5,453 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. eLife assessment

      This paper reports a fundamental set of new results describing replisome organization and dynamics in E. coli. Cellular sites of active DNA replication (forks) spatially co-localize into structures termed replication factories, but the biological rationale for this fork co-localization has remained unknown. In an elegant study, the authors provide strong evidence that these factories are necessary to both coordinate and promote the progression of colocalized forks, and to help prevent them from spontaneously and prematurely dissociating. Through these findings, it is shown, for the first time, that replisomes' association has a beneficial impact on the bacterium. This is important work that provides robust data in favor of the factory and splitting model.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study combines phenotypic analysis, quantitative genetics and population genomics to propose that multiple genes underlie adaptive divergence in a marine midge system linked to tidal rhythm. Genes with a plausible role in perceiving and responding to lunar information are among the loci that most highly differentiate populations with distinct behaviors, but how much of this might be due to demography remains unclear. The evidence from quantitative trait locus is also deemed incomplete at this point.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript is of interest to scientists studying the genetics of complex human diseases. The approach introduced here is potentially useful for the identification of tissues linked to complex disease heritability. Currently, the key claims of the paper are not entirely supported by the data. The claims may become well supported once the authors improve statistical rigor and perform a more comprehensive comparison with other methods.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript provides valuable evidence for the role of magnesium homeostasis and relevant signaling pathway in Drosophila sleep regulation. It will be of interest to cellular biologists and neuroscientists interested in sleep:wake behavior and the potential role of magnesium in promoting sleep. Nevertheless, the evidence for the key claims of the manuscript is incomplete and is not fully supported by the data as reasonable alternative explanations exist.

    1. eLife assessment

      Tran-Van-Minh et al., attempt to develop a statistical approach which will allow consolidation of new, as well as previously-acquired datasets, to yield biologically significant insights into the logic underlying rabies vectors' expansion from single starter cells. While such work is called for, many of the premises presented here will need to be significantly adjusted, before the approach could be put into widespread use.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents an important finding on the decoy effect in multiattribute economic choices in humans. It makes a compelling case for the conclusion that the distractor effect reported in previous articles was confounded with the additive utility difference between the available alternatives. Though the contribution is somewhat narrowly focused with respect to the phenomenon that it addresses - the distractor effect in risky choice, it is important for understanding this particular phenomenon. The main weakness is the complexity of the current manuscript.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript provides the first cellular analysis of how neuronal activity in axons (in this case the optic nerve) regulates the diameter of nearby blood vessels and hence the energy supply to neuronal axons and their associated cells. This is an important subject because, in a variety of neurological disorders, there is damage to the white matter that may result from a lack of sufficient energy supply. This paper will stimulate work on this important subject.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important study linking metabolic traits and head and neck cancer risk using Mendelian randomisation. The findings, well supported by the data, were inconclusive. This work will be of interest to researchers working in head and neck cancer.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides compelling structural evidence on regulation of cerebellar synapses by sleep-wake states. The authors used serial block face scanning electron microscopy to obtain 3D reconstruction of more than 7,000 spines and their parallel fiber synapses in the mouse posterior vermis. The analysis shows that sleep increases the fraction of the 'naked' spines that don't carry a presynaptic partner at Purkinje cells. The authors propose that sleep promotes the pruning of branched synapses to single spines. This is an elegant and thorough study and the observations are important in light of the circuit-specific mechanisms by which sleep modulate synaptic structure and function.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study describes transcriptomic profiles of sensory and non-sensory cells of the zebrafish inner ear at single-cell resolution in embryonic through adult stages. These solid results catalogue transcriptomic data and show evidence that distinct cell subtypes exist between cells of the ear and the lateral line as well as within subcellular compartments in the inner ear. These findings provide information toward comparison studies of inner ear hair cell function in zebrafish and mammals.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study refuted earlier work on the same subject. The two reviewers felt the manuscript was accurate, concise, and unbiased. The experimental evidence were thorough and supported the conclusions. The reviewers concurred the overall significance and quality of the experimental research were compelling and addressed previous work on this problem.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work reveals that lymphatic vascular development can occur independent of VegfC signaling, and that genetic interactions between a large extracellular matrix protein Svep1 and Tie1 receptor are important for the development of facial lymphatics and other aspects of lymphatic vascular development. The data link Svep1 to Tie1 signaling via elegant genetic experiments and provide important insights into a complex signaling pathway that is widely utilized in vascular development. The genetic evidence is convincing in supporting the findings that Tie1 but not Tie2 interacts with Svep1 in aspects of lymphangiogenesis.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper is of interest to scientists within the field of RNA silencing and evolution. The data analysis is rigorous, and the conclusions are justified by the data. The key claims of the manuscript provide a compelling approach to identifying and annotating microRNAs in fungi although there is a limitation in the functional validation of the identified miRNAs.

    1. eLife assessment

      The study, using cryo-electron tomography represents a valuable study to the research community, to raise awareness that in vitro-assembled microtubules have more lattice defects than microtubules assembled in cell extracts. However the evidence supporting the claims was incomplete in places and there was not enough data. It is not clear how generalizable these findings are regarding tubulin assembly into microtubules.

    1. eLife assessment

      This valuable study provides solid evidence for a new intervention, exposure to male vs. female olfactory cues, with an impact on female mouse lifespan. This is interesting to the field of aging research, especially since most described pro-longevity interventions to date tend to work better in male mice. Although the data broadly support the claims, additional analyses showing all probed phenotypes are needed to support all claims.

    1. eLife assessment

      Malis et al present a novel sequence attempting to non-invasively measure the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which is potentially an important contribution given the growing interest in the glymphatic system. Their reported findings are generally consistent with previous literature and prevailing theories, however, no robust validation of the sequence is supplied rendering the evidence base incomplete.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study represents an important contribution to our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics in France, Europe and globally during the early pandemic in 2020. Through evaluation of the contributions of intra- and inter-regional transmission at global, continental, and domestic levels, the authors explore how international travel restrictions reduced inter-regional transmission while permitting increased transmission intra-regionally. Unfortunately, at this time this work suffers from a number of serious analytical shortcomings, all of which can be overcome with major revisions and re-analysis.

    1. eLife assessment

      The article is of importance to the field of glomerular diseases and rare diseases. The authors propose a link between the inhibition of SGLT2 and lipotoxicity-mediated renal injury in experimental Alport syndrome (AS) by modulation pathways linked to CKD progression, possibly through metabolic adaption in podocytes. Although there is scientific merit in the work presented, the functional analyses are incomplete to support the claim that effects pharmacological effects are mediated through podocytes in Alport Syndrome.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper is of interest to scientists within the cilia and centrosome fields, in particular those studying photoreceptor and sperm development and the diseases associated with their dysfunction. The authors describe the generation and characteristics of Cep78 knockout mice. Consistent with the phenotype observed in patients carrying mutations in CEP78, Cep78 knockout mice show degeneration in photoreceptor cells as well as male infertility associated with multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF). The phenotypic characterisation of Cep78 knockout mice is thorough and convincing, and the Cep78 knockout model will be useful for further elucidating disease mechanism in humans and for potential therapy development. The authors also provide results suggesting that CEP78 directly interacts with IFT20 and TTC21A (IFT139) to form a trimeric complex, but this claim is not justified by the data provided.

    1. eLife assessment

      This boundary-crossing work on dandelion diaspore flight is an excellent demonstration of how to address fundamental questions about wind dispersal of plant seeds from biophysical and ecological perspectives. Both wind-tunnel experiments and models provide compelling evidence that the aerodynamics of dandelion diaspores change with the environment. Addition of local climate data enables the authors to make a convincing case about how the biophysical properties can scale up to affect dispersal across the landscape under different environmental conditions. In addition to the strong data, this is a clear, accessible, and very enjoyable read.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important paper describes the connectivity of V2a/V2b sibling neurons in the zebrafish spinal cord, where one sibling receives Notch signaling (Notch-ON) and the other does not (Notch-OFF). They find that V2a and V2b siblings have different morphology, inputs, outputs, and are not synaptically connected, unlike findings in the mouse cortex. This work provides new insight into the role of lineage in specifying neuronal connectivity; the experiments are convincing and the conclusions are supported by the data presented.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study revealed the biogenesis of the 3'UTR-derived sRNA GlnZ by RNase E-mediated processing and identified target mRNAs in both E. coli and S. enterica. By introducing point mutations within the predicted seed region of GlnZ and analyzing compensatory mutations in the target mRNAs, the sRNA binding site in those targets could convincingly be mapped. This is an important piece of work and the findings are relevant for researchers within the microbiology and RNA communities and should inspire future studies of 3'derived sRNAs in bacteria. Overall, most of the statements are sufficiently supported by experimental data, but certain amendments to the work are required to fully support the conclusions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a valuable study characterizing seasonal deviations in indoor activity at the county level in the United States with relevance to respiratory disease transmission. Whereas the data are compelling, some of the main claims are only partially supported and need more work. This study and its results are of potential interest to those people constructing more evidence-based infectious disease transmission models.

    1. eLife assessment

      The aims and hypothesis of the study, which addresses the genetic basis of an iconic example of developmental plasticity, are clear, and the experiments are well conducted. The authors propose that a novel gene that arose through gene duplication, REPTOR2, stimulates autophagy to generate wingless aphid morphs. The implication of a novel gene in wing autophagy for the generation of wingless aphids is novel and interesting, but the link between TOR and REPTOR2 requires further support.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors measure the work output of shrinking mammalian microtubules, reporting results of fundamental importance that advance our mechanistic understanding of how shrinking microtubules exert forces on chromosomes during cell division. Carefully performed, technically advanced experiments and model-based quantitative data analysis provide compelling evidence for the authors' conclusions. This work will be of interest for cell biologists interested in cell division, biophysicists interested in force production by biopolymers, and structural biologists interested in microtubule dynamics.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper will be of importance to visual neuroscientists, in particular those interested in the functional organization of subcortical visual pathways. The work provides evidence for a much greater diversity of functional cell types in the mouse superior colliculus than previously suggested, and that the functional organization of cell types in the superior colliculus is distinct from that of the retina. These results are based on an impressive data set. However, the conclusions require additional support.

