876 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2016
    1. Games are complex systems with many moving parts and a tremendous amount of information to process and hold together at once.

      Yes, which is why they are often positioned as such a good analogy for disciplinary learning - as Gee did in our very first cycle readings.

    2. there's an accumulation of "stuff" (objects or territory) and where players intentionally move around in ways that inhibit or block others.

      Sounds like the broad genre of "strategy" board games is really not your cup of tea!

    3. This is another example of where it is helpful to be assertive in order to get "placed" at an active playing table.

      Given your emphasis of this point, I'm reminded of the classic scene from an elementary school playground: kickball teams are being picked, with children yelling "me, me!"

    4. If I played it with my friends, I would probably have a more positive experience.

      What an important recognition. As a former public school teacher, I read this as a wonderful parallel to so much of what happens in schools today. If K-12 students could learn with their friends, in a less sterile (and often prison-like) environment than schools, they would likely have a more positive experience with disciplinary inquiry.

    5. He not only told me what to do for each turn, but he also moved my pieces around on the board for me

      Wow... so many ways to "read" this situation - the removal of agency, infantilizing your presence and demonstration of skill... or was this welcome on your part? Or a bit of both...?

    6. which contributes to the perception that it's for "grown ups", ie. serious or advanced gamers!

      Interesting how a feature of the built environment has unintended consequences for the social relations among the group. Not insignificant, as you note!

    7. as there are first-timers that come every week.

      As you become more of an insider, what types of shared social practices do these veteran group members share with newcomers? How are newcomers "enculturated" into this space? And in that process - even with a transitory membership - are there opportunities to either a) reinforce offensive behavior or b) promote more accepting social relations? In other words, what - if anything - is the social responsibility of veteran affinity space members to create a more tolerant and affirming environment?

    8. I immediately wondered to myself if he inserted the caveat solely for my benefit as the only woman present.

      Regardless, the offense of this sexist remark does nothing to create a more welcoming environment for all players. On the contrary, it likely reinforces a normative social environment that promotes - and certainly provides tacit consent - for this type of behavior. Silence is complicity.

    9. there was nothing interesting to me about the game at all

      Do you remember what the game was? Despite your assessment of the core mechanics influencing a negative desire to participate in this shared activity, it seems as though your overall feeling of comfort wasn't entirely about the game... but more a reflection of the social environment, yes?

    1. obliteration

      Like Small World?!

    2. In fact, playing Pandemic allowed me to glimpse into Ben’s brain and see his strategic thinking.

      And can you give us a small glimpse into his strategic thinking?

    3. directed participants to achieve a common goal.

      This is a nice connection that I wouldn't have immediately made - thanks for bringing together your recent play experience with this cycle's readings.

    4. the clerk at the Wizard Chest where I bought the game

      Fantastic! Wonderful to support a local game store. That's where I purchased Small World for our January shared play session.

    5. Players are all in it together.

      There's been a theme recently with some of our blogging and play about the benefits of cooperative games. In our last shared play session, for example, Brian, Lisa, and I collectively attempted to diffuse some bombs through a collaborative - and cross-site/platform - experience. And Susan has also commented recently about the unique insights that arise through collaborative - rather than competitive - game play.

    1. I quickly get side tracked looking at the businesses and people that this group is following.

      Any thoughts about why this might be the case?

    2. their Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook pages

      It likely goes without saying... though the cross-platform strategy for engagement is really intentional, with these different modes of engagement providing both distinct yet complementary means of joining and contributing to this distributed affinity space.

    3. Well that would have made my downtime waiting for DMV or any of my other appointments more productive because I could have played on the app.

      Without a doubt there are benefits to accessing information and participating in conversations and communities anywhere and while "on the go." As a mobile learning researcher, I'm very much in favor of tools, practices, and platforms that help to extend learning across settings. That said, I do appreciate that Hypothesis use requires a computer - as such, it requires me to focus differently than I would if I were at the DMV or waiting at another appointment. Perhaps that's the case with you, too?

    1. I will continue to investigate long after I complete this course and intend to include videogames in my curriculum.

      Wonderful - and as you do, please share either via this blog or Twitter so that we can follow along!

    2. My Graphite affinity space leans towards the serious, but is not overly serious and some of the community members are a bit playful, and all are quite pleasant and helpful.

      Thanks for including this reference to - and update about - your affinity space participation, that's great for us to learn.

    3. I actually believe that being overly serious hinders one’s ability to produce that which is truly creative.


    4. I still harbor doubts concerning transfer, as my own experience with typing tutors never transferred, as I always reverted to my unconventional typing style when work resumed.

      Maintain this healthy skepticism! Transfer is a really tricky topic, and as our reading from Young et al demonstrated, the jury is definitely out.

