379 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Week 5 Quiz

      Please see the comments in the quiz.

    2. Week 5 Q&A

      Add the full directions for Q&A discussions.

    3. Pictures of p. 230-231

      I think it'd make sense to use a page instead of an assignment. In the long term, it'd be best to get a better scan.

    4. Assignment:  Moral Hazard

      Please see the comments in the assignment.

    5. included in the assignment

      The article is mentioned in the directions. However, it doesn't appear to be "included in the assignment." On a related note, providing a link in multiple locations can be helpful, but it can also lead to discrepancies and other errors.

    6. The Week 5 Assignment (Activity # 5 below) consists in part in answering questions on the content of this article. You may want to look at the questions before reading this article.

      This is helpful guidance. The assignment questions act as guiding questions.

    7. most challenging material of the week

      I see that the readings below relate to this topic. Perhaps they will help. Consider mentioning them here.

    8. The Uninsured Do Not Use The Emergency Department More— They Use Other Care Less

      Link to the free article on the web. Use the title for the link. https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0218

    9. size of social loss and its determinants

      Be sure to use unique descriptive text for links. It'd be better to use the topics. You could include the pages, too. (This comment applies to multiple links on this page.)

      Example: part about the size of social loss and its determinants (pp. 206-213)

    10. Slides 2.2 and the related lecture

      Are you referring to the video titled "Moral Hazard and Social Loss"? If so, I recommend saying that.

    11. I share

      Is it possible that other instructors will use this course content in the future? If so, I recommend using third-person language here.

    12. After completing this module, you will be able to:

      Consider adding an outcome about defining moral hazard. (Same goes for the previous module and adverse selection.)

    13. 'Moral Hazard and Insurance Market

      This is another good third-party video that illustrates the multimedia principle.

    1. Week 5 Assignment

      Good comprehension questions. I noticed a minor typo. Above the abstract, the subheading is "Question 2" instead of "Part 2."

    2. Click here to access

      I recommend providing info about the task and point distribution on the Canvas page. See the Week 1 Assignment.

    1. This module is a good one, overall. The content, especially the examples, and the practice exercise are highlights. I see connections between the module components, including the outcomes and assessments (though these connections could be strengthened).

  2. Oct 2023
    1. Adverse selection in health insurance
    2. Additional Resources

      Link out to the web or a library database, when possible. This is a best practice promoted by the library.

    3. correct, well-focused, and concise answers

      Consider rewording (e.g., using a different phrase than "correct... answers"). On the one hand, nearly all instructors want students to provide accurate information and to construct logical arguments. On the other hand, many instructors also want students to demonstrate creativity, innovation, etc.

    4. Discussion: Adverse Selection

      Please see my comments in the discussion.

    5. practice questions

      Nice mix of comprehension and application questions. Consider adding explanations for the T/F questions. (I see that students are encouraged to "post a question in the Week 4 Q&A if [they] need an explanation for any of those answers.")

    6. Assignment: Adverse Selection

      Rename to "Practice Exercise" (as in previous modules).

    7. Marginal Revolution University on Asymmetric Information on Health Insurance

      Good third-party video. I appreciate the simple visuals (stick people, numbers, etc.) and clear explanations. This video illustrates Mayer's multimedia principle: People learn more from words and relevant images than words alone. The video is also captioned.

    8. Solutions to Limit Adverse Selection Links to an external site.

      Good examples of solutions to the adverse selection problem.

      Consider removing the Conclusion slide. It feels a little out of place. Also, its text is small, and some text is located at the bottom where captions would appear.

    9. Why May Adverse Selection May Not Occur Links to an external site.

      For me, the first half was clear and helpful, but the second half was less so. On the Correlation slide, what do the horizontal lines represent?

    10. I discuss

      I recommend using third-person language if other instructors will use this course content in the future. In this particular context, it's clear that "I" refers to the author of the video (not anyone teaching the course).

    11. Read pages 11 to 14 provided here. The entire article is in 'Additional Resources' below and is not a required reading, due to some sections being too technical for the purpose of this class.

      Good thinking. These examples are in-depth but not overly long.

    12. four examples of adverse selections

      Good content. These authentic examples will help students understand the concept of adverse selection. Four should be sufficient.

    1. Immediately

      Be consistent about quiz settings. Do you want to always show correct answers immediately? The first two quizzes have a different setting.