    1. eLife assessment

      The work describes the generation of novel reagents, nanobodies, which are single molecule antibodies from alpacas, which the authors raised against specific domains of two giant fly muscle proteins called Sallimus and Projectin. These nanobodies, combined with the so-called DNA-Paint approach, enabled the authors to reach an unprecedented spatial resolution and define the position of those domains. Thereby, the authors could propose a model for the organization and extent of those proteins along muscle sarcomeres.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a well-designed study to show how phosphorylation of the intrinsically disordered regions can control their ability to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation and thus impact protein function. The authors report how regulation of the F-BAR-containing protein Cdc15 via phosphorylation impacts its ability to phase separate and promote cytokinesis. This paper is of interest to not just the field of cytokinesis, but also to the general field of protein chemistry which is interested in how phase separation controls protein function.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper posits that higher uncertainty environments should lead to more reliance on episodic memory, finding compelling evidence for this idea across several analysis approaches and across two independent samples. This is an important paper that will be of interest to a broad group of learning, memory, and decision-making researchers.

    1. Evaluation Summary:

      Cancers have frequently been found to show little evidence for purifying selection in their patterns of mutations. The key observation here is that tumors with low mutation burden show compelling evidence of efficient selection, but that tumors with high mutation burden do not. This is an important finding. The broader implication is that high mutation load tumors carry a substantial deleterious mutation load and may use common strategies to tolerate them, possibly providing a therapeutic target. Overall this work makes important observational and conceptual contributions to cancer genomics.

      (This preprint has been reviewed by eLife. We include the public reviews from the reviewers here; the authors also receive private feedback with suggested changes to the manuscript. Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #3 agreed to share their name with the authors.)

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors use an elegant design to tackle a longstanding question about the extent to which learning social information relies on specialized computational and neural mechanism. They find that learning about ostensible others is more accurate than learning about non-social objects, despite identical statistical information, and that such effects are mediated by the dmPFC and pTPJ - regions previously implicated in social cognition. While likely of interest to a broad range of social, behavioral, and cognitive neuroscientists, the work is not sufficiently framed by relevant previous research. Moreover, the difference between social (faces) and non-social (fruits) stimuli raises concerns about attentional confounds.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors have used state of the art tools to discover and visualize the role of a known ER-localized lipid hydrolase/acyl transferase (which they call Aphyd) in creating lipids that facilitate the localization of proteins required for mitochondrial fission and fusion at nodal points of interaction between the ER and mitochondria. The data are clear, quantitative and compelling in respect to the role of this protein in the processes of mitochondrial constriction, fission and fusion.

    1. eLife assessment

      Malaria is still one of the world's most deadly diseases because our bodies cannot make appropriate acquired immunity upon Plasmodium infection (the causative agent of malaria). By using animal models of malaria infection and vaccination, this important work shows that Dendritic cells (DCs) have a lower ability to uptake Plasmodium-infected RBCs (particle antigen). This DC dysfunction could be an important reason behind T cell dysfunction in Plasmodium infection. The data presented here convincingly supports the conclusions.

    1. eLife assessment

      Najar et al., present a method for the identification of the emergence of new variants prior to the accompanying surge in cases by examining the trend of accumulated non-synonymous mutations from the original Wuhan 2020 SARS-CoV-2 strain. This is an interesting idea but requires additional evidence to establish this as a robust tool for predictions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This interesting manuscript assesses calcium dynamics in the kisspeptin neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus during the estrous cycle and during reproductive aging in female mice. In particular, the authors succeed in tracking arcuate kisspeptin calcium activity in the same mice over 10 months, which is quite impressive and provides novel findings that will be of interest to the field.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study makes an important contribution to the function of the iron transporter Ferroportin (Fpn). By using a combination of proteoliposome assays, mutagenesis and structural studies by cryo EM, the authors are able to demonstrate that the H+-driven transporter for Fe2+-efflux is also capable of passive Ca2+ influx. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincing, but the rate of Ca2+ influx and the physiological relevance of Ca2+ entry is yet to be established. The work will be of broad interest to cell biologists and biochemists.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides convincing evidence supporting the important finding that acoustic and linguistic features contribute to brain responses as people listen to speech. However, the innovation of the methodological advance relative to other papers in the subfield is not entirely clear.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a valuable study of Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem maintenance and organ initiation, defining the expression, interactions and functions of four transcription factors (SHR, SCR, JKD, and SCL23) whose roles were initially described in the root apical meristem. The imaging, genetics and FRET-FLIM evidence supporting the claims of the authors is comprehensive, extensive, and solid, although similar mechanisms, protein interactions, and gene regulatory interactions were previously reported in the root. The work will be of interest and importance for plant developmental biologists.

    1. The Console now supports redeclaration of const statement, in addition to the existing let and class redeclarations. The inability to redeclare was a common annoyance for web developers who use the Console to experiment with new JavaScript code.
    1. eLife assessment

      This paper will be of interest to researchers in the field of genomic medicine and cancer mutagenesis. It presents predictive models with potential clinical applications that can identify patients with specific gene dysfunction based on characteristic patterns of mutation. The key findings are well supported.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors convincingly demonstrate that, in the absence of any shutdowns, the Danish colorectal cancer screening program experienced only minor decreases in program participation during the COVID-19 pandemic period. This likely ensured ongoing program effectiveness in detecting early colorectal cancers and precancerous polyps. The evidence is solid, as the national screening database was used and only a small proportion of participants were excluded.

    1. eLife assessment

      This fundamental work substantially advances our understanding of the kidney interstitium and how it influences kidney development focusing on zebrafish as a model organism. The evidence supporting the conclusions is compelling, using single-cell analysis combined with in vivo zebrafish studies to mechanistically explore the functional importance of the discovery. The work will be of broad interest to cell and developmental biologists as well as the kidney community.

    1. eLife assessment

      Tan and colleagues studied synaptic transmission, presynaptic protein levels, and synaptic ultra-structure in hippocampal cultures of mice lacking the key active-zone proteins RIM (1, 2), ELKS (1, 2), and Munc13 (1, 2). Compared to cultures lacking only RIM and ELKS, additional deletion of Munc13 results in a further decrease of synaptic Munc13-1 levels, a similar reduction of the number of docked synaptic vesicles, and a more pronounced decrease of total synaptic vesicle number. At the physiological level, these RIM-ELKS-Munc13 hextuple knockout cultures display a further decrease in the pool of release-ready synaptic vesicles with largely unchanged release probability compared with RIM-ELKS quadruple KO cultures. The results support the conclusion of the nonredundant role of Munc13 in synaptic vesicle priming. On the other hand, while the genetic removal of all six genes involved clearly require the use of conditional KO mice, the resulting outcome of the experimental design is a hypomorphic phenotype, as neurotransmitter release is still detected and this complicates the interpretation of the findings. Overall, this study reinforces the notion that synapse formation is a remarkably resilient process that occurs even under strong perturbation of presynaptic function.

    1. eLife assessment

      Overall, this is an interesting paper that explains molecular underpinnings of hair cell reprogramming. This paper could have significant implications for our understanding of how different cellular programs can dictate phenotypic outcomes such as hearing.

    1. eLife assessment

      Chemical fixation of cells is ubiquitous in microscopy. However, fixation artifacts can lead the incorrect interpretations of biological processes. In here, Irgen-Gioro et al. show that in the context of liquid condensates formed by liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), paraformaldehyde (PFA) fixation can lead to artifacts such as changes in the number, appearance, or disappearance of liquid condensates, when comparing fixed to live cells. This will be of great interest not only for those in the LLPS field but for cell biologists, in general, using fixed samples for microscopy.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript makes a major contribution to the study of early visual representation in primates by showing that intermediate cortical areas V2 and V4, as well as primary cortical area V1 (previously shown), contain orthogonal maps of orientation and spatial frequency, which are recursive across the visual field representation. This is a fundamental principle of functional mapping across the two-dimensional cortical surface that ensures and optimizes the complete representation of all combinations across two coding dimensions.

    1. eLife assessment

      Auwerx and colleagues take a new approach to mine large datasets of the intermediary molecular data between GWAS and phenotype, touncover molecular mechanisms that lead from a GWAS hit to a phenotypic effect. The approach should be of great use to all (human) geneticists. Revisions are necessary to ensure that the significant findings from this approach are understood by the bioinformatic community and that these methods can be applied generally, given that the paper's main novelty is in its approach to mine large datasets, rather than a specific, key molecular finding.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this study, the authors performed mass cytometry (CyTOF) analysis and T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing to study immune cell composition and expansion of joint-derived Tregs and non-Tregs in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). They studied different joints affected at the same time and found that the composition and functional characteristics of immune infiltrates are strikingly similar between joints within one patient. The research design of this study is appropriate and the methods used in this study are adequately described in the manuscript. The study may be potentially beneficial for the JIA treatment.

    1. eLife assessment

      This article establishes a model experimental bacterial community to represent the microbiome found in ~1/3 of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) with the goal of understanding why these infections do not respond to treatments that are effective in single-species infections. The authors show that susceptibility to the most common antibiotic used against the dominant pathogen P. aeruginosa is different when grown in this mixed community, and a mutant of this pathogen (lasR) that frequently occurs during infections alters this sensitivity. This study is significant for producing an experimental resource for the microbiology of CF, and it could be strengthened by more detailed measures of interactions between species and how the phenotypes produced by lasR alter species interactions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This competently performed retrospective analysis presents important findings concerning the clinical use of tafenoquine, a drug against Plasmodium vivax malaria. The assembly of the majority of global tafenoquine pharmacology data from clinical treatment studies provides compelling evidence in support of the drug's regimen that includes an increase in dosing, which would lead to a significant enhancement of the drug efficacy, hence a decrease in recurrent parasitemia. The manuscript could benefit from a more detailed analysis and discussion concerning the side effects of the drug affecting more susceptible populations.

