253 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. This will require active coordination of the curriculum across school years.

      I completely agree that this would be the best environment for students to learn, but it has seemed to me very difficult to actually make it happen. Even within school districts there is often little communication between the elementary, middle, and high schools. And even within each level there is not always a natural flow from one classroom to the next. Having teachers keep classes of students for more than a semester or year at a time would help, but that is generally not the case, especially in core subject areas.

    2. Experts are also able to fluently access relevant knowledge because their understanding of subject matter allows them to quickly identify what is relevant. Hence, their attention is not overtaxed by complex events.

      This is an important skill. So many students seem to think that google can solve all of their problems, therefore they don't have to know/learn as much on their own. But the ability to sift through information and actually determine what is relevant and useful comes from your own understanding of the material.

    3. A common misconception regarding “constructivist” theories of knowing (that existing knowledge is used to build new knowledge) is that teachers should never tell students anything directly but, instead, should always allow them to construct knowledge for themselves.

      It seems to me that there always has to be some material where it is very difficult to draw on prior knowledge as it is completely new to students. On these types of lessons, teaching through discovery can lead to more frustration than good. I love to allow my students to discover concepts on their own, but it simply does not work for everything.

    4. In the most general sense, the contemporary view of learning is that people construct new knowledge and understandings based on what they already know and believe (e.g., Cobb, 1994; Piaget, 1952, 1973a,b, 1977, 1978; Vygotsky, 1962, 1978). A classic children’s book illustrates this point; see Box 1.2. A logical extension of the view that new knowledge must be constructed from existing knowledge is that teachers need to pay attention to the incomplete understandings, the false beliefs, and the naive renditions of concepts that learners bring with them to a given subject.

      Assessing students' prior knowledge is one of the most important tools for a teacher. Being able to relate a difficult concept to a simpler concept that students already understand allows students to come to a much deeper understanding of the content.

    5. At the same time, students often have limited opportunities to understand or make sense of topics because many curricula have emphasized memory rather than under- Page 9 Share Cite Suggested Citation: "1 Learning: From Speculation to Science." National Research Council. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2000. doi:10.17226/9853. × Save Cancel standing.

      I see this as a hard line to walk, especially being a math teacher, it is expected for students to memorize certain properties/equations, where as a teacher your focus has to be on getting the students to understand how and when to actually use the equation, and why it works in the first place.

    6. Fundamental understanding about subjects, including how to frame and ask meaningful questions about various subject areas, contributes to individuals’ more basic understanding of principles of learning that can assist them in becoming self-sustaining, lifelong learners.

      I agree, I can generally tell more about what a student knows by the questions they ask, compared to anything else. It is also important as teachers to ask meaningful questions to the students, and avoiding simple yes/no type questions.

  2. Apr 2016
    1. The following autumn I ventured upon a college career against my mother's will.    I had written for her approval, but in her reply I found no encouragement.

      This passage exemplifies the theme of Zitkala Sa's despondent longing for her mother's encouragement and support. Zitkala Sa expresses this theme more as she moves farther away from her mother and continually discriminated against for being different.

  3. Mar 2016
    1. While I thus went on, filled with the thoughts of freedom, and resisting oppression as well as I was able, my life hung daily in suspense, particularly in the surfs I have formerly mentioned, as I could not swim. These are extremely violent throughout the West Indies, and I was ever exposed to their howling rage and devouring fury in all the islands.

      The use of imagery inspires fear and exemplifies Equiano's challenges.

    2. "—No peace is given To us enslav'd, but custody severe; And stripes and arbitrary punishment Inflicted—What peace can we return? But to our power, hostility and hate; Untam'd reluctance, and revenge, though slow, Yet ever plotting how the conqueror least May reap his conquest, and may least rejoice In doing what we most in suffering feel."

      This poem expresses the emotion and sensory experience of perseverance through brutality.

    3. those many instances of oppression, extortion, and cruelty, which I have been a witness to in the West Indies: but, were I to enumerate them all, the catalogue would be tedious and disgusting. The punishments of the slaves on every trifling occasion are so frequent, and so well known, together with the different instruments with which they are tortured, that it cannot any longer afford novelty to recite them; and they are too shocking to yield delight either to the writer or the reader. I shall therefore hereafter only mention such as incidentally befel myself in the course of my adventures.

