811 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. Atypical) Common

      clozapine should be in the chart

    2. agitation, distress, and restlessness)

      the glossary definition is "motor restlessness" What is in parenthesis makes it look more like neurological issues rather than motor issues.

    3. these

      the following negative symptoms:

    4. See “Early Signs of Psychosis” in the previous section.)

      Either link to the chapter or just list the early signs here.

    1. 10.6 Learning

      cluster B drag and drop- add an age to the description for antisocial personality disorder. Remove "as" from each description for cluster A,B, & C- it doesn't make sense with the sentences. I really like all of these activities.

    1. r/t

      change to AMB per new guidelines for "at risk" dx.

    2. - M


    3. A

      I like how this breaks down the dx according to cluster. It would be a helpful recap to put the actual personality disorder in parenthesis next to the cluster type.

    1. See Figure 10.10[32] for a word cloud image representing obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

      move to just above image

    2. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    3. See Figure 10.9[29] for a word cloud image representing dependent personality disorder.

      move to just above image

    4. dependent personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    5. See Figure 10.8[26] for a word cloud image representing avoidant personality disorders.

      move to just above image

    6. avoidant personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    7. See Figure 10.7[23] for a word cloud image representing narcissistic personality disorder

      move to just above image

    8. narcissistic personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    9. See Figure 10.6[20] for a word cloud image representing histrionic personality disorder.

      move to just above image

    10. histrionic personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    11. See Figure 10.5[17] for a word cloud image representing borderline personality disorder.

      move to just above image.

    12. borderline personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    13. antisocial personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    14. schizotypal personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    15. paranoid personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    16. schizoid personality disorder

      bold and add to glossary

    17. A person’s

      An individual's

    1. Applyin

      It would be helpful to insert a small unfolding case study throughout this section to show the student how to apply the nursing process with an actual patient scenario. Also, there is no spotlight application for this chapter.

    2. Personality Disorders

      Link to chapter here.

    3. An example

      There is no transition into this paragraph. At least give an introductory sentence for better flow.

    1. Learning

      Threat is misspelled on the anxiety card. The anxiety types activity is good- I noticed that the sentences are in order from least to most anxiety so switching them up would make this activity a little more difficult.

    1. a medication,

      taking an antidepressant medication

    2. risks

      risks to the fetus (or baby)

    3. side effects

      such as...

    4. this time

      providing therapeutic presence

    5. Treatments for Depression”

      link to this section

    6. fecal impaction

      to avoid constipation or fecal impaction. Constipation is probably more likely initially.

    7. soft stools

      soften stools

    8. hour

      or more often as warranted.

    9. ANPA

      Is it necessary to write out the words along with the abbreviation for the first time each chapter or section?

    10. *Note: Clients with depression are at higher risk of suicide when experiencing sudden euphoric recovery from major depression.

      bold this as it is a critical item.

    11. other disorders than depression

      disorders other than depression

    12. medications

      such as lithium

    13. previous admission.

      or periodically on an outpatient basis.

    14. Common Fin

      This chart is great- especially the bolded "immediately notify provider" info with rationales and not to leave pts alone!

    15. self-injury

      or injury to others (homicidal ideation)

    16. Poverty of content.

      define & link to glossary

    17. Chapter 1.

      insert link to chapter 1

    18. Clinical Icon:

      This has not been used prior to here?

    1. these

      delete "these"

    2. A medical emergency that can occur in clients taking medications that affect serotonin levels is serotonin syndrome.

      Serotonin syndrome is...

    1. n managing d

      I would also include a delirium risk assessment nurses perform such as CAM ICU scale as this is an important part of identifying delirium early so it can be treated as soon as possible for better outcomes. https://www.mnhospitals.org/Portals/0/Documents/ptsafety/LEAPT%20Delirium/Confusion%20Assessment%20Method%20-%20CAM.pdf

    2. pain relievers

      caution students that opioids can also cause delirium

    3. The symptoms are stable and may last for months or years

      Dementia is progressive and irreversible so this is a little misleading.

    4. Read

      Can also link to Fundies OER here.

    5. particularly susceptible to depression

      include why

    6. to a decline

      ...lead to a progressive, irreversible decline... (also change in glossary.)

    7. According to the Am

      This is good info. Perhaps a chart would be more helpful for students to distinguish grief from depression.

    8. an


    9. Major Depressive Disorder:

      should each of these headings be added to the glossary?

    10. and


    1. 6.8 Psychoactiv

      While it's good this chapter links to another chapter, it is not in itself very helpful. Minimal detail is given. Perhaps include a bit more information for this section in addition to the links- it can be frustrating to be assigned a chapter that basically just says to read another chapter.

    1. Clozapine

      To better align with the rest of this section, this heading should be "Atypical Antipsychotics"

    2. physical condition

      (such as with a high fever, head injury, or illicit drug use)

    1. asthma or diabetes.

      state why for clarity.