    1. eLife Assessment

      The paper pushes the known preservation of ancient proteins, and their successful recovery, into the late Miocene. The results of the study also have implications for avian taxonomic classification. The findings reported in the paper are a welcome addition to the field of paleoproteomics and encourage future research on ancient proteins in deep antiquity and across various taxa. The paper will be of great interest to paleoscientists.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper deploys elegant genetic tools to understand how synapses are formed in the Drosophila central nervous system. The synaptic connections between two identified neurons in the Drosophila central nervous system are used as a system to document the role of cell ablation and activity in dendrite growth and circuit wiring. In so doing, they identify a brief window of time that appears critical for these wiring and growth decisions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This article shows how the COVID-19 pandemic affected cervical cancer screening participation in the organized screening program of Denmark. Through registry data covering the entire population, the study shows that while short-term (90 days) participation after invitation dropped, long-term (365 days) participation remained stable. These results will be of interest to public health specialists and researchers working on pandemic recovery efforts related to cancer screening worldwide.

    1. eLife assessment

      Acute inflammation in mammals activates the hypothalamic pituatary axis leading to increased glucocorticoid release, which is required to restrain the inflammatory response. However, in settings of severe or prolonged inflammation, such as that seen in sepsis, there is reduced adrenal steridogenesis. The studies described in this paper provide a plausible mechanism for adrenal resistance which develops during excessive inflammation.

    1. eLife assessment

      Neverov and colleagues analyze patterns of correlated changes of amino acids in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to identify networks of interacting positions using an improved version of the previously validated method. Identifying such patterns of co-evolution is important for a better understanding of spike-protein evolution. The evidence for the identified co-evolving pairs is solid, though the degree of certainty varies among the different identified groups of potentially interacting positions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper is expected to be of interest to systems neuroscientists in the fields of emotion, hippocampal function, and anxiety-related behavior. The authors performed recordings in ventral hippocampus and show that 1) place fields become concentrated near the open areas of a maze, 2) direction-dependent coding decreases in these open areas, and 3) ventral hippocampal population activity in the closed area can be used to predict how mice explore the open area in the immediate future. These valuable findings support a potential role for the ventral hippocampus in the exploration of anxiety-provoking environments, however, the manuscript in its current form is incomplete, with some support for the main findings but also some limitations.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a useful study exploring multi-modality brain age (structural plus resting state MRI) in people in the early stages or at risk of Alzheimer's disease. They found solid evidence that people with cognitive impairment had older-appearing brains and that older-appearing brains were related to Alzheimer's risk factors such as amyloid and tau deposition. They claim to show that the multi-modality brain age model is more accurate than a unimodal structural MRI model, though the evidence for that is incomplete.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important and fundamental, well-written and easily comprehended quantitative imaging study, analyzing the motion of endo-lysosomal compartments within axons in vivo using simultaneous multiphoton imaging in the mammalian brain. Taken together, this is a significant technical advance with interesting observations that substantively move the field forward.

    1. eLife assessment

      Hebart et al., present a new massive multi-model dataset to support the study of visual object representation, including data measured from functional magnetic resonance imaging, magnetoencephalography, and behavioral similarity judgments. The general, condition-rich design, conducted over a thoughtfully curated and sampled set of object concepts will be highly valuable to the cognitive/computational/neuroscience community, yielding data that will be amenable to many empirical questions beyond the field of visual object recognition. The dataset is accompanied by quality control evaluations as well as examples of analyses that the community can re-run and further explore for building new hypotheses that can be tested with such a rich dataset.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript from Ramírez-Flandes will be of interest to marine biologists, deep ocean ecologists, conservation biologists, and biogeographers. At times, the comparison of merely a pair of samples or sampling locales can substantially widen our view of biological and ecological systems and processes. In the case of this study, the pattern of metazoan diversity from eDNA samples from across the water columns in comparable series from two deep trench systems (to below 8000 m) is markedly different, including evidence of substantial biological diversity deep in the Atacama Trench (to a much greater extent than observed in the Kermadec Trench), contradicting existing paradigms about biodiversity potential in abyssal-hadal regions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work investigates the cellular and cerebellar origins of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) phenotypes. One human chromosome 21 gene is Pericentrin (PCNT), encoding a component of the centrosome. The authors use several models with 3 or 4 copies of human chromosome 21 (or mouse equivalents) to reveal how increasing PCNT gene dosage alters ciliogenesis and ciliary signaling.

    1. eLife assessment

      McKay, et al. describe development of a new wireless, network-enabled automated feeder system with which diet amount and schedule can be controlled across individually housed killifish. The system is constructed using open-source components and software and is amenable to manufacture by individual research groups and is highly scalable. The authors then use this system to explore dietary restriction effects on killifish lifespan and to develop an associative learning assay, two important goals in the KF /longevity field. The authors demonstrate that precise control of food allows automated investigation of lifespan extension under calorie restriction conditions. Secondly, they show an exciting modification of the system that involves only addition of a simple LED light. This modification allows use of the system in an associative learning / conditioning paradigm. Finally, using this paradigm, they demonstrate an age-dependent decline in learning.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study describes a previously unrecognized positive feedback loop between leukemic cells and stromal cells impeding normal hematopoiesis mediated by lymphotoxin produced by cancer cells and its receptor expressed in stromal cells. These valuable findings will guide future research in both basic and clinical medicine. However, additional experimental evidence including more comparator groups would have further substantiated the authors' conclusions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript characterizes the localization and function of two proteins promoting division asymmetry in developing stomata of the grass Brachypodium distachyon. The authors demonstrate that the opposing polarity domains of these proteins are linked to cell division orientation. While both proteins have been studied previously in other systems, there was no prior evidence of cooperative functions in a single cell type, as shown here. With further clarification of some of the localization findings, this study will be of strong interest to plant cell biologists and those interested in asymmetric cell division generally.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides compelling evidence for the involvement of RAM pathway in the survival of C. neoformans in high CO2 concentrations. The work is important to understand how this fungus adapts to the high CO2 concentrations in host tissues. The experimental approach combines genetic and biochemical approaches to explore a complex topic that is of essential for cryptococcal pathogenesis.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors re-analyzed a previously published dataset and identify patterns suggestive of increased bacterial biodiversity in the gut may creating new niches that lead to gene loss in a focal species and promote generation of more diversity. Two limitations are (i) that sequencing depth may not be sufficient to analyze strain-level diversity and (ii) that the evidence is exclusively based on correlations, and the observed patterns could also be explained by other eco-evolutionary processes. The claims should be supported by a more detailed analysis, and alternative hypotheses that the results do not fully exclude should be discussed. Understanding drivers of diversity in natural microbial communities is an important question that is of central interest to biomedically oriented microbiome scientists, microbial ecologists and evolutionary biologists.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper is of broad interest to infer the causal effect of exposures on outcomes. It proposed an interesting idea for the identification of risk factors amongst highly correlated traits in a Mendelian randomization paradigm. The intuition for this method is clearly presented. However, critical details about implementation are missing and its application is not sufficiently demonstrated in the current form.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript is relevant to experimental and theoretical neuroscientists interested in the trade-off between chaos and reliability in the brain, and may also pique the interest of the machine learning community, particularly those seeking to understand the computational capacity of recurrent neural networks. The findings are valuable, with practical and theoretical implications for this subfield. Using a spiking neural network model firmly anchored in experimental data from the turtle brain, the authors examine the reliability and flexibility of spike train sequences and determine the differential roles of strong and weak connections. The results show clearly that strong but sparse connections in a sub-network can produce a highly reliable response to single spikes, with reliability and multiplexing across sub-networks controlled by weak connectivity. The strength of evidence for the claims is convincing, using appropriate and validated methodology in line with current state-of-the-art.

    1. eLife assessment

      This report illustrates the marked alteration of red blood cell (RBC) morphology that occurs with COVID-19 infection. Of particular importance is the observation that RBC morphology is dramatically affected whether cells are suspended in plasma from healthy vs COVID-infected blood. The claims of the manuscript are well supported by the data, and the approaches used are thoughtful and rigorous. The results are important for consideration of the broader pathophysiology of COVID-19, particularly with regard to the impact on vascular biology.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper directly estimates the fitness cost of loss-of-function mutations in almost every gene in the human genome, providing an interpretable measure of the severity of mutations. The authors then compare datasets of presumably healthy individuals and individuals affected by severe complex disorders or genetic disorders, finding enrichment of de novo loss-of-function mutations in highly constrained genes among probands alongside other illuminating results. This important study will be useful to researchers interested in interpreting and prioritizing disease-causing mutations and in the process of human evolution. Overall, the approach is elegant and the results are of high quality and compelling.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this manuscript, the authors address the variable results and data regarding the role of the FAAH variant (C385A at the nucleotide level and P129T at the protein level) in the control of feeding. The authors hypothesize that the variable results might be due to the environmental context, specifically stress related conditions. They designed studies to address the role of glucocorticoids in regulating feeding and metabolism.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this study the authors show that neural tuning for object orientation in IT is unaffected by whole-body tilt, suggesting that neurons are encoding objects relative to the gravitational vertical. However, these observations could also be because IT neurons may encode object orientation relative to cues and not due to gravity, or due to dynamic, compensatory torsional eye movements made by the animals. With these concerns adequately addressed, this would be an important study showing that IT neurons may play a role not only in object recognition but more broadly in physical scene understanding.

    1. eLife assessment

      This fundamental work reveals a novel direct projection from the lateral entorhinal cortex to the medial entorhinal cortex. Using multiple techniques, the authors provide compelling evidence that fan cells from the lateral entorhinal cortex project to superficial neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex. This newly identified connection may support the combination of spatial inputs with sensory or high-order signals, providing novel insight into potentially how the 'what' (lateral entorhinal cortex) and 'where' (medial entorhinal cortex) features of memory are incorporated.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper will be of interest to those studying DNA replication in the context of chromatin and development. This important study uncovers a new interaction partner for the chromatin protein SuUR and tries to understand how this complex (SUMM4) functions to control under-replication in polytene chromosomes. While the experiments are of high quality and carefully controlled, the data currently do not fully support all the conclusions, particularly as they relate to conclusions about DNA replication timing.

