2,250 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. This creates a new VPA and links it to your app.

      A new VPA is created and linked to your app.

    2. If customer has not set a UPI PIN for their bank account, they are prompted to provide their card details, enter another OTP and complete the set up.

      If no UPI PIN is set, the customers are prompted to provide their card details, enter an OTP and complete the set up.

    3. is shown a list of ban

      comments same as previous section

    4. The customer needs to give permission so that we can validate the phone number with the bank. Handy TipsIn case the customer has multiple SIMs in their device, they should choose the SIM linked to their bank account.

      Comments same as above

    5. After selecting the product/service, the customer proceeds to the checkout page on your app. They select UPI as the payment method and are guided to add their bank account.

      comments same as above

    6. In this flow, as the customer does not have an existing VPA and no PIN set up. They are guided to select a bank account, create a VPA, set up a PIN and link it with your app.

      If the customers do not have the VPA and PIN set up, they can set these and link to your app.

    7. This creates a new VPA and links it to your app.

      A new VPA is created and linked to your app.

    8. The customer is shown a list of banks from which they can select one. For example, SBI.

      The customer selects a bank from the list.

    9. The customer needs to give permission so that we can validate the phone number with the bank. Handy TipsIn case the customer has multiple SIMs in their device, they should choose the SIM linked to their bank account.

      comments same as above

    10. They select UPI as the payment method and are guided to add their bank account.

      remove this step

    11. In this flow, as the customer will not have an existing VPA set with the partner bank. They are guided to select a bank account, create a VPA and link it with your app.

      If the customers do not have an existing VPA set with the partner bank, the can create a VPA and link it with your app.

    12. Once this is done, the customer can enter their UPI PIN and complete the payment.

      The customer needs to enter the UPI PIN to complete the payment.

    13. We fetch the bank account associated with the customer's phone number and link the VPA.

      The customer's bank details are fetched and linked to the VPA.

    14. In case the customer has multiple SIMs in their device, they should choose the SIM linked to their bank account.

      Customers who have multiple SIMs in their devices should choose the SIM to be linked to their bank account.

    15. In this flow


    16. s the flow

      The flow diagram is not getting zoomed properly. Please check it zooms well on production

    17. Flow 1: Customer has an existing VPA with Partner Bank Flow 2: Customer does not have an existing VPA with Partner Bank Flow 3: Customer has not set the VPA PIN

      Remove the word Flow from all of these

    18. Complete in-app flow without redirection. This gives you full control over user journey.

      Complete in-app flow with no redirections gives better control over the user journey.

    19. Higher success rate: A smoother payment process for end-users, means less failures.

      Higher success rates with a smother payment expereince

    20. With customers never leaving your app, reduce timeout issues significantly.

      Reduce timeout issues significantly since customers never leave your app

    21. Get end-to-end control over transactions and a faster time-to-market.

      End-to-end control over transactions and a faster time-to-market

    22. You:

      For Businesses, remove colon

    23. :

      remove colon

    24. Single source for dispute resolution and refund handling

      One place for refunds and disputes

    25. Make UPI payments a faster, 2-step experience for your customers with Razorpay UPI Turbo. Given below is a sample UI representation:

      Use Razorpay UPI Turbo to male UPI payments faster. Following are the sample screens while making payments using UPI (Razorpay Turbo):

    26. Provide your customers a seamless, 2-step UPI payment experience by integrating with UPI Turbo.

      Integrate with UPI Turbo to provide a 2-step UPI payment experience.

    1. The invited members should accept the invitation from their Profile section.

      They should accept the invitation from their Profile section.

    2. These team members are allowed to access all views except access for Bank Details in Profile and the Manage Team feature.

      These team members have all view access except Bank Details and access to Manage Team.

    3. The following operations can be performed here: Change of Password Change of Display Name
      1. You can perform the following actions:
      2. Change Password
      3. Change Display Name
  2. Nov 2022
    1. payload in JSON

      hyperlink payload in JSON

    2. Set up Razorpay Webhook

      hyperlink Set up Razorpay Webhooks

    3. virtual account

      Missing Python code

    4. rtual account.

