403 Matching Annotations
- May 2018
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Attempts toincorporate a notion of temporality into the construction of collaborativetechnologies must, accordingly, provide for the social nature of the temporaltexture of everyday activity, and focus not simply on how activities are or-ganized in time, but how they are experienced in time.
This is true but, for me, this is where the study focus begins to get fuzzy.
Q: How to acknowledge this "truth" without sliding headlong into a cultural-linguistics study? Is it just enough to say it and move on?
When looking at collaborative settings, it is critical to recognize that theexperience of time also has a social component. Sorokin and Merton (1937)explore the notion of ‘‘social time,’’ observing that, while time proceedsunremittingly and uniformly, our experience of time reflects cultural and so-cial patterns that give it meaning.
This is an important consideration for the SBTF study (especially the interview phase) since the volunteer base is international.
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The latter belongs to a more philosophical approach, where thefocus is on the experience of time, mostly through the observation that changes, such as aging or processing, occur.
What does Adam (2004) say about the notion of time as change. Where does this fit in her timescapes model?