2,250 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. alternate


    2. alternate


    3. Note🔗

      Use Heading 2 UPI Collect Requests

    4. or Subscriptions🔗

      Use Heading 2

    5. Watch Out! For Swift version 5.1+, ensure that you declare var razorpay: RazorpayCheckout!. For versions lower than 5.1, you may use var razorpay: Razorpay!. Alternatively, you can use the following alias and retain the variable as Razorpay. typealias Razorpay = RazorpayCheckout

      Same comments as for Standard

    6. If you are building an Objective-C project, follow the steps given for Swift and the additional steps given below: Go to Project Settings and select Build Settings - All and Combined. Set the Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries option to TRUE. Ensure that you have the framework added in both Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries under Target settings - General. For Xcode 11, ensure that you have the framework added in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed Content under Target settings - General. Change Embed status from - 'Do not Embed' to 'Embed & Sign'.

      Same comments as for Standard

    7. Additional Steps for Objective-C🔗

      Use heading 2

    8. your project🔗

      Your Project

    1. Watch Out!+:

      remove plus, bold Watch Out

    2. Handy Tips

      bold Handy Tips

    3. For Swift version 5.1+, ensure that you declare var razorpay: RazorpayCheckout!. For versions lower than 5.1, you may use var razorpay: Razorpay!.

      bullet these

    4. Initialize the Razorpay iOS Standard SDK🔗

      remove the

    5. Handy Tips We now support another optional parameter to the open method - displayController. When this parameter is specified, the Razorpay controller is pushed on to this controller's navigation controller if present or presented on this controller if absent. For example, the Swift call is: razorpay.open(options, displayController: self)

      Optional Parmeter - displayController When the optional parameter- displayController, is specified, the Razorpay controller is pushed on to this controller's navigation controller if present or presented on this controller if absent. For example, the Swift call is: razorpay.open(options, displayController: self) [Can we simplify the explanation?)

    6. Possible values for failure code are:

      Failure Codes

    7. For Xcode 11, ensure that you have the framework added in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed Content under Target settings - General. Change Embed status from - 'Do not Embed' to 'Embed & Sign'.

      Xcode 11 [Use Heading 3] Ensure that you have the framework added in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embed Content under Target settings - General. Change Embed status from - 'Do not Embed' to 'Embed & Sign'. [mention what is the gif below indicating]

    8. Objective-C:🔗

      Heading 2, remove colon

    9. Manual🔗

      Heading 2

    10. Cocoapod🔗

      Use Heading 2

    11. You can import the SDK: - Using CocoaPod - Manually

      You can import the Razorpay iOS Standard SDK library using any of these ways: Cocoapod, Manual and Objective-C.

    12. Cocoapod🔗

      Heading 2

    13. 1.1 Import the

      remove the

    1. Generate the API keys from the Razorpay Dashboard by navigating to Settings → API Keys. You can use the Test mode keys for testing and later switch to Live mode keys when going live with the integration.

      hyperlink API keys

    2. Download the Gravity Forms plugin.

      hyperlink Gravity Forms

    3. with


    1. This version of the Razorpay-React Native SDK supports Xcode 10. We have fixed the known issues of React Native on Xcode 10 in the current version of our SDK. This can be implemented until the next release of React Native.

      add a colon after the version number: This version of the Razorpay-React Native SDK supports Xcode 10. The known issues of React Native on Xcode 10 are fixed in the current version of our SDK.

    2. React version 16.5.0

      Why are we adding this?

    1. . Know more.

      Comment same as standard

    2. Follow these steps to unhide the navigation bar.

      Follow the steps to unhide the navigation bar. Hyperlink unhide the navigation bar.

    1. WhatsApp

      Also fix the left nav.. Call it WhatsApp

    2. Installing the Razorpay WhatsApp Bot for Payment Links enables you to accept payments from your customers by creating and sharing payment links to them from WhatsApp directly.

      You can install the Razorpay WhatsApp Bot for Payment Links and accept payments from your customers by creating and sharing Payment Links to them directly from WhatsApp. Less

    1. will throw


    2. will auto-read it.

      auto-reads it

    3. then


    4. Razorpay Android Standard SDK lets you easily integrate the Razorpay Payment Gateway with your Android application.

      You can use Razorpay Android Standard SDK to integrate the Razorpay Payment Gateway with your Android application.

    5. with


    1. -

      Use colon

    2. Customize order of Apps🔗

      Customise Order of Apps

    3. For additional support on Payment Methods, such as fetching bank or wallet logos, fetching card network and information on how to validate card information, read Additional support for Payment Methods.