    5. I intend to move onto MOOCs

      Awesome, and what a large and contested literature! There's some rather interesting debate about the importance of MOOCs in education - student persistence, measure of learning, and the "gamification" of MOOCs. I'm eager to read your future posts.

    6. I have now come to understand that both can be wrapped into one entertaining package, not specifically designed as a “serious” game.

      This is a really important insight and I'm glad you've taken this away from the course. I'm especially appreciative of Susannah who has helped to advance this narrative around critiquing notions of "seriousness."

    1. (even if it wasn’t a super hit with our classmates, she and I had a great time putting it together!).

      Isn't that interesting - the act of design may have been more meaningful than the benefit of implementation.

    2.  It’s not as safe an environment to talk about more sensitive issues as it might be if we were having conversations in more closed environments.

      Yes, this is important to recognize and a real tension - thanks for bringing it up.

    3. Annotaruption? Tate-Nix? We could be trend setters…


    4. And how does this translate over into broader, non-game related issues of agency, such as we’re seeing with (Anno)Tate Gate?

      This is a great question!

    5. agency

      I think about agency a lot, too. I have a forthcoming conclusion to a book that explicitly tackles educator agency. When it's published I'll be sure to share it with you!

    6. that the game or play they’re experiencing is beneficial to them in more ways than one?

      Yes, it's important not to ignore aspects of metacognition just because a particular experience happens to be fun.

    7. that I often felt as though I could easily add to the information being presented.

      This is tremendous for me to learn, wow! What concepts? What aspects of learning? I'm pleased to know that you're feeling more like an expert, particularly with a community outside of our course.

    8. about potential areas of tension

      I'm curious... and this is really important, thanks for noting this right up front.

    1. and I want to redesign gamified elements of my curriculum to make use of these principles.

      And as you do so, I wonder if reaching out to someone like Scott Nicholson would be a valuable means of receiving feedback on initial design work...?

    2. Perhaps I have been far too picky for my own sanity’s sake, but I really only want to review articles that I find interesting or useful.

      As I mentioned in response to your annotation to Susannah's reflection post (if I'm not mistaken), it's important to be a critical consumer of research. Yet that also means that playfulness may, in that context, take a bit of a backseat. That's an important tension for us to grapple with...

    3. The easier ones bored me a little, and I suspect that this would be reflected in the quantity of responses that I made (I haven’t counted, but it may be a fun exercise).

      Thanks for sharing this, very important for me to read!

    4.  It enables us to build or break our ideas in a very constructivist manner.

      Nice! I need to think about this more... I've certainly appreciated the affordances of Hypothesis in building conversation and - to varying degrees - shared understanding. And yet, as you note, there's also value in breaking ideas... gotta chew on that, thanks for sharing.

    5. we will have a much stronger understanding of how different GBL mechanics impact learners in a more concrete way.

      Seems like the Bevelier et al reading really resonated! I know you put considerable effort into your facilitation responsibilities, that likely is informing some of these curiosities, yes?

    6. the inconsistent and unpredictable nature of learning results from GBL make it unlikely that many teachers will adopt such practices

      Yes, my pessimistic self often sees a similar challenge. I have a forthcoming conclusion to a book about teachers as game designers, and I remark upon this challenge at length. When that conclusion is published I'll be sure to share.

    7. you know, "that guy"

      And that's OK, at least you're committed and consistent!

    8. impact players’ motivation

      About a third of our course has noted motivation as a key area of interest related to games and learning.

    1. to see out more papers that relate games to the major theorist in the field of early education. Providing research and links to what my students already know, basic theory, while connecting it to games will help to broaden their ability to be a successful teacher.

      Would you like any recommendations? Sounds like a great plan and I certainly have a few favorites. I would also suggest that some scholars who focus on play - rather than explicitly games - may be useful, too. For example, are you familiar with Vivian Gussin Paley?

    2. Thanks to her views regarding tech I have made changes to my online classroom so that students are completing simple tasks first as assignment instead of making them learn to use the tech on the side and then have an assignment due.

      Interesting... so if I'm following this correctly:

      • You're learning in our games course
      • Your learning has influenced how you speak with colleagues
      • These collegial conversations are then informing how you design and facilitate your own courses?
    3. very set views regarding women/female roles in gaming.

      Or in computer science... or as a research scientist... or...

    4. *I am very glad that I was about to guide the discussion for two of the research papers because I felt that I had greater knowledge this model and could ask better questions of my peers.*

      And did our use of open annotation with Hypothesis contribute to this learning at all? If so, I'd love to learn more!

    5. His focus on scaffolding aligns with what gamer’s experience.

      Yes, particularly as those scaffolds fall away (as they should) leading to more independent and interest-driven learning.

    6. is to keep moving forward in a positive and considerate way

      Which is certainly one of the challenges in the world of Gamer Game - people have no design to be positive or considerate - so depressing and scary!

