959 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. zoox~thellae.
    2. Bleaching
    3. zooxanthellae
    4. corals
    5. bleached
    6. bleach
    7. corals
    8. bleaching
    9. increased solar irradiance
    10. low turbidity,
    11. corals
    12. bleaching
    13. elevated levels of UV radiation
    14. bleaching
    15. elevated sea temperatures
    16. bleaching
    17. coral
    18. high sea temperature
    19. reduced seawater salinities
    20. bleaching
    21. coral
    22. bleaching
    23. coral
    24. temperatures
    25. bleach
    26. coral
    27. bleached
    28. Faviu
    29. bleach
    30. corals
    31. Elevated tempera- ture
    32. bleach
    33. corals
    34. bleach
    35. corals
    36. bleach
    37. corals
    38. corals
    39. corals
    40. endos~biotic dino~age~ates)
    41. corals
    42. bleaching
    43. bleaching
    44. stress
    45. zooxanthellae
    46. corals
    47. Zoox~thellae
    48. Zooxanthefla
    49. Temperature
    50. Stress
    51. Light
    52. radiance
    53. Coral
    54. Bleaching
    55. z~x~thellae
    56. S. @&ri_
    57. S. pirtiltata
    58. reduced p .r ratios.
    59. reduced colony photos~theti~ rates
    60. high and sustained colony respiratory rates
    61. S. hyTn$.
    62. S. pirrillara
    63. temperature
    64. corals
    65. temperature
    66. coral
    67. zooxanthellae
    68. reduced poputation densities
    69. zooxanthella
    70. ~x~theilae
    71. corals
    72. temperatures
    1. temperature
    2. ocean temperature
    3. surface temperatures have increased by ~1 °C
    4. alinitydecreased
    5. pH decreased by ~0.5 pH
    6. emperature increased
    7. less saline
    8. Change in salinity
    9. salinity
    10. seagrass
    11. acidified
    12. seagrass
    13. pHsteadily declined
    14. decrease in pH
    15. pH
    16. acidifying
    17. acidifying
    18. pH
    19. warming
    20. temperature
    21. temperature
    22. temperature increasing
    23. Temperature
    24. pH
    25. temperature
    26. salinity
    27. pH
    28. temperature
    29. limaticwarming
    30. global climate change
    31. salinity
    32. estuaries
    1. calcification
    2. calcification
    3. ocean acidifica-tion
    4. calcifica-tion
    5. calcification
    6. decreasing seawater pH
    7. calcification
    8. ocean acidification
    9. corallimorpharians
    10. temperature increases
    11. ocean acidification
    12. ocean acidification
    13. bleaching
    14. corals
    15. ocean acidification
    16. owered pH levels
    17. pH changes
    18. ocean acidification
    19. algae
    20. algae
    21. ocean acidification
    22. Lomentaria articulata
    23. Gracilaria
    24. Porphyra yezoensis
    25. Elevated CO2
    26. coralline algae
    27. seagrasses
    28. elevated-CO2
    29. ocean acidification
    30. Seagrasses
    31. ocean acidification
    32. soft corals
    33. elevated-CO2
    34. ocean acidification
    35. echinoderms
    36. echi-noderms,
    37. ocean acidification
    38. echinoderms
    39. echinoderms
    40. corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish
    41. echinoderms
    42. Ocean acidification
    43. Mollusks
    44. benthic foraminifera
    45. hypoxia
    46. elevated tempera-tures
    47. foraminifera
    48. benthic fora-minifera
    49. ocean acidification
    50. ocean acidification
    51. benthic foraminifera
    52. ocean acidification
    53. Calcareous benthic foraminifera
    54. ocean acidification
    55. ocean acidification
    56. calcification
    57. Penicillus
    58. Halimeda
    59. Halimeda
    60. Halimedameadows
    61. Penicillus
    62. Halimeda
    63. ocean acidification
    64. Amphiroa
    65. coralline alga
    66. coralline algae
    67. Coralline algae
    68. high-CO2 conditions
    69. temperature
    70. calcification
    71. calcification
    72. coralline algae
    73. coralline algae
    74. Calcification
    75. increasing CO2
    76. coralline algae
    77. phylum Chlorophyta.
    78. green algae
    79. phylum Rhodophyta
    80. coralline red algae
    81. macroalgae
    82. calcification rates
    83. Ocean acidification
    84. elevated-CO2conditions
    85. coral larvae
    86. ocean acidification
    87. corals
    88. ocean acidification
    89. ocean acidification
    90. temperature increases,
    91. calcification rates
    92. temperature
    93. calcification
    94. corals
    95. calcification rates
    96. calcification