    1. eLife Assessment

      In this manuscript, Sell et al., investigate the role of the long non-coding RNA H19 in regulating cellular senescence. Using several cell models they identify upstream and downstream effectors of H19 including let-7 and EZH2. The advances in this work include the identification of a specific cascade of factors connecting H19, senescence and the actions of rapamycin.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a valuable finding that adds to a growing body of evidence reporting heritable cell states that can guide fate choices in single cells, in this case the fate of early IFN-I response. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although testing the generalizability of the result to other cell types or contexts and strengthening the link to epigenetic regulation would have strengthened the study. Overall, this work will be of interest to a wide set of scientists, including cell biologists, immunologists, and systems biologists.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study reports cryo-EM structures of human ferroportin (FPN), a protein essential for iron transport in humans. This manuscript will be of interest to researchers studying membrane transport mechanisms as well as to those interested in drug design. The structures detail interactions between FPN and the small-molecule inhibitor vamifeport, which is currently in clinical trials for sickle cell disease, and ta new (occluded) protein conformation that is stabilized by a sybody (a nanobody selected from a synthetic library) is identified. Evidence for the mechanism of inhibition by vamifeport is convincing, but evidence for the physiological relevance of the occluded conformation is still incomplete.

    1. Aral Balkan's personal (single-user) Mastodon instance costs him ~50 EUR per month to run.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript is extremely useful for describing an R package that provides a valuable pattern and overlay framework for producing colorblind-friendly scatter plots for the field. The utility of this tool for making plots more accessible was demonstrated compellingly. This work will be of broad interest to many biomedical scientists, especially to viewers with color-vision deficiency.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors investigate the cost and benefits of maintaining seemingly redundant multiple copies of the translation machinery components. The authors demonstrate that while redundant multiple copies are beneficial in a nutrient-rich environment, maintaining these extra copies is costly and deleterious in a nutrient-poor environment. This explains why copy numbers of translation machinery genes are under selection according to the environmental niche an organism occupies. The work is very important and the findings exciting and supported by compelling evidence. In particular, the fitness gain upon deletion of translation genes in poor conditions is an insightful observation.

    1. eLife assessment

      Giesberg and colleagues provide evidence both in yeast and human cells that fast elongation speeds of RNA polymerases result in a "downstream-shifted" poly(A) profile while the opposite is true for slower speeds of elongating polymerases. GC content of sequences downstream of poly(A) clusters influences the cluster profiles by affecting elongation and thus allowing more time for the 3'-cleavage complex to find the poly(A) site and form the transcript terminus. Although the findings presented in this manuscript are not surprising, they are new and contribute a missing piece to our knowledge of how the transcription machinery determines which poly(A) site to utilize at the end of genes.

    1. eLife assessment

      As shown by the authors, the focal adhesion protein, kindlin-2, plays an essential role in liver development in that its genetic inactivation leads to severe fibrosis and death in young mice. This lethality is attributed to increased liver inflammation and cell death. This work will be of interest to readers studying mechanisms of liver development and pathological fibrosis.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors use a clever experimental design and approach to tackle an important set of questions in the field of decision-making. From this work, the authors have a number of intriguing results. However, questions remain regarding the extent to which a number of alternative models and interpretations, not considered in the paper, could account for the observed effects.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors report that, in the murine liver, intermittent fasting alters the homeostatic regenerative programme. This has fundamental implications for the use of murine models to study liver regeneration and cancer and highlights through a series of solid mechanistic studies the role of FGF/Wnt signalling interactions in modulating fasted associated regeneration. It opens up further questions as to why this occurs, how this is beneficial to adapting to a fasting state, and the potential for translation.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study, supported by reasonably solid evidence, will be of interest to breast cancer researchers. The finding that EHD2 promotes tumor growth and impacts store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) adds to our understanding of breast cancer cell physiology. If supported by further research, the study provides a rationale for using SOCE inhibitors in a subset of breast cancers, with high expression of EHD2 serving as a potential predictive biomarker for using SOCE inhibitors.

    1. eLife assessment

      The paper will be of interest to cognitive neuroscientists in the field of spatial navigation as well as to systems neuroscientists interested in neural representations. Using simultaneous electrophysiological recordings in the anterior thalamus and the retrosplenial cortex, the study investigates the coordination of neurons coding for the head direction in this thalamocortical network. Environmental manipulations led to a near-synchronous update of the head direction signal encoded by the two populations. Further data analysis is needed to support the main claim of the study.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper, which provides useful information on the assembly of volume-regulated anions channels formed by LRRC8 proteins, will be of interest scientists in the field of ion channels. The authors report the structure of a LRRC8C-LRRC8A chimera with native functional properties as a heptameric complex with a lipid-filled pore. This is very interesting and well-presented work, but the evidence supporting the physiological relevance of the heptameric assembly and the hypothesized role of lipids is still incomplete.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important study that resolves a controversy about a proposed molecular linkage between the fields of mechanobiology and RNA signaling. While prior research had claimed that a specific mechanosensitive ion channel in the gut responds to a specific fecal RNA, this study provides compelling evidence that the mechanosensitive ion channel does not respond to the RNA.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper will interest neuroscientists working in the field(s) of basal ganglia, amygdala, and fear learning. Overall this is an important study that examines the contribution of an understudied brain region to fear conditioning in male subjects. Some conclusions will benefit from additional verification and evaluation of the specificity of the findings to the amygdala-striatal transition zone relative to adjacent regions.

    1. eLife assessment

      The fluorescently tagged SYT-1 mouse line will be useful for the field. Importantly, the authors used a comprehensive set of immunohistochemical and physiological experiments to demonstrate that the fluorescence tagging did not alter the function of SYT-1. These are important control experiments that will make the strain useful for physiological experiments in the future. However, the advance of this manuscript is less clear.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper provides important evidence for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer screening for breast, cervix, and colorectal cancer in Italy. The authors compared Invitation and examination coverage, as well as conducted telephone interviews, investigated the population screening test coverage, before and during the pandemic, according to educational attainment, perceived economic difficulties and citizenship. Their findings convincingly show that the lockdown and pandemic restrictions caused delays in screening activities but particularly increased the pre-existing individual and geographical inequalities in access.

    1. eLife assessment

      The paper describes an online tool, CausalCell, intended for the analysis of causal links in single-cell datasets. Regarding its significance, this work is timely and important, with potentially broad applications as a generally useful tool. However, there are major concerns about the suitability of the tool for its intended purpose, and the extent of validation in the current manuscript is incomplete.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper provides valuable evidence for a weakening of the association between cognitive ability and height from 1957 to 2018 in the UK. The authors find the strength of the association declined over this time frame. These associations were further attenuated after accounting for proxy measures of social class. This paper is a solid contribution to debates about how genetic, environmental, and social factors have affected the joint distribution of height and cognitive ability over the last 60 years.

    1. eLife assessment:

      This study by Li et al describes an interesting attempt to predict the functional status of the p53 tumor suppressor in tumors where no DNA mutations in p53 could be identified. To this end, the authors employed SVM models to train the algorithm for the detection of 'p53 inactivation' features contrasting normal and tumor tissues. The approach could be a valuable tool for attributing tumors with unknown p53 status. The authors provide solid evidence supporting their findings and the concept of the study is solid, but in its current formulation, some of the bioinformatic analyses are incomplete, particularly related to the selection of associated genes and the potential mechanism(s).

    1. eLife assessment

      NOX2 is the most well-studied member of the NADPH oxidase family, membrane enzymes that produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the proper function of NOX2 is critical for innate immunity against pathogens in mammals. This study reports a high-resolution structure of the NOX2-p22 complex, providing valuable information for a mechanistic understanding of NOX2 activation at the molecular level.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this study, Hung et al. address the biology and therapy of chondrosarcoma. The authors provided high-quality data that uncovered a new signaling axis, EZH2/hSULF1/c-Met, that promotes chondrosarcoma growth and progress. The authors also reported evidence showing that c-Met inhibition may be a plausible treatment option for chondrosarcoma. The findings are novel and translational and are of interest to cancer biologists and oncologists.

    1. eLife assessment

      Sodium selenate reduced seizures when administered after initiation of epilepsy, complementing earlier work showing efficacy if administered before initiation. The novelty of the results is not much more than the earlier study. Sodium selenate reduced phospho-tau and increased PP2A protein expression, and reversed TLE-associated telomere-shortening. However, whether these effects were critical to the reduced seizures is not clear. Finally, proteome and metabolome data from the animal model of epilepsy is discussed and provide initial insights into the effects of sodium selenate treatment on molecular pathology, however, the data are not well developed so revisions along these lines will be important so conclusions can be made.

    1. eLife Assessment:

      Predicting the effect of mutations on protein stability is important both for protein engineering and for helping to decipher the effects of genetic and clinical mutations. The machine learning methodology introduce here is timely in view of the millions of AlphaFold model structures that are now becoming available, which could hypothetically be examined through approaches such as this one. The methodology presented is valuable, but the manuscript would benefit from a substantial amount of comparative data to provide more compelling evidence for the validity of the methods.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript addresses the mechanism of ligand specificity of odorant receptors (OR) through mutational analyses and structure prediction. The authors identify a single amino acid substitution that switches ligand specificity between two olfactory receptors. Obtaining structures of OR complexes has been challenging, so such an approach is valuable and will be of interest to scientists within the fields of chemical ecology and sensory neuroscience.