      Curl and Curl-bank_account should sit next to each other Use something like Curl [with bank account] Python code is missing

    5. request.

      Not sure why we are using Java-bank_account?

    6. ransfer🔗

      Add a one liner for the endpoint. Python code is missing

    7. rticular virt

      Python code is missing

    8. tual acco

      Python code is missing

    9. unt by ID.

      Response-bank_account? Python code is missing

    10. payers account.

      Add the Success Response and Failure Response in a separate block

    11. ual accou

      Why does it say Java - bank_account in the code sample? Should it not be Java?

    12. then


    1. The parameters are also described below.


    2. greater

      is greater

    3. The table below lists the various payout error reasons, the likely reason for the error, and suggests the possible steps to take to fix the error.

      rewrite for brevity

    4. Merchant action required.

      Merchant action is required

    5. Payout Error Source🔗

      The following table lists down the Payout Error Source and what it means:

    6. Complete Payout Error Response Code🔗

      Use Heading 2

    7. Sample Code🔗

      Sample Code for Errors Use Heading 2

    8. Let's say a payout has failed; the event for payout failure is triggered and you get instant alerts about it.

      Example: A payout has failed. If webhooks are configured, the event for payout failure is triggered and you get instant alerts about it. - By settng up Razorpay Webhooks, you receive notifications for all the specific event that you have configured. - When any of the configured events is triggered, we send an HTTP POST payload in JSON to the webhook's configured URL.

    9. Use Cases🔗

      These are not Use Cases

    10. An error code accompanies the failed state, and this payouts error codes documentation will be helpful in understanding the reason why the payout has failed. Further action post this state can be to resolve the errors, and to follow payouts best practices.

      Rewrite. Use a more direct language

    11. ,

      remove comma

    12. One


    13. Know about the RazorpayX Payout Error Codes to understand the errors that occur when a payout is created but fails to go through.

      Check the error reasons and troubleshooting steps.

    1. Listed below is the sample code and a table that details lists the various API errors that may occur while firing APIs for Payouts to Cards. Find explanations to the scenario that caused the error and the troubleshooting steps.

      Check the sample code for Payouts to Cards errors. The table lists the API errors, reasons and troubleshooting steps. bookmark the table heading

    2. The table below lists the various API error reasons, explains the likely reason for the error and suggests the next steps you can take to fix the error.

      The below tables lists the API error reasons, reasons and steps to fix the errors.

    3. following which you can refer to the API errors troubleshooting steps.

      Check the troubleshooting steps for any API errors.

    4. explainted


    5. business internal

      Business Internal

    6. Use Cases🔗 This API Error Codes documentation lists the various types of errors and the explanation for where and why they occur.

      These are not Use Cases

      Check the various types of errors and the explanation for where and why they occur. * API Errors - At Source and Types * API Error Reason and Next Steps * API Errors in Creating Payouts to Cards

    7. This will enables them to minimize or fix errors to reduce losses.

      This helps in minimising errors and reducing losses.

    8. Sample Code🔗

      Make this heading 2

    9. Sample Code🔗

      Sample Code: Payout to Cards Error

    10. non tokenised


    11. Cryptogram missing

      Cryptogram is missing

    12. Expiry month

      Expiry month is missin

    13. ‘c

      wrong apostrophe

    14. non ‘card’ mode


    15. non tokenised


    16. The table below lists the various API errors that may occur while firing APIs for Payouts to Cards, explains the likely scenario that caused the error.


    17. paremeters.


    18. The table below lists the various API error reasons, explains the likely reason for the error and suggests the next steps you can take to fix the error.

      too-wordy sentence. Make it crisper

    19. Razorpay Errors API identifies two types of errors, business and internal, at a source and with a reason for the error.

      Rewrite. Confusing sentence

    20. Sample Code🔗

      Sample Code for Errors

    21. Thus


    22. Know about the RazorpayX API Error Codes to understand the errors that occur when an API does not fire as expected.

      Check the error reasons and troubleshooting steps.

    1. -

      We usually use a colon for the descriptions. Use colon at all such places.

    2. You can set up Razorpay Webhooks to configure and receive instant notifications. They are sent whenever a specific event occurs. When the configured events are triggered, we send an HTTP POST payload in JSON to the webhook's configured URL.

      bullet these?