      Equiano's use of emotion through the times that he is beaten is hard to read. Yet, the way he perseveres through his struggles is captivating.

    4. This speech of the captain was like life to the dead to me, and instantly my soul glorified God; and still more so on hearing my master immediately say that I was a sensible fellow, and he never did intend to use me as a common slave; and that but for the entreaties of the captain, and his character of me, he would not have let me go from the stores about as I had done; that also, in so doing, he thought by carrying one little thing or other to different places to sell I might make money.

      Equiano seems ecstatic that others are showing him compassion that most common slaves did not receive during this time period. This shift in tone could easily make the reader feel empathy and happiness for Equiano at the same time.

    5. Had I wished to run away I did not want opportunities, which frequently presented themselves; and particularly at one time, soon after this. When we were at the island of Gaurdeloupe there was a large fleet of merchantmen bound for Old France; and, seamen then being very scarce, they gave from fifteen to twenty pounds a man for the run. Our mate, and all the white sailors, left our vessel on this account, and went on board of the French ships. They would have had me also to go with them, for they regarded me; and they swore to protect me, if I would go: and, as the fleet was to sail the next day, I really believe I could have got safe to Europe at that time.

      Equiano is incredibly smart and he uses pathos to convince his readers of this. Even though there are a lot of opportunities for Equiano to leave and escape, he stays and through his servitude is able to gain freedom.

    6. in the year 1765; and during the time we were loading her, and getting ready for the voyage, I worked with redoubled alacrity, from the hope of getting money enough by these voyages to buy my freedom in time, if it should please God; and also to see the town of Philadelphia, which I had heard a great deal about for some years past; besides which, I had always longed to prove my master's promise the first day I came to him.

      During this time period, many Europeans feared that the bible would lead to higher educated slaves. In addition they believed that these educated slaves would in turn revolt against the abuse of power displayed by landowning whites.

    7. for one Sunday night, as I was with some negroes in their master's yard in the town of Savannah, it happened that their master, one Doctor Perkins, who was a very severe and cruel man, came in drunk; and, not liking to see any strange negroes in his yard, he and a ruffian of a white man he had in his service beset me in an instant, and both of them struck me with the first weapons they could get hold of. I cried out as long as I could for help and mercy; but, though I gave a good account of myself, and he knew my captain, who lodged hard by him, it was to no purpose. They beat and mangled me in a shameful manner, leaving me near dead. I lost so much blood from the wounds I received, that I lay quite motionless, and was so benumbed that I could not feel any thing for many hours. Early in the morning they took me away to the jail.

      The injustices committed by white landowning males demonstrates the destructiveness of the slave trade. Through abusing and dehumanizing slaves such as Equiano's slave owners and powerful white males were able to strip slaves of their identity and in Equiano's case even his family.

    8. When we were safe arrived at Montserrat, and I had got ashore, I forgot my former resolutions.—Alas! how prone is the heart to leave that God it wishes to love! and how strongly do the things of this world strike the senses and captivate the soul!—After our vessel was discharged, we soon got her ready, and took in, as usual, some of the poor oppressed natives of Africa, and other negroes; we then set off again for Georgia and Charlestown.

      Equiano sympathizes with African Americans as he was from Africa. Even though this is not proven, "Equiano must surely have known that the most intensive search would be made to discredit his work and, through it, the abolition movement. To invent a childhood that could at any time be publicly revealed as a fraud would be such a potentially damaging maneuver that Equiano, who was clearly deeply committed to the cause, would not have risked it. Under such circumstances, Equiano's account of his African origins must surely be reliable."

      Carey, Brycchan. "OLAUDAH EQUIANO African or American?" Ideas, iEsthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era: 229-46. Print.

    9. I had been told one evening of a wise woman, a Mrs. Davis, who revealed secrets, foretold events, &c. I put little faith in this story at first, as I could not conceive that any mortal could foresee the future disposals of Providence, nor did I believe in any other revelation than that of the Holy Scriptures; however, I was greatly astonished at seeing this woman in a dream that night, though a person I never before beheld in my life; this made such an impression on me, that I could not get the idea the next day out of my mind, and I then became as anxious to see her as I was before indifferent; accordingly in the evening, after we left off working, I inquired where she lived, and being directed to her, to my inexpressible surprise, beheld the very woman in the very same dress she appeared to me to wear in the vision. She immediately told me I had dreamed of her the preceding night; related to me many things that had happened with a correctness that astonished me; and finally told me I should not be long a slave: this was the more agreeable news, as I believed it the more readily from her having so faithfully related the past incidents of my life. She said I should be twice in very great danger of my life within eighteen months, which, if I escaped, I should afterwards go on well; so, giving me her blessing, we parted.