    2. Week 4 Quiz

      Compared to the practice exercise, the quiz seems to emphasize comprehension more than application. The quiz seems fine though.

    3. MCQ

      Multiple-select question

    1. Frakt and Chernew

      If you stick with this prompt, it would be a good idea to mention the article title ("The Importance of Relative Prices in Health Care Spending") and module (Week 2).

    2. points possible

      Be sure to update the discussion settings.

    3. effectively address high US health care spending it  will require considering polices that affect theoverall level of prices and paying close attention to how those policies may affect relative prices. If you had the magic wand, where would you start?

      I could be mistaken, but this prompt seems to only indirectly connect with the outcomes. If I'm on target, I recommend considering how to make the connection more direct. That could involve revising or replacing the prompt.

    1. This is a good module, overall. I see the connections between the module components, including the outcomes and assessments.

      The RAND video and New England Journal of Medicine article are examples of high-quality third-party content. They both have accessibility issues, however. The article's issues can be easily addressed by linking to a library database article.

      Consider adding a community-building assignment. We recommend including one in every module. However, it's OK to occasionally make an exception -- for example, due to high workload.

    2. Click here for the Week 3 Quiz

      Please see my comments in the quiz.

    3. Empirical Evidence on Price Elasticity of Demand for Health Services Links to an external site.

      Nice use of signaling (circling) when discussing the study results and the table. It may have been a good idea to add a study slide before the table. No big deal though.

    4. Week 3 Q&A

      This Q&A discussion has a different prompt.

    5. Please, keep in mind that opinion pieces may not always be fully accurate.

      Important admonition

    6. Winning a Losing Game, Part VI: The Impact of Price Elasticity
    7. Rand HIE and Oregon Experiments Assignment

      Please see my comments in the assignment.

    8. The Oregon Experiment —Effects of Medicaid on Clinical Outcomes
    9. The Rand HIE and Oregon Experiments Assignment  below consists partly in answering questions on the content of this video. You may want to look at the questions before you watch this video.

      Nice tip

    10. In this video

      Convert the preceding title into a link. Unfortunately, this video doesn't have captions (neither at the RAND website nor on YouTube).

    11. After completing this week , you will be able to answer the following questions:

      In an email, you wrote, "Objectives for week 3 are set up as questions. I like the change in format as I think it may draw students in." I'm unsure of student opinion, but I think a regular outcome is more precise. The verb provides information about what students should be able to do. It also indicates the level of the outcome. Instructors and instructional designers often distinguish between lower-level and higher-level outcomes.

    1. Week 3 Quiz

      Good mix of comprehension, application, and reflection questions. The questions also seem to connect with the outcomes.

    2. Four T/F

      Three T/F questions

    3. Show Correct Answers

      Do you want to show correct answers immediately? Just checking. The previous quizzes have different settings. Showing correct answers immediately can facilitate learning, but some instructors have concerns about academic integrity.

    4. Week 3.

      Remove this broken link. Avoid linking to the main pages. The URL of each main page is based on the page title, which contains dates that vary from semester to semester. When the title changes, the URL changes, and the link breaks.

    1. eight questions

      Seven questions. Consider adding info about how the points are distributed.

    2. Week 3 Assignment on Rand and Oregon Experiments

      Good comprehension questions. I noticed a few potential issues: * Q4 refers to "Bhattacharya, Hyde, and Tu (2014) textbook on price elasticity of demand." Where is this reading? * Q7 begins by referring to Table 3, but Q7C refers to Table 2.

    1. Good module, overall. I see alignment between the module components (outcomes, content, practice activities, graded assignments). The practice activities and the corresponding lightboard videos represent an excellent opportunity for students. They seem to be more comprehensive than the graded assignments. In this module and future ones, try to ensure that graded assignments target all of the outcomes.

      Consider doing the following: * Clarify the directions for the Week 2 Q&A. Copy and paste the directions into other Q&A discussions. * Add discussion questions to the Week 2 Discussion. Try to target one or two outcomes (e.g., welfare economics and public health policy). * Order captions for Dr. France Weaver's videos. Do you see her videos in Vidgrid? Paul may need to order the captions. * Add guiding questions and/or reflection questions relating to each video and reading.

    2. Click here for the Week 2 Quiz

      Please see my comments in the quiz.