    1. and am using it as a warehouse for information.

      Nice, it's good to have a curation strategy.

    2. from my first class this past summer, Digital Storytelling

      Wow... I've either forgotten or didn't realize that was your first course. Amazing what's happened in a single year!

    3. could create a playful and meaningful learning experience. 

      Yes, absolutely. It's not - necessarily - about the tools. And reading this, I'm reminded that this course would be ideally complemented by a second semester - a course that focuses on game design. It's taken three months for you to appreciate this insight. And that's fine, it takes time. And now with this insight, a grounding in learning theory and literature, and an appreciation for design possibilities, it would then be possible to launch another course about game design.

    4. in Place Out of Time (POOT) and Playful Possibilities for Assessment 

      It's so nice to see you reading about some of my previous game-based learning projects.

    5. because I’m not simply completing the assignment, I'm carving my own unique, educational pathway.

      Nice! I'd like to learn more about how the specific role of open web annotation helps you to carve these pathways. Because of our collective learning in this course, I've been thinking a lot about playgrids. Still not entirely sure what that even means right now... but it seems to capture what you're describing here - interest driven-pathways, etc. Again, I'd welcome the opportunity to learn more about specifically how annotation affords this type of learning...

    6. Often times a conversation over a reading would lead to my next article to critique

      Nice. That wasn't an explicit goal when choosing to use Hypothesis this semester, so I'm glad that's happened!

    7. able to find most any answer

      So in this respect, community engagement occurs primarily through access to information. This is a nice insight. Can you ever imagine a time when you might contribute that knowledge for others to access?

    8. curating new connections and deepening my understanding of applying play skillfully

      Nicely stated!

    1. how they are explained, questioned, misunderstood and even abandoned.

      Sounds like life!

    2. motivation

      This is a HUGE area of research within the field of game-based learning. If you're interested in further reading about motivation do let me know I can share various resources.

    3. In the video below

      I like this video a lot - I've returned to it on various occasions.

    4. except to foster an environment where it is acceptable to make mistakes.

      Again, something that seldom happened in my own experience with foreign language learning (specifically) and schooling more generally. I hope we're cultivating a slightly different learning environment in this course!

    5. speaking out loud in front one's peers can be extremely daunting and uncomfortable

      This is one reason why I didn't engage deeply with foreign language learning during middle and high school - something I now deeply regret.

    6. Below you can see the difference

      I really like this side-by-side comparison, thanks for representing and sharing your reflection in this way!

    7. bored, am I right??)

    8. I would guess that most of us write in the margins of our readings anyway, so using an open annotation tool like Hypothesis encourages us to do so in front of and with other readers.

      Yup, that's a key motivation for this aspect of our course design.

    9. Prior to this course, I had no idea that those kinds of games existed.

      Amongst many "take-aways" this semester, I'm pleased to learn this.

    10. These attributes are not antithetical to games or playing, but they do mean that I approach game play differently than other people might.

      Nice recognition

    11. I certainly hoped that learning would happen, but that it would happen was an assumption on my part. 

      If I read between the lines here, might I assume that it is because of your learning in this course that you're better able to reflect upon: a) how you designed those previous teaching experiences and b) how you understand the relationship among design, play, and learning?

    12. my motivation was to disrupt the tedium of learning grammar, to inject lightheartedness and play into classroom time, and to provide opportunities to use speaking skills in a less-structured context

      This is a nice design rationale for game-based learning.

    13. Hint: it's not just facts and figures.

      Indeed, I'm intrigued!

    14. I am learning about designed experiences

      Which, as you certainly know, is an important aspect of game-based learning but not unique to game-based learning. One reason for our grounding in learning theory is the recognition that learning principles (such as those articulated by Gee) leading to particular types of designed experiences are possible beyond the realm of games and game-based learning.

    1. in an online Korean language lesson that I am developing for a CU Denver graduate school project.

      Is this lesson/project for another course? If so, I'd like to learn more about how your learning in this course is informing your activity in another...

    2. And yet the data that are provided, reporting the results of their research, and the vocabulary gains of the test participants are quite encouraging.

      So vocabulary is the primary content-specific learning outcome of this experience, yes?

    3. were indeed learning through the use of this system

      Learning what? I'm a bit confused... and given your critique below, sounds like you weren't impressed either.

    4. the design criteria of their videogame

      I'm glad you're highlighting this. Often the design criteria can be glossed over in a rush to examine (and then "prove") some type of game play outcome.

    5. continuing quest to find creative ways to support language learning through the use of technology

      I really appreciate how your scholarly critiques continue to investigate a very specific interest. I'm pleased that this basic course structure ("go read some research, and review it!") has provided you the opportunity to explore interest-driven learning.

    1. I anticipate this happening in the 2017-2018 academic year.

      Awesome, go for it!

