choice.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Divine Sense

      Would a Paladin’s Divine Sense register a tiefling due to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense. The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend, or undead creature type.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  13. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Great Weapon Fighting

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Divine Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Can a paladin use Divine Smite when they hit using an unarmed strike? No. Divine Smite isn’t intended to work with unarmed strikes. Divine Smite does work with a melee weapon attack, and an unarmed strike can be used to make such an attack. But the text of Divine Smite also refers to the “weapon’s damage,” and an unarmed strike isn’t a weapon. If a DM decides to override this rule, no imbalance is created. Tying Divine Smite to weapons was a thematic choice on our part—paladins being traditionally associated with weapons. It was not a game balance choice.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Divine Sense

      Would a Paladin’s Divine Sense register a tiefling due to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense. The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend, or undead creature type.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Blinding Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Banishing Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Branding Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Blinding Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Searing Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Banishing Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Branding Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Wrathful Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Wrathful Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Thunderous Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. True Strike

      If my Eldritch Knight casts true strike and has the War Magic feature, is the attack granted by War Magic made with advantage because of true strike? No. The attack from War Magic is made normally, and you get the benefit of true strike on your next turn if the spell hasn’t ended.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Staggering Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Thunderous Smite

      Can my paladin use a smite spell along with Divine Smite? As in, I cast wrathful smite, hit, then use Divine Smite on the same attack? Yes, you can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a smite spell, such as wrathful smite—as long as the attack you make after casting the smite spell is a melee weapon attack. Divine Smite doesn’t work with any other kind of attack.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  14. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Tiefling

      Would a Paladin’s Divine Sense register a tiefling due to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense. The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend, or undead creature type.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  15. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Tiefling

      Would a Paladin’s Divine Sense register a tiefling due to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense. The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend, or undead creature type.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Tiefling

      Would a Paladin’s Divine Sense register a tiefling due to their infernal heritage? A tiefling is a humanoid, not a fiend, and therefore escapes the notice of Divine Sense. The feature detects creatures that have the celestial, fiend, or undead creature type.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  16. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Elemental Attunement.

      Can a monk of the Way of the Four Elements replace Elemental Attunement with another elemental discipline? Yes. Even though you know Elemental Attunement automatically, without having to choose it, you can exchange it for a different discipline at 6th, 11th, or 17th level.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Shadow Arts

      Does a monk need to spend any ki points to cast the minor illusion cantrip granted by the Shadow Arts feature? No. The ki point cost in the feature applies only to the other spells in it.

      For a Way of Shadow monk, can their silence be dispelled? A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the normal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Open Hand Technique

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Purity of Body

      Does a monk’s Purity of Body feature grant immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? That feature grants immunity to both. As a result, a monk with Purity of Body can, for example, inhale a green dragon’s poison breath unharmed. Similarly, the monk is unaffected by ray of sickness, which both deals poison damage and imposes the poisoned condition.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Empty Body

      When a monk uses Empty Body, does the invisibility remain in effect after the monk attacks? Yes. The invisibility of the monk’s Empty Body isn’t ended by the monk attacking.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Stunning Strike

      Can a monk use Stunning Strike with an unarmed strike, even though unarmed strikes aren’t weapons? Yes. Stunning Strike works with melee weapon attacks, and an unarmed strike is a special type of melee weapon attack. The game often makes exceptions to general rules, and this is an important exception: that unarmed strikes count as melee weapon attacks despite not being weapons.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Deflect Missiles

      When a monk using Deflect Missiles catches and throws a projectile, what is the damage of the attack? A missile counts as a monk weapon if it is thrown using Deflect Missiles; it deals its damage or Martial Arts damage (the monk’s choice).

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    8. Martial Arts

      If a monk uses a staff or another versatile weapon twohanded, does it still count as a monk weapon? Yes. A monk weapon must lack the two-handed property, but nothing prevents a monk from wielding such a weapon with two hands. Fundamentally, a monk weapon counts as such no matter how a monk uses it.