    3. Thursday (initial post) and Sunday (follow-up post)

      Make sure that these due dates match the table at the top of the page.

    4. After completing this module, you will be able to:

      These outcomes are well-written overall, but they could be improved. Here are some pointers:

      • Outcome 2: Each outcome typically has one verb. This facilitates assessment.
      • Outcome 3: Consider using the term "explain."
      • Outcome 4: Consider using a more concrete term.
    5. Week 2 Discussion on Price Distortion

      Please see my comments in the discussion board.

    6. article by Frakt and Chernew (2018)

      Link to article.

    7. I encourage you to highlight the key points made by the authors.

      Other strategies may be more effective than highlighting. I previously mentioned the acronym PICSS (paraphrase, infer, connect, self-question, summarize).

    8. (hand-written notes)

      These handwritten notes should be converted into digital text at some point.

    9. 10:10


    10. Week 2 Assignment on Surplus and Welfare

      Could the Word document be converted to Canvas content? Do students benefit from the Word format?

    11. Week 2 Assignment on Price Elasticity Actions Preview Download Alternative formats

      Could the Word document be converted to Canvas content? When I try to preview the document, I get an error message. I was able to download and view the document though.

    12. Ignore the paragraph that uses calculus in the elasticity formula (on pages 126, 127, and 128), as calculus is not required in our course.

      Good note. It should reduce student confusion. See my comment above about colorization.

    13. practice questions

      Nice practice activity. I see application and comprehension questions. Students will appreciate the lightboard videos with answer explanations.

    14. Sloan and Hsieh (2012, p. 115-118) Actions Preview Download Alternative formats

      Page 118 is missing.

    15. Make sure to be (i) aware of the main key points discussed in this article and (ii) able to discuss/explain them using your own words.

      Consider using guiding questions instead. Also, see my comment above about colorization.

    16. about 6 hours to complete

      Colorized text should also be italicized. This is an accessibility issue. That said, it's a good idea to keep colorization to a minimum and to use colors consistently.

    17. Week 2 Q&A

      Please see my comments in the discussion board.

    18. Completing the activities listed below in the order they are provided will facilitate your learning.

      This paragraph and the one below appear in Week 1's Overview. They appear in the Time Management section here. Again, try to be consistent.

    19. Follow up post

      The Week 2 Discussion has separate due dates for the post and reply. The Week 1 Discussion doesn't. I recommend being consistent with due dates (and terminology).

    1. two essay questions

      Nice application questions

    2. Week 2

      Remove this broken link. Avoid linking to the main pages (e.g., Week 1, Week 2, etc.). The URL of each main page is based on the page title, which contains dates that vary from semester to semester. When the title changes, the URL changes, and the link breaks.

    1. To complete this discussion, go to People > Modules 2-8 Groups and find your group for this discussion. Please submit your comments on Week 2 Discussion on Price Distortions. DO NOT POST HERE! This is used to indicate whether you successfully completed the discussion.

      Be sure to add a discussion prompt and remove this language. If the discussion is set up properly, students won't be able to post here. See the following article: How do I create a group discussion in a course?

    1. amounting to 10% of your course grade

      What is the percentage value of Q&A discussions? What is the percentage value of other discussions? Complete setup under the Assignments tab.

    2. At least twice a week, make sure to check the Q&A for the week. Each of you is expected to answer a question or comment on a regular basis.

      The criteria are still vague. Do students need to comment a minimum number of times on separate days?

    1. This module is strong in terms of content. I think it could be improved in terms of assessment, organization, and quality control. The module components have a medium-level of alignment.

      Consider doing the following: 1. Use your revised outcomes. Also, add a few outcomes (e.g., positive vs. normative statements, externalities, etc.). 2. Add quiz questions connected to the outcomes. 3. Use days of the week instead of dates. Add them to all of the assignment and activity sections of the main page. 4. Add guiding questions and/or reflection questions below the video tables. The former highlights important takeaways. The latter encourages students to make different types of connections.

    2. Dieleman et al. (2020), " US Health Care Spending by Payer and Health Condition, 1996-2016 Actions Preview Download Alternative formats ," JAMA, 323(9): 863-884, doi:10.1001/jama.2020.0734.

      When possible, link to articles instead of uploading them to Canvas. This is a best practice relating to copyright.