    2. I hope to learn more about this unfortunate dark side of the culture through my affinity space in the next couple of weeks.

      And perhaps from your peers who have experienced similar dynamics in their own experience, unfortunately.

    3. when I read a blog post on Tumblr titled “Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorist Problem”.

      Glad that sharing that previous resource was relevant and a bit unsettling (in a good way!).

    4. and now I’m questioning if this is truly the case, or the way that the woman / girls are depicted is it just the norm now?

      Yeah, I recall reading your previous blog posts and the surprise you expressed around these realizations.

    5. It encouraged me to be a little more lighthearted with my annotations and even to link some non-relevant images, but fun nonetheless in the margins.

      That's really nice to learn - how playful language and approaches to writing inspires subsequent annotation.

    6. The language used in this article was so playful!

      Indeed, it was written by a good crew!

    7. but I didn’t immediately make the connection because of the constraints of using a LMS.

      Ugh... that's really challenging for me to read, particularly because I designed and taught some of those previous courses. Whether that's the LMS, or me, or some combination... goodness, thanks for the wake up call!

    8. It’s a breath of fresh air to get out of a learning management system and “play” and learn out in the world where everyone can see and participate along with us.

      Thanks! That's certainly the intention of his emergent design, and I appreciate that it's resonating with you. And - it should go without saying - thanks for helping to co-construct the experience by playing along!

    9. I appreciate the open honesty in the responses and questions from my peers and I feel that this type of interaction is forcing me to understand the material at a deeper level, and to be a better student and better digital citizen.

      If I'm understanding your reflection accurately, it seems as though this "deeper" understanding is some combination of our tool use (Hypothesis), the course content, and the type of learning community and our practices that we've created over the past few months... something like that? Something else?

    1.  I would love to see if I can find instances where the community and/or the Squad takes the knowledge out of the KSP space to other, “non-KSP” areas.

      Yes, this is really critical, too. And perhaps in a related instance, your external knowledge about libraries, information organization, curation, etc. is very relevant to the knowledge building and accessibility of information and interaction within the affinity space. Perhaps, as you've noted, an opportunity for various knowledge areas and practices to cross settings.

    2. It is also flowing from outside the community to inside as people seek out additional information and bring it back with them.  

      A key characteristic of knowledge building within affinity spaces.

    3. that’s the artful part of cataloging at the library, too!

      Nice connection!

    4. Ah well, I’m happy that it exists, even if it was a challenge to find.

      I wonder if you might suggest changes to community organizers based upon your experience? Do you know if others have experienced similar challenges?

    5. I’m interested in knowing more about how people get shows and time slots; it isn’t clear to me if the programming is set up by staff or by community members.

      We have ILT alum you are deeply connected to Twitch and know a lot about programming and engagement. Let me know if you'd like to be connected.

    6. And I continue to be appreciative of just how much there is to keep me occupied, even without building rockets.

      Learning and community engagement without playing, nice to read that is your current approach to participation.

    1. I would like to take a more in depth look at these users with the most amount of posts and see how they are situated in the space.

      Sounds like a good approach!

    2. Maybe my profile does not indicate enough “status” or credibility for someone to take note?

      Interesting... as you know from our Gee & Hayes reading, status and established credibility can play a big role in affinity space interaction.

    3. This networking, although one sided and observatory, is a big part of understanding game communities and affinity spaces.

      I wonder if/when/how this may become two- (or multi-) sided in the future...

    4. gamers and game developers. Using the hash tag #gamedev and #unity3d has helped me acquire some followers and helped me introduce myself to indie game developers.

      Nice. As you know, that's a key reason why we're using Twitter in class - to prompt interest-driven connections with communities beyond our immediate course.

    5. It’s possible they may face some discrimination or biases based on gender identity. It’s especially important to understand these scenarios as they are likely to come to light at some point in time during game based learning situations.

      This is a really nice analysis, thanks for thinking through these important dynamics.

    6. And as an educator, especially in settings where I may be implementing game based learning scenarios, it’s critical to exemplify fairness and equality and understand gender issues that may come to light during game play and gaming community experiences.

      Of course I agree 100%. Hence the inclusion of various topics, authors, and debates in our graduate course.

    7. I am a white male who is privileged to be positioned in gaming culture as the dominant “norm.”

      I appreciate you naming your positionality, this is important for so many reasons!

    1. Also, if I am working on a project and want to post updates, those updates stay in the appropriate threads of discussion.  Facebook (and likewise Twitter) aren’t optimized for this kind of long-term communication.

      Agreed, and I appreciate these critiques as they related to your specific participation in (what sounds like) a rather nascent community.

    2. but I believe for the better. 

      How much of an affinity space insider do you have to become before you can make these recommendations to others in the community?