    1. eLife assessment

      The manuscript makes an important contribution to understanding the roles of the bee host and microbiome in degrading amygdalin, a dietary secondary metabolite. Several bacterial strains and their enzymes responsible for the deglycosylation of amygdalin are identified. Conclusions are reached convincingly through a comprehensive combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments including gene-expression analysis, proteomics, HPLC-MS, and the use of recombinant E. coli to test enzyme function. As the consequences of microbial-derived amygdalin metabolisation on host health remain uncertain from the experiments conducted, the manuscript could be improved through a clearer discussion of future work needed and in parts more careful wording to not prematurely suggest benefits to the host.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper is of potential interest to neuroscientists expert in cortical circuitry and behavioral role of neuron types. The imaging technique used permitted to detect a specific group of cortical neurons known as vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-expressing interneurons from several cortical regions with high temporal resolution. The main message conveyed by this manuscript is that many VIP-expressing interneurons respond to reward and punishment but also show regional differences. The conclusions drawn are generally supported by the data, but some claims and interpretations require further attention and clarification.

    1. eLife assessment

      This large-scale collaborative study is a timely contribution that will be of interest to researchers working in the fields of infectious disease forecasting and epidemic control. This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the predictive skills of real-time COVID-19 forecasting models in Europe. The conclusions of the paper are well supported by the data and are consistent with findings from studies in other countries.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this valuable contribution, the authors apply an artificial intelligence method to predict the three-dimensional structure of complexes of outer membrane proteins of the Gram-negative bacterium E. coli. Some of the cases presented are compelling, as they explain previously published biochemical data and/or reproduce existing structural data.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors provided strong evidence that the Fusarium oxysporum effector protein FolSpv1 enhances virulence by targeting tomato SlPR1 and preventing the generation of the SlPR1-derived phytocytokine CAPE1, which otherwise positively regulates disease resistance in tomato plants. Strikingly, they show that FolSpv1 translocates SlPR1 from the apoplast back into the nucleus of tomato cell, suggesting a previously unknown mechanism employed by pathogenic microbes.

    1. eLife assessment

      The work, which examines how Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs), commonly found in processed and other cooked foods, affect eating behavior and signaling in the nematode C. elegans, is in a fundamentally important area of research with clear translational potential for humans. Some aspects of the manuscript are compelling, including the well-characterized assays on food intake, while other aspects are still incomplete, such as the mechanistic work on the neural network responsible for the response to AGEs.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important and timely characterization of a diversity of behaviors male and female rats exhibit during the acquisition of Pavlovian fear conditioning in a conditioned suppression procedure. The data are compelling and provide an exhaustive analysis of behavior in a complex associative learning paradigm that blends aversive Pavlovian and appetitive instrumental elements. The generalizability of these findings to other paradigms could be enhanced, however, with the inclusion of tests of cue responses in a neutral environment. These findings are likely to be of interest to those who study fear conditioning and associative learning more broadly in rodents.

    1. eLife assessment

      Primates perceive and detect stimuli differently depending on the stimulus context in which they are embedded, and have a remarkable ability to understand the way in which objects and parts of objects are embedded in natural scenes (scene segmentation). An example of this is figure-ground segmentation, a well documented phenomenon resulting in a "pop-out" of a figure region and corresponding enhanced neural firing rates in visual areas. It is unknown whether mice show similar behavioral and neural signatures as primates. The present study suggests that mice show different segmentation behavior than primates, lacking texture-invariant segmentation of figures and corresponding neural correlates. This reveals a fundamental difference between primates and mice important for researchers working on these species and researchers studying scene segmentation. The findings are further interpreted in terms of neural network architectures (feedforward networks) and are relevant for this field too.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study modeled monkeys' behavior in a stimulus-response rule-learning task to show that animals can adopt mixed strategies involving inference for learning latent states and incremental updating for learning action-outcome associations. The task is cleverly designed, the modeling is rigorous, and importantly there are clear distinctions in the behavior generated by different models, which makes the authors' conclusions convincing. The study makes a strong contribution overall, however, there were aspects of the design that were unclear and some alternative accounts that were not considered.

    1. eLife assessment

      It's been widely known that the amino acid Glycine can work as a cytoprotectant and inhibit pyroptosis-associated plasma membrane rupture. However, a long-standing question has been: how does Glycine cytoprotection work? The authors observed that Glycine treatment phenocopied deficiency of NINJ1 (a recently reported cell surface molecule critical for plasma membrane rupture), and can inhibit aggregation of NINJ1. Understanding the intrinsic mechanism by which Glycine affects NINJ1 could provide a significant advance in the cell death field.

    1. eLife assessment

      The study by Kim et al. combines extracellular recordings from olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in locusts with computational modelling approaches to investigate the dynamics of odour responses. The authors demonstrate that OSN responses can be grouped into four distinct response motifs, with OSNs showing different motifs in an odour-dependent manner. Using computational modelling the authors provide some evidence that these diverse response motifs expand the coding space and could facilitate odour discrimination and navigation. This study can be of high relevance to both experimental and theoretical neuroscientists investigating odour coding and odour-driven behaviours such as navigation. In its present form, while the experimental data and analysis are of the highest quality, the modelling part needs to be expanded to fully support the experimental measurements.

    1. eLife assessment

      The interesting manuscript shows that breast cancer cells that are poorly migratory in culture can be more metastatic in mice. This is due, at least in part, to the secretion of extracellular vesicles containing the the crosslinking enzyme Transglutaminase-2, which can activate fibroblasts in the tumours. These fibroblasts can then promote metastatic phenotypes. This study demonstrates how cancer cells can manipulate the cells around them in order to disseminate.

    1. eLife assessment

      Hearing is mediated by hair cells in the cochlea, which synapse onto the primary dendrites of the auditory nerve. This study shows how deletion of a postsynaptic glutamate receptor subtype strongly influences inner hair cell-spiral ganglion cell synapse formation. Thus pre- and post-synaptic changes are dynamically intertwined, providing insights into how pathological outcomes arise from synaptic perturbations.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper should be of broad interest to developmental biologists who seek to understand spatiotemporal control of myosin-based force generation during tissue morphogenesis during early development. The central conclusions are well-grounded in rigorous quantitative data analysis and modeling. The results challenge current views of how gene expression patterns control myosin II anisotropies and provide new testable hypotheses on the role and importance of tissue geometry.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors identify co-deletion of the mitochondrial AAA+ ATPase ATAD1 with the tumor suppressor PTEN as a factor modifying cancer prognosis, based on a new mechanism of increasing sensitivity to proteotoxic stress induced by proteasome inhibition. The authors also identify the mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH5 as a gene whose deletion is synthetically lethal with ATAD1. These findings suggest that the use of proteasome-targeting agents may be useful in patients with tumors dually deleted for ATAD1 and PTEN. The study is based on convincing evidence, and makes an innovative contribution to the understanding of the biology of tumors with 10q23 deletions.

    1. eLife Assessment

      This report describes evidence that the main driving force for stimulation of glycolysis in dentate granule cell neurons in acute hippocampal slices from mouse by electrical activity comes from influx of Na+ including Na+ exchanging into the cell for Ca2+. The findings are presented very clearly and the authors' interpretations seem reasonable. This is important and impactful because it identifies the major energy demand in excited neurons that stimulates glycolysis to supply more ATP.

    1. eLife assessment

      This well-presented and sophisticated study provides significant proof-of-concept for the application of the ForensOMICS approach as a new pathway for forensic taphonomy with great promise to advance future research. The solid foundation of the research combining metabolomics, proteomics, and lipidomics is considered very exciting, strong, and expands the boundaries of forensics research.

    1. eLife assessment

      The transcription factor DUX4 is emerging as a key molecule in early mammalian development and in diverse pathologies including muscular dystrophy and solid tumors. While DUX4 has been linked to immune evasion, the mechanisms have not been delineated. In this study, the authors demonstrate that DUX4 functions as a negative regulator of interferon signaling by inhibiting STAT1, thereby suppressing interferon-stimulated gene induction. These studies provide a critical mechanistic link between DUX4 expression and the modulation of immune signaling pathways.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript contains fundamental work on hormonal and neurobiological processing of social experience in humans. It sheds compelling new light on potential mechanisms underlying how humans place social experiences in context, demonstrating how oxytocin and cortisol might interact to modulate higher-level processing and contextualizing of familiar vs. stranger encounters.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this important manuscript the authors use a powerful cross-specifies approach and cutting-edge experimental methods to examine possible shifts in the excitatory and inhibitory balance in both an animal model of Parkinsonism and in human patients with Parkinson's disease. Their solid findings support such a shift, wherein untreated Parkinson's disease is characterized by excessive activity in the subthalamic nucleus. While a strong paper, there are concerns with some of the methodological choices and their implications.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this important study, the authors examine transport and synaptic activity in the corticostriatal circuit in both microfluidic devices and in mice. They convincingly show that the Huntingtin protein regulates the anterograde transport of synaptic vesicle precursors in coordination with the molecular motor KIF1A. Activated Huntingtin recruits KIF1A, accelerates synaptic vesicle precursor's transport, modifies synaptic transmission and motor skill learning in mice. This work sheds new light on the role of axonal transport in synaptic function under physiological and pathological conditions related to Huntington's disease.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents an atlas of glial cell morphology in Drosophila, from distinct locations at different periods of life. The authors integrate morphological information with the transcriptomic signatures of those cells and find that morphological diversity among glial cells of a given class is not a strong predictor of transcriptional identity. The study is of great value as connecting morphology with scRNA sequencing analysis is rarely done and is a necessary step for understanding the underlying biology of these cells. While the weak morphotype-transcriptomic link in many cases may be due to low sequencing resolution, nonetheless, the data are of very high quality and the study will be a very useful resource for the glial biology field.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript proposes that metformin protects against elevated intraocular pressure and oxidative injury by regulating cytoskeleton remodeling through the integrin/ROCK pathway, thus providing a new direction for further exploration toward the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma as well as investigation of oxidative injury in multiple settings.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work is of high relevance to developmental and quantitative biologists with an interest in morphogen-mediated position decoding. A general mathematical model formulation is presented that is nevertheless accessible to a broad audience. Model tests via perturbation experiments in the Drosophila wing disc look promising and inspire a new round of data generation.