    3. Due Date: 1/14


    4. Click here for the Week 1 Practice Quiz

      Write "Go to the Week 1 Practice Quiz." Convert the assignment title into a link.

    5. Is there some limit on what is reasonable for a country to spend on health?

      Good open-ended question. It should spur discussion.

    6. Others are asked to reply to Sarah’s post or thoughts added by others.

      What if "Sarah" doesn't post early in the week? I recommend asking everyone to answer the question instead of using the "hot seat" approach. Make sure to activate the "Users must post before seeing replies" feature. If you want more intimate discussions, you can use group discussions instead of class discussions.

    7. group discussion

      Where's the discussion forum? Add a link.

      If you want students to post in the Week 1 Q&A (not recommended), provide a link.

    8. In this article

      Use more specific descriptive text.

    9. Activity Due

      Where's the due date for the infographic activity?

    10. here

      Use descriptive text for links. Write: "Go to the M1 'Who Pays' Activity" (or something similar).

    11. [not graded]

      This ungraded activity is categorized as a graded assignment.

    12. In this video

      Use more specific descriptive text (e.g., video title).

    13. 3) Watch ‘Joe Flower Explains Healthcare Economics In 5 Minutes’

      Do other faculty members own this video and the videos below? If so, we should look into what happens if a faculty member leaves, retires, etc. I assume that the videos remain on the VidGrid server.

    14. Slides Actions Preview Download Alternative formats

      Check the links. This table should have four unique links: two PowerPoint links and two video links.

    15. My goal will be to respond to your posted questions within 24 hours.

      Consider removing this sentence if you want students to answer other students' questions as part of their grade.

    16. Estimated time: 30 minutes for all three phases.

      This time estimate seems low to me.

    17. Due date phase 1: January 8th

      Make sure that this info matches the Due Dates table. Also, use days of the week instead of dates.

    18. Note that your first due  the day the semester starts!

      This is inaccurate. Correct or remove.

    19. Ice Breaker activity

      Is this the correct discussion? If not, fix the link.

    20. After completing this module, you will be able to:

      I recommend using the revised outcomes that you wrote during IOCD. (I've pasted them below. I made a few minor adjustments.) You could add a few more (e.g., positive vs. normative statements, externalities, etc.).

      1. Explain what the field of health economics focuses on.
      2. Describe the various commodities of healthcare.
      3. Describe U.S. healthcare spending over time.
      4. Compare U.S. healthcare spending to other developed countries.
      5. Define economic market failures.
      6. Identify market failures in the healthcare sector.

      Consider using the same headings as in the online course template. (The heading is Overview. The subheadings are Introduction, Outcomes, and Due Dates. You could add a Time Management subheading.) The idea is for online students to have a somewhat consistent experience across courses.

    22. Week 1: Introduction and Context

      If you want to keep the current module design (Weeks 1-8 in one container and Weeks 9-16 in another), place the week dates in the page titles. Just be aware that each page's URL is based on the page title. Therefore, you shouldn't create any links to the main pages (e.g., hypothetical link from Week 1 Q&A to Week 1: Introduction and Context). This precaution will prevent broken links in the future.

    1. Four true/false (T/F) and multiple choice questions (MCQ) and one essay question are provided to you, as practice questions.

      Questions 1-4 seem reasonable. They emphasize recall and comprehension. However, the questions don't seem to have a strong connection to the module outcomes. I recommend targeting the outcomes first and then branching outward.

      What's the rationale for Question 5? I see that it's tied to the icebreaker.

    2. Successfully completing this quiz consists in getting 8+ points. Successful completion of practice quizzes count toward your participation/engagement grade.

      How do you track these participation/engagement grades? How do you provide transparency for students?

    1. Go to the 'Infographic — US Health Care Spending: Who Pays Links to an external site. Links to an external site.?' from the California Health Care Foundation.

      Unfortunately, it's not possible to annotate the graph. Another option is a discussion forum. Each assignment type has upsides and downsides.

    2. posing a question for the group

      Consider providing more options to spur discussion. For example, tell the students to post at least two comments (inferences, connections, questions, or replies).

    3. posted questions

      Add your questions to the Canvas assignment and the Hypothesis assignment. Copy from Canvas to Hypothesis.

    4. During this first week, you are familiarizing yourself on the way the discipline of Health Economics looks at the functioning of the U.S. health system overtime.