    3. centralize more of the resources and communications instead of being spread out amongst 3 platforms (facebook, BreakoutEDU’s webpage, and google drive).

      Interesting... on the other hand, I appreciate that this space is organized around these various platforms (perhaps "settings") - the dedicated website, a Google Drive, and Facebook. Knitting together distributed platforms is key to many affinity spaces, even if disorganization is an unintended consequence. What are the specific affordances of each platform that have led community members to adopt and incorporate these into their group interactions? Would a centralized site/archive achieve the same purposes? Pros/cons?

    1. because it’s an answer to a question no one asked

      Talk about abuse of power! Open annotation is most certainly an answer to the fact that those in power so seldom ask for - much less welcome - a diversity of perspectives and opinions. It is precisely because questions are so seldom asked by the powerful - "what do you think about..? how might we include you, and on your terms... ? does this decision represent the interests of many rather than a few...?" - that tools like Genius and Hypothesis are necessary.

    2. In the case of feedback

      Having read this piece, I'm not sure annotation - a set of practices, and in this context a social practice - is synonymous with "feedback."

    3. because the most basic, human thing to do is to say something out loud and hope for a reaction.

      Why is something loud a "most basic, human thing" rather than listening, analyzing ideas and circumstances, and synthesizing information? Babies, young children, and research scientists do both.

    4. the point-by-point critique of another’s post, Genius seeks to return to that sort of exhaustive (and exhausting) critical method.

      Lest we forgo the importance of nuance in writing, argumentation, and comprehension! Goodness, an educator or a scientist would surely bristle at this disregard for specificity. It's as if "feedback" and "criticism" are best delivered as superficial soundbites.

    1. “banking” models of education (Freire 1970)

    2. Taken together, these core values, the expertise brought by students, and the adaptability of teachers bring to life the rich ecosystem in which educators are enmeshed today

      How frequently do we honor the rich ecosystems in which both students and educators are enmeshed? If learning is to be designed as relevant to students' everyday lives, then there most certainly is a need to teach and learn across multiple settings - school, community, civic, online, and peer culture settings.

    3. What follows is not a how-to guide or a set of discrete tools, but a journey to rethink, iterate, and assess how we can make education more relevant to today’s youth.

      This reminds me of someone's comment from last Tuesday's T&L meeting: "It's not about the technology!" Indeed, connected learning is not a how-to of best practices or a list of silver bullets. And note Peppler's emphasis here on making "education more relevant to today's youth" - this aligns very well with APS' CRE pillars/themes.

    4. he online community, Digital Is (digi

      You'll recall that this is the website that we accessed during last Tuesday's T&L meeting when we examined the six connected learning focal cases.

    5. The Oregon Trail a

    1. Playful learning summits

      If you start connecting the dots, you'll see some familiar faces here.

    2. GameStarMechani

      Recall our reading from Alex Games during Cycle 3.

    3. First, anundergraduate course required for all pre-service teachers was redesigned and opened to allstudents on campus to connect games and digital media environments to learning.

      I wish we did this at CU Denver!

    4. The purposeful hiring of two assistant professors in the SoE with a background in games forlearning

      And let's call a spade a spade: Dani is talking about herself!

    5. Our intention is to purposely reveal processes, successes and challengesinfusing GBL in higher education to deepen understanding between fields and encourageresearch and practice with games across disciplines.

      In other words: "This is challenging work, we got our hands really dirty, and we're trying to make some sense of what we learned." I know I'm biased... and for many reasons, including the fact that Dani is a friend and colleague... yet I believe this approach to scholarship is very valuable.

    6. serious games aligned with pertinent academic content and the appeal (presentationand functionality) of popular commercial games

      I'm honestly not sure what this means, largely because I reject completely the idea that there exists a genre of "serious" games.

    7. the cost of developing a game-based course can be prohibitive for many universities.

      I would argue this depends entirely upon what is meant by a game-based course. A course that uses improvisational games in the theatre department likely doesn't cost TOO much... and isn't there an assumption here that game-based learning might mean digital video games? Perhaps that does cost a bit more money, but... it's an interesting point.

    8. GamesLearningSociety (www.gameslearningsociety.org/)

      This is the research group at UW-Madison where me, Dani (this article), Seann (who we're also reading this cycle), Jim (who we'll read next cycle) all got our PhDs, and which was founded by Kurt Squire (who we've also read) and Constance Steinkuehler (whose work is cited throughout many of our readings).

    9. The Center forGames & Impact (http://gamesandimpact.org/) at Arizona State University

      This is where Jim Gee and Betty Hayes are professors.

    1. generalizable (Laurel, 2003), while being essential to the study of new design and coveringnew ground (Barab and Squire, 2004).

      To the concerns above about comparing across different courses, well, DBR doesn't aim to generailze, hence this kind of qualifying statement.