      Additional Support for Payment Methods: fetching bank or wallet logos, fetching card network and information on how to validate card information.

    4. In this case

      In Collect Flow,

    5. Implement PaymentResultWithDataListener Method🔗
      1. Implement PaymentResultWithDataListener Method🔗
    6. Create Payment🔗
      1. Create Payment
    7. Detect Presence of CRED App🔗
      1. Detect Presence of CRED App
    8. In the sample code below, BHIM (in.org.npci.upiapp) is passed in the preferred apps list and Google Pay(com.google.android.apps.nbu.paisa.user) in other apps list. As a result, BHIM is shown in the PREFERRED APPS SECTION. Google Pay is shown at the top in the OTHER APPS SECTION followed by other apps present in the device:

      Sample Code [Heading 4] In the sample code below, BHIM (in.org.npci.upiapp) is passed in the preferred apps list and Google Pay(com.google.android.apps.nbu.paisa.user) in other apps list. As a result, BHIM is shown in the PREFERRED APPS SECTION. Google Pay is shown at the top in the OTHER APPS SECTION followed by other apps present in the device:

    9. OTHER APPS Section Similar to PREFERRED APPS section, the list of applications as specified using the key other_apps_order within options is displayed under this section. Any unspecified app (which supports UPI intent) appears subsequent to the list passed in the options.

      The list of applications specified using the key other_apps_order within options is displayed under this section. Any unspecified app (which supports UPI intent) appears subsequent to the list passed in the options.

    10. PREFERRED APPS Section This section will display the list of applications as specified using the key preferred_apps_order within options. If no application exists for this key, this section will not be shown.

      This section displays the list of applications specified using the key preferred_apps_order within options. If no application exists for this key, this section is not displayed.

    11. Preferred Apps Other Apps


    12. When using intent flow, you can customize the order in which UPI apps appear on the Checkout. There can be two sections within the app chooser:

      In the Intent Flow, you can customise the order in which UPI apps appear at the Checkout. There are two sections within the app: Preferred Apps and Other Apps.

    13. Customize the order of Apps🔗

      Customise Order of Apps

    14. A complete list of UPI supported apps and their package names is available here.

      Check the complete list of UPI supported apps and their package names.

    15. will be


    16. In this case

      In Collect Flow,

    17. The sample code below will send collect request to gaurav.kumar@exampleupi handle.

      Sample Code [Heading 4] The sample code below sends a collect request to gaurav.kumar@exampleupi handle.

    18. will be


    19. In the case of


    20. The sample code shown below allows the checkout to perform a wallet transaction for a payment of ₹299.35:

      Sample Code. [Heading 4] The sample code shown below allows the checkout to perform a wallet transaction for a payment of ₹299.35:

    21. Learn

      Know more

    22. The sample code shown below allows the checkout to perform a netbanking transaction for a payment of ₹299.35:

      Sample Code [Heading 4] The sample code shown below allows the checkout to perform a netbanking transaction for a payment of ₹299.35:

    23. In the case of


    24. The sample code shown below allows the checkout to accept a card payment of ₹3999.35:

      Sample Code. [Heading 4] The sample code shown below allows the checkout to accept a card payment of ₹3999.35:

    25. In the case o


    26. The sample code shown below allows the checkout to accept a card payment of ₹299.35:

      Sample Code [Use Heading 4] The sample code shown below allows the checkout to accept a card payment of ₹299.35:

    27. In the case of


    28. Android Custom Integration - Payment Methods

      Payment Methods

    1. -

      Use Colon

    2. -

      Use colon

    3. Learn how to integrate the different payment methods using Razorpay Android Custom SDK in detail.

      Check the various payment methods available with Razorpay Android Custom SDK. [Hyperlink payment methods]

    4. You can accept payments through UPI, credit and debit cards, netbanking and wallets, depending on the methods enabled for your account. When you use Razorpay Android Standard SDK, you do not have to handle the availability of different payment methods. However, when creating a Custom checkout form, you must ensure that only the methods activated for your account are displayed to the customer. To get a list of available payment methods, call getPaymentMethods. This fetches the list of payment methods asynchronously and returns the result in JSON format in the onPaymentMethodsReceived callback. For the structure of the JSON result, you can refer to this doc.

      You can accept payments through UPI, credit and debit cards, netbanking and wallets, as per the methods enabled on your account.

