8 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. Even if #foo is originally on the page and then removed and replaced with a #foo which contains baz after a short wait, Capybara will still figure this out.
    2. As long as you stick to the Capybara API, and have a basic grasp of how its waiting behaviour works, you should never have to use wait_until explicitly.
    3. Let’s make that really clear, Capybara is ridiculously good at waiting for content.
    4. apybara could have easily figured out how to wait for this content, without you muddying up your specs with tons of explicit calls to wait_until. Our developer could simply have done this: page.find("#foo").should have_content("login failed")
  2. Oct 2021
    1. And on any given day, developing with Svelte and its reactive nature is simply a dream to use. You can tell Svelte to track state changes on practically anything using the $: directive. And it’s quite likely that your first reactive changes will produce all the expected UI results.
  3. Apr 2021
  4. Mar 2021