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  1. Sep 2021
    1. 02 Knowledge Base


    2. 01 Notes & Docs


    3. a key value proposition for a tool that would allow me to promote an inclusive, collaborative and efficient environment was “all your team’s work in one place.” This is what I found with Notion.Notion was built to solve the problem of chaos with too many tools. Here is a summary of the four key features:


    1. The ultimate goal of a Librarian is to save things so they can refer to them later. Maybe that’s a website that they found useful or interesting, notes from a work meeting, or maybe it’s basic information about acquaintances they’d like to be able to recall down the road.


    2. Gardeners have really thrived in the recent rush of new apps, and are the total opposite of architects. They value getting ideas out quickly, and often in an unformed format. The goal is not to have an organized collection of notes, but to have a collection of thoughts and concepts that they can review later and connect in new and interesting ways.


    3. Architects love to have structured notes and need an organized system to store them in. They thrive on and get pleasure from organizing their notes just the way they like.


  2. Aug 2021
    1. The point is make organization feel mandatory. While using SigmaOS myself, I decided to set up separate Workspaces for each of my writing assignments, along with a “Procrastination” space for all the personal things I was reading or looking up. Because SigmaOS can only display one Workspace’s tabs at a time, it encouraged me to stay focused and to pay more attention to how I was grouping things together.


    2. SigmaOS forces users to imagine browser tabs as tasks and the browser itself as a to-do list.


    1. When you eat a meal that contains mostly carbs (like bread, pasta, rice, sugar, candy, pastries, or many other processed foods), a lot of glucose enters your bloodstream at once. This high blood glucose levels stimulates a high amount of insulin, to urgently remove that extra sugar which would be toxic otherwise. With an excess of insulin, the blood sugar concentration drops again.Now with high insulin and low glucose, your body is back to feeling hungry despite having just recently eaten! The process is like a roller coaster, with a big rise followed by an equally steep drop. If you crave food shortly after finishing a meal or find it hard to focus during the day, you might not be balancing your blood sugar correctly and eating too much sugar.


    2. Your body requires a specific concentration of glucose in your blood to function optimally. When it gets too high, your body quickly brings it back down using insulin. When glucose gets too low, your body increases hunger hormones to motivate you to bring it back up — and you also start to get tired and conserve energy.


    1. Going consistently will be the best way to get to your destination safely. In some conditions this may mean going fast, and in some cases it may mean going slower. It is important to enjoy the ride and stay in your car until you finish your journey!Instead of all or nothing, you can think something is better than nothing. To think this way, it is essential to see the big picture & understand your options span more than simply all or nothing.


    1. Asking why a couple more times will give you a great sense of direction and much more insight than simply needing an early bedtime.


    2. Let’s assume the latter. Why is it important to be productive at work?


    3. The “five whys” is a simple exercise (originally developed by the car company Toyota) that can be useful in discovering your own motivations.It is very simple. Just keep asking “why“ until you get to the root of things, often 5 times. This can be useful for understanding many things, but especially yourself.Sometimes there will be multiple answers, so you can pick the most relevant one and keep going.For example, let’s say someone’s goal is to get good sleep. Sleeping is a great objective, but it will be much easier to reach it when we have a why. So then we can ask, why do you want to get good sleep?