      • When you use Razorpay Android Standard SDK, you do not have to handle the availability of different payment methods.
      • When creating a Custom checkout form, you must ensure that only the methods activated for your account are displayed to the customer. To get a list of available payment methods, call getPaymentMethods. This fetches the list of payment methods asynchronously and returns the result in JSON format in the onPaymentMethodsReceived callback. For the structure of the JSON result, you can refer to this doc. [link to doc does not look right]
    5. Set Up the Webview🔗

      Set Up Webview

    6. PaymentResultListener provides only payment_id as the payment result. PaymentResultWithDataListener provides additional payment data, such as email and contact of the customer, along with the order_id, payment_id, signature and more. JavaCopy
      • PaymentResultListener provides only payment_id as the payment result.
      • PaymentResultWithDataListener provides additional payment data such as email and contact of the customer, along with the order_id, payment_id, signature and more.
    7. Using PaymentResultWithDataListener🔗

      Use PaymentResultWithDataListener🔗 [Use Heading 2]

    8. Store the Fields in Server🔗

      Store Fields in Server

    9. Once you have successfully completed the integration, you can setup webhooks, make test payments, replace test key with live key and integrate with other APIs.

      After you have successfully completed the integration, you can set up webhooks, make test payments, replace test key with live key and integrate with other APIs. [Hyperlink the correct articles here]

    10. Integrate the Payments Rainy Day Kit🔗

      Integrate Payments Rainy Day Kit

    11. The following is a sample API request and response for creating an order:

      Sample Code [Heading 4] The following is a sample API request and response for creating an order:

    12. The sample AndroidManifest.xml file with auto-OTP reading feature enabled is shown below:

      Sample Code [User Heading 4] For additional support on Payment Methods, such as fetching bank or wallet logos, fetching card network and information on how to validate card information,

    13. Initialize🔗

      Use Heading 2

    14. Instantiate🔗

      Use Heading 2

    15. will add


    1. To create a payment with an existing saved card, you have to pass the token instead of the card number, expiry and card holder's name fields as shown below:

      Create a Payment With Existing Saved Card [Use Heading 2] To create a payment with an existing saved card, you have to pass the token instead of the card number, expiry and card holder's name fields as shown below:

    2. Later, while creating a payment with new card, you would need to pass the customer_id and save as extra fields, along with the other fields as shown below:

      Create a Payment With New Card [use Heading 2] While creating a payment with new card, you would need to pass the customer_id and save as extra fields, along with the other fields as shown below:

    3. as well:


    4. The sample code given below shows how to customize the RazorpayWebViewClient:

      Sample Code [Heading 4] The sample code given below shows how to customize the RazorpayWebViewClient:

    5. The sample code shown below describes a validation error on the contact field:

      Sample Code [Use Heading 4] The sample code shown below describes a validation error on the contact field:

    6. A failure response is triggered in the case of any exceptions.

      Add this along with the previous paragraph

    7. At least 6 digits of the card number are required to identify the network. Possible values returned by this method are: - visa - mastercard - maestro16 - amex - rupay - maestro - diners - unknown If it is not able to identify the network it returns unknown.
      • At least 6 digits of the card number are required to identify the network.
      • Possible values returned by this method are visa - mastercard - maestro16 - amex - rupay - maestro - diners - unknown.
      • If it is not able to identify the network it returns unknown.
    8. : -


    9. Here are some of the methods provided by the SDK that can be used for card payment method integration.

      You can use these methods for card payment method integration.

    10. The Razorpay Android Custom SDK lets you integrate supported payment methods on the Checkout form of your Android app as per your business requirements. Here are some additional methods provided by the SDK for the integration and usage of payment methods:

      Use the Razorpay Android Custom SDK to integrate supported payment methods on the Checkout form of your Android app as per your business requirements. Here are some additional methods provided by the SDK for the integration and usage of payment methods:

    1. Given below is a sample code for overriding minSDK version.

      Sample Code to Override minSDK Version [Heading 4]

    2. minSdkVersion is the minimum version of the Android operating system required to run your application. The Android app must have a minimum SDK version 19 or higher. If you want to support devices below API level 19, you must override minSDK version.
      • minSdkVersion is the minimum version of the Android operating system required to run your application. The Android app must have a minimum SDK version 19 or higher.
      • If you want to support devices below API level 19, you must override minSDK version.
    3. Android Custom Integration - Override Minimum SDK Version

      Override Minimum SDK Version

    1. Accept Live Payments

      Use Heading 1

    2. Poll APIs🔗

      Poll APIs [Heading 2]

    3. red URL.

      Know how to set up webhooks.

    4. Subscribe to Webhook events

      Subscribe to Webhook Events [Use Heading 2]

    5. From the Dashboard🔗

      From Dashboad [Use Heading 2]

    6. subscribe to the Webhook event or poll our APIs.

      by subscribing to Webhooks or polling our APIs.