    2. All courses were master’s level, at a mid-sized research university, exploring the use ofdigital technologies for education.

      Sound familiar?

    3. to be gamelike?

      Note that my co-authors and I are wrestling with similar issues in our article "Gameful learning as a way of being."

    4. Ideal designs could provide the tutorial and recognition of excellence in class andmake greater use of the “play” time out of class

      I'm not sure I agree entirely with Seann here... I think there's great value in playing games together in class. Hence, in our course, shared play sessions. And when I've taught GBL courses entirely face-to-face, we begin every class session with a game.

    5. attempting to create their classroom experiences as a game

      Note the echoes of gamification from our previous cycle, and consider how the elements that Seann will be describing fit with the aspects of design and motivation that we previously discussed.

    6. Games, learning and literacy are closely tied together and quite different than traditionalteaching and learning models

      This is why we began with reading Gee - folks like me and Seann see his scholarship as foundational to this entire field.

  2. Mar 2016
    1. where as I was playing to observe them and just get a few points on the board each roll.

      So what does that say about game play strategy?

    2. This relates directly to our reading from Holden regarding taking risks and trying out different ways of thinking.

      Are you referencing the article I co-authored with UM colleagues about gameful learning?

    3. were different then my husbands rules so we played one game of each

      Aren't house rules awesome?!

    1. But I'm up for the challenge.

      As you know, this is interest-driven learning. There's certainly no requirement that you complete X challenges a day prior to our project concluding...

    2. I take a break and play Code Combat

      Sounds fun... is this a welcome practice? Something you look forward to doing?

    3. a baby step towards participation

      One step at a time!

    4. because I really want to participate in the flower design discussion.

      So perhaps you've chosen to stay in "lurker mode" because nothing has really motivated you yet... that is, until this flower design discussion. Maybe it's about purpose and context, and nothing to do with your fear of asking "a dumb question"...?

    1. One significant complaint was that students had no means to control the spoken and subtitle speeds, which caused them some difficulty in comprehension and diminished the value of the experience (Chen & Yang, 2012).

      Another limitation of this study may be transfer. Because students only played Bone, are the encouraging results about listening, reading, and vocabulary only attribute to this specific game... and maybe not other OTS games?

    2. abandoned their note taking as play intensified, which likely impacted the results.

      This seems reasonable, no? The more intense a play experience, the harder it is to successfully participate in multiple practices (game play and note-taking), hence the notes are abandoned.

    3. for twenty vocabulary items found in the videogame

      Were any of these words specific to the plot of Bone? In other words, how - if at all - did context matter?

    4. but instead a commercial adventure videogame.

      Which means that this study by Chen and Yang is examining learning potential and outcome associated with an "Off-the-Shelf" (or OTS) game. In contrast to (digital/video) games that are expressly designed in alignment with certain learning objectives.

    5. Bone

      Oh goodness... I grew up reading Bone. This is, hands down, one of my favorite comics ever. Ever. I really like everything that Jeff Smith has done... and Bone, wow, I'm such a fan! I have a few original weekly comics (black and white), a few foreign language editions, some books, and a full set of the 90 trading cards that were printed in the early 90s. Great comic.

    1. she sacrifices her presence in game play to make room for more opportunity. I wish I could accurately describe the superfan's description of this woman. It was almost...adoration. And it was honestly kind of touching.

      Wow... this is a fascinating story.

    2. than as a lascivious wench - which is a character who appears in another faction that I have used previously

      We had a nice Twitter conversation about that. If I recall correctly, we began to discuss to characteristics of skeletons and sharks, yes?

    3. they have clothes on

      How odd...

    4. and that the goal was informal learning and collaboration - all realizations that I had taken for granted until I was in a position where I wasn't receiving any help.

      Wow, what a really important interaction despite the obvious challenges and discomfort.

    5. It took me being rejected by him to realize how much help I had been receiving from others for over a month.

      Fascinating insight.

    6. (I'm beginning to wonder if I have some sort of learning issue that makes it challenging for me to process verbal instructions...)

      Have you noticed this before NOT in the context of learning a new board game, or has this only happened within this affinity space?

    7. or play around their common understanding.

      Like many expressions of play, play can be socially negotiated from one moment to the next.

    8. have provided little to no authoritative clarification on the rules, so the Smash Up Community is left to resolve issues on its own.

      Fascinating, this creates the conditions for players to create rules of their own. What an interesting dynamic.

    9. I was pretty confused about the difference between a card's ability and its talent. I'm still really unclear about this and the player who was teaching our group admitted that he wasn't entirely sure, either.

      This is great. Play means making it up along the way!

    10. I am almost convinced of my own coolness. Almost.

    11. "What expansions do you have?"

      This is a nice observation about activity in a community. The question, in some respects, asks "What's your expert knowledge?" And also, "How much of insider are you?"