      This vision that Equiano encounters exemplifies his religious faith. Through this religious faith Equiano is able to think about the future in different settings. This particular vision foreshadows Equiano's plans and journey in the near future.

    10. When I left the room I immediately went, or rather flew, to the vessel, which being loaded, my master, as good as his word, trusted me with a tierce of rum, and another of sugar, when we sailed, and arrived safe at the elegant town of Philadelphia. I soon sold my goods here pretty well; and in this charming place I found every thing plentiful and cheap.

      Equiano continues to invest his good fortunes for greater profits in the future. His frugality and ability to understand a capitalistic system eventually leads Equiano to purchasing his freedom.

    11. but as I thought that if it were God's will I ever should be freed it would be so, and, on the contrary, if it was not his will it would not happen; so I hoped, if ever I were freed, whilst I was used well, it should be by honest means; but, as I could not help myself, he must do as he pleased; I could only hope and trust to the God of Heaven; and at that instant my mind was big with inventions and full of schemes to escape.

      In the scholarly article titled, "The Poetics of Belonging in the Age of Enlightenment: Spiritual Metaphors of Being in Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative," author Rebecka Fisher argues that, "Equiano uses onto-theological metaphors of being to resist the realities and politics of empire, a politics that ensured that polities could never smoothly transition from empires to states, that upheaval and shifting allegiances would consistently characterize an individual’s existence, and that the character of modern human being would always be of a fractured but navigable nature."

      Fisher, Rebecka Rutledge. "The Poetics of Belonging in the Age of Enlightenment: Spiritual Metaphors of Being in Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative." Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal: 72-97. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.

    12. 'I must sell you again: you cost me a great deal of money, no less than forty pounds sterling; and it will not do to lose so much. You are a valuable fellow,' continued he; 'and I can get any day for you one hundred guineas, from many gentlemen in this island.' And then he told me of Captain Doran's brother-in-law, a severe master, who ever wanted to buy me to make me his overseer. My captain also said he could get much more than a hundred guineas for me in Carolina.

      This is a common theme of separation from friends and family. Most slaves were dehumanized through being separated from their loved ones.

    13. I went with him into this vessel, and we took a load of new slaves for Georgia and Charles Town. My master now left me entirely to the captain, though he still wished for me to be with him; but I, who always much wished to lose sight of the West Indies, was not a little rejoiced at the thoughts of seeing any other country.

      This quote exemplifies Equiano's servitude but it also shows that he is partaking in some of the same cruelties that brought him to America. Instead of practicing civil disobedience Equiano is looking out for himself instead of a group of mistreated slaves.

    14. is it surprising that slaves, when mildly treated, should prefer even the misery of slavery to such a mockery of freedom? I was now completely disgusted with the West Indies, and thought I never should be entirely free until I had left them.

      Equiano expresses his opinions about slavery and being free. He laments that supposedly free blacks could be mistreated just as slaves are. In most cases legal documents that free blacks obtained were ignored and their liberties were basically non existent. This mockery of freedom is basically another form of slavery and with freedom came a lack of protection from one's master.

    15. These things opened my mind to a new scene of horror to which I had been before a stranger. Hitherto I had thought only slavery dreadful; but the state of a free negro appeared to me now equally so at least, and in some respects even worse, for they live in constant alarm for their liberty; and even this is but nominal, for they are universally insulted and plundered without the possibility of redress; for such is the equity of the West Indian laws, that no free negro's evidence will be admitted in their courts of justice.

      In the article titled,"Equiano's Nativity: Negative Birthright, Indigenous Ethic, and Universal Human Rights," author Yael Ben-Zvi argues that ""Equiano’s decision is not bound by English law but is enabled by a foundational indigenous liberty. Within a couple of weeks, Equiano experiences Blackstone’s qualifications of the “liberty” of the “free negro,” which, especially in the colonies. By contrast, his “original free African state” is an unambiguous alternative that had failed him only when the logic of affirmative communal attachment on which it rests was violated, at his initial kidnapping in Africa."

