- Apr 2021
Facebook, on the other hand, is worried that if you have a choice, you'll choose not to let it track you, which would be bad for Facebook. The social media giant literally doesn't want you to have a choice because it's more concerned about what's good for Facebook than what's good for users.
Facebook's position is to benefit Facebook, not the user.
Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, told The Wall Street Journal's Joanna Stern that the company's goal is to "give users a choice." Those four words are at the core of the problem with the position Facebook has taken since Apple announced the changes last year at its developer conference.
Apple is saying that giving users the choice over how their data is used on their devices is "the right thing".
www.wired.com www.wired.com
If you've seen Denis Shirayev's upscaled historical videos, you've seen the past enhanced by a touch of the future. He takes videos scanned from very old films, like our poignant A Trip Down Market Street Before the Fire, shot just days before the 1906 quake and fire that devastated San Francisco, upscales them to 4K, smoothes out jitter and adds color. (Today any video editor can make something almost as good using off-the-shelf tools like Topaz Video Enhance AI.) Shirayev's videos are beautiful and compelling, but they show you something that never was. They're not archival; they're fiction
Applying AI enhancements to historical artifacts introduces the bias of the AI algorithm to the representation.
Registries are emerging to authenticate sources and provenance, and perhaps even indemnify purchasers against false representations by sellers. These have long existed in the collectibles business. Rare coins are frequently processed by trusted grading and authentication services, which charge to inspect coins and then encapsulate them in sealed plastic slabs.
These registration services—providing authenticity and quality grading—don’t come for free and the cost of them must be somehow factored into the blockchain transaction.
While the blockchain is supposed to draw an unbroken link between creator/tokenizer and purchaser, it's just a record of transactions that might be tainted or even bogus. We know the original Mona Lisa resides in the Louvre, but it's very hard to identify who really created and who owns many of the millions of creative works made in the analog era.
NFTs do not answer the question of provenance. A statement is just attributed to a blockchain address. The provenance is only as secure as that blockchain address is recognized and not compromised. Black-and-white...it is or it isn’t.
This would worsen an already bad situation, where institutions like our Library of Congress hold physical copies of millions of films, TV programs, and recordings that can't be touched because someone else holds the copyright. Ideally, archives and museums should own and control both the physical and digital states of its collections. That won't happen if they have to sell or license NFTs in order to survive.
I don’t see the connection here—if the archive holds the copyright, why would selling an NFT on an object prevent them from controlling the physical and digital archives?
Law professor Tonya M. Evans optimistically suggests that crypto art offers Black artists and communities opportunities to bypass white art gatekeepers and "capture and own the value of the culture that they produce."
NFTs may help underrepresented artists find support by bypassing gatekeepers.
By design, archives are deliberate and thoughtful, with a timeline designed to preserve culture "forever." They're not built to nimbly weather disruption.
Archives are haphazardly scattered through culture and are typically underfunded. Deliberate and thoughtful, but rigid and underfunded.
I give old films away for free. It started in 1999 when I was seduced by the promise, excitement, and just-felt-rightness of the gift economy. Not 30 seconds after we first met, Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle asked me, "Want to put your film archives online for free?"
Opinion piece author is Rick Prelinger
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
NISO Standard for the ResourceSync Framework (ResourceSync Framework, 2014). This would facilitate the automatic updating of the links upon changes to any of the versions.
[[ResourceSync]] to "facilitate the automatic updating of links"...as described by [[Herbert Van de Sompel]] through John.
So, what would it take to build what I would call an ‘Open Web Smart Link’, which would facilitate a user getting to a shared version of an article via a clearly labelled link so that the user knows what to expect? Librarians have been working on things like this for many years (Sugita et al., 2007), but I am not aware of any publishers adopting similar linking technologies.
John's definition of what something like [[GetFTR]] would do.
Some readers will know that they need the article of record. A very high percentage, however, who are reading this article for the first time and want to follow a citation simply need to reassure themselves that they understand the argument being presented. They will simply need read‐access to the cited work.
Some users will need the article-of-record. Others ("a very high percentage", John says) can make use of something that isn't the article-of-record.
the users’ need in this case is a link or a set of links that give them their best access choices. In my opinion, these links should be revealing as to whether or not clicking on them will get you to the full text or not.
John sees the need for what [[GetFTR]] is trying to solve.
But inside of a library that does not subscribe to this particular journal, this single open access article is very unlikely to participate in any of the discovery services, and when other articles cite her article, the link‐resolvers that would normally provide the reader with a direct link to her article will not do so.
Because library tools for accessing journal articles are tied to the journal level, this one open access article in a journal for which the library does not have a subscription cannot be discovered.
it does cover the landscape of where there might be unnecessary friction between someone's intent to share and a user's desire to discover
Purpose of the Open Content Discovery Grid
If an institution passes an open access policy, it is in large part motivated by having the results of scholarship at that institution have maximum reach and influence. If a funding agency establishes an open access mandate, as most of them have, it often stems from a desire to accelerate research in areas in which they provide funding. If a scholarly publisher comes out with an open access journal or offers for a fee to make certain articles ‘open’, they should certainly seek to have that article or that journal achieve maximum reach. And scholars/researchers who share their papers on personal websites or on scholar sites, like academia.edu or ResearchGate, tell me that this is their way of making sure that colleagues in their field have access to their works.
Reasons why institutions, funding agencies, scholarly publishers, and authors post content in open access.