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Does the Martial Arts feature turn monk weapons and unarmed strikes into finesse weapons? No. The feature grants a benefit that is similar to the finesse property, but the feature doesn’t confer that property.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    9. 10 darts

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  17. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Elemental Attunement

      Can a monk of the Way of the Four Elements replace Elemental Attunement with another elemental discipline? Yes. Even though you know Elemental Attunement automatically, without having to choose it, you can exchange it for a different discipline at 6th, 11th, or 17th level.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Shadow Arts

      Does a monk need to spend any ki points to cast the minor illusion cantrip granted by the Shadow Arts feature? No. The ki point cost in the feature applies only to the other spells in it.

      For a Way of Shadow monk, can their silence be dispelled? A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the normal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Open Hand Technique

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Purity of Body

      Does a monk’s Purity of Body feature grant immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? That feature grants immunity to both. As a result, a monk with Purity of Body can, for example, inhale a green dragon’s poison breath unharmed. Similarly, the monk is unaffected by ray of sickness, which both deals poison damage and imposes the poisoned condition.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Empty Body

      When a monk uses Empty Body, does the invisibility remain in effect after the monk attacks? Yes. The invisibility of the monk’s Empty Body isn’t ended by the monk attacking.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Stunning Strike

      Can a monk use Stunning Strike with an unarmed strike, even though unarmed strikes aren’t weapons? Yes. Stunning Strike works with melee weapon attacks, and an unarmed strike is a special type of melee weapon attack. The game often makes exceptions to general rules, and this is an important exception: that unarmed strikes count as melee weapon attacks despite not being weapons.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Deflect Missiles

      When a monk using Deflect Missiles catches and throws a projectile, what is the damage of the attack? A missile counts as a monk weapon if it is thrown using Deflect Missiles; it deals its damage or Martial Arts damage (the monk’s choice).

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    8. Martial Arts

      If a monk uses a staff or another versatile weapon twohanded, does it still count as a monk weapon? Yes. A monk weapon must lack the two-handed property, but nothing prevents a monk from wielding such a weapon with two hands. Fundamentally, a monk weapon counts as such no matter how a monk uses it.

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Does the Martial Arts feature turn monk weapons and unarmed strikes into finesse weapons? No. The feature grants a benefit that is similar to the finesse property, but the feature doesn’t confer that property.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    9. 10 darts

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  18. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Silence

      For a Way of Shadow monk, can their silence be dispelled? A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the normal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Minor Illusion

      Does a monk need to spend any ki points to cast the minor illusion cantrip granted by the Shadow Arts feature? No. The ki point cost in the feature applies only to the other spells in it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Minor Illusion

      Does a monk need to spend any ki points to cast the minor illusion cantrip granted by the Shadow Arts feature? No. The ki point cost in the feature applies only to the other spells in it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Prone

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. Prone

      Can the monk’s Open Hand Technique push a Large or larger creature or knock it prone? The Open Hand Technique intentionally ignores creature size. A monk’s ki fuels many extraordinary effects! If a feature is limited by creature size, the feature tells you so.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Ray of Sickness

      Does a monk’s Purity of Body feature grant immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? That feature grants immunity to both. As a result, a monk with Purity of Body can, for example, inhale a green dragon’s poison breath unharmed. Similarly, the monk is unaffected by ray of sickness, which both deals poison damage and imposes the poisoned condition.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Ray of Sickness

      Does a monk’s Purity of Body feature grant immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, or both? That feature grants immunity to both. As a result, a monk with Purity of Body can, for example, inhale a green dragon’s poison breath unharmed. Similarly, the monk is unaffected by ray of sickness, which both deals poison damage and imposes the poisoned condition.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  19. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Dart

      The dart is not classified as a monk weapon, yet a monk gets 10 darts as starting equipment. Why is that? Starting equipment often lends versatility to a character. In this case, a monk’s darts provide a ranged attack option, not a Martial Arts option.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  20. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Disarming Attack