      Ben-Zvi, Yael. "Equiano's Nativity: Negative Birthright, Indigenous Ethic, and Universal Human Rights." Early American Literature: 399-423. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.

    16. Joseph Clipson, he told him he was not free, and that he had orders from his master to bring him to Bermudas. The poor man could not believe the captain to be in earnest; but he was very soon undeceived, his men laying violent hands on him: and although he shewed a certificate of his being born free in St. Kitt's, and most people on board knew that he served his time to boat building, and always passed for a free man, yet he was taken forcibly out of our vessel. He then asked to be carried ashore before the secretary or magistrates, and these infernal invaders of human rights promised him he should; but, instead of that, they carried him on board of the other vessel: and the next day, without giving the poor man any hearing on shore, or suffering him even to see his wife or child, he was carried away, and probably doomed never more in this world to see them again.

      This exemplifies the common theme of being separated from family. Not only does this dehumanize someone but it also represents that lack of rights of supposedly free blacks. In 1623 the English conquered St. Kitts and used slaves there. Since, St, Kitts was a starting destination for slavery it makes since that slavery and the injustices that come with it were common place at St.Kitts.

    17. In the midst of these thoughts I therefore looked up with prayers anxiously to God for my liberty; and at the same time I used every honest means, and endeavoured all that was possible on my part to obtain it.

      This is a common theme of Christianity in which Equiano uses as a resource to remain formidable. This quote also represents how Equiano's humility and servitude are gained through his religious faith.

    18. At one of our trips to St. Kitt's I had eleven bits of my own; and my friendly captain lent me five bits more, with which I bought a Bible. I was very glad to get this book, which I scarcely could meet with any where.

      In the article titled, "Cutting Edge: CHRISTIAN IMPERIALISM AND THE TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE," author Katie Cannon claims that Europeans during the 18th century "Used the Bible as the world’s constitution, regime apologists used legalistic literalist hermeneutics to convince themselves that African people are cursed with perpetual servitude. In turn, Europeans are ordained by God to control inferior people and exhorted to deal with such primitive pagans as usable, disposable functionaries"

      Cannon, Katie Geneva. "Cutting Edge: CHRISTIAN IMPERIALISM AND THE TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Indiana University Press): 127-34. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.

    19. We then proceeded to the markets to sell them; and Providence was more favourable to us than we could have expected, for we sold our fruits uncommonly well; I got for mine about thirty-seven bits. Such a surprising reverse of fortune in so short a space of time seemed like a dream to me, and proved no small encouragement for me to trust the Lord in any situation.

      Equiano is frugal and is incredibly smart. Through smart investments and good trading Equiano was able take advantage of a capitalistic system that was not supposed to favor slaves. This frugality and ability to save eventually led to Equiano purchasing his freedom.

    20. I now, in the agony of distress and indignation, wished that the ire of God in his forked lightning might transfix these cruel oppressors among the dead.

      Equiano tries to control his pride and suppress his anger through relying on God. Through his reliance on God Equiano is able to display the virtue of patience and fortitude. This particular text brings up the common theme of Christianity.

    21. When we came there, in some little convenient time he and I went ashore with our fruits to sell them; but we had scarcely landed when we were met by two white men, who presently took our three bags from us. We could not at first guess what they meant to do; and for some time we thought they were jesting with us; but they too soon let us know otherwise, for they took our ventures immediately to a house hard by, and adjoining the fort, while we followed all the way begging of them to give us our fruits, but in vain. They not only refused to return them, but swore at us, and threatened if we did not immediately depart they would flog us well.

      The cruelty of the rich exemplifies the abuse of power that the rich inflicted upon the poor in an effort to maintain complete control.

    22. Thus was I going all about the islands upwards of four years, and ever trading as I went, during which I experienced many instances of ill usage, and have seen many injuries done to other negroes in our dealings with Europeans: and, amidst our recreations, when we have been dancing and merry-making, they, without cause, have molested and insulted us. Indeed I was more than once obliged to look up to God on high, as I had advised the poor fisherman some time before.

      Equiano conveys hopelessness and vulnerability through the use of emotion. his description of inhumane treatment pulls at the heartstrings of the readers through sympathizing with them.

    23. But the captain liked me also very much, and I was entirely his right-hand man. I did all I could to deserve his favour, and in return I received better treatment from him than any other I believe ever met with in the West Indies in my situation.

