239 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2021
    1. C-h

      C-h Enter by itself will take you to the overall helpfile (a gopher page, I think). You'll likely need to scroll up to (emacs)Top and press enter.

    2. Use M-y. This will remove choreography and yank the next item on the kill ring, Treasure.

      I ended up pasting "Treasure chests with no handles. How the hell are you supposed to carry it?!"

    1. compare-and-set semantics

      This is where concurrency protection comes in, not the fact that Clojure changes points ("addresses", different house) and not values ("homes", demolish and rebuild). I think changing pointers instead of changing values (atoms vs. lets... but are they really different?) reduces cognitive friction, but doesn't inherently improve concurrency (this is likely untrue, but it's my conclusion based on what I've seen). I think this compare-and-set method would protect in either instance.

    2. There’s no danger of that happening when using atoms to manage state, because each state is immutable.

      At the assembly or machine level, aren't values changed the same way in all languages? You don't go to the memory address and change bytes there but create a new set of bytes at a different addy? What I fear is this is a semantic shift while the reality stays the same and concurrency isn't actually protected against here, though it likely is and I just don't understand yet.

    3. Values are atomic

      Ironic given the atom reference type.

    1. Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

      This is a list of principles and twenty-seven ways King George **ed people over on these principles, and that "we're our own country now, and we will protect each other against you.".

  2. Dec 2020
    1. it checks whether the value it read in step 1 is identical to the atom’s current value.

      This always, always, always prevents concurrency errors?

    1. pseudo simplicity

      Test-driven dev

    2. If in response to the stimulus word "table," I imme- diately perceive a memory image of a table, or think of a chair, this response certainly has nothing to do with my basic needs.

      Why Fogg model works. Its motivation independent.

    3. to feel powerful


    4. any behavior may be a channel through which flow various impulses

      The behavior can be done with different motives.

    5. Basic needs are more common human than are superficial desires or behaviors

      Just got a high from pressing through.

    6. These people may be understood, at least in part, by reference to one basic concept (or hypothesis), which may be called increased frustration-tolerance through early gratification. Peo- ple who have been satisfied in their basic needs throughout their lives, particularly in their earlier years, seem to develop exceptional power to withstand present or future thwarting of these needs simply because they have strong, healthy character structure as a result of basic satisfac- tion. They are the strong people who can easily weather disagreement or opposition, who can swim against the stream of public opinion, and who can stand up for the truth at great personal cost. It is just the ones who haVe loved and been well loved, and who have had many deep friendships who can hold out against hatred, rejection, or persecution.

      I'm tearing up again.

    7. We may assume on the basis of commonly known clinical data that a man who has known tine freedom .'not paid for by giving up safety and security but rattier built on the basis of adequate safety and security) will not willingly or easily allow his freedom to be taken away from him. But we do not know for sure that this is tiue for the person born into slavery. See discussion of this problem in Ref. 145.

      This explains why a lot of slaves didn't run.

    8. A man in this state, if it is extreme enough and chronic enough, may be characterized as living almost for safety alone.

      This is probably why I feel so comfortable working all the time. I don't have my safety needs met.

    9. It is then fair to characterize the whole organism by saying simply that it is hungry

      I am my needs?

    10. Naturally, ihe id knows no values, no good and evil, no morality.


    11. It certainly must be pointed out that a child who is trying to attain a certain object of value to him, but who is restrained by a barrier of some sort, deter- mines not only that the object is of value, but also that the barrier is a barrier. Psychologically there is no such thing as a barrier; there is only a barrier for a particular person who is trying to get something that he wants.

      Compare this with Peterson on the topic.

  3. Sep 2020
    1. new schemes ought to use the auth-param syntax instead, because otherwise future extensions will be impossible

      New should extend the old to enable long-term support. But consider fucking around with obsolete languages to protect from other devs and create proprietary tech.

    2. list well- supported schemes (such as "basic") first.

      I can support multiple schemes?

    3. challenge = auth-scheme [ 1*SP ( token68 / #auth-param ) ]

      I can have my server challenge the request in whatever way I like.

    4. BWS


    5. HTTP/1.1

      Doesn't consider 2.0?

    6. Error Handling

      What are some errors and how should I handle it?

    1. %d97.98.99

      dots can specify a sequence of ASC-II values under the same base. %d97 %d98 and $99 equals this.

    2. %d13

      Use a % before specifying b, d, or x for the base.

    3. where

      After defining a formula, it's often necessary to explain with 'where' and 'is' in longform after the formula.

    4. <rulename>, <Rulename>, <RULENAME>, and <rUlENamE>

      Augmented Backus-Naur Form is what I saw when reading Mozilla Developer documentation.

    5. Arpanet

      Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

  4. Feb 2020
    1. bind mounts

      These are like drives in the directory structure of a Docker container? Each Docker container has a 'filesystem'?

    1. default isolation capabilities

      Isolation capabilities are things that people think about frequently?

    2. share the machine’s OS system kernel

      It uses the same commands as the OS system's kernel? Or they use literally the same kernal?

    3. containers at runtime

      The containers can speak to each other easily?

    4. Container images

      Container images are premade and hosted centrally like NPM, and can be DLed and used?

  5. Jul 2019
  6. Mar 2019
    1. make a new pull request to do so.

      Then go back and close the issue.

    2. make a new pull request to do so.

      Checkout my master branch. git pull it. Then delete the old branch using git branch -d [branch_name].