    3. We recommend enabling webhook payloads to be notified about the status of any process. Having alerts enabled, particularly for errors, can reduce the delay in troubleshooting.

      re-write Use a more straight-forward language

    4. one


    5. As such, having


    6. Check the RazorpayX Error Codes.

      Add a more descriptive meta description

  3. Oct 2022
  4. Sep 2022
    1. WooCom

      Check with @vinita if she knows any trick to fix this.

    2. 5. Can I disable M

      There is a lot of space above this. Try fixing it.

    3. mon error scenari

      Troubleshoot common errors and find answers to ...

    1. contact's


    2. payout


    3. Use the below endpoint to create a contact:

      The following endpoint creates a Contact:

    4. fund account

      Fund Account

    5. fund account

      Fund Account

    6. contact


    7. You can create payouts to cards using Razorpay Token HQ by

      remove Create a Fund Account and then create a Payout.

    8. For more information, refer Razorpay Token HQ.


    9. Razorpay TokenHQ allows businesses to continue offering their customers a saved card experience.

      You can use Razorpay TokenHQ to offer your customers a saved card experience.

    10. Refer Payouts to Cards Errors for more information on API errors that occur for Payouts to Cards via APIs.

      Know about the Payout to Cards errors.

    11. Create a Payout🔗

      Add some content under this heading before adding the next heading level

    12. Entity🔗

      Add a one-liner for the entity

    13. PCI DSS


    14. ,

      remove comma

    1. n below for

      the gif quality is poor. Fix the gif

    2. Refer to the business account section to know how to add funds to your business account.
    3. money

      Sign up and Activate... make the correction in the diagram

    1. d transaction.

      Split the response into two separate code blocks

    2. tions🔗

      Use Request/Response at all places in the code samples

    3. sation Entity🔗

      Add a one-liner for Entity above the table

    4. via

      using the following APIs.

    5. against


    1. Link🔗

      Same comment as Emandate

    2. Use the following code to create a payment checkout form for customers to make Authorization Transaction and register their mandate.

      same comment as Emandate

    3. The Orders API allows you to creat

      same comment as Emandate

    1. A registration link should always have an order amount (in paise) the customer will be charged when making the authorization payment. This amount should be 0 in the case of Emandate.

      Move this above the second Handy Tips Bullet both the points

    2. Use the following code to create a payment checkout form for customers to make Authorization Transaction and register their mandate.

      Create a payment checkout form for customers to make Authorization Transaction and register their mandate. You can use the Handler Function or Callback URL.

    3. arameters🔗

      Add sample codes above in all the 6 server languages

      In the callout above, don't all caps "and"

    4. The Orders API allows

      You can use the Orders API to create a unique...

    1. Ensure the keywords are spelt right.

      Check that the keywords are spelled correctly.

    2. doesn’t

      does not

    3. Ensure the API Keys are active and entered correctly. Also, ensure there are no whitespaces before or after the keys.

      Comment same as above

    4. This happens when you are trying to cancel an invoice already in the cancelled state.

      You are trying to cancel an invoice which is already in the cancelled status.

    5. You can only delete an invoice in the draft state and not in any other state.

      Try deleting an invoice in Draft status.

    6. This happens when you are trying to delete an invoice in any state but “draft”.

      You are trying to delete an invoice that is not in the Draft status.

    7. Ensure you enter a valid invoice id.

      Check that you have entered a valid invoice id.

    8. There’s

      There is

    9. invoice

      You are trying to issue an invoice that is already issued.

    10. Ensure you enter items and customer details.

      Add items and customer details.

    11. Ensure that the API Keys are active and entered correctly. Also, ensure there are no whitespaces before or after the keys.
      • Ensure that the API Keys are active and entered correctly.
      • There should be no whitespaces before or after the keys.
    12. Mention the name field of the item when passing the amount.

      Provide the name field of the item when passing the amount.

    13. Only the amount field is entered without a name or item id. Or neither amount, name, nor item id is entered.
      • Only the amount field is entered without a name or item id.
      • The amount, name or item id are not entered.
    14. Mention either item id or amount along with the name.