      Equiano works diligently and adheres to legitimate authority. Equiano's hard work represents the dignity of Africans. This quote also exemplifies the high moral code that Equiano exemplifies through his servitude.

    24. I immediately thought I might in time stand some chance by being on board to get a little money, or possibly make my escape if I should be used ill: I also expected to get better food, and in greater abundance; for I had felt much hunger oftentimes, though my master treated his slaves, as I have observed, uncommonly well.

      even though Equiano and other slaves were treated well by his master, this was rarely the case. Around the mid 1400s when the Portuguese started using slave labor, Europeans realized that the use of slaves was a great economic opportunity. Thus, the Triangular trade started in full swing with the growth of sugar plantations where European manufactured goods were sent to Africa, the African Slaves were purchased and sent to America, and then the cash crops purchased in Americas returned to Europe. Since Slaves were seen as products they were often overworked and received little to no education, which led to many slaves having a strong reliance in God.

    25. Some time in the year 1763 kind Providence seemed to appear rather more favourable to me.

      In the article titled "The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and the U.S. Underground Railroad," author Jones Hood described the horrors that were inflicted upon slaves during the transatlantic slave trade, "between 1441 and 1888, Europeans and African nations engaged in an economic practice that enslaved many millions of Africans. This enslavement caused terrible misery and wreaked untold havoc upon their cultural foundation."

      Hood, Jones Lottie. "The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and the U.S. Underground Railroad." International Congregational Journal: 47-57. EBSCO eBook Collection. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.

    1. But over his heart there seemed to be a warm spot, where those young hands had placed that precious dollar. Tom put up his hand, and held it close to his heart.

      This is an incredible example of Stowe's attempt to create an emotional response within the reader. It truly sums up the love that Tom and George have for each other, which, in many ways, mirrors a father-son relationship.

    2. "O! Mas'r George, ye mustn't talk so 'bout yer father!"

      This mirrors the conversation that Chloe and Tom had earlier in the chapter. As previously stressed, the characterization of master George is critical. He is one of the few characters appearing in the novel thus far that is not only unhappy with slavery, but is attempting to do something about it. In many ways, he is the model character in the story. It is interesting to note that his age is never mentioned in the story...perhaps to create a broader sense of sympathy from the audience.

    3. It was in vain that he said to himself that he had a right to do it,—that everybody did it,—and that some did it without even the excuse of necessity;—he could not satisfy his own feelings; and that he might not witness the unpleasant scenes of the consummation, he had gone on a short business tour up the country, hoping that all would be over before he returned.

      This scene is incredibly powerful and again, plays an important role in creating an audience connection and provoking emotion. Here, we see Mr. Shelby desperately trying to convince himself that he made the right decision - that it was something that everybody did. However, in his attempt to do so, it is revealed that he is truly deeply troubled by the situation so much so that he cannot bear to witness Tom being taken away. This is one of Stowe's attempts to prove that the slave trade is immoral - that people who are involved in it are not ignorant to what may (and probably will) happen to these slaves.

    4. "I'm sorry," said Tom, "that Mas'r George happened to be away." George had gone to spend two or three days with a companion on a neighboring estate, and having departed early in the morning, before Tom's misfortune had been made public, had left without hearing of it. "Give my love to Mas'r George," he said, earnestly.

      The bond that Stowe has created between Master George and Tom in such a short amount of interaction is incredible. Tom says nothing about Mr. Shelby, who he passionately defended. It appears that Tom and Master George have a strong relationship that is introduced in a previous chapter in which George is teaching Tom how to properly write. It is an interesting that Stowe chose to create this strong relationship between a slave and a white child. Perhaps she did so to emphasize the idea that children cannot see color.

    5. Tom got in, and Haley, drawing out from under the wagon seat a heavy pair of shackles, made them fast around each ankle.

      It is interesting to note how passive Tom is during this situation. While the reader is receiving incredible levels of emotion from others - Aunt Chloe, Mrs. Shelby, etc - is seems that there is actually an incredibly minute focus on Tom, as he is being portrayed as emotionless and passive. This truly underlines his faith.

    6. "Tom," she said, "I come to—" and stopping suddenly, and regarding the silent group, she sat down in the chair, and, covering her face with her handkerchief, began to sob. "Lor, now, Missis, don't—don't!" said Aunt Chloe, bursting out in her turn; and for a few moments they all wept in company. And in those tears they all shed together, the high and the lowly, melted away all the heart-burnings and anger of the oppressed.