      I recommend placing the introductory paragraph on the module main page and in the assignment. Place the assignment details in the assignment alone.

    1. Grading

      Make sure that this grading info matches the assignment's point value.

    2. Icebreaker Discussion Part 1

      I see three discussion forums. I recommend combining them. In other words, ask students to complete all three parts/phases in the same place. Add directions under the Task heading.

    1. participation grade, amounting to 10% of your course grade

      Be sure that your text and rubric match your Assignments tab. Also, consider updating the rubric. It is somewhat vague, and it has multiple references that seem more appropriate for an in-person class (e.g., "unnotified absence").

    2. place where you can help each other understand and/or clarify the materials

      In your experience, how well do the weekly Q&A discussion forums work? I see that students can comment or reply to another student if they don't have any questions.

    3. Week 1 Q&A [Jan. 9 - Jan. 14]

      Remove the dates from the title of the discussion forum. That way, you won't need to update them every semester. Instructors often forget to make some updates, resulting in student confusion.

  3. Dec 2022
    1. rubric

      Consider using a Canvas rubric. Also, make sure the rubric points match the assignment points.

  4. Nov 2022
    1. Nice assignment. I like the time adjustment and the question options. Students appreciate options, and two or three is a good number. Too many options can be counter-productive.

      Consider using headings to make the directions easier to navigate and process, as you did in the discussion.

    2. How could the instructional strategies you learned about in this module help your students become confident mathematicians? How could the instructional strategies you learned about in this module have helped you as a child learning math?

      Nice prompts. Both are personalized. Both relate to the same topic. However, they approach the topic from slightly different angles.

    3. (If you do a Google search for "timer," Google will provide a simple app for you. Or you can use an app on your smartphone.) Then, start the timer and respond to one of the two writing prompts below. Write what first comes to mind. Half-formed or incomplete thoughts are welcome.

      I recognize this text from IOCD! Feel free to borrow.

    4. three minutes

      Good thinking. One minute is too short in my experience. Three minutes seems more appropriate.

      • Good start. Overall, the module is well-organized, and the progression of instructional content makes sense.
      • I see connections between the SLOs and the learning activities and assignments.
      • Nice job of dividing the discussion directions into parts. I encourage you to do something similar with other assignments. Highly organized content is easier for students to navigate and process.
      • Make sure that the course content is accessible (e.g., links, images, tables, etc.).
      • Check the settings of the discussion and other assignments.
    1. When you are ready, continue to the next page

      I can help with the HTML/CSS if you'd like. The substance of the page is the most important thing, but the styling can be helpful for signaling and accessibility.

    2. Introduction

      Good introduction. It is clear and concise, and it provides a preview of what is to come.

    1. video lesson below

      This video only has auto-generated captions. It is not accessible for students with deafness. Videos with human-generated captions are typically much more accurate.

    2. After watching the video and reading chapter 2 in your textbook, you will have a reflection assignment to complete for this module.

      Consider adding this video to the previous page.

    3. Throughout this module, we have examined how and why teaching math through problem solving is considered a best practice.  As we progress through strategies and specific math content, keep looking for opportunities to implement problem-based mathematics tasks in your classroom.  Below is one more resource for you to investigate before completing the final assignment for this module.

      This conclusion gets the job done. It's clear and concise. You could potentially elaborate a bit on the first sentence, but that's your decision.

    1. Watch the video below to learn more about the CRA Model.

      This video is accessible for students with deafness but not blindness. If you get a student with blindness, you can provide an accommodation.

      It's a best practice to include the length.

      Example: video (3:22)

    2. There is an old (incorrect) assumption that older elementary students do not need manipulatives to learn math.  This could not be farther from the truth!  As we learn anything, we go through 3 phases of understanding: Concrete, Representational, and Abstract.

      Good introduction. Consider adding some guiding questions or reflection questions, as you've done elsewhere.

    1. Examine the four pictures, numbers, or graphs and determine which one you think does not belong.

      Consider limiting this part to a discussion of the activity from the instructor's perspective, and moving the student directions to the section below.

    2. As I wrote in my feedback on the M4 Discussion in IOCD, "I agree that this prompt has a 'low floor' and 'high ceiling.' The prompt emphasizes observation, creative thinking, and multiple perspectives. You even state, 'There are no wrong answers.' I like how you require students to explain their reasoning when they answer the ... question about which tag doesn't belong."