‘helping people find things that they need, but are not looking for’
John Dove's definition of serendipity in discovery.
This is an example of a dark pattern: design that manipulates or heavily influences users to make certain choices. Instagram uses terms like “activity” and “personalized” instead of “tracking” and “targeting,” so the user may not realize what they’re actually giving the app permission to do. Most people don’t want Instagram and its parent company, Facebook, to know everything they do and everywhere they go. But a “better experience” sounds like a good thing, so Instagram makes the option it wants users to select more prominent and attractive than the one it hopes they’ll avoid.
Definition of [[Dark Pattern]].
Article covers legislative efforts in states and nationally to ban dark patterns.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
No provider or user of any interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
The 26 words of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996.
So what he's saying here is if someone had run these same ads about these T-shirts in the classifieds section of a newspaper, Ken could have sued the newspaper. He might not have won that lawsuit, but he could have had his day in court. But what this ruling in Ken's case means is he doesn't even get to argue the merits of his case. He simply cannot sue AOL over these posts, period.
Why Section 230 made internet platforms different from newspapers—newspapers could be sued for publishing inaccurate information. (Might not have won, but at least the avenue was open.)
www.wnycstudios.org www.wnycstudios.org
the other thing is this whole thing of the military having this culture that you keep things secret, which means that it's very hard to have, like, an open - and it's very top-down. So it's very hard to have an open discussion about - like, a scientific discussion going on around these topics. I mean, now I make it sound like they are very different from the rest of us, but in a way, they are just human beings. And you can easily wind yourself up in some kind of explanation. If you have a few authorities telling you how things are, you can easily start to collect evidence that that must be how it was.
It is sort of like "group-think", but enforced in a rigid, top-down structure such that you can't question it—you don't know to question it.
- Aug 2019
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
pseudonymous identifiers
Each of these use cases has a different demand of the metadata about the user.
Implementers of OAUTH have a good example of attribute release policy pages.
Let’s consider first the issue that a user is logged into an online system, individually and therefore can be tracked.
Logged into an online system is reminiscent of the days of CompuServe and AOL. Today it is about being a node on a network. Logged in isn't as accurate as Connected.
- Feb 2017
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Well the leaks are real. You're the one that wrote about them and reported them, I mean the leaks are real. You know what they said, you saw it and the leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake because so much of the news is fake.
The leaks are real, but the news based on the leaked information is false?
new buy American measures in place to require American steel for American pipelines
U.S. steelmakers will receive negligible benefit from the multi-billion dollar Keystone XL project, one of the two projects Trump ordered to proceed, because they have limited ability to meet the stringent materials requirements for the TransCanada line.
American steel unlikely to get Keystone boost despite Trump order Reuters, Mon Jan 30, 2017 at 12:08pm EST, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-pipeline-transcanada-idUSKBN15E22M
And I want regulations because I want safety, I want environmental - all environmental situations to be taken properly care of. It's very important to me. But you don't need four or five or six regulations to take care of the same thing.
This is the first time I've seen him say "I want regulations because of safety...environmental." Would love to see data backing up "five or six regulations to take care of the same thing."
- Jun 2015
csrc.nist.gov csrc.nist.gov
cyber-physical systems
Cyber-physical systems are the next evolution of embedded systems. From Wikipedia:
Today, a precursor generation of cyber-physical systems can be found in areas as diverse as aerospace, automotive, chemical processes, civil infrastructure, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, entertainment, and consumer appliances. This generation is often referred to as embedded systems. In embedded systems the emphasis tends to be more on the computational elements, and less on an intense link between the computational and physical elements.
Fair In formation Practice Prin ciples
privacy impact assessments
Privacy engineering is an emergi ng field, but currently there is no widely-accepted definition of the discipline. For the purposes of this publication, privacy engineering is a collection of methods to support the mitigation of risks to individuals arising from th e processing of their personal information within information systems.
The NIST RMF categorizes four broad 523 processes in looped phases, as illustrated in 524 Figure 01 : (i) frame risk (i.e., establish the 525 context for risk-based decisions); (ii) assess 526 risk; (iii) respond to risk once determined; 527 and (iv) monitor risk on an ongoing b
Predictability is the enabling of reliable assumptions by individuals, owners, and operators about personal information and its processing by an information system. Manageability is providing the capability for granular administration of personal information including alteration, deletion, and selective disclosure. Disassociability is enabling the processing of personal information or events without association to individuals or devices beyond the operational requirements of the system.
Data actions are information system operations that process personal information. “Processing” can include, but is not limited to, the collection, retention, logging, generation, transformation, disclosure, transfer, and disposal of personal information.
Personal Information: For the purpose of risk assessment, personal information is 963 considered broadly as any information that ca n uniquely identify an individual as well as 964 any other information, events or behavior th at can be associated with an individual. 965 Where agencies are conducting activities subj ect to specific laws, regulation or policy, 966 more precise definitions may apply.
A definition for personal information.
www.law.upenn.edu www.law.upenn.edu
A new taxonomy to understand privacy violations is thus sorely needed. This Article develops a taxonomy to identify privacy problems in a compre- hensive and concrete manner. It endeavors to guide the law toward a more coherent understanding of privacy and to serve as a framework for the fu- ture development of the field of privacy law.
In the taxonomy that follows, there are four basic groups of harmful ac- tivities: (1) information collection, (2) information processing, (3) informa- tion dissemination, and (4) invasion. Each of these groups consists of dif- ferent related subgroups of harmful activities.