    2. If overdose occurs

      It's great to list poison control here but if someone is overdosing, it would be more appropriate to call 911 in the outpatient setting or Rapid Response in the inpatient setting.

    1. If overdose occurs,

      It's great to list poison control here but if someone is overdosing, it would be more appropriate to call 911 in the outpatient setting or Rapid Response in the inpatient setting.

    2. defined

      a medical emergency defined by...

    3. A significant disadvantage to MAOIs is their potential to cause a hypertensive crisis when taken with stimulant medications or foods containing tyramine.

      Delete this as it is mentioned below.

    4. help people stop smoking

      as a smoking cessation agent to help people stop smoking.

    5. Classes of Antidepressants Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

      The heading size seems messed up here.

    6. Combining medications

      not just combining meds, but too high a dose of one med as well.

    7. Severe cases

      Severe cases can result in death if not recognized, and require intensive care...

    8. suicide.

      with drug initiation or dosage increases or in general?

    9. is

      add space

    10. bupropion

      recommend changing bupropion to it's specific class as all other examples given are classes and not specific drugs. Bupropion is an NDRI (norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor)

    11. some

      certain antidepressant medications compared to others...

    12. all antidepressant medications work about as well as each other to improve symptoms

      each antidepressant medication works relatively equally to improve...

    1. It also possesses unique antisuicidal properties that sets it apart from other agents

      expand on these unique properties?

    1. that affects humane patient treatment

      this last part sounds odd- nurses must report diversion if it affects humane nursing treatment is how I read it. Nurses must report it because it is illegal/unethical and as such affects humane nursing treatment.

    2. specialty


    3. discipline, convenience, or coercion

      If used for these reasons wouldn't it be false imprisonment? Giving these examples make it seem to the student that we put patients in seclusion because it is easier for the nurse versus being used "only for the management of violent or self-destructive behavior.'. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3298214/#:~:text=Seclusion%20is%20the%20involuntary%20confinement,violent%20or%20self%2Ddestructive%20behavior.

    4. patient’s condition.”

      Elaborate on this. Give example that medications such as benzos or antipsychotics used as standard treatment for x disorder would not be considered a chemical restraint whereas ...

    5. c

      a chemical restraint, or defines chemical restraints as drugs...

    6. PAD


    7. e p


    1. and

      delete and- just use a comma here and after "breached that duty.

    2. that elements of prosecution must be proven

      delete this phrase

    3. in which


    4. federal regulations called the

      delete this and just have "the Health Insurance...."

    1. Activities

      rumination card has a spelling error in the definition. For the picture activities, it would be helpful to provide instructions. For the first picture, left check mark, it talks about comparing this photo to the photo before objects were removed but I do not see a before picture. For the bottom picture, when clicking the +, the text has some errors toward the bottom with complete sentences.

    1. Are diffe

      Perhaps link to the Fundies OER evaluation section somewhere in this section.

    2. other data and information resources and benchmarks

      this is vague

    1. This decision and supporting assessment findings

      also document provider notification/ orders rec'd.

    2. cheeking

      is this holding meds in their cheek?

    3. Psychotherapy interventions i

      perhaps for clarity put psychotherapy before integrative in this paragraph since psychotherapy is part of the integrative therapy definition and has not previously been defined.

    4. person


    5. plan

      plan of care.

    6. Delegates according to the health, safety, and welfare of the health care consumer.

      Delegation should be according to right person, task, etc.

    7. partners in implementation of the plan t

      members with implementation of the plan of care

    1. Review Sample Case A

      The case study is short enough, I think it would be beneficial to just copy/paste here rather than make the student to to a different page to review the case study. Including it here makes it more cohesive, like an unfolding case study.

    1. Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale

      link back to this document for reference.

    2. related to

      Per new guidelines, at risk dx should be risk for...amb... rather than r/t.

    3. depression

      I would also say meds, imbalanced nutrition, or poor intake would be applicable here as well.

    4. constellation


    5. valid


    6. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is commonly used to prioritize the most urgent patient needs.

      This definition should be expanded on. For example... Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is based on the theory that people are motivated by five categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Lower level (physiological) needs must be met before focusing on higher level needs. https://www.thoughtco.com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-4582571

    7. prioritization according to the specific

      prioritizing specific needs of the patient.

    8. for


    1. Inclusiveness

      bold and add to glossary

    2. Cultural humility

      bold and add to glossary

    3. the

      either delete or include "prior to the age of 18 years.

    4. Freud’s theory does support that one’s personality is shaped, in some part, by childhood experiences.[52]

      is this worded correctly? If Freud's ideas are not supported by research etc, is it correct to say that his theory does support... or is it more appropriate to say something to the effect of modern research/psychologists do support Freud's theory that ones personality...