    3. Can you think of a reason why each one might not belong with the others?

      Would you ask middle grades students to do this, too? Just wondering.

    4. Each week in this course, you will have “Do the Math” activities that mirror possible classroom tasks.  There are many benefits to this routine.

      Nice explanation of the purpose of this assignment

    1. What sticks out to you as major shifts when students get to grades 4-5?

      Nice reflection question. Consider highlighting such questions using styling.

    2. This page is good in terms of substance. Reviewing the standards and reflecting upon them are valuable activities. You've provided helpful introductory and contextual info, too. However, the page has a lot of accessibility issues.

    3. Let’s take a moment to investigate the standards more closely.

      Nice use of conversational language, here and below

    1. Describe National and State Standards for math in grades 4-5.

      I commend you for including the corresponding SLO. Do you plan to do this for all assignments?

    2. As I wrote in my feedback on the CSW in IOCD, "Good idea for a self-assessment. Consider asking students to explain in 1-2 sentences why they believe they need more assistance with each standard." Also, consider using headings to make the directions easier to navigate and process, as you did in the discussion.

    3. Grade 4 Mathematics Standards Links to an external site. Grade 5 Mathematics Standards

      These links have good descriptive text.

    1. Do the Math: Which One Doesn't Belong?

      Check the assignment settings. Do you want the assignment to be graded? Do you want the discussion to be threaded? Do you want students to have to post before they can see others' posts?

  5. Jul 2022
    1. The content of the module seems to be high quality. It appears to primarily relate to the journal article.

      The module would benefit from some editing though. See my recommendations throughout.

      Decide whether to add a quiz.

    2. 60-120 min.

      Is this a low estimate? The estimated time for the M3 Case Study is 4-6 hours.

    3. M6 Quiz

      This table mentions a quiz, but the quiz hasn't been built and published.

    4. Monday

      I changed the due dates of the two readings from Wednesday and Friday to your standard ones of Monday and Wednesday. Having early due dates is important for a short work week.

    5. Morality in the age of artificially intelligent algorithms

      I added this link to a library resource. Note the link's prefix (https://xavier.idm.oclc.org/login?url=).

    6. Readings

      I created corresponding reading assignments in the Assignments area.

    7. Outcomes

      Add a few more outcomes (e.g., defining and distinguishing between reckoning and judgment).

    8. that were previously unavailable due to the absence of digital records

      This part feels a bit redundant. Consider referring to the inventions of the computer, Internet, and World Wide Web.

    9. M6 Overview

      I already proofread and edited this page.

    1. Scenarios for The Involvement of Reckoning in Moral Judgment (part 3)

      Change the title to "Model 3: Reckoning and Judgment Mutually Assist Each Other."

    2. pp. 146-149

      Identify the section (Scenario C).

    3. An example

      Add an Example: Wearing Health Monitors heading above this paragraph.

      Also, consider adding two subheadings: Description and Discussion.

    1. Consider the options for programming a military drone and how much autonomy it should have in killing human beings:

      Consider elaborating a bit on this topic.

    2. Scenarios for The Involvement of Reckoning in Moral Judgment (part 1)-2

      Change the title to "Model 2: Reckoning Serves Judgment."

    3. We can see how these

      Add an Example: Piloting Military Drones heading above this paragraph.

      Also, consider adding two subheadings: Description and Discussion.

    4. pp. 145-146

      Identify the section (Scenario B).

    1. Scenarios for The Involvement of Reckoning in Moral Judgment (part 1)

      Change the page title to "Model 1: Reckoning Replaces Human Judgement."

    2. pp. 143-145

      Identify the section (Scenario A).

    3. For a concrete example

      Add an Example: Selling Credit Cards heading above this paragraph.

      Also, consider adding two subheadings: Description and Discussion.

    4. we ran an experiment in which there were two groups: human beings relying on their judgment without the aid of AI, and

      Consider removing this part and simply describing the AI system in this paragraph.

    1. and values can only find their place in reckoning as stable ex ante givens, indeed a form of “data”

      Consider elaborating and explaining the meaning of some of these terms.

    2. Reckoning, on the other hand

      It may be a good idea to present the definition of reckoning first (same order as in the example). This isn't that important though.

    3. In this unit

      Add a line break and a Definitions heading.

      Also, use the word "module."

