5 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2022
openlab.citytech.cuny.edu openlab.citytech.cuny.edu
But it isn’t. This is because over such a long period a message can easily be distorted or altered without this being in any way intended. (This distortion or alteration in the meaning or method of transmission of a message, whether intended or not, is called “noise.”) Languages, both written and spoken, always change. The meanings of symbols are often lost in the passage of time. In fact, most messages are bound so closely to a particular period and place that even a short time later they cannot be understood. Therefore, ensuring that a message created now can be decoded by future generations is highly problematic.
Can symbol that represents one thing change over a long period of time to mean something different?
ea. It is only because there is already a well-established connection in our minds between the appearance of an apple and the idea of temptation that this fruit is used in the picture. It is this connection that makes the picture successful in terms of communicatio
Why was the apple chosen as the representation of temptation?
A Theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with there function in both artificially constructed and natural languages.
- Sep 2021
designopendata.wordpress.com designopendata.wordpress.com