      This is devastating but also an incredible example of racial unity. This is an absolutely critical scene for Stowe to allow the audience to witness the pain that slavery causes for both white and black individuals. It is also a strategic technique. Throughout the text, Stowe characterizes Mrs. Shelby as the "perfectly right and just white woman". With her intended audience of women for this piece, this really allows women readers to sympathize with both black and white, as they yearn to by the "perfect" woman that Mrs. Shelby is.

    7. The boys, having eaten everything there was on the breakfast-table, began now to take some thought of the case; and, seeing their mother crying, and their father looking very sad, began to whimper and put their hands to their eyes. Uncle Tom had the baby on his knee, and was letting her enjoy herself to the utmost extent, scratching his face and pulling his hair, and occasionally breaking out into clamorous explosions of delight, evidently arising out of her own internal reflections.

      This is also an emotional scene for the reader. We are presented with two young children who seemingly don't understand what is going on - the children that, like Chloe, were raised in slavery and know nothing bad of it. It's interesting the way in which Stowe has created this "complex hierarchy of knowledge" here. There is Chloe, who understands the situation and is devastated, the two boys who understand that there is a bad situation occurring but know no details, and the baby, who understands nothing of it and is filled with happiness. Perhaps Stowe is utilizing this family to symbolize the white response to slavery.

    8. "Lor, Pete," said Mose, triumphantly,

      It is interesting to note Stowe's choice of names for these children - both of whom share commonalities with common biblical names: Moses and Peter. Perhaps Stowe chose these names as a reflection of Chloe and Tom's religious beliefs. On the other hand, they could have simply been a reflection of common names at the time.

    9. This nerves the African, naturally patient, timid and unenterprising, with heroic courage, and leads him to suffer hunger, cold, pain, the perils of the wilderness, and the more dread penalties of recapture.

      Stowe really plays with the audience's emotions in this entire description of the African American race. She describes them in a way that one may describe either a young child or a loyal pet- naturally innocent and naive. Here, she is attempting to provoke sympathy and/or empathy from the audience, who is receiving this image that African Americans are, in many ways, helpless. This really emphasizes Stowe's views that she does truly see many differences between the black and white race.

    10. I can't jest make out whar 't is, but thar's wrong somewhar, I'm clar o' that.

      This is incredibly sad. Aunt Chloe has spent her entire life in slavery and, knowing nothing else, she struggles to pinpoint the fault of the situation (though she knows there is one). At the time, millions of African American children were born into slavery and, for these children/adults, it was the norm. I wonder how that played a role in the abolitionist movement because many slaves were (so they thought) completely dependent on their white masters.

    11. it must be remembered that all the instinctive affections of that race are peculiarly strong

      This is interesting in the way that she is recognizing that there is a defined difference between the two races (this is introduced in her 1852 preface to her text where she describes African Americans as "...a character so essentially unlike the hard and dominant Anglo-Saxon race"). This text was met with much criticism, as many claimed that Stowe possessed prejudicial ideas. This paragraph truly underlines that view. The novel "The Concept of "Race" in Natural and Social Science" delves more into Stowe's incorporation of this, particularly focusing on this paragraph in the novel.

      Gates, E. Nathaniel. The Concept of Race "in Natural and Social Science." New York: Garland Publishing Inc, 1997. Print.

    12. thar don't a sparrow fall without him

      This is also a reference to biblical literature taken from Matthew 10:29, which essentially explains that one should not have fear because God always takes care of the situation. Again, this not only shows Tom's deep sense of religion, but Stowe's as well. She has inserted numerous references to the Bible and is evidently well educated in religion.

      Wong, Cliff, and Andrew Kwong. A Biblical Perspective on How to Handle Worry and Fear. N.p.: n.p., 2010. Print.

    13. "Chloe! now, if ye love me, ye won't talk so, when perhaps jest the last time we'll ever have together! And I'll tell ye, Chloe, it goes agin me to hear one word agin Mas'r. Wan't he put in my arms a baby?—it's natur I should think a heap of him. And he couldn't be spected to think so much of poor Tom. Mas'rs is used to havin' all these yer things done for 'em, and nat'lly they don't think so much on 't. They can't be spected to, no way. Set him 'longside of other Mas'rs—who's had the treatment and livin' I've had? And he never would have let this yer come on me, if he could have seed it aforehand. I know he wouldn't."