  2. Oct 2022
    1. eLife assessment

      Using a heterologous model system of budding yeast, authors find that nuclear translocation of beta-catenin is mediated by Kap104, the ortholog of Transportin (TNPO)1/2. A TNPO1 binding motif was identified in the C-terminal region of beta-catenin, which serves as a nuclear localization signal, and mutation of the motif inhibits beta-catenin mediated transcription. The manuscript serves as a staring point to study how much this motif contributes to nuclear localization of full-length beta-catenin in mammalian cells and to assess whether inhibiting TNPO1 interaction can reduce hyperactivation of beta-catenin signaling.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript puts forward a new idea that topography in neural networks helps to remove noise from inputs. The authors show that there is a critical level of topography that is needed for network to denoise inputs. At present, the analysis is limited to inputs that are constant in time.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is an important paper reporting that an adenosine methyltransferase in the model plant Arabidopsis functions to target a key RNA component of the spliceosome, as in fission yeast, and thereby contributes to intron recognition. By contrast, the authors report no major role for the methyltransferase in targeting mRNAs, as reported in previous studies in Arabidopsis. While some of the evidence is convincing, other evidence is incomplete. The conclusions that mRNAs are not a significant target and that specific intronic sequences define sensitivity to the methyltransferase require additional support.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study delineates the transcriptomics of lung neuroendocrine cells and provides important new information on the nature of these cells in normal mouse lungs and in a sample of a human lung carcinoid. It will inform future studies investing the roles of PNECs in health and disease.

    1. eLife assessment

      Dhurhandar and colleagues developed a computational method that predicts discriminability of odor mixtures based on chemical structures of component molecules. The model first transforms chemical structures into natural language descriptions of odor, and then perform Lasso regressions to obtain a compact transformation into discriminability. The results suggest that the model performs better compared to that without transformation to language descriptions, yet, there are some issues that need to be addressed to make strong conclusions.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study applies AlphaFold to the CHESS selection of transcripts with the goal of generating predicted 3D protein structures and a quality measure of folding, the pLDDT score. From these data, the authors build a database for result exploration, documented by several examples, including proteins, where the authors propose the pLDDT score as a measure of presumed superior biological functionality over other isoforms. These results will be highly relevant for anyone working with proteins that occur in different isoforms.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study reveals the role of polygenic scores for four commonly diagnosed cancers with high genetic predisposition (breast, prostate, colorectal, and lung) in East Asian populations, which is developed in participants of European descent. The data is convincing that is derived from a prospective cohort including 21,694 Singaporean participants of East Asian descent. The work will be of interest and provide great help to disease specialists in the field.

    1. eLife assessment

      In learning to walk, infants must balance the need to explore their movement repertoire with the need to establish regular movement patterns. Using a longitudinal approach, this paper suggests that while young infants generate high variability from a small number of regular patterns ('primitives'), older infants use a greater number of primitives with less variability. These interesting conclusions are not currently fully supported by the small and somewhat selective sample of data, and some alternative explanations need to be considered more thoroughly.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper will be of interest to those studying retinal angiogenesis and endothelial cell biology. The authors performed rigorous data analysis and presented a logical, well-written report. The key conclusions of the manuscript are supported by the data and uncover a novel factor for retinal endothelial cell growth.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study takes a fresh view of the hypothesis that right inferior frontal gyrus is critical in inhibitory control in humans, as assessed by the widely-used stop signal task. It applies recent development in modeling and EEG measures in patients with focal brain damage, yielding causal insights. It will be of interest to neuroscientists and clinical researchers who study the brain basis of response control. Reviewers found this to be a strong, hypothesis-driven study that makes new progress on an important topic.

    1. eLife assessment

      This manuscript reports data consistent with a new and unanticipated phenomenon: that Cre or its mRNA may be transmitted between tissues in the mouse and that the male reproductive tract (epididymis) appears to be the most common target of such transported molecules. The data serve as a timely warning to mouse researchers about an unexpected complication of Cre-mediated gene manipulation.

    1. eLife assessment

      Type II topoisomerases are essential players in virtually every aspect of genome organization and function of all organisms. The in vitro data presented here clearly demonstrate that eukaryotic type II topoisomerases phase separate under physiological conditions, forming liquid-liquid condensates, and that the outcomes of type topoisomerase II activity on DNA are altered in these condensates. The experiments and methods are sound, clearly described, and fully support the insightful and carefully formulated interpretation of the data. This work has broad implications for dissecting and delineating the myriad fundamental roles of this centrally important molecule.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study reports an interesting analysis of evolutionary variation in forelimb/hand bone shapes in relation to functional and developmental variation along the proximo-distal axis. The authors found expected and compelling patterns of evolutionary shape variation along the proximo-distal axis but less expected, yet equally compelling, patterns of shape integration. This paper will be of interest to researchers working on macroevolutionary patterns and sources of morphological diversity.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study builds upon previous results of the authors to study the neural computations within the basal ganglia that support behavioral proactive inhibition. Here, the authors identify features of neural activity in the SNr that correlate with proactive inhibition, including changes in firing rate and neural variability, and how both of these variables are influenced by an animal's outcome history. The analyses are rigorous and provide important insights into the neural dynamics in the basal ganglia that support proactive inhibition.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper by Einarsson and colleagues presents a comprehensive analysis on how human genetic variability impacts both gene expression and promoter. Using a new resource of CAGE data in lymphoblastoid cell lines from 108 individuals, they uncover a series of features that distinguish promoters with highly variable expression across individuals from those exhibiting low variability. The authors propose various explanations for the observed results. A few additional analyses and a more pragmatic interpretation of their data may help consolidate or refine the models proposed.

    1. eLife assessment

      Seipin is a multifunctional Endoplasmic Reticulum localised protein associated with seemingly unrelated human diseases. Here the authors establish a correlation between the expression of a particular mutant form of Seipin associated in humans with motor neuron disease and altered intracellular calcium dynamics and allied proteotoxic stress. The paper is noted for the clues it provides into how these cellular defects arise and for offering a plausible, but yet unproven hypothesis for the cellular pathology that may account for the human disease phenotype.

    1. eLife assessment

      Dingus et al. have developed an innovative approach for improving the intracellular stability of nanobodies. Working with a set of 75 nanobodies, the authors have identified key amino acid changes that can improve the stability of nanobodies expressed within the cell that might be generalized to other nanobodies.

    1. eLife assessment

      The replication protein A (RPA) plays a critical role in DNA replication, DNA repair, and recombination by interacting with various proteins. This paper describes the structure of an N-terminus OB-fold of the 70kD subunit of human replication protein A (RPA70N or DNA-binding domain-F) bound to peptides from five different proteins, HELB, ATRIP, BLM, RMI1, and WRN. This paper provides useful knowledge regarding the structural flexibility of RPA70N in the binding to the different interacting peptides. The structural and biochemical analyses of the interaction of RPA70N with the different peptides provide solid evidence for the presented conclusion. The work will be of interest to those studying DNA replication, recombination and repair.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides new experimental data and detailed modeling of the partitioning of low copy plasmids under the control of the ParABS system in bacteria. The dynamics of the partition complex is tracked over many generations, providing useful data to constrain the models. The authors propose a model which can manifest either regular positioning or oscillations depending on the model parameters. The research will be of interest to biologists and biophysicists interested in cellular dynamics and internal organization in bacteria.

    1. eLife assessment

      This high-quality study characterizes a key enzyme in asexual red blood stages of the malaria parasites that is used to salvage lipid precursors needed for membrane biogenesis and parasite growth in red blood cells. A previously identified glycerophosphodiesterase (PfGDPD), is shown to mediate the hydrolysis of host lyso-phosphatidycholine to generate choline, which in turn is required for parasite de novo phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Extensive analysis of the localization, growth phenotype and lipidomic profiles of PfGDPD deficient parasites indicate that this salvage pathway is essential for lipid homeostasis and asexual parasite development.

    1. eLife assessment

      Jneid et al find that an entomopathogenic strain of B. thuringiensis and its Cry1A toxins, which are widely used to combat lepidopteran pests, disrupt intestinal epithelial homeostasis in Drosophila-an insect that is generally considered non-suceptible. They demonstrate that the Cry1A toxins act by altering E-cadherin-based adhesion between intestinal stem cells and their new progeny. The findings carry potential implications for unintended, broad effects of B. thuringiensis in agricultural settings.

    1. eLife assessment

      This work, which will be of interest to scientists in the field of hematology and ubiquitin biology, identifies previously unrecognized functions and regulatory mechanisms of an E3 ubiquitin ligase during erythrocyte progenitor maintenance and differentiation. This work has the potential to reveal that the exchange of scaffold proteins of a modular E3 ligase can have an effect on cell fate and reveal a novel mechanism of E2 enzyme regulation during differentiation. However, additional work is needed to support the major claims.

    1. eLife assessment

      This paper describes the anatomy of important fossil remains of the dwarf dinosaur Europasaurus, providing compelling evidence for precociality. Only a handful of papers provide detailed information on sauropod neuroanatomy - as such this paper will be of interest to a relatively wide range of researchers, in particular vertebrate palaeontologists, and comparative anatomists.

    1. eLife assessment

      The manuscript is of broad interest in the field of muscle physiology and structure. The authors developed nanobodies against different domains of the giant Drosophila proteins Sallimus and Projectin, which are titin homologs, and used them to define their organization along sarcomeres of distinct fly muscles. This is an important contribution to understand the functional architecture of the muscle; it suggests that in invertebrates two proteins fulfil the role of the vertebrate titin in bridging the A-band and the I-band.

      This manuscript was co-submitted with: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.13.488177v1

    1. eLife assessment

      This work provides valuable knowledge to the ongoing research to establish an algorithm to shorten the duration of hepatitis C therapy with direct-acting antivirals. This is an important study that is a nice addition to previous reports evaluating the utility of response-guided therapy for shortening the duration of HCV treatment. Given the disease burden and the high costs of treatment, especially in low-income countries, this is a major goal that was also advocated by the WHO. Although the main objective (shortening therapy to 4 weeks) was not adequately achieved (<90% success rate), the study's results may suggest that re-treatment in case of failure is safe and efficient, although further studies with a larger number of patients are needed for confirmation.