    5. attend to

      either attend family concerns or tend to family concerns.

    6. performing

      conducting/ completing. performing is used a lot throughout this chapter.

    7. themselves


    8. The feelings aroused in the examiner by the client are sometimes subtle and easily overlooked

      The way this is worded gives the client power over the examiner. The examiner is responsible for their feelings toward the client. Perhaps reword to "Examining (or assessing) the client sometimes results in the nurse developing subtle and easily overlooked feelings toward the client."

  2. Jun 2022
    1. injury

      injure **change in glossary as well.

    2. even when a caregiver reassures them they are based in reality

      this last part doesn't read right.

    3. Loose associations Clang associations

      Add definitions for some of these terms- students are not going to know what many of these terms mean. I see they're defined in the paragraphs below- perhaps it would be better to move the chart to the bottom of the paragraphs so students will already have exposure to these terms?

    4. i. Delirium

      definition in glossary should include "acute"

    5. storage


    6. Difficulty breathing

      Don't know if this is applicable here, but in the Fundies text we bolded critical abnormal assessment findings to make them stand out as a need to notify the provider immediately.

    7. performing

      performing is the only verb used through these paragraphs. Maybe change it up a little here and there- conducting, completing, etc.

    8. t


    9. ,

      delete comma

    10. of

      Examples of objective data collected... I think adding objective will help distinguish between the two types of data collected.

    1. dvanced practice registered nurse specialists

      should be in caps

    2. psychiatric-mental health registered nurse specialists

      should be in caps

    3. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice resource in alignment with the second edition of the ANA’s Nursing: Scope and Standard of Practice Nursing. The Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

      may be helpful to link to these documents.

    1. but please don’t repeatedly ring the call button like that and give me a chance to get to your room.”

      This sounds kind of snarky.

    2. .

      for the nurses safety should the patient become violent.

    3. Strategies Examples

      Nonverbal strategies each are separated by rows. Verbal strategies should match for aesthetics. There is not an example for empathetic inquiry.

    4. Table 3.5c Phase 1 & 2 Early Crisis Intervention Strategies[

      Should this be below the table as throughout the rest of text?

    5. ,


    6. the developing

      progression through the phases...

    7. beliefs and supports

      beliefs, supports, and...

    8. s of Crise

      These charts are great!

    9. Illness

      Illness or injury- think car accident, etc resulting in broken bones. not necessarily an illness but definitely an injury.

    10. extend

      often extend... This sentence reads funny to me without often thrown in there.

    11. may not be unanticipated

      may be anticipated sounds better here.

    12. un


    1. causing s

      which can cause

    2. Mindfulness meditation

      Maybe link to some resources on mindfulness meditation and how it is done? Not sure if this infographic can be used but may be more helpful than the photo provided. https://www.garrisoninstitute.org/blog/10-steps-to-mindfulness-meditation/

    3. are an action, a series of actions, or a thought process

      include actions, series of actions, or thought processes. Or change it to "A coping strategy is..."to make it grammatically correct.

    1. arni

      The question at the bottom with "focusing" as an answer has an incomplete sentence in the stem.

    1. Challenging

      Challenging (confronting) can be therapeutic- confronting is listed in the therapeutic chart.

    2. What’

      avoid what. "You seem upset. Tell me more about that."

    3. Why”

      both why and what questions cause defensiveness.

    4. although may nod or a

      although the nurse may nod or use other non-verbal communication... I'm not sure about smiling- best to remain neutral.

    1. we want and don’t want

      If this is changed per recommendations earlier in the chapter remember to change it here.

    1. ing Activit

      These activities are great! I noticed that with some the drag and drop works and others it is necessary to click the term then click the empty box.

    1. ,

      delete comma, add "that"

    2. judged


    3. on a separate floor of the hospital to

      located on a separate floor of the hospital with the purpose of maintaining...

    4. s


    5. are

      who or that are at risk?

    6. low-cost sliding scale

      free, low cost, or sliding scale cost based on income

    7. Provide health promotion and maintenance

      seems like there should be more to this phrase... education, strategies, etc?

    8. PMH-BC or RN-BC

      Write out what this means.

    1. anyone can use with anyone,

      this sounds funny.

    2. In-

      an in-depth

    3. physical environment features

      maybe list a few examples such as cords, monitor cables, sharps, etc.

    1. a variety of countries (

      delete this and just state ...studies from the United States, Austrailia....

    2. in the nursing profession.

      maybe "among nurses" or something else. these two sentences sound pretty similar.

    1. referred to as

      i.e resilience

    2. referred to as

      i.e resilience

    3. It


    4. It can overwhelm an individual’s or community’s resources to cope and stimulate the “fight, flight, or freeze” stress reaction.

      Perhaps break up this sentence. It looks like it is saying traumatic experiences can overwhelm a communities resources to stimulate the fight, flight or freeze rxn.