      Provide either the item id or the amount with the name.

    15. Add only the required parameters for passing the update invoice API.

      Pass only the required parameters in the Update Invoice API.

    16. hitting


    17. The API key and secret are not entered or use an invalid API key.

      The API key or secret are not entered or an invalid API key is used.

    18. that the Expiry date is greater than the (current time + 15 minutes).

      Give an example

    19. There's

      There is

    20. The line_items object has an international currency set, USD, for example, and is not enabled for your account.

      The line_items object has an international currency set. For example, USD, is not enabled for your account.

    21. hitting

      use running or executing

    1. Ensure that the API Keys are active and entered correctly. Also, make sure there are no white-spaces before or after the keys.

      comment same as above

    2. yment

      Separate Standard and UPI Response codes

    3. Ensure that the API Keys are active and entered correctly. Also, make sure there are no white-spaces before or after the keys.

      Number these Remove extra words

    4. ers and s

      separate Standard and UPI Response codes

    5. Ensure that the API Keys are active and entered correctly. Also, make sure there are no white-spaces before or after the keys.

      number these Prune extra words

    6. per the

      Separate Standard and UPI PL Response codes

    7. links.

      Separate out Standard PL Response and UPI PL Response

    8. Ensure that the API Keys are active and entered correctly. Also, make sure there are no white-spaces before or after the keys.

      Number these The word ensure appears repeatedly, tweak the sentences

    1. You can


    2. To disable coupon listing:

      Add a subheading a Disable Coupon Listing

    3. You can either


    4. You can

      Remove You can

    5. You can

      Remove you can

    6. If you select Use carrier or app to calculate rates, follow the steps given below:

      Bullet If you select Use carrier or app to calculate rates:

    7. If you select Set up your own rates, follow the steps given below:

      This should be a bullet If you select Set up your own rates:

    8. each


    9. You can

      Remove you can

    10. Custom Shipping Rate

      Just say Create an individual shipping rate...

    11. That is,

      With this, you can

    12. Under this, you can


    13. based on your requirement


    14. if required


    15. In case


    16. cash on delivery

      Cash on Delivery

    17. based on your requirement:


    18. You have various configuration options available on your Razorpay and Shopify Dashboard. You can perform the following configurations to suit your business needs:

      After you successfully integrate your Shopify website with Magic Checkout, the following configurations are available on your Razorpay and Shopify Dashboard:

    19. Once you successfully integrate your Shopify website with Magic Checkout, you can perform the following configurations to suit your business needs.

      Remove this line

  5. Aug 2022
  6. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Payment

      A payment...

    2. cURL


    3. When transferring a payment to an account, you can put the transfer settlement on hold indefinitely or until a defined time. You can change these settings anytime via the provided API until the settlement is made. The settlement will not happen until you release it. To hold the settlement for transfers, you should pass the on_hold and on_hold_until parameters. The following endpoint transfers a captured payment to one or more linked accounts using account_id. A response is generated on a successful transfer with a collection of transfer entities created for the payment.

      Can we make this piece crisper? Looks like a lot of content for API doc. Try to bullet these if makes sense.

    4. dditional ste

      Are the below-listed steps the additional steps? If so, not clear, we need to reword the sentence.

    5. creation.

      No zoom option comes up for this image. Please check.

    6. attributes

      use the word "fields" consistently across

    7. Razorpay Route enables you

      Use Razorpay Route to split payments...

    1. a QR Code.

      code samples in multiple languages

    2. QR

      code samples

    3. yment ID

      code samples?

    4. c Customer ID.

      code samles

    5. R Code.

      code samples

    6. Code

      multiple language code

    7. nt closes a QR Code.

      Add code samples in multiple languages

    8. R Code.

      Sample code in multiple languages?

    9. You can try out our APIs on the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace.

      Should we not have the orange Run in Postman button?

    10. :

      remove colon

  7. Jul 2022
  8. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Handy Tips

      blue color handy tips

    2. and


    3. ny comments to be added in the invoice. Maximum of 2048 characters.

      After the sample code say You can create and manage Invoices using APIs or from the Razorpay Dashboard. hyperlink : https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/invoices/create