      It's incredibly interesting how much love that Tom has for his owner, Mr. Shelby, and how willing he is to stand up for him after he had just sold Tom. In many ways, Stowe is shifting the focus with this defense. He seems to be, in a way, idolizing his white master and creating a hierarchy that is illustrating himself as a lesser (ie. referring to himself as "poor Tom"). However, I think is also does show his intelligence via his recognition of the slaveholders being blinded by their own privilege.

    14. Ah, brave, manly heart,—smothering thine own sorrow, to comfort thy beloved ones!

      I found this to be strange. Throughout the text, we have seen a "distant narrator" who essentially exists only for the purpose of explaining what is happening between character dialogue. However, here we see something very different. For the first time, Stowe seems to be breaking out of that emotionless narrator position. Perhaps she does so to appeal to the readers' emotions on a deeper level by expressing a level of admiration for Tom and to truly emphasize the sadness of the situation. I found this change of narration to be incredibly interesting and quite effective.

    15. "There'll be the same God there, Chloe, that there is here."

      Again, this is an incredible claim by Tom. As his wife is slowly losing faith, he is putting complete faith in his God to carry him through the situation. This really shows the type of religious character that Tom is.

    16. "lifted up her voice and wept."

      This is from Genesis 21:16 (English Standard Version). In this section of the Book of Genesis, the word "slave" is frequently used. Many individuals at the time used the fact that slavery appeared in biblical texts to justify it. This is an interesting choice for Stowe to include as it truly underlines her value of religion.

    17. "So long as your grand folks wants to buy men and women, I'm as good as they is," said Haley; "'tan't any meaner sellin' on 'em, that 't is buyin'!"

      This is a really important point that Stowe is making. Since the first chapter, the audience is persuaded to dislike Haley. Here, he is making an incredible point: he is no worse than Mr. Shelby, who is seen as a "good guy". This really emphasizes the idea that no matter your role in slavery, you are equally wrong. With this quote, Haley is putting everyone on the same playing field.

    18. only rubbed away over and over on the coarse shirt, already as smooth as hands could make it

      This really aids in enhancing the emotional connection for the readers. Here, Aunt Chloe is trying desperately to distract herself from the immense pain of the fact that her husband is about to be taken away. Stowe does an incredible job at encouraging emotion from the reader, which is an incredibly critical part of this story. At the time, African Americans were seen as non-humans - they were thought not to be able to feel human emotions such a sadness and sorrow. Stowe forces the audience to feel sympathy throughout this entire text. This technique is incredibly clever.

    19. "I'll be real good, Uncle Tom, I tell you," said George. "I'm going to be a first-rater; and don't you be discouraged. I'll have you back to the place, yet. As I told Aunt Chloe this morning, I'll build our house all over, and you shall have a room for a parlor with a carpet on it, when I'm a man. O, you'll have good times yet!"

      The characterization of George was set up to allow the audience to build an emotional connection and to prove a point. He, in many ways, resembles the idea that nobody is born racist (also seen in previous chapters when he is teaching Tom how to write). He possesses an incredible amount of innocence (which is also seen a few lines down where he is telling Haley that he should be ashamed of himself) that offers him the idea that when he's "a man", he will make things perfect and good. He also appears not to see skin color and is one of the few individuals in the text who refers to black individuals as "men and women" as opposed to "creatures", going as far as to compare their treatment to the ways in which cattle are treated.

    20. Tom sat by, with his Testament open on his knee, and his head leaning upon his hand

      At this point in the text, we have already been introduced to religion as a theme. Tom turning to religion during a time like this - hours before he is about to be traded and torn from his family - speaks incredible volumes about the way that religion played a role in society. Stowe creates a wide range of individuals in this text who all can seemingly be connected through their beliefs. We have been introduced to slaves that have lost their faith because of their enslavement. This instance truly emphasizes the important role of religion in all individuals at the time.

  4. Jan 2016
    1. Agriculture arose sometime between nine- and five-thousand years ago, almost simultaneously in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Mesoamericans in modern-day Mexico and Central America first domesticated maize and and developed perhaps the hemisphere’s first settled population around 1,200 BCE.

      How did they get the maize?