    1. eLife assessment

      Igf2 and H19 are the two best-studied imprinted genes in mice. Taking advantage of the varying levels of H19 and Igf2 expression in three existing mouse models, the authors dissect the role of H19 and Igf2 in cardiac and placental development. Their findings suggest that an accurate dosage of both H19 and Igf2 is critical for normal embryonic development, especially the development of the heart and placenta. The work is of interest to colleagues studying imprinting as well as mammalian development.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors find a significant and unexpected consequence of hypoxia in lung fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells - decreased lactate production - a finding that is important in the field of pulmonary hypertension. Additional orthogonal assessments of lactate production will strengthen the conclusions put forward.

    1. eLife assessment

      The authors present very exciting findings on the cranial bone defect repair using cutting-edge multiphoton imaging to study the role of different vessel subtypes and related oxygen and metabolic microenvironments. The study used microscopy to visualize the oxygen distribution and energy metabolism within the defects at different time points during the process of bone healing. This allows one to understand the pathophysiological progressions of bone diseases and regeneration. It will also provide critical information to optimize the therapeutic bone healing and regeneration approach for different clinical situations.

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      Wang, Carlson, and colleagues investigate sensory adaptations in the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii, which prefers ripe over overripe fruit. This study focuses on changes in sensory pathways for sugars and food texture, which may contribute to ecological shifts. Several interesting physiological and molecular adaptations are observed in D. suzukii, but it remains unclear whether these observed changes account for behavioral changes.

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      This study addresses a fundamental question about the origin and evolution of selfish genetic elements, focusing on the paradoxical abundance of toxin-antidote elements in selfing Caenorhabditis species. The authors propose for the C. elegans peel-1 zeel-1 locus fitness advantages; if these the findings can be supported with additional data, they will be of considerable interest to the field due to their wider implications for the evolution of such systems.

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      The purpose of the study was to evaluate the transcription factor NF-kB, a common transcription factor that is thought to mediate muscle atrophy, in the setting of a rotator cuff injury. The authors used gain of function and loss of function NF-kB inhibitors to show that, surprisingly, NF-kB does not seem to be a major mediator of muscle atrophy in this model (as compared to other atrophy models), but there are sex-related differences. They found that male mice were more likely to have atrophy regulated by autophagy, both of which are interesting, novel findings.

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      This manuscript presents a valuable framework and blueprint for the study, in artificial systems, of the principles and mechanisms that underlie proprioception in biological systems. Using artificial neural networks trained on synthetic hand movement data, the authors present solid, albeit incomplete, evidence that action recognition can explain important features of the mechanisms that underlie proprioception in biological systems. Experiments with architectures trained using losses that, in addition to action, take into account velocity and/or other states, could strengthen the authors' findings.

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      This paper is of interest to a broad audience of cell biologists, and researchers who work with cultured endothelial cells. The work uncovers the impact of culture conditions on transcriptional changes of endothelial cells and demonstrates that some of these changes can be recovered by sheer forces or coculture. The authors provide valuable datasets which will be a good resource for the community.

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      This manuscript provides a valuable and policy-relevant contribution to our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 viral kinetics in the Omicron era. The authors exploit a rich and unique dataset from the National Basketball Association to describe post-infection viral kinetics and explore evidence for differential kinetics by immune history and demographics. The authors show (as others have) that most people remain with high viral loads 5 days post positive test (though less so in groups who are tested in a more realistic manner), and that older individuals and those who were boosted (but had a poor initial response to the primary vaccine series) were more likely to remain with high viral loads longer after an Omicron infection, while also describing rebound frequencies after Omicron infections.

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      In peripheral nerve injury, an immune response occurs to ensure debris clean-up and potential repair, however, there has not yet been a census of cell types and gene expression as these lesions undergo clearance and eventual repair. Zhao et al generate a transcriptional resource by performing scRNAseq on both the naive, injured, and repairing sciatic nerve. They identify the composition of different cell types, gene signatures, and cell-cell communication and contrast these with signatures from the blood, and compare the injured site with distal nerve segments after injury. To dissociate the immune response from injury versus Wallerian degeneration, they use SARM1 KO mice (which exhibits delayed neurodegeneration) and observe that there is still injury-induced immune influx. Overall, this is a convincing study and useful resource for the field of neuronal repair and neural-immune interactions with a clear presentation of the animals and time points, with some follow-up experiments and validation.

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      This manuscript uses large-scale neural imaging and network models to show how spontaneous dynamics emerge in such ensembles and how such activity influences behavior. It is a strong addition to the field for explaining many of the observed neural activity patterns and their heterogeneities.

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      This paper will be of interest to scientists working on cilia, intraflagellar transport, and structural modeling. Using an integrative modeling approach, the paper provides a fundamental structural model for a part of the molecular machinery that is responsible for cilium assembly. However, additional approaches would improve confidence in the as yet incomplete structure model.

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      This paper is an important contribution to the microglia field and will be of interest to a broad readership in the fields of neurobiology, cell biology and immunology. This work describes fundamental mechanisms of efferocytosis by microglia and uses impressive imaging in zebrafish, in combination with molecular manipulations, to provide compelling data of how centrosome movements synchronize with phagocytic cup formation during microglial efferocytosis of neuronal corpses in vivo.

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      This paper is of interest for somatosensory neurobiologists studying how polymodality is achieved in peripheral sensory neurons. The work identifies roles in cold nociception and not mechanosensation in chloride transport for a number of ion channels.

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      The manuscript makes a fundamental contribution to our understanding of sugar release by symbiotic dinoflagellates, and is of broad interest for the fields of ecology, marine biology, and cell biology. The experiments, which combine algal culture with targeted metabolomics, transcriptomics and the application of inhibitors, provide substantial, though not entirely complete evidence for an acidic environment mimicking conditions reported for the intracellular organelle that hosts the symbiotic algae, leading to upregulation of algal cellulases, which in turn degrade the algal cell wall and thereby releasing glucose and galactose that can be used as a source of food by the coral host. This is a new idea and could significantly contribute to our understanding of photosymbiosis.

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      Using a genetically controlled experimental setting, the authors find that the lack of Polycomb-dependent epigenetic programming in the oocyte and early embryo influences the developmental trajectory through gestation in the mouse. By showing a two-phase outcome of early growth restriction followed by enhancement, the authors address previous inconsistencies in the field. However, the link with placenta function and gene misregulation is not yet fully supported.

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      This work addresses the mechanisms of action of the transmembrane proteins TMEM87A and TMEM87B, which are thought to play a role in protein transport, but have been implicated in other processes as well, such as signaling and acting as mechanosensitive ion channels. The study represents an important advance of the understanding of this poorly characterized family of proteins. While the structure is of low resolution, it is well interpreted, and authors take good advantage of AlphaFold2 to gain insights into potential function. The work is of interest to colleagues studying transporters and ion channels.

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      This paper is of particular interest to researchers who plan to use focused-ion beam scanning electron microscopes (FIB-SEMs) and require fluorescent data to guide the milling process. The authors describe a valuable after-market upgrade that allows fluorescent data acquisition during FIB-milling without stage repositioning. Technical details of the fluorescent module upgrade together with the sample stage redesign are compellingly documented and will enhance the implementation of this important technology.

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      This important paper uses advanced imaging approaches to explore how Piezo1 distributes on surface red blood cells. The study provides compelling evidence that this molecule 'reads' the membrane curvature and clear support for the force-through-membrane model of mechanosensation.

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      SARS-CoV-2 nonstructural protein (Nsp1) has emerged as an attractive target as it plays an important role in modulating the host and viral gene expression. This study describes multiple druggable sites in Nsp1. A 1.1Ã… co-crystal structure of Nsp1 with a fragment, together with computational studies, provides a framework for the rational design of potential antiviral candidates. This important study is methodologically convincing and will be of interest to researchers in the fields of structural virology and rational drug design.

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      Conditional deletion and reactivation of a gene in situ remain challenging, and this study therefore addresses a gap in the genetic tool box. The authors introduce a reversible conditional gene inactivation and reactivation method using sequential expression of recombinases, with doxycycline treatment terminating gene transcription, while doxycycline and tamoxifen addition restore gene expression.

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      This manuscript will be of broad interest to those working in the genetics of complex diseases, with the results strongly supporting the author's primary claims. Overall, this is an important study that demonstrates the power of proteomics-based systems genetics studies in the mouse.

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      The authors report results from experiments and modeling that study the motions of molecules in the dense and dilute phases of biomolecular condensates, with the key finding that molecules in the dense phase of condensates formed by folded domains appear to switch between a confined state with low apparent diffusivity and a mobile state with a high apparent diffusivity that is comparable to that of molecules in the dilute phase. The study provides experimental evidence that is suggestive of phase separation coupled with percolation as the operative mechanism that gives rise to biomolecular condensates.

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      This manuscript presents valuable and significant data on how lipids may accumulate in the tubulointerstitial compartment of the diseased kidney, but the work is largely descriptive, using methods that are inadequate for quantification (colorimetric assays versus mass spec), thus rendering data interpretation not very convincing. Therefore, while a major strength is the presentation of innovative ideas, additional experiments would be needed to support the main conclusions.

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      This important work will be of interest to neuroscientists working on synaptic transmission and modulation of ion channel activity. This work provides solid evidence of how modulation of Nav1.2 channels by SUMOYLation alters the function of layer 5 pyramidal neurons, using convincing methodology that includes the use of a mouse engineered to eliminate the SUMOYLation site on Nav1.2. Some aspects need to be revised to strengthen data analysis and interpretation.

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      This paper will be of interest to immunologists and infectious disease experts, as it reports the investigation of a novel treatment of invasive pneumococcal diseases using complement-activating monoclonal antibodies. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo methods, the authors demonstrate convincingly that the introduction of specific mutations in human monoclonal antibodies that target the surface of pneumococcus bacteria can result in enhanced complement activation after these antibodies bind to the bacterial surface.