      Can the Disarming Attack maneuver disarm a creature of a shield it has donned? No. Disarming Attack forces a creature to drop an object it is holding. Donned shields aren’t merely held.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    2. War Magic

      Does the “when” in the Eldritch Knight’s War Magic feature mean the bonus attack comes after you cast the cantrip, or can it come before? The bonus action comes after the cantrip, since using your action to cast a cantrip is what gives you the ability to make the weapon attack as a bonus action. That said, a DM would break nothing in the system by allowing an Eldritch Knight to reverse the order of the cantrip and the weapon attack.

      If my Eldritch Knight casts true strike and has the War Magic feature, is the attack granted by War Magic made with advantage because of true strike? No. The attack from War Magic is made normally, and you get the benefit of true strike on your next turn if the spell hasn’t ended.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    3. Riposte

      If my Battle Master fighter provokes an opportunity attack and it misses, can I use Riposte? Yes, you can use the Riposte maneuver in response to an opportunity attack that misses you, assuming your reaction is available.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    4. Great Weapon Fighting

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    5. Dueling

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    6. Archery

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    7. Fighting Style

      Can a fighter have two fighting styles active at once? Dueling and Defense, for example. You can benefit from more than one Fighting Style option at a time, as long as they don’t have conflicting requirements, as Dueling and Great Weapon Fighting do.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    8. Action Surge

      Does the fighter’s Action Surge feature let you take an extra bonus action, in addition to an extra action? Action Surge gives you an extra action, not an extra bonus action. (Recent printings of the Player’s Handbook no longer include the wording that provoked this question.)

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. True Strike

      If my Eldritch Knight casts true strike and has the War Magic feature, is the attack granted by War Magic made with advantage because of true strike? No. The attack from War Magic is made normally, and you get the benefit of true strike on your next turn if the spell hasn’t ended.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Fighting Initiate

      Can a fighter have two fighting styles active at once? Dueling and Defense, for example. You can benefit from more than one Fighting Style option at a time, as long as they don’t have conflicting requirements, as Dueling and Great Weapon Fighting do.

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Is the Dueling fighting style intended to support a shield? Yes. A character with the Dueling option usually pairs a one-handed weapon with a shield, a spellcasting focus, or a free hand.

      If you use Great Weapon Fighting with a feature like Divine Smite or a spell like hex, do you get to reroll any 1 or 2 you roll for the extra damage? The Great Weapon Fighting feature—which is shared by fighters and paladins—is meant to benefit only the damage roll of the weapon used with the feature. For example, if you use a greatsword with the feature, you can reroll any 1 or 2 you roll on the weapon’s 2d6. If you’re a paladin and use Divine Smite with the greatsword, Great Weapon Fighting doesn’t let you reroll a 1 or 2 that you roll for the damage of Divine Smite.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

  21. www.dndbeyond.com www.dndbeyond.com
    1. Fighting Initiate

      Can a fighter have two fighting styles active at once? Dueling and Defense, for example. You can benefit from more than one Fighting Style option at a time, as long as they don’t have conflicting requirements, as Dueling and Great Weapon Fighting do.

      Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe, is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Detect Magic

      If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that spell as a ritual? A druid’s Ritual Casting requires a ritual to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but not prepared.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Magic Initiate Display Feat on VTT

      If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that spell as a ritual? A druid’s Ritual Casting requires a ritual to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but not prepared.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Magic Initiate (Druid) Display Feat on VTT

      If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that spell as a ritual? A druid’s Ritual Casting requires a ritual to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but not prepared.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021

    1. Magic Initiate

      If a druid takes the Magic Initiate feat and chooses detect magic as their one spell, can the druid cast that spell as a ritual? A druid’s Ritual Casting requires a ritual to be prepared. The spell from Magic Initiate is known but not prepared.

      Sage Advice Compendium, v2.7 r2021