5,106 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. single cells
    2. numbers
    3. RNA
    4. RNA-seq
    5. microarrays
    6. trancriptome analysis by single cell RNA-Seq
    7. single-cell genomic characterization method
    8. properties
    9. average
    10. Mumbai
    11. London
    12. New York
    13. cells
    14. sample
    15. measures
    16. average
    17. genomic
    18. cells
    19. ensemble
    20. tissue samples
    21. Historically
    22. biological processes
    23. descriptions
    24. comprehensive
    25. methods
    26. metabolites
    27. proteins
    28. RNA transcripts
    29. chromatin architecture
    30. DNA sequence
    31. products
    32. genome
    33. methods
    34. genomic approache

      genomic profiling

    35. genomic profiling approaches
    36. single cells
    37. cell atlas
    38. human cells
    39. systematic
    40. characterization
    41. resolution
    42. systematic
    43. years
    44. desirability
    45. knowledge
    46. time
    47. cells
    48. concepts.
    49. refine our concepts
    50. data-driven approaches


    51. time
    52. cells
    53. conceptual
    54. concepts
    55. nutrient deprivation
    56. G1 phase of the cell cycle
    57. G1 phase
    58. transient
    59. cell state
    60. cerebellar Purkinje cell
    61. hepatic stellate cell
    62. persistence
    63. Cell type
    64. cell state
    65. cell type
    66. rigorous definition
    67. cells
    68. C. elegans
    69. nematode
    70. transparent
    71. adult
    72. comprehensive
    73. single-cell zygote
    74. lineage tree of cells
    75. relationships
    76. cell states
    77. systematic
    78. chosen
    79. discovered
    80. accident
    81. convenience
    82. markers
    83. ad hoc
    84. classification of cells
    85. molecular
    86. function
    87. molecules
    88. morphology
    89. cell types
    90. knowledge
    91. neurons in the retina
    92. immune systems
    93. hematopoietic
    94. systems
    95. biologists
    96. molecular phenotypes
    97. RNA transcripts
    98. DNA loc
    99. cells
    100. characterize
    101. FISH
    102. Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
    103. 1980s
    104. cell-surface markers
    105. hematopoietic cells
    106. classification systems
    107. cells
    108. morphologically
    109. proteins
    110. 1970s
    111. FACS
    112. Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting
    113. monoclonal antibodies
    114. 1940s
    115. Immunohistochemistry
    116. features
    117. cells
    118. cells
    119. distinguish
    120. resolution
    121. electron microscopy
    122. 1930s
    123. 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
    124. anatomical regions
    125. syncytium
    126. neuronal cells
    127. brain
    128. Camillo Golgi
    129. staining process
    130. Santiago Ramón y Cajal
    131. 1887
    132. stained
    133. cellular components
    134. biologists
    135. chemists
    136. synthetic dyes
    137. light microscopy
    138. technology
    139. catalog cells
    140. molecular
    141. biological function
    142. tissues
    143. location
    144. relationship
    145. shape
    146. properties
    147. descriptions
    148. types
    149. classify cells
    150. characterize
    151. biologists
    152. years
    153. skeletal muscle cells
    154. muscular dystrophy
    155. mutations
    156. DMD
    157. T-cells
    158. dendritic cells
    159. autoimmune diseases
    160. risk
    161. locus
    162. IL23R
    163. genetic variants
    164. cell types
    165. disease
    166. genetic variants
    167. regulating their own program of gene expression
    168. basic functional units
    169. cells
    170. cells
    171. organismal
    172. phenotypes
    173. Genotypes
    174. cancer
    175. states
    176. aberrant cell types
    177. processes
    178. disruption
    179. Human disease
    180. intercellular interactions
    181. cellular function
    182. Human physiology
    183. cells
    184. human biology
    185. neural cells
    186. stromal
    187. immune
    188. epithelial
    189. cells
    190. small intestine
    191. crypt
    192. epithelium
    193. tissues
    194. gut
    195. organs
    196. hierarchy
    197. anatomical
    198. graphical depiction
    199. hierarchical
    1. " O governo conduziu muito mal todas as iniciativas de negociações para adquirir vacinas para serem aplicadas nos brasileiros; em alguns casos conseguiu algumas compras, assim mesmo com uma série de limitações, em outros casos não foi capaz de celebrar o acordo com as empresas privadas, como no caso da Pfizer, que poderia fornecer uma quantidade muito grande de vacinas no Brasil. Então, desse ponto de vista, que empresas privadas se disponham a comprar vacinas e dessa maneira facilitar que uma parte da população brasileira, que não seria atendida, possa ser atendida, é algo a ser considerado e que merece discussão. Eu não tenho certeza se é o melhor caminho".

      Interessante a forma de apresentar opiniões diversas: dando devido peso aos diferentes pontos de vista, e sem negacionismo. Parabéns ao Jornal USP e ao professor José Alvaro Moisés.