    1. I hope to create some sense of this before the affinity space project is completed. I’m looking forward to learning more about how my own identity will take shape and how others have created an identity in Unity Community.

      And part of this might come through more direct interactions with people - that is, amplifying your participation and learning from/with others to get a sense of your various identities in the affinity space.

    2. but there is so much more to discover by learning how key members are situated, and reflecting on yourself as a member of the space.

      This is a very nice observation, thanks for sharing these reflective thoughts.

    3. I never really assessed myself in these ways.

      Nice to learn this as a result of your participation.

    4. It’s important to understand how others are situated in the affinity space when interacting. Some members may be more inclined to game production, others to theory, others are just starting out looking for direction, and many other possible scenarios

      A nice reminder that there are many motivating factors that compel participation in an affinity space - that's a strength of a robust community.

    5. This is a reminder of the multilayered depth many affinity spaces involve

      Yes indeed, this is a very nice observation.

    6. When I looked at his profile, I was able to find out more about him on his web page goodgamesbydesign.com. I was surprised to find a number of resources for game design including “Game Design Zen” podcasts and YouTube videos.

      Notice the distributed ecology of resources - a website, podcasts, YouTube videos, all linked together by an affinity for game design.

    7. is more of observation and research.

      Or perhaps, as some ethnographers would say, a participant observer?

    1. from the more general research

      Perhaps a future scholarly critique?

    2. While the article was written with examples from many industries, the authors were mostly interested in applications to the medical industry.  

      There has been a lot of literature written about simulations in medical education, I'm not surprised to learn this.

    3. using the same approach in both simulated and actual settings

      Yes, practices that can successfully cross settings are likely useful learning practices.

    4. tool

      Yes, I appreciate that debriefing is a "tool," that's a nice reminder that tools are not only material objects.

    5. drawing the simulation (or, as I’m envisioning it, game) and the regular world closer together

      Yes, game play is sometimes described as activity within a magic circle. In this respect, there is the world of game play and the world of not-game play. Creating a new margin, a hybrid space to connect these experiences is really important, and it appears that debriefing is one effective strategy for doing so.

    6. The article also brought to mind Salen’s discussion of games and learning, particularly in regards to the “world separate from other activities” that is inextricably intertwined with the other elements of players’ lives.

      That's a nice connection! And I'm also ofter reminded about her work, too!

    7. Although the article really does focus on the “debriefing,” rather than the simulation

      This is an important distinction. Too frequently educators implement games in classroom or more formal learning settings without any regard for the conversations that will occur after/because of play. This emphasis on debriefing does serve an important need.

    1. I’ll make sure to take a bunch of screenshots

      Good idea, as - practically speaking - you can use those in your final affinity space project.

    2. but it happened!

      And that's exactly why we're participating in this project over the entire semester - to develop, grow, and connect as a participant in a given community.

    3. I asked how I could turn my upcoming faculty development session on Google Apps in the classroom into a game.

      Nice question, seems to reference many of the conversations we've been having this term about the design of playful/game-based experiences in authentic learning contexts.

    4. I’ve included a video below of me asking Alexa some questions

      This is pretty amazing, thanks for sharing!

    5. The contest ended yesterday (March 17), so here’s hoping I win! The prize is a copy of the game.

      Any update?

    6. Board game geek provides you with the javascript to enter into your website.

      That is so cool, I'm really pleased to learn that playing around with some coding to share information about your affinity space participation was so easy!

    1. to leave bloggers like

      The concerns raised in this piece are necessary to air and debate. That said, what if this article had interviewed a high school student who was using open annotation tools to speak back against prescriptive school curricula, or interviewed community activists using annotation to protest prejudicial legislation (North Carolina!)? We can frame the same affordances of a given tool with varied narratives to promote our own agenda and set of concerns. As much as we should debate possible concerns, so too should we critique our own perspectives.

    2. I do not want someone annotating my account of being gaslit by my ex-boyfriend, as the lines between annotating and questioning, questioning and invalidating, invalidating and silencing are unclear in the best of circumstances.”

      Hypothetically... as so much of the argument in this article is based upon conjecture... would Dawson (or any author, for that matter) prefer the blurred lines among annotating, questioning, invalidating, and silencing to be possible on Platform A but not Platform B? I certainly don't endorse those practices (i.e. invalidating, silencing), abuse is abuse and should not be tolerated wherever and however it appears. However, attempting to distinguish the acceptable platform/location/means of social interaction (no matter how terrible) seems rather tenuous.

    3. and there’s a lot of empty criticism: The first annotation on one BuzzFeed piece is just “lol”; in another, one of the annotations is simply a link to a Google search for a phrase that’s been used.

      Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    4. a certain level of sensitivity is needed, and that doesn’t seem to exist at present.

