1,504 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. bleached
    2. bleach
    3. corals
    4. . hystrix
    5. S. pistiffut
    6. coral
    7. corals
    8. high temperature
    9. coral
    10. S. pi~~Zlat
    11. S. hystrix
    12. corals
    13. S. hystrix
    14. S. pistillatu
    15. S. hystrix
    16. S. pistillat
    17. temperatures
    18. temperature
    19. corals
    20. corals
    21. corals
    22. S. hystrix
    23. S. pistiliut
    24. Coral
    25. S. hy_~ir
    26. S. pistillat
    27. temperatures were raised
    28. died
    29. corals
    30. corals
    31. eefcorals
    32. Corals
    33. S. hystrix
    34. temperature
    35. S. pistillat
    36. S. hystrix
    37. S. pistilfat
    38. bleaching
    39. death
    40. Reducing salinity
    41. bleaching
    42. S. hystrix
    43. S. p~t~llat
    44. corals
    45. corals
    46. corals
    47. S. pistillata
    48. S. pistillata
    49. S. pistillata
    50. corals
    51. bleach
    52. S. pistillata.
    53. corals
    54. S. pistillata
    55. S. pistillata
    56. bleached
    57. S. pistillata
    58. bleached
    59. M. annutaris
    60. S. &SO+
    61. S. p~t~Zlfft
    62. S. hystnjc
    63. S. pistiilata
    64. bleaching
    65. corals
    66. bleaching
    67. corals
    68. bleaching
    69. corals
    70. bleaching
    71. coral
    72. corals
    73. S. hystrix
    74. S. pistillata
    75. S. hystrix
    76. S. pistillata
    77. S. pistillat
    78. S. hystix
    79. S. hystrix)
    80. S. pistillata
    81. S. hystrix)
    82. S. pistillata
    83. bleaching
    84. temperatures
    85. Corals
    86. S. kq~tnic
    87. S. pistilfata
    88. S. ~~sti~~a
    89. S. hystrix,
    90. S.pistillata
    91. S. hystrix
    92. S. pistiliata
    93. S. Zz~M
    94. S. pistillata
    95. corals
    96. coral
    97. corals
    98. visibly paler
    99. S. pjstiZlat
    100. full sunlight
    101. S. hystrix
    102. S. pistillutu
    103. corals
    104. S. hystrix
    105. S. pistillata
    106. corals
    1. Cordylophora caspia
    2. salinity levels
    3. Cyprinodon macularius
    4. Gamrnarus dueben
    5. Cordylophora caspia
    6. Cordytophora caspia
    7. Garnmarus auebeni
    8. Ilomarus americanus
    9. Cor@lophor~: caspia
    10. C. macularius
    11. Cyprinodon macularius
    12. Salmo iridaeus
    13. Theodoxus fluviatilis
    14. Fundu/us heteroditus
    15. Anguilla anguilla
    16. Eriocheir sinensis
    17. normal salinities
    18. Reduction of metabolic rate
    19. Sargus rondelet
    20. Scyllium catulus
    21. Scorpaena porcus
    22. Mytilus eduli
    23. Metridium rnarginatum
    24. Metapenaeus monocero
    25. Palaemonetes varians
    26. O~poda quadrata (albicans
    27. Gammarus dueben
    28. Alderia modesta
    29. Hemigrapsus oregonensi
    30. Potamon edulis
    31. Gammarus locusta
    32. Eriphia spinifrons
    33. Carcinus maena
    34. Nerds diversicolo
    35. reduced both in sub- and supranormal salin- ities
    36. increased both in sub- and supranormal salinities
    37. reduced in supranormal salinities
    38. increased in subnormal salinities
    39. Metabolic rates
    40. salinity
    41. reproduction
    42. growth
    43. activity
    44. rates and efficien- cies of metabolism
    45. salinity conditions
    46. criticall~ low temperature conditions.
    47. low or high salinities
    48. temperature
    49. salinity
    50. lowered heat resistance
    51. increased heat resistance
    52. Mytilus edulis
    53. salinities
    54. Salinity
    55. Hemigrapsus nudus
    56. Tigriopusfulvus
    57. Pleuronectes platessa
    58. salinity-temperature
    59. salinity
    60. salinity
    61. salinity
    62. reduced salinity
    63. Mytilus edulis
    64. temperature
    65. salinity
    66. Sesarma cinereum
    67. Sphaeroma hookeri
    68. Gammarus duebeni
    69. poly- chaete Nerds ( Neanthes) diversicolor
    70. lowering of the upper lethal temperature
    71. decrease in normal habitat salin- ity
    72. salinity
    73. Cvprinodon macularius
    74. Nerds (Neanthes) diversicolo
    75. Gammarus duebeni
    76. Carcinus maenas
    77. Fundulus parvipinnis
    78. Mytilus californianus
    79. Littorina littorea
    80. Carcinus maenas
    81. Gammarus dueben
    82. salinity
    83. salinity
    84. lower and upper limiting salinities
    85. temperature
    86. salinity
    87. salinity
    88. salinity
    89. salinity of estuaries
    90. s a 1 in i t y
    91. temperature conditions