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      This study shows that cis H3 tail acetylation promotes nucleosome accessibility to H3K4 methyl readers and writers such as MLL1. The findings provide a molecular basis for the long-standing connection between H3 acetylation and H3K4 methylation. Additional evidence is required to fully support the conclusions.

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      Authors investigated the role of dopamine (DA) release via GRABDA in the dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (dBNST) in sign and goal tracking behavior, in response to systemic fentanyl, and to fentanyl self-administration. The behavioral experiments were well-conducted and provide novel information about BNST DA in theories of learning and reinforcement. Identified limitations had to do with acknowledgment and discussion of divergent sources of DA innervation, the low sample size in fentanyl experiments with the exclusion of a large number of animals, and a need for additional analyses of the photometry data and/or control recordings to rule out spontaneous transients in this region.

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      The manuscript by Yanis Zekri et al identifies the direct T3 target genes that are important in thyroid hormone signaling in brown adipose tissue (BAT). The findings reported in this manuscript are significant and fundamental to our understanding of thyroid hormone action in response to environmental changes. The strength of the evidence presented with the novel methodological approaches used makes the manuscript exceptional in the area of BAT biology and T3 regulation of adaptive thermogenesis.

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      This manuscript examines the inhibition of transmitter release induced by the activation of opioid receptors, both MOR and DOR, using a novel imaging method. The authors specifically examine how the inhibition of transmitter release is changed following prolonged exposure to saturating concentrations of agonists. They showed convincingly that there is a depletion of plasma membrane-associated receptors and suggest that the decline in receptors at the plasma membrane underlies presynaptic tolerance. This work addresses a long-standing question about how tolerance develops at the presynaptic level and indicates that the location of receptors is critically important in the development of tolerance. This work is fundamental and a game changer in the understanding of tolerance at the cellular level.

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      This paper will be of interest to neuroscientists who study visual processing or are interested in dendritic integration. The authors used calcium imaging, pharmacology, and electrophysiology to investigate how a large, loom-sensitive neuron in grasshoppers integrates visual input to respond to both light and dark looming objects. These experiments support the finding that the integration is done by two distinct arbors of the neuronal dendritic tree, one of which loses retinotopic information. The authors suggest potential advantages of this dendritic arrangement.

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      The complex mechanisms through which diet impact Parkinson's Disease are unclear, limiting the ability to guide patients to an optimal diet. Here, researchers use a mouse model to test the impact of dietary fiber, revealing changes in gut microbes and immune cells in the brain. This study raises intriguing hypotheses about how diet-induced changes in the microbiome could lead to changes in brain function.

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      Sanderson developed novel interactive software for visualizing phylogenetic trees representing millions of sequences. This is a fundamental advance over previous software that is typically limited to trees with a few thousand tips. Taxonium has been used intensively by the virus evolution community over the past months and has thus already proven its utility and performance.

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      This manuscript examines the functional relationship between neural activities in several cortical areas (such as the primary and secondary motor cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex) and the different sleep states or under anesthesia. The quality of the recordings in infant rats is excellent. Results are important in the field of research into the role of active sleep in the neuronal and circuit mechanisms of early cortical development. Some of the findings presented and hypothesis developed are novel, but the overall demonstration remains incomplete and further in-depth analysis and additional experiments are required to fully support the authors' claims.

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      This manuscript will be of interest to researchers within the fields of haematological and bone oncology. It reveals a novel effect of FABP5 inhibition to reduce myeloma growth both in vitro and in vivo, with convincing supporting associations between FABP5 expression and survival in patients with myeloma.

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      In their paper, Rao, Li et al. explore the mechanisms by which the microtubule-associated protein, doublecortin (DCX), functions in regulating retrograde transport in neurons. They find that DCX affects the dynein-microtubule interaction to perturb its motion. Impressively, they reconstitute a dynein-dynactin-JIP3 complex, validating JIP3 as a bona fide adaptor, and show that DCX disrupts the transport of this processive complex. This mechanism will be useful in understanding how mutations in DCX cause lissencephaly and this paper will be of interest to those in the cytoskeletal and neurobiology fields.

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      The ability of organisms to cope with environmental stressors can be modified by their physiological conditions as well as life experience. Here, taking advantage of the tractability of the nematode C. elegans, the authors find that exposure to elevated temperatures enhances defenses against peroxides, agents whose toxicity is enhanced by temperature. The finding that a key thermosensory neuron is required for this phenomenon is an important advance in understanding the underlying mechanism; further, the authors' proposal that this is an "enhancer sensing" phenomenon is interesting and thought-provoking. The multidisciplinary approach and mechanistic detail revealed by this work will make it of interest to readers in the fields of sensory biology, signal transduction, and physiology.

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      This manuscript investigates how the fly visual system can encode specific features in the presence of self-generated motion. Using volumetric imaging, it explores the encoding of visual features in population activity in the Drosophila visual glomeruli - a set of visual "feature detectors". Through an elegant combination of neural imaging, visual stimulus manipulations, and behavioral analysis, it demonstrates that two different mechanisms, one based on motor signals and one based on visual input, serve to suppress local features during movements that would corrupt these features. The results of this study open up future directions to determine how motor and visual signals are integrated into visual processing at the level of neural circuits.

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      This work offers fundamental insights into how asymmetric behavioral features in optokinetic eye movements can be predicted from visual responses of direction-selective neurons in the retina. The electrophysiological experiments and model-based analyses are carefully performed and offer convincing conclusions. The presentation could improve in clarity for a stronger focus on the most important results.

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      The work by Kim et al., used synthetic constructs in Drosophila to examine the relationship between regulators (activator/repressor) and transcription initiation. By measuring regulator concentrations and the corresponding RNA polymerase initiation rates in different synthetic constructs and using a thermodynamic model, the authors concluded that that higher-order cooperativities between the repressor on adjacent binding sites, and that between the repressor and RNA polymerase are needed to explain the observed response curves in RNA polymerase loading rate. This work targets a challenging question in eukaryotic transcription regulation, where higher-order cooperativity between different molecular components, in addition to simple transcription factor binding and unbinding, is often necessary to account for observed promoter behaviors when multiple elements (repressors, mediators, activators) exist.

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      This paper will be of interest to cell biologists, structural biologists, and biophysicists studying programmed cell death, membrane transport, and protein-lipid interactions. The simulation data presented offers atomistic detail of how gasdermin-D N-terminal domains assemble on the plasma membrane and trigger the formation of membrane pores which lead to pyroptosis. The study is well designed and the resulting data are rigorously analyzed; however, some clarifications and additional data are required to fully justify the conclusions.

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      This manuscript reports a novel role of Mcm2 licensing factor and helicase subunit of the Mcm2-Mcm7 complex in the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into neuronal lineages. A series of compelling experimental manipulations dissect the abnormalities in the formation of heterochromatin at pluripotent genes and the resolution of bivalent chromatin domains at lineage-specific genes in differentiation in response to mutation of the histone binding domain of Mcm2. These findings provide new insights into the replication-independent roles of Mcm2. This paper will be of interest to scientists working on development and embryonal cell differentiation.

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      Understanding the integration and contribution of different combinations of environmental cues to the synchronization of the daily oscillator is important, because it provides insight into how organisms might be able to distinguish (and weight) between irregular (or in the tidal zone highly complex) versus regular individual daily changes of light and temperature. The study, which is thoroughly conducted and provides an impressive amount of experimental and analytical work, dissects the effects of sensory conflict on behavior and gene expression rhythms.

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      This manuscript provides an improved version of the little skate genome, which will be of great interest to the field of comparative genomics and evolutionary biology. The authors use the genome to compare gene expression and chromatin accessibility profiles in motor neurons of the little skate and other species (mouse, chicken), aiming to predict conserved and divergent gene regulatory mechanisms underlying motor neuron development. While the manuscript contributes a valuable resource to the field, more rigorous analyses and experimental validation are needed to support the major claims of this study.

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      This study provides a valuable analysis of the splicing landscape in colon cancer cells that have properties intermediate between those typically found in primary cancers ("epithelial") and those that are spreading by metastasis ("mesenchymal"). The strength of evidence provided is wide ranging and convincing, and supports current ideas that changes in the way that RNA from particular genes is processed plays a key role in cancer spread.

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      Organoids mimic the architecture and function of their cognate organs and have potential as replacements for animal models. Here the authors generated canine organoids from multiple adult tissues, including endometrium, lung, and pancreas, in addition to previously generated organoids from the kidney, bladder, and liver. However more methodological detail and functional characterization are required before this toolbox can be optimally utilized by wider scientific community.

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      This manuscript constitutes an important foray into the conformational rearrangements throughout various domains of the notoriously difficult-to-study P2X7 receptor, with a focus on the enigmatic intracellular 'ballast' domain. This is of broad interest to those studying the role of enzymatically active intracellular domains of membrane proteins. The authors provide convincing evidence that the ballast domain is unlikely to undergo major conformational changes upon ATP-induced gating, but additional experimental support is required on the facilitation process and to elucidate the consequences exerted by intracellular factors.

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      This study investigates factors that control egg size plasticity in a social insect, the honey bee Apis mellifera. It finds that honey bee queens vary egg size in response to size of their colony, and that the gene Rho1 is involved in egg-size determination. These findings inform our understanding of maternal control over egg size, a key form of maternal investment. The work is relevant to colleagues studying reproduction and social insects.

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      This manuscript reports the results of an observational study in 312 cancer patients to assess post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). Their descriptive results provide details on the type of persistent symptoms as well as their frequency among cancer patients. This is valuable information to inform clinical policies regarding disease management in cancer patients.

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      The premise behind this manuscript is important and timely for muscle biologists and for stem cell biologists. The identification of heterogenous distribution of factors across the myofiber is an important contribution for dissecting how muscle stem cell diversity in a tissue is achieved. However, the mechanism of action proposed by the authors will require additional experimental support.

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      This study provides empirical support for how brain function at the system level, particularly network segregation, influences cognitive abilities even in the oldest-old range of human aging. The findings are potentially interesting to understand successful aging.