      Where? And not on Twitter? And not on Facebook?

    5. lead to a discussion about the validity of those comments, a debate that takes place in a forum that is separate from the writer’s work

      And this can't happen through open annotation?

    6. which acts as the digital version of margin notes and enables anyone with access to the Internet to share their thoughts about the contents of a website at the click of a button.

      Whether with Genius' Web Annotator or Hypothesis, the idea that open web annotation is only: a) margin notes and b) sharing your thoughts (one-way communication, a response to some author) is just too limited. Maybe this is because I see various platforms though a pedagogical lens (among other perspectives).

    1. vivid agency

      Given that "agency" pretty confusing and contested (at least in academic discourse), I really appreciate the qualification of "vivid" agency. And I'm also curious about how such agency differs from other types of agency.

    1. that it has become the norm and a general expectation?

      Perhaps yes, and that's one reason why Anita Sarkeesian (and others) are advancing their public critiques.

    2. hurt more in the long run

      As noted in the video, the emphasis on accumulation is really important.

    3. from different generations

      Yes, and perhaps also different disciplines

    4. If they would have used the game with actual faculty would their results have changed?

      Great questions, and seems like a valuable professional learning opportunity for faculty. Maybe something you'd facilitate?

    5. interacting with the material

      And as you note, also reflecting upon game play! Too frequently do educators forget to facilitate reflection following game play.

    6. The group that played the board game absorbed more material that those who were passively presented with the information.

      There's a nice parallel here to what some folks describe as active learning - certain activities in large courses will result in greater student learning outcomes in comparison to more passive learning (often via instructor lecturing).

    7. The end goal of the game is to be the first person to advance to the top of the academic ladder.

      Sounds similar to "team building" activities about privilege (or experience, or background) where participants progress (by stepping forward, or in some cases stepping back) based upon their responses to certain questions.

    8. who learned the exact same information, but in a passive format.

      That's a nice control, and a unique way to use a game as an experimental intervention.

    9. for a few reasons

      Great rationale presented here - connecting nicely to your affinity space study, your interests in adult learning and higher education, as well as your professional responsibilities. Well done.

    1. (con)texts

      My thanks to Jeremy Dean who provided wonderful feedback on some of my earlier writing about play and annotation. He suggested this distinction - (con)text - and this is my first attempt to take that idea and run with it a bit...

    1. and how to say “Where is this” in Italian”? (fammi questa cosa).

      That's quite a lot of activity!

    2. I was welcomed by all players in a very noble fashion

      I'm curious, how do you understand a "noble fashion," and how did that quality of interaction contribute to you joining this affinity space?

    3. that AW crashed a number of times

    4. a learning curve on navigating, setting AW up and orienting my self into the virtual worlds created.

      so your learning "curve" (some might say trajectory) includes - navigating resources, setting up AW, and then orientation to AC. anything else?

    5. into mild frustrations

      Such as?

    6. It took a while before I explored the mechanics, introduced my self to the Local Chat and asked questions about AW to really begin to understand the dynamics of it.

      Yup, it does take a while, this all sounds familiar.

    1. of cognitive training tools.

      And why, in your opinion, are these cognitive training tools important and necessary?

    2. between video game industry professionals

      and/or researchers who also design video games

    3. exactly the cognitive control functions

      A bit confused here... is this a reference to Bevelier and colleagues' 2012 article that we're reading in cycle 4?

    4. they would observe improvement in attention and working memory.

      this was their hypothesis, yes?

    5. platforms such as Lumosity)

      a nice connection to cycle 4 readings, and further evidence that Lumosity is pretty much bunk.

    6. What are the specific design factors of the studies,

      wouldn't this have been addressed somewhere in the research methods - how the researchers designed their study?

    7. as to what population samples were used in those studies

      was that not specified?

    8. In Anguera and Gazzaley’s article,

      Is this the research previously referenced?

    9. is currently working on researching the neuronal mechanisms for number of high-level cognitive and behavioral processes, including decision making, learning and working memory.

      do you have a reference for this research so that we might explore if we're curious?

    1. game based on  John Wayne westerns

    2. Scooby-Doo

      Go it... i didn't know there was a Scooby-Doo expansion for Clue. Having watched the cartoon growing up, I likely would enjoy this "skin" of Clue.

    3. on how he liked the traditional game better.

      So this was some type of expansion?

    1. students become serious players and embody the role of serious learner.

      Nice summary. Our team - me, "The Jeffs," Michael, and another collaborator (Farrah) recently submitted a book chapter about our work a few summers ago with POOT in Oman. We designed and facilitated a special in-person three-day condensed trial for Omani high school students in Muscat. It was an amazing experience. The chapter discusses our "design principles for playful partnerships in game-based learning." It's under review right now, so we'll see what happens... but I'll happily share if interested.