1 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. My Grading Philosophy Equity in education is a core belief for me, and I do my best to ensure students have the most equitable experience they can with me.As current and future teachers, we all must think about how best to support each of our students and their learning processes.Grades are often the least meaningful part of your learning process. I want the content, conversations, and experiences among students to be the highest priority. A growing body of research indicates that traditional grading works best for people who’ve learned how to “do school.” Letter grades alone don’t tell me or you enough about what you’ve learned. They also disadvantage many students.The class aims to give you more voice and choice in your grades. It considers that we all have different educational goals and various responsibilities that pull at our time. This will not lower my expectations for the students in this class or my belief in what you can learn. The focus will be on integrating your learning into your professional life. I will look for self-reflection, deep thinking, and the accuracy of your content knowledge. Please immerse yourself in the content from this class and apply it to your work with children. I want you to enjoy the class and learning. Less focus on grades and more on feedback will lessen stress and promote more engagement with the materials. I hope you will engage with the feedback from me and your classmates to nurture crucial skills that can be used across all your courses and in your careers.

      Prof. Taylor, the part I have seclected above is almost my educational philosophy, I deeply agree with it and will practice it in my future career. You are my role model and example, I am so lucky to be your student. Thank you.