    7. Verify the Payment Status🔗

      Verify Payment Status [Heading 1]

    8. Test Cards🔗

      Make this heading 2

    9. Test Payments🔗

      Make this Heading 1

    10. Test Integration🔗
      1. Test Native OTP Integration [Make this a separate article after Native OTP Integration]
    11. Native OTP on Android Custom Checkout
      1. Native OTP Integration
    12. No money is deducted from the customer's account as this is a simulated transaction. In the Checkout code, ensure that you have entered the API keys generated in the test mode.
      • No money is deducted from the customer's account as this is a test transaction.
      • In the Checkout code, ensure that you have entered the API keys generated in the test mode.
    13. on

      in (for consistency)

    14. Store the Fields in Server🔗

      Store Fields in Server

    15. PaymentResultListener provides only payment_id as the payment result. PaymentResultWithDataListener provides additional payment data, such as email and contact of the customer, along with the order_id, payment_id, signature and more.
      • PaymentResultListener provides only payment_id as the payment result.
      • PaymentResultWithDataListener provides additional payment data such as email and contact of the customer, along with the order_id, payment_id, signature and more.
    16. Using PaymentResultWithDataListener🔗

      Use Heading 2

    17. ,

      remove comma

    18. Given below is the sample code:

      Replace with Sample Code [Heading 4]

    19. Cancel the OTP

      Cancel OTP

    20. Ask for the OTP to be resent

      Request for OTP to be resent

    21. Submit the OTP

      Submit OTP

    22. If Native OTP is enabled for the BIN, you should call the razorpay.getCardOtpData(CardsFlowCallback) function. The SDK then fires the otpGenerateResponse(boolean otpGenerated) function and informs whether the OTP was successfully sent to the customer or not. Based on this information, you can display the generated OTP UI to the customer.

      If Native OTP is enabled for BIN, you should call the razorpay.getCardOtpData(CardsFlowCallback) function. The SDK then fires the otpGenerateResponse(boolean otpGenerated) function and confirms if the OTP was successfully sent to the customer. Based on this information, you can display the generated OTP UI to the customer.

    23. Given below is the sample code.

      Replace with Sample Code [Heading 4]

    24. The SDK fires the isNativeOtpEnabled function, determining whether the native OTP flow is enabled for the BIN.

      The SDK fires the isNativeOtpEnabled function and determines whether the native OTP flow is enabled for the BIN.

    25. Call the razorpay.getCardOtpData(CardsFlowCallback) function🔗

      Call razorpay.getCardOtpData(CardsFlowCallback) Function🔗

    26. 1.2 Implement CardsFlowCallback interface in the getCardsFlow function

      Implement CardsFlowCallback Interface in getCardsFlow Function

    27. on the Razorpay Dashboard.

      link to generating API keys.

    28. a Razorpay account.

      link as on the other page

    29. in


    30. payment gateway

      Payment Gateway

    1. Once


    2. Pass the Result to Razorpay🔗

      Pass Result to Razorpay

    3. Initialize the SDK by adding the API Key🔗

      Initialise SDK by Adding API Key

    4. Install the Razorpay Android UPI Intent SDK🔗

      Install Razorpay Android UPI Intent SDK🔗

    5. app.

      Can we number the steps in the image? Also the screen shot is hazy.

    6. your


    7. he


    8. he does not have

      they do not need to

    9. customer


    1. ay customer:

      Add a couple of screen shots within the steps

    2. have Payment access enabled

      Add a couple of screen shots within the steps

    3. access enabled:

      Add a couple of screen shots within the steps

    4. fy Checkout.

      add a screen shot

    5. Login

      Log into

    6. pay user🔗


    7. fy Checkout.

      Add a screen shot

    8. Once you login,

      After you log in,

    9. Once you login

      After you log in,

    10. Login

      Log into

    11. Login

      Log into

    12. rpay user without Payment Access🔗

      Use Title capitalisation

    13. pify Checkout.

      add a screen shot

    14. Login

      Log into

    15. Login

      Log into

    16. Existing Razorpay user


    17. Existing Razorpay user with Payment Access. Existing Razorpay user without Payment Access. New Razorpay user.

      remove the full stops

    18. The integration steps differ in whether you fall under the following three categories.

      remove this line

    1. Integrate with Shopify Plugin (v2)

      liked this heading. Should we use it consistently with all the integration documents?

    2. , allowing the customer to pay on your store without being redirected. This allows the plugin to work across all browsers.

      where your customers can pay directly on your website without any redirections. The plugin works across all browsers.

    3. with