    4. problem is the selection of some principle that will make your distribution just.

      Is this judgment? If so, say that.

      Use the same approach as with the previous example. Describe the situation. Then, explain the type of decision making.

    5. One might face a similar situation

      Add an Example of Reckoning vs. Judgment heading above this paragraph.

      Consider reorganizing the info a bit. For example, you could begin by writing: "An example can help us differentiate between two types of decision making: reckoning and judgment. Suppose you are faced with a choice..."

    1. Parts

      I see that the directions are the same as in the previous case study.

    2. M6 Case Study  PublishedPublished. Click to unpublish.

      Write M6 Case Study: Google (as in M3 Case Study: Wells Fargo).

    3. During

      Add an Introduction heading.

    1. Imagine that you are one of the lead software developers for ABC Software Co. Your are leading a project to create an cell phone application that will assist users to keep track of their psychological health. One of the distinguishing features of this app—one that you believe will make your app stand out from the apps of your competitors—is the incorporation of deepfake technology for a limited purpose related to psychological health. More specifically, users who are grieving the loss of a loved one can use the deepfake technology to have the app create new photos, videos, and audio recordings of their deceased loved ones. Those who have anxiety can also use the deepfake technology to generate video or audio that they might use to help them process certain types of stressful emotions or situations. Users can then view or hear this media to help them improve in various aspects of their mental health. In addition to this feature, the app includes a journal for psychological health, sensors for recording biometric data, and a sleep hygiene monitor to encourage better sleep habits.

      Interesting scenario. It seems relevant to the content presented in the module, and it certainly raises ethical questions.

    2. For a hypothetical user of the app, what are the moral issues that they may face when deciding how to use this app? To answer this question, also state what kinds of psychological issues you imagine this hypothetical user hopes the app will help with.What would the user’s interaction with the app look like under each scenario? Be specific about this. For example, would the app contain specific types of settings, would the developers incorporate certain limitations or controls on the use of deepfakes? What would the initiative of users look like in specifying how the AI is used?

      What if students were asked to apply the models first and then briefly discuss the moral issues of each approach? They could also be asked to select their favored approach and to explain their thinking.

  6. Jun 2022
    1. pp. 1467-149

      Which pages/sections?

    2. The current tendency

      Add an Implications heading above this paragraph.

    3. Moser et. al (2022) recommend

      Add an Introduction heading above this paragraph.

    1. Scenario 2: Reckoning Serves Judgment

      Types of Design heading

    2. Immoral Consequences of Scenario 1

      Introduction heading

    3. One that Moser et. al cite is a scandal that led to the resignation of the Dutch government (Links to an external site.), regarding false accusations of fraud in the acquisition of child tax benefits. The government program trained an AI system to create profiles of types of people who would be suspected of attempting to acquire child tax benefits that they did not actually need. This resulted in false accusations against about 30,000 parents—along with drastic economic, personal, and legal consequences for both the parents and children involved (some children were relocated as a result).  Another example can be found in the use of AI to evaluate the riskiness of a person seeking credit (Links to an external site.). Researchers at Stanford University found that  …scores for minorities are about 5 percent less accurate in predicting default risk than the scores of non-minority borrowers. Likewise, the scores for people in the bottom fifth of income are about 10 percent less predictive than those for higher-income borrowers.” In other words, the AI program wrongly predicted, for a small percentage of people in specific minority or income categories, whether people belonging to those categories would fail to repay their debts. In the real world, this would have profound consequences for individuals in these categories seeking access to credit. For example, in real terms, their inability to access credit could mean the lack of access to a car, a student loan, or mortgage. 

      Move this content to the previous page. Add an Immoral Consequences section.

    1. Reckoning is essentially what computers do

      Add a Computer Algorithms heading above this paragraph.

      I recommend saying something about computers and judgment in this section. You could simply mention that the idea will be explored on the pages that follow.

    2. simply saying we want to make “good” decisions must draw upon values

      Reword this part.

    3. Mangers in business contexts need to make decisions about specific situations.

      Add an Introduction heading above this paragraph.

    4. answer we thought would be "correct." Reckoning--the use of long division--clarifies and simplifies the decision-making process, and promises to give us the "right" answer. 

      In this case, there is a correct or right answer, so does it make sense to put these words in quotes?

    5. choice 

      Is the choice about the answer or the method to reach the answer?