- Feb 2018
s18.pdarrington.net s18.pdarrington.net
My second supplemental text is another tweet from Trump --
. The tone in which Trump chooses to discuss the issue of illegal immigration is that of disrespect and vilification. Phrases like "total catastrophe", "deadly catch-and-release", and frequent use of capitalization both visual and linguistic modes creates a narrative of aggression, and from the way that he chose to deliver this message, it becomes easy to identify his audience (anger anti-immigration advocates). The visual mode aspect of this tweet aims to draw attention to certain words, drawing more attention to those specific ideas. This supplemental text helps me connect my understanding of the usage of linguistic and visual modes to create an effective way to communicate (in this case, this tweet did its job, making me pretty agitated).
Donald Trump has quickly become the king of multimodal communication-- specifically on Twitter. The supplemental texts I chose were a couple of tweets from Trump's page.
In this tweet, he is addressing the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school in a way that his other presidential predecessors have not; through a crudely manufactured tweet with a picture of him holding a thumps-up with the victims in the hospital. However, this raises a question-- was it appropriate to address such sensitive matter in this mode? Twitter was designed to be a social media outlet with easily consumable tweets, limited to 180 characters or less (now 280). In the linguistic mode, Trump seemed to be lacking the "development and coherency of individual words and ideas", watering down a topic of great significance to a couple bytes of information on the internet. This tweet and its subsequent response parallels with the criticism received by Carl-Henric Svanberg, where his choice of words let to a severe backlash from the public. This time, Trump's choice of delivery caused a wave of infuriated responses, linking Svanberg and Trump in a group of "We Can't Get Our Point Across Appropriately Club).
The link--https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/964724390637244417
These different strengths and weaknesses of media (video, writing, pictures, etc.) and modes arc called affi1rda11ces. The visual mode affords us the opportunity to communicate emotion in an immedi-ate way, while the linguistic mode a(fimfs us the time we need to communicate a set of detailed steps. Writer/designers think through the affordanccs of the modes and media available before choos-ing the right text for the right situation. Keep in mind that modal affordances largely depend on how the mode is used and in what context. In other words, the strengths and weaknesses of each mode arc dependent on, and influenced by, the ways in which the modes arc combined, in what media, and to what ends.
This is very important for out nowadays media culture. Newspaper, TV, commercials, advertisements. Timing is very important, in order to make text relevant to events.
Different media use different combinations of modes and arc good at doing different things. We've all heard the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words." Some-times it is much easier and more effective to use an image to show someone how to do something or how you arc feeling. Say, for example, that the reason you wanted a picture of your dog is to show your friend in another state what the dog looks like (see fig. 1.17). A picture will quickly convey more information in this situation than will a written description.
I agree, this remind me of the Primary Source Description Projects, I felt like talking to a blind person, which it takes a very passionate and sensible person to complete the task beautifully, almost seems as a talent. in my opinion, I wasn't up for it.
The supplement I chose was "Forty Years Later, the Golden Record Goes Vinyl," by Marina Koren. It is about the two copies of gold-plated copper record that left earth on Voyager 1 and 2 in 1977. She started off saying "The Voyager Golden Record was never really intended for human consumption." And the targeted audience for the contents were the alien civilization to decipher and learn about us. Excepting the two copies that flew off to space, dozen others were distributed to NASA facilities. It was considered by NASA as "highly mementos being" that they are unable to give in to Carl Sagan who was the leading producer of the record. Yet in 2017, the Golden Record appeared on vinyl and priced $98, available for online ordering.
The records on vinyl were co-produced by David Pescovitz and an editor at the website Boing Boing. The contents appeared on a CD-ROM in 1992, later NASA released the nature sounds and greetings on Sound Cloud. Seeing the opportunities of a vinyl version the co producers raised money for the project, receiving $1.3 million, then made 10,000 special editions copies or their backers.
The original reel-to-reel tape recordings was held by Sony. The team had no trouble contacting Sony and transferred it into digital files in good conditions. They then needed to secure permission to use copyrighted material. It was a process of luck and persistent, it eventually paid off on the Voyager mission's 40th anniversary, shipping vinyl records to their backers.
Aural Mode The aural mode focuses on sound. Whether we are talking about a speech, a video demonstration, sound effects on a Web site, or the audio elements of a radio program, the aural mode provides multiple ways of communicating and understanding a message, including: • music • sound effects • ambient noise/sounds • silence • tone of voice in spoken language • volume of sound • emphasis and accent
Popular songs, sounds from nature of the record appeared on a CD-ROM in 1992, Later NASA uploaded the nature sounds and greetings on SoundCloud, can consider as Aural Mode, what confusing is the language and greetings, wouldn't they be included in Linguistic and Aural Mode, the 2 mode revolving spoken words and speech.
Linguistic Mode ~ The linguistic mode refers to the use of language, which usually ~ means written or spoken word~. When we think about the ways ~ the linguistic mode is used to make or understand meaning, we can consider: ~ • word choice ~ • the delivery of spoken or written text !) • the organization of writing or speech into phrases, sentences, ~ paragraphs, etc. ~ • the development and coherence of individual words and ideas
Some part of the the Golden record represent this kind of mode. A phonograph record, audio,instructions on the cover, reel-to-reel tape recordings of spoken greetings in dozens of human languages and one whale language.
Academic essays, biology posters, statistical PowerPolnt presenta-tions, lolcats ... what do all of these texts have in common? They are all multimodal.
The vinyl produced by David Pescovitz is multimodal. The Golden Record is multimodal of Carl Sagan. They are ways to communicate, for David it was to communicate with other people, for Carl i was for the alien civilization
To produce a successful text, writers must be able to consciously use different modes both alone and in combination with each other to communicate their ideas to others.
The contents of the Golden Record -"popular songs, sounds from nature, photographs, spoken greetings in dozens of human languages and one whale language". Sounds, Images, Conversations, combine together to communicate their idea, saying this is us, this is what we do.
The word multimoda/ is a mash-up of multiple and mode. A mode is a way of communicating, such as the words we're using to explain our Ideas in this paragraph or the images we use throughout this book to illustrate various concepts. Multimodal describes how we combine multiple different ways of communicating in everyday life. For instance, lolcats, a well-known Internet meme, are multimodal. They combine photographs of cats with words written In humor-ously incorrect grammar to create a text that uses both visuals and language-11111/tip/e modes-to be funny. You might be saying to yourself, "Wait, Is a lolcat really a text?" Yes. Text traditionally means written words. But because we want to talk about the visuals, sounds, and movement that make up multi-media, we use the term text to refer to a piece of communication as a whole. A text can be anything from a lolcat to a concert tee shirt to a dictionary to a performance.
This introduction were meant to first provide the definition of multimodal, second to make us realize that they are everywhere around us. Anything that has a purpose of representation are multimodal
veered off course when he began signing words like “pizza,” “bear,” and “monster,” among others — words that had nothing to do with the press conference.
Essentially the same as a county briefing speaking in gibberish, a clear demonstration of incompetence. Dissonance in a mode most people don't notice is still unacceptable from the government. Deaf feel (rightfully) that they are being treated as second-class citizens.
communicate using sign language
Sign language was used to reach the deaf, opening another mode of communication.
preparing to address the public with “crucial” information.
Spoken word was to be the primary vector of the message. However, because some are hard of hearing, it is necessary to use a second mode of communication.
Video above depicting incident uses the linguistic, visual, aural, and gesticular modes of communication.
- Aug 2017
www.research-collection.ethz.ch www.research-collection.ethz.ch
Doch zunehmend gewinnt man den Eindruck, dass auch Bibliotheken mehr und mehr tangiert werden von aktuellen politischen Umwälzungen und Ereignissen, denen sie sich nicht mehr verschliessen können und dürfen. Da ist zum Beispiel das Thema «Open Access», das deutlich mehr ist als eine weitere Spielart der Literaturversorgung. Es ist vielmehr eine politische und wirtschaftliche Problematik, die bis in die Führung von Staaten reicht und auf der gleichen Ebene wie Wirtschaftssubventionen oder Marktinterventio-nen abgehandelt wird. Denn die Konsequenzen sind so ge-waltig und grundlegend, dass viele Akteure sie nicht mehr zu überschauen scheinen und das Thema mit einem blossen Aktionismus mit ungewissem Ausgang vorantreiben.Gerade hier ist es wichtig, dass sich Bibliotheken ihrer Jahrhunderte alten Tradition als Kultur- und Gedächtnis-institution erinnern und neuen Trends – zumal wenn sie irreversible Konsequenzen haben – mit dem notwendigen Sachverstand und der gebotenen Tiefe nähern und die be-teiligten Akteure mit validen Informationen und Statements unterstützen. Die ETH-Bibliothek ist gerade bei diesem Thema im besten Sinne des Wortes professionell mit dabei: Qualifiziert, durchdacht, konstruktiv, aber ohne Schnell-schüsse.
Ja